• Germany: Government Introduces Mandatory Corona Testing for All Air Travelers Except Illegal Aliens

    Daily Stormer - Apr 6th 2021 2:59am EDT

    You thought a deadly flu would be enough to stop diversity? At the beginning of the virus hoax, there were people on the right saying “maybe the lockdowns will stop diversity?” Our response was: “mate, have you gone mental?” The system is under no obligation to be consistent. With anything. Ever. When agenda appears to […]

  • Biden Formalizes the Intention Behind the Hart-Celler Act: Replace Whites

    Amerika.org - Apr 5th 2021 12:10pm EDT

    As the border crisis intensifies, it becomes clear that this was a deliberate attempt to sabotage our immigration system so that the flow could continue unimpeded. As Joe Biden has told us, the goal is to replace the European-descended Americans with a third world mass: (We want) unrelenting immigration, non-stop. Whites will be an ABSOLUTE […]

  • Diversity-on-Diversity Chaos Intensifies: Sery Kim (R) Runs for Congress

    Amerika.org - Apr 5th 2021 12:06pm EDT

    Last week, we saw diversity-on-diversity chaos explode as Blacks attacked Asians and Whites were blamed, showing that the fundamental thesis of our site — that diversity itself, not groups involved like Blacks or Whites, is a fatal policy — has been proven right yet again. This week, we see more diversity-on-diversity chaos with the rise […]

  • Diversity Does Not Work (#4)

    Amerika.org - Mar 31st 2021 8:29am EDT

    Early in my writing career, I drew an important distinction: one can oppose diversity without opposing the diverse groups around us. We just want them relocated elsewhere. The UN says that this is genocide, but that’s a bluff to try to keep us from saving ourselves. If you view all government actions as policy, and […]

  • How Long Can a White Liberal Party Escape Diversity?

    Amerika.org - Mar 31st 2021 8:02am EDT

    The current Republican silence as they are widely accused of “racism” seems to suggest that they agree with the slander. Their inability to respond with any effective counter-argument makes them look both guilty and incompetence. Republicans seem unable to counter-argue the accusation of “racism” in any coherent or believable manner: “It’s a reasonable fear,” Mr. […]

  • Diversity Does Not Work (#3)

    Amerika.org - Mar 28th 2021 9:35pm EDT

    A slow but steady march toward realizing that the problem is not other races, but diversity itself, gained some intensity today after DC Mayor Muriel Bowser refused to comment on the Black-on-Pakistani attack in her city: Another wrote: ‘A Pakistani immigrant was just murdered in DC & your response is to call this a “crime […]

  • This is a Chokepoint Society and Google and Facebook Banned the Heimlich Maneuver

    Daily Stormer - Mar 27th 2021 10:50pm EDT

    There is still a ship stuck in the Suez Canal, which is blocking all traffic in a waterway that handles 10% of all global shipping. The media blamed the wind. You would really have to be a moron to believe that. The container ship is the size of the Empire State Building, and it is […]

  • UK: Moslems Protest School Teacher for Showing Drawings of Mohamed

    Daily Stormer - Mar 26th 2021 10:30pm EDT

    Muslims who are offended by cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad being shown at Batley Grammar School have every right to let their feelings be known. But they must also know that they have absolutely no right not to be offended. Blasphemy is not a crime. — Matthew Thompson (@mattuthompson) March 25, 2021 Well, bro. You […]

  • Wales to Start Mandatory Black History Lessons in Schools

    Daily Stormer - Mar 25th 2021 3:44pm EDT

    I’m not very optimistic about Wales’ future One thing I’ve always worried about is that black achievement in Wales is not represented enough. After all, Wales was built by black people. BBC News: All children will be taught about racism and the contributions of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities, the education minister said. Almost […]

  • France: Marine Le Pen Says She’ll Put Up a Referendum on Immigration If She Wins Presidency

    Daily Stormer - Mar 25th 2021 1:37pm EDT

    Marine Le Pen wouldn’t do anything if she got elected. But people should vote for her anyway, as it at least demonstrates the popular will. Breitbart: Populist leader Marine Le Pen has promised to organise a national referendum on immigration as her first act as president if she wins the French elections in 2022. The […]

  • The Atlantic: Why America’s Great Crime Decline Is Over

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 25th 2021 10:34am EDT

    Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey showed up today at the protests. He was asked if he would commit to abolishing/defunding the police. Incredible to witness crowd hold him directly accountable. Man did a literal walk of shame. pic.twitter.com/v645mfIZHt — Sana Saeed (@SanaSaeed) June 6, 2020 Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey….bruh. pic.twitter.com/vpX7jFNSPb — Chad Prather (@WatchChad) June 7, […]

  • We Revisit The Irish Question Yet Again

    Amerika.org - Mar 25th 2021 8:02am EDT

    We have to be careful in assigning blame because the usual human trick is to find a scapegoat instead of tracing effect to cause and finding out what actually triggered a crisis. For example, capitalism gets blamed for the problems of regulations, unions, taxes, lawsuits, sharehold revolts, and affirmative action. When we analyze conservatives, it […]

  • Finland: Secret Service Warns of Far Right Attacks, Claims Great Replacement is a “Conspiracy Theory”

    Daily Stormer - Mar 24th 2021 9:52pm EDT

    The first issue is this idea that speech and ideas can lead to violence. That is a major and very serious problem, because obviously, any idea can be said to “lead to violence.” When it comes to violence, you have to hold responsible individuals who perpetrate violence. The Daily Stormer is actively against violence, speaking […]

  • Why Are Hate Crimes Against Asian-Americans Rising?

    Amerika.org - Mar 24th 2021 9:39pm EDT

    For thirty years I have advanced the theory that The Human Problem is solipsism, it manifests in group delusions called Crowdism, and that diversity is our problem not specific races because it forces each group to compete for power lest it remain in subject, conquered status. Currently, we are told that America is experiencing an […]

  • Mexican Supremacist Gang Member Sentenced for Trying to Ethnically Cleanse His Housing Project of Blacks

    Daily Stormer - Mar 24th 2021 3:16pm EDT

    Why do the blacks support immigration? Do the blacks actually support immigration? LA Times: A leader of a Latino street gang was sentenced Tuesday to 16 years in prison for a 2014 firebombing that sought to drive Black families out of a Los Angeles housing project. Carlos Hernandez, 36, admitted that he orchestrated the midnight […]

  • New Amazon Series Shows Black Family Being Terrorized After Moving to White Neighborhood

    Daily Stormer - Mar 24th 2021 6:15am EDT

    They’re just creating a new reality that is the opposite of actual reality. Can you imagine if a white family moved into a black neighborhood? Breitbart: White people are evil and want to destroy an innocent black family in Amazon Prime’s Them, a new horror series that looks and sounds like a Jordan Peele production […]

  • White Supremacist Facing Hate Crime Charge After Attacking Asian Woman In Manhattan

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 23rd 2021 6:48pm EDT

    WANTED for HATE CRIME ASSAULT : On Sunday March 21, 2021 @ 11:37 A.M. in the vicinity of 51 Astor Pl. @nypd9pct during an Anti-Asian Violence Protest , a protester carrying anti violence sign was approached by a male suspect and assaulted . Any info call us @ 800-577-TIPS pic.twitter.com/FBMxOdvqgd — NYPD Crime Stoppers (@NYPDTips) […]

  • Supermarket Slaughter Turns Out Not to be White Supremacy Domestic Terrorism

    Amerika.org - Mar 23rd 2021 11:45am EDT

    Despite massive media hype over White Supremacy and domestic terrorism, the last two incidents broke the narrative, and together, serve as an illustration showing why this narrative is entirely politically-motivated and has nothing to do with reality. It turns out that the Colorado supermarket shooter was not a white guy: Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa was […]

  • White Supremacist Attacks Elderly Asian Man On New York City Subway

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 22nd 2021 10:35am EDT

    As Woke Joe said in Atlanta, our silence is our complicity. Thus, we should all be talking about this anti-Asian hate crime. There is a wave of anti-Asian violence going on around the country. Daily Mail: “A 68-year-old man Asian man has been violently assaulted on the New York City subway by an assailant shouting racial insults, […]

  • California’s “Ethnic Studies” Debate is a Microcosm of the Strength of Diversity

    Daily Stormer - Mar 21st 2021 6:15am EDT

    I’m not the first to notice that in all of these diversity propaganda pics you see, the kid in the wheelchair is always the white boy Before Jews invented terms like “diversity” and “multiculturalism,” all countries that weren’t ethnically homogeneous to a high degree were classified as either one of two things: Empires, where one nation […]

  • Eight People Shot To Death At Atlanta Massage Parlors

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 16th 2021 10:57pm EDT

    Here we go. NPR: “At least eight people were killed and another has been injured in a series of shootings at three spas in the Atlanta, Ga, area on Tuesday and one suspect has been taken into custody, multiple news outlets are reporting. It’s unclear if all three incidents, which happened within hours of one […]

  • Diversity Destroys Social Cohesion

    Amerika.org - Mar 15th 2021 8:02am EDT

    Slowly it has dawned on the Western world that diversity was a mistake because like many Leftist policies, it is dysfunctional, and erodes whatever shared standards of behavior existed in a society while creating ethnic conflict. As other research has pointed out repeatedly and firmly, diversity removes “social trust” or a sense of a bond […]

  • The Conservative Case for Being Actually Conservative

    Amerika.org - Mar 12th 2021 8:02am EST

    Conservatives find themselves in an interesting place. The stolen election and refusal to investigate proved to us that our civilization has reached terminal decline, and that people are looking for something different. At the same time, conservatives have for years defended the status quo with the notion that we can patch it up and keep […]

  • Elderly Woman Beheaded By Muslim Terrorist In French Church

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 29th 2020 10:30am EDT

    There has been yet another gruesome beheading in France. BBC: “Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi said there had been a “terrorist attack at the heart of the Notre-Dame basilica”. One elderly victim who had come to pray was “virtually beheaded”. A suspect was shot and detained shortly afterwards. Mr Estrosi spoke of “Islamo-fascism” and said the […]

  • His Name Was Cannon Hinnant

    Occidental Dissent - Aug 11th 2020 7:54pm EDT

    Say his name. 5 year old Cannon Hinnant was executed in cold blood while riding his bike. The accused killer is Darius Sessoms. He allegedly walked up to the boy and shot him dead in front of his sisters. Reverse the races and this is the only thing anyone talks about for a month pic.twitter.com/5V72YhAOlI— […]