• Boeing Delays NASA Astronauts’ Return to Earth Again as Time Running Out

    Daily Stormer - Jun 22nd 2024 11:45pm EDT

    Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft return has been delayed for a fourth time after NASA says it needs more time to review test data following helium leaks and thruster issues. https://t.co/h71HWgfnpH pic.twitter.com/Tqcm3p2LXR — ABC News (@ABC) June 22, 2024 What sort of retard goes into outer space? Don’t they know there is nothing up there? That’s why […]

  • UK: Crimes Involving Acid Increase 75% in One Year

    Daily Stormer - Jun 20th 2024 11:10pm EDT

    We’re not talking LSD here, lads. That would be sort of hilarious. No, no. We’re talking people getting hydrochloric acid thrown on their faces. It melts your face and leaves you permanently disfigured, like a character from a horror film, for the rest of your life. Even with modern plastic surgery, it’s basically impossible to […]

  • 3 Students Sue University of Oklahoma for Anti-White Discrimination

    Daily Stormer - Jun 19th 2024 12:00pm EDT

    They might well win this. The whole fact that the system is openly, aggressively anti-white is so obvious now. I remember when Anglin started the site in 2013, getting people to say “anti-white” was one of the main goals that right-wingers had. Now it’s just a normal part of everyone’s terminology, and you can make […]

  • Poland: People Whining About Growing Number of Illegals

    Daily Stormer - Jun 19th 2024 11:00am EDT

    Great job, Poland. You really showed that Stalin guy who’s boss. Got him real good. Remix: A number of Polish politicians are issuing warnings as more and more migrants appear on Polish streets, especially when neighboring countries like Germany are dealing with record levels of migrant crime, including an unprecedented number of gang rapes and […]

  • Current Boeing Employee Says Company Hid Defective Parts from FAA, “Likely” Put Them on Planes

    Daily Stormer - Jun 19th 2024 6:10am EDT

    Remember when they told you that black people only commit crimes because the police exist? Do you remember that? That actually happened in real life, like 4 years ago. That said if you abolished the police, blacks would stop committing crimes. Then the government went along with it, shrank police forces, and started moving police […]

  • Texas: Paki Democrat Arrested for Sending Himself Fake Hate Posts

    Daily Stormer - Jun 17th 2024 11:39am EDT

    If racism wasn’t profitable, they wouldn’t do it to themselves. We need to consider that racism is very beneficial to these people. Daily Caller: A Democrat running for local office in Texas was arrested and charged with a felony for allegedly creating social media accounts to post fake racist attacks against himself, local outlets reported. […]

  • Japan: Band Cancels Its Music Video Because It Was Racist or Something

    Daily Stormer - Jun 16th 2024 10:11am EDT

    Oh, damn, boy. They got racism in Japan now? BBC: A Japanese rock band has pulled the music video for its new song “Columbus” after drawing flak for scenes that depicted Christopher Columbus with ape-like men. The video shows three historical figures teaching the ape-like beings to do various things, like how to ride on […]

  • Austria: Moslems are Now 35% of All Primary School Children in Vienna

    Daily Stormer - Jun 15th 2024 3:49am EDT

    It’s always the women… The idea that white people are being systematically replaced in their own countries is a racist conspiracy theory. Also, white people are being replaced in their own countries and that is good. Remix: More than one-third of primary school children in Vienna are Muslims, representing the largest religious group among elementary […]

  • Bastion of Diversity: Boeing Investigated for Using Fake Titanium in Crucial Airplane Organs

    Daily Stormer - Jun 15th 2024 2:08am EDT

    “It’s not an ideal situation,” says @Lebeaucarnews about ‘Counterfeit’ parts found in Boeing & Airbus jets. “They have been testing the parts in question, the titanium meets FAA or airworthy standards… so the parts are legitimate in terms of what they’re supposed to do”. $BA pic.twitter.com/DnsmtVdtt3 — Last Call (@LastCallCNBC) June 14, 2024 “Ey yo, […]

  • NASA Broadcasts Astronaut Distress Audio by Mistake

    Daily Stormer - Jun 14th 2024 5:03pm EDT

    Was it really a drill? Or is there an alien infestation on the ISS? Reuters: NASA accidentally broadcast a simulation of astronauts being treated for decompression sickness on the International Space Station (ISS) on Wednesday, prompting speculation of an emergency in posts on social media. About 5:28 p.m. U.S. Central Time (2228 GMT), The National […]

  • Sweden: Swedish Democrat MP Resigns After Being Recorded Chanting “Ausländer Raus”

    Daily Stormer - Jun 14th 2024 4:27pm EDT

    David Lång Anglin wrote earlier today about how all the European nationalist parties are garbage (other than maybe Orban, who is less garbagey). Maybe these parties wouldn’t be such trash if all the good members didn’t keep getting caught on video doing Nazi shit and forced to resign? Seriously, we all know cellphone cameras exist. […]

  • Ireland Allegedly Experienced the Fastest Population Growth Ever in 2023 (While Also Having Lowest Birthrate on Record)

    Daily Stormer - Jun 12th 2024 4:59am EDT

    You can tell by the tent camps popping up in Dublin that Ireland is finally becoming a real democracy In 2023, Ireland had a TFR of just 1.5, the lowest since records began. In the same year, the population had the biggest increase since records began. Irish Times: What is the population of the Republic […]

  • France: Le Pen Starts Discussing Alliance with Mainstream Conservative Party

    Daily Stormer - Jun 12th 2024 4:38am EDT

    You’re probably going to get Le Pen and Trump and Nigel Farage and it’s going to be: “It’s time for big reforms! You can’t be gay until you turn 9 years old and we’re sending a lot more money and weapons to Israel! Immigrants have to learn the language! We’re doing a display of Muhammad […]

  • Spain: 3 Football Fans Convicted of Being Mean to Black Footballer

    Daily Stormer - Jun 11th 2024 3:18am EDT

    Do you want to live in a world where you can’t make monkey noises at a black person without being sent to prison? This man makes millions of dollars and he is crying on TV. Deutsche Welle: A court in the Spanish city of Valencia has sentenced three football fans to eight months in prison […]

  • Washington: Electric Scooter Company Makes Its Vehicles Shut Down Near Anal Crosswalk

    Daily Stormer - Jun 10th 2024 12:32pm EDT

    Lime is a very faggy company, and they’re very proud of that fact. WJAR: Lime, a transportation company which rents electric scooters and bikes to pedestrians, is implementing a “no go zone” around a crosswalk painted with a large Progress Pride flag mural in Spokane, Wash., the company told The National Desk (TND) Friday. Police […]

  • Germany: Football Match Cancelled After Fans Chant “Foreigners Out”

    Daily Stormer - Jun 9th 2024 10:00pm EDT

    Things are changing. Something magical is in the air. It’s starting to feel like anything could happen – and happen very quickly! Breitbart: Security police are investigating after football fans sang along to an early 2000s eurodance rave classic at a game with new lyrics proclaiming “Germany for Germans, foreigners out”, just the latest instance […]

  • Mexico: Workers Tear Down Anal Flag from Public Building

    Daily Stormer - Jun 8th 2024 9:50am EDT

    Enough is enough. Everyone knows this isn’t about “two men in their own private bedroom,” it is about molesting children. No one supports this anymore. Everyone knows it’s a Jewish agenda, just like killing all those babies in Palestine. They can’t just arrest everyone. Life Site News: Workers in Mexico City who have had enough […]

  • Boeing Jet Bursts Into Flames Immediately After Takeoff

    Daily Stormer - Jun 7th 2024 11:00pm EDT

    #WATCH: Air Canada Boeing flight 777 trails flames on take-off before turning back due to ‘engine issue’ on Wednesday. pic.twitter.com/XXKBJCjkQ1 — 6ixBuzzTV (@6ixbuzztv) June 7, 2024 Can these crises just keep happening, without a serious one that kills hundreds of people eventually happening? The answer is obviously “no.” There is going to be a major […]

  • Poland: Soldier Dies from Injuries After Border Clash with Vibrants

    Daily Stormer - Jun 7th 2024 10:13am EDT

    Belarus said “if you like migrants so much, have these ones.” Poland is like “we don’t like migrants…” And then Belarus is like “then why are you BFF with the United States? This is just the beginning of your adventure in diversity.” Politico: A Polish soldier has died after being stabbed by a migrant on […]

  • Belgium: Politician Wins Lawsuit Against Facebook for Shadowbanning Him

    Daily Stormer - Jun 7th 2024 1:00am EDT

    You sure as hell can’t win these cases in democracies. Belgium is apparently some kind of neo-fascist racist mania paradise, because those are the only places with freedom of speech. That said, 27,000 euros isn’t exactly “mega jackpot” money. Free speech is literally priceless, but if it had a price, it would be a whole […]

  • Washington DC Now Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote in Local Elections

    Daily Stormer - Jun 6th 2024 8:03am EDT

    I wonder which party the illegal immigrants will be voting for? The Post Millennial: On Tuesday, thousands of Washington, DC residents cast their ballots in the district’s local elections. For the first time, however, United States citizens were not the only ones allowed to do so after a new law that came into effect this […]

  • Two New Boeing Whistleblowers Denounce Serious Safety and Quality Issues

    Daily Stormer - Jun 6th 2024 8:00am EDT

    The ceiling panel of a Delta Airlines Boeing 767 aircraft got detached on a flight from Honolulu to Minneapolis.#Boeing #BREAKING pic.twitter.com/XbyVSdjR0n — Target Reporter (@Target_Reporter) June 5, 2024 The craziest part about this whole Boeing thing is that there is still not any kind of serious government investigation into just what the hell is going […]

  • Georgia: Racist Court Bans Venture Capital Fund from Grant Program Only for Black Women

    Daily Stormer - Jun 6th 2024 6:51am EDT

    I guess blacks being forced to follow civil rights laws is a good thing? Not really though. It would be much better to just abolish civil rights laws completely. Reuters: Venture capital fund Fearless Fund cannot resume making grants to Black women-owned businesses, a divided U.S. appeals court ruled on Monday, siding with an anti-affirmative […]

  • Boeing’s Largest Factory in “Panic Mode,” Trying to Keep Employees Silent as They Duct Tape Jets Together

    Daily Stormer - Jun 2nd 2024 8:04am EDT

    Boeing is literally facing a Foreigner style “Final Countdown” like no one has ever witnessed before in the history of Fortune 100 companies. The only people facing a worse Foreigner style countdown are the Jews. Sorry, that song is by Europe. I think it should have been by Foreigner, but that isn’t really my choice […]

  • Trump ‘Guilty’ & The Great Remigration – FF Ep262

    Red Ice TV - May 31st 2024 12:00pm EDT

    Guest host Jeremy MacKenzie (AKA Raging Dissident) joins Henrik to talk about Trump’s guilty verdict and the recent Muslim stabbing of Germans in Mannheim and the timeliness of the Ausländer Raus! movement. This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Sign up for […]
