• UK: Fascists Whine After Man of Vibrancy Who Killed 87-Year-Old Gets Murder Charge Dropped

    Daily Stormer - Apr 29th 2024 9:00pm EDT

    87-year-old Thomas O’Halloran was raising money for the Ukraine when he was stabbed repeatedly for no reason Well, if this old man wouldn’t have been supporting the Ukraine, he wouldn’t have gotten stabbed to death by a vibrant. Probably, most people are not aware that the same people calling on support for the Ukraine are […]

  • Anti-Racist / Anti-Diversity

    Amerika.org - Apr 29th 2024 7:32am EDT

    Humanity needs a First Commandment, and it should probably be that we stop lying. Lies are addictive because they make life easier. Like caffeine or a sugar rush, maybe winning a few extra dollars at the one-armed bandit, they give us a boost without demanding much from us. Our species, especially the smarter ones, are […]

  • NYC to Pay a Total of $2.1 Million to Three White Women Demoted and Replaced by Diversity

    Daily Stormer - Apr 27th 2024 9:00pm EDT

    These stupid bitches replaced more qualified white men in Affirmative Action programs. Now they want to complain about a second wave of Affirmative Action programs replacing them? Eventually, the blacks will be replaced with Australian Abos, which is the group of people with the lowest IQ on earth (and therefore the most oppressed group in […]

  • Why Robert Putnam is Still Right

    Amerika.org - Apr 27th 2024 7:32am EDT

    Back in 2007, Robert Putnam discovered what we all knew: diversity destroys any sense of the commons or shared culture, and so people retreat into their homes and stop caring about public life. In effect, it accelerates the bourgeois effect of cities where people become even more individualistic. This offered the same criticism I have […]

  • 51% of Americans, Including 42% of Democrats, Support Mass Deportations of Migrants

    Daily Stormer - Apr 27th 2024 12:00am EDT

    These are great numbers. New York Post: More than half of Americans — including a hefty 42% of Democrats — back mass deportations of illegal immigrants as President Biden’s border crisis rages on, a new poll shows. Fifty-one percent of those polled said they would support booting the undocumented immigrants, according to the Axios Vibes […]

  • Arizona: Judge Declares Mistrial in Case of Old Man Who Shot Mexican Invader

    Daily Stormer - Apr 26th 2024 7:29pm EDT

    This guy literally did nothing wrong. No one even understands how he was arrested. America is a farce. But at least there are still a few reasonable people left. AP: An Arizona judge declared a mistrial Monday in the case of a rancher accused of fatally shooting a Mexican man on his property near the […]

  • Ireland: 6 Arrested as Small Town Continues to Oppose Invader Camp

    Daily Stormer - Apr 26th 2024 9:35am EDT

    Newtownmountkennedy refuses to cuck The Irish are the only white people actually standing up against the invasion. Gript: Protestors who have maintained a presence outside a new IPAS development in Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow over the last six weeks say they feel as if they “do not have a voice” anymore after what they described as […]

  • What is DEADS?

    Amerika.org - Apr 26th 2024 7:32am EDT

    Very few conservative sources will admit that the core of Leftism is egalitarianism, and that the Right favors natural order instead. Conservatives are so busy trying to make conservatism appeal to Leftists that they forgot to make it conservative. Someone convinced them that the future is Leftist, and off they went, pandering and bowing. In […]

  • Maryland: Black Teacher Arrested for Making AI-Generated Recording of Principal Making “Antisemitic” Statements

    Daily Stormer - Apr 25th 2024 9:45pm EDT

    To be clear, these people cannot figure out if a recording is AI based on the recording itself. They have to do an investigation, and figure out if someone produced it. In future cases, however, people are going to say the recording is AI, and no one is really going to be able to prove […]

  • Washington: School Denies Kids Prayer Club One Week After Approving Anal Club

    Daily Stormer - Apr 25th 2024 6:00am EDT

    What is Mike Johnson doing about anal clubs and banned Christian clubs? Mike Johnson is the most powerful elected Republican, and all he wants to do is spy on you and promote endless wars in your name. Meanwhile, your kids are banned from believing in God and forced to have anal sex with men. Apparently, […]

  • Germany: AfD Most Popular Party With People Under 30

    Daily Stormer - Apr 25th 2024 5:07am EDT

    These people in the media and government kept claiming for years that the youth was going to be more liberal. It turns out, this is only true in America, where the youth is nonwhite. White youth oppose this entire gay agenda. This makes sense, because there is obviously no future for white people under this […]

  • Biden Administration Sues Company for Racist Practice of Not Hiring Criminals

    Daily Stormer - Apr 23rd 2024 1:32am EDT

    This video is nuts. He has a plant to come up and talk to him, to encourage others to approach, and no one does. It’s sort of weird he visited the place and then announced a lawsuit the next day. I don’t even know what “Sheetz” is. Is it like Subway? Anyway, the government suing […]

  • Italy: After 7 Years, Judge Dismisses Case Against NGOs Flooding Country With Invaders

    Daily Stormer - Apr 20th 2024 9:16am EDT

    These NGOs work directly with the people smugglers, driving all the way to the coast of Libya to pick them up. The smugglers use piece-of-shit boats that can only get a couple miles off the coast of Libya, then they meet up with the NGO ships and put the “migrants” on them. Maybe this isn’t […]

  • Back in My Day, Preschools Didn’t Teach Man-on-Man Anal to 4-Year-Olds

    Daily Stormer - Apr 20th 2024 6:36am EDT

    The NGO that makes these programs, LGBT Youth UK, is entirely staffed by women, homosexuals, and trannies. Adult homosexuals are preying on very little kids in government schools and no one is doing anything to stop it. Instead, Scottish right-wingers are making endless YouTube videos decrying wokeness in the latest Star Trek show. GB News: […]

  • Colorado: Denver Cuts Police, Fire Brigade Budgets to Give Gibs to Invaders

    Daily Stormer - Apr 19th 2024 8:23am EDT

    People continue to flood across the border. Nothing is going to get any easier from here on out. The whole country is going to have to shut down all public services to give free money to these barbarians. And you know, we also need to give a lot of money to Jews in the Ukraine […]

  • France: Government Ethnically Cleansing Migrant Hobos from Paris in Preparation of Olympics

    Daily Stormer - Apr 19th 2024 5:35am EDT

    If the camp was illegal, why didn’t they evacuate it before? At first they came for the hobos, and I said nothing because I was not a hobo. Korea Times: French authorities on Wednesday evicted hundreds of migrants from a squat in a southern suburb of Paris with just 100 days to go until the […]

  • France: Actress Refuses to File Charges Against Burglars Because They’re Illegals

    Daily Stormer - Apr 18th 2024 5:45am EDT

    Brown people committing crimes against you is the new version of Christian penitence. Saint Paul went around whipping himself, you know. There is a deeply ingrained idea that you have to suffer for sins. Suffering immigrant crime for the sin of being white is what you get when you abolish Christianity. Remix: A French actress […]

  • Australia Sets New Invader Record, No End in Sight

    Daily Stormer - Apr 17th 2024 10:00pm EDT

    Hot on the heels of a priest getting stabbed in the middle of service by an immigrant, we’re getting great news about the state of immigration in Australia. We’ll finally put an end to Christians and white people once and for all with this next motherload of poor brown criminals. Then: utopia. Breitbart: Australia’s left-wing […]

  • Spain: Leftist Government Trying to Legalize 500,000 Invaders, Potentially Opening Path to Citizenship

    Daily Stormer - Apr 17th 2024 8:12pm EDT

    They are trying to bury us. It’s happening in every white country. European Conservative: Spain’s lower house has voted in favor of a bill that, if also passed in the Senate, will see half a million illegal migrants regularized, potentially opening a pathway to Spanish citizenship. The bill passed in the Congress of Deputies last […]

  • Georgia: Thousands Protest Law That Would Make Their Country Slightly Harder to Subvert

    Daily Stormer - Apr 17th 2024 5:28am EDT

    Georgia has been a weird battleground between the people of the country and the Americans. This has been going on for quite a while. America goes into your country and tells women, students, and sexual deviants what to do using super-emotional propaganda, and then makes you look like the bad guy simply for trying to […]

  • Blacks from Africa Protest in New York City Hall to Demand More Gibs

    Daily Stormer - Apr 17th 2024 5:21am EDT

    Give them more and more and more, you racist cocksuckers! You invited all these niggers to come live on welfare in your city, and you won’t even give them all the things they want??? It’s a travesty of justice. Pay these niggers now, you New York faggots! CBS News: Hundreds of Black migrants, many from […]

  • Australia: Serious Riots After Assryian Priest Stabbed by Immigrant During Services

    Daily Stormer - Apr 16th 2024 4:13am EDT

    This was an Assyrian Church. These people are not neutered like the local Western population. They are rioting against the government. CNN is putting “terrorist act” in scare quotes. CNN: A bishop and a priest were stabbed in an alleged “terrorist act” at a Sydney church that sparked a riot on Monday, police said, just […]

  • Germany Passes Law to Allow People to Legally “Change Gender” More Easily

    Daily Stormer - Apr 15th 2024 8:39am EDT

    Germany has always been in competition with France. Germany is looking at the French president’s “female wife,” and saying “it can be done gayer.” Euronews: Germany’s parliament passed a new law on Friday, easing legal procedures for changing names and gender identity. The ‘Gender Identity Act’ was widely supported by the ruling ‘traffic light’ coalition […]

  • France: Jew-Run Constitutional Council Says NON to Referendum on Immigration

    Daily Stormer - Apr 14th 2024 7:20am EDT

    More than two-thirds of people in France are calling for a referendum on immigration. However, the problem is, France is a democracy, and a referendum on immigration is against democracy. Our values are that anyone who thinks there are too many brown people has to go to prison. The Constitutional Council is run by the […]

  • Diversity Hires

    Amerika.org - Apr 13th 2024 7:32am EDT

    From The Cage by Bonnie Kistler: And if they laid off any of their diversity hires, at leasat three other clients would yank their business for failure to meet their requisite quotas. You, my dear, Joel confided, his hands spread helplessly, are a victim of affirmative action. I never knew if that was the real […]