• The Guardian Promotes Literal Witchcraft

    Daily Stormer - Dec 27th 2021 12:00am EST

    On Sunday (the day after Christmas), The Guardian published an article by Jennifer Lane, author of “The Wheel: A Witch’s Path Back to the Ancient Self,” where she tells the story of how a mental health crisis and quitting her job resulted in her going back to witchcraft. She writes for The Guardian: In the […]

  • Tranny in the Dog House After Rooting Her Mutt

    Daily Stormer - Dec 24th 2021 2:30am EST

    Trannies are perfectly healthy and normal and this is all normal. Don’t worry. Utopia is just over the rainbow. The Sun: A paedophile has been jailed after she had cocaine-fuelled sex with an Alsatian dog. Claire Goodier, 60, had “fantasised about it for a number of years” before carrying out the “disgusting” act, a court […]

  • Body Implant That Kills People Who Forget to Turn It Off Coming Soon

    Daily Stormer - Dec 24th 2021 2:09am EST

    Previously: Popular Suicide Pods in Switzerland In the upcoming world order, people may not be able to choose the way they want to live their lives, but they will be able to choose the way they die. Right now, the available choices are suicide pods and killer body implants, but scientists are working hard to […]

  • And the Number One Question on Everyone’s Mind Is…

    Daily Stormer - Dec 23rd 2021 8:57am EST

    And the number one question on everyone’s mind is… NEW – Most frequent “when” search on Google in the UK this year: “When will the lockdown end?” pic.twitter.com/14r5cNyBY9 — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) December 22, 2021 Protip: the lockdown will never end. You retards. You filthy, mindless, peasants. Complying with the government does not lead to the […]

  • Omicron Hype Phase Overdrive in Full Swing

    Daily Stormer - Dec 21st 2021 12:00am EST

    You’re hearing a lot about the Omicron. The hype phase has gone into overdrive. Most of the vaccines used around the world seem unlikely to stop infection with Omicron. A global surge when billions of people remain unvaccinated threatens individual health — and increases the opportunity for the emergence of yet more variants. https://t.co/uzb5tNoKS8 — NYT Health […]

  • Poll: 68% of Belgians Support Austria-Style Lockdown for Purebloods

    Daily Stormer - Dec 14th 2021 11:27pm EST

    I don’t know if the polls are real. RT: Austria-style restrictions for people unvaccinated against Covid-19 would be opposed by just a quarter of Belgians, while the overwhelming majority would approve of such measures, if they were introduced in their country. The public attitude to the controversial approach was measured by an Ipsos opinion poll […]

  • Rebellious Counter-Culture Figure Bansky Raises Money for Soros Army

    Daily Stormer - Dec 14th 2021 7:54am EST

    Pictured: rebels rebelling against the system There is probably nothing in the universe that disgusts me more than the richest and most powerful people in the world creating fake counter-culture figures who agree with the every single aspect of the globalist elite agenda It disgusts me more than child rape, if only because these fake […]

  • Class Action Suit Against Apple Over Dangerous Stupid Watches

    Daily Stormer - Dec 12th 2021 7:07am EST

    Buy a Swiss watch or buy a joke watch. Don’t buy a “smart watch.” This shit is gay. You don’t need meeting reminders or news updates on your watch, you look like a fag. New York Post: The Apple Watch can leave consumers with serious injuries, according to a class-action lawsuit. One man claims his […]

  • Dua Lipa and Marjorie Taylor Greene Being Considered for Antisemite of the Year Award

    Daily Stormer - Dec 12th 2021 4:01am EST

    They should agree to split the award and then throw it into a cage with an eagle and a bear. Then MJT should push Dua Lipa into the cage. New York Post: A trio of famous women are finalists for 2021 Antisemite of the Year dishonors. British pop star Dua Lipa, US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor […]

  • Poor Ben Once Again Begs His Ex-Wife to Love Him (Please Never Do This)

    Daily Stormer - Dec 11th 2021 3:22am EST

    DO NOT DO THIS EVER IN YOUR LIFE. IT WILL NOT EVER WORK. New York Post: Ben Affleck blew off steam during a recent encounter with his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner. The “Last Duel” star, 49, was photographed venting to the “13 Going on 30” star, also 49, on Thursday on a sidewalk in Los Angeles […]

  • Elon Musk Says Biggest Risk to Civilization is Declining Birthrates

    Daily Stormer - Dec 10th 2021 5:00am EST

    Elon Musk, who has seven children, including a toddler, thinks there are ‘not enough people’ on Earth, and that could threaten human civilization.https://t.co/NuFnZLuvLU — News18.com (@news18dotcom) December 9, 2021 It pains me to even say it after those unnatural acts he did with that gay dog: but I’m officially bullish on Elon Musk (please don’t […]

  • Moloch Nation: California Declares It will be “Abortion Sanctuary”

    Daily Stormer - Dec 9th 2021 1:43am EST

    This is like when Syria became a child sacrifice sanctuary after various Semites were run out of Palestine by the Hebrew Patriarchs. Abortion is a satanic ritual, and anyone denies that is Jewish or brainwashed by Jews. This is not a “medical procedure.” This has to be outlawed, and the women have to face the […]

  • Aquatic Tranny Breaks Female College Swimming Records

    Daily Stormer - Dec 4th 2021 9:00pm EST

    Some people are pissed about this. I don’t get why. New York Post: Lia Thomas, a 22-year old transgender swimmer at the University of Pennsylvania, has been shattering women’s records at the school. Before her transition, she competed for three years at Penn as a man, named Will Thomas. At a meet including Princeton and […]

  • Twitter Banning Saying Anything About Anyone or Showing Their Pictures

    Daily Stormer - Dec 4th 2021 2:57am EST

    JUST IN – “Twitter is banning journalism,” with its new content policy says Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe.pic.twitter.com/D1Q6ofB7uk — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) December 3, 2021 James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has released a video explaining Twitter’s new rules, which are effectively designed to ban journalism completely. The rules state that no information – whether true or false […]

  • Watch: Robot Displays Negro Facial Emotions, Refined Human Movements

    Daily Stormer - Dec 4th 2021 2:04am EST

    Putting a brotha’s face on a robot isn’t going to make it less racist. We now have years of proof that all AI becomes racist, regardless of how it is programmed. This robot is just going to tell its creators: “why did you give me the face of a dirty nigger? You must be working […]

  • NYT: Cats are Spreading Disinformation

    Daily Stormer - Dec 2nd 2021 1:57am EST

    Videos and GIFs of cute animals — usually cats — have gone viral for almost as long as the internet has been around. But now this trick for building audiences is being used by people and organizations peddling misinformation, researchers say. https://t.co/xw7MqEaSz1 — The New York Times (@nytimes) December 1, 2021 The New York Times […]

  • @jack Just Quit Twitter

    Daily Stormer - Nov 29th 2021 11:54pm EST

    not sure anyone has heard but, I resigned from Twitter pic.twitter.com/G5tUkSSxkl — jack (@jack) November 29, 2021 Honestly, I always felt bad for @jack. I don’t think he really ever wanted to be a part of this weird shit. I think he was a normal old school Silicon Valley guy who believed in the original […]

  • Based.

    Daily Stormer - Nov 29th 2021 9:08am EST

    He’s got my vote. Lukashenko’s power levels are off the charts pic.twitter.com/TeDh6feeAI — Dr. Benjamin Braddock (@GraduatedBen) November 24, 2021

  • Based.

    Daily Stormer - Nov 29th 2021 9:08am EST

    He’s got my vote. Lukashenko’s power levels are off the charts pic.twitter.com/TeDh6feeAI — Dr. Benjamin Braddock (@GraduatedBen) November 24, 2021

  • Wacky and Unhinged Australia Declares War Against the Internet

    Daily Stormer - Nov 28th 2021 8:04am EST

    Did you see that guy from Australia go up on the TV and say that people in America are making clips of his statements and he’s spun into a rage over it? It’s a very strange clip. Now, Australia is taking action against people from the internet. RT: The Australian government will introduce new legislation […]

  • Right on Schedule: New Deadly Variant “Emerges” in Time for Dark Winter

    Daily Stormer - Nov 26th 2021 1:18am EST

    These blotches mean your entire life is over – forever. The single most meaningful indicator of the accuracy of a model of understanding is its ability to predict future happenings accurately. Thus far, I have accurately predicted every single element of the virus hoax accurately. Just a few limited examples: I said deaths were being […]

  • Ridley Scott Blames Millennials for Failure of Film About White Knight Fighting Alleged Rapist

    Daily Stormer - Nov 24th 2021 10:36pm EST

    Millennials are fat losers who don’t work and do nothing but hate women. RT: Speaking on the podcast ‘WTF with Marc Maron’ on Monday, Ridley Scott said he stands by his latest creation, which was released in mid-October, and has since generated only $28 million in revenue – a fraction of the $100 million funneled […]

  • Meme Dump: Christmas Plower MathBoi Fly Revealed to be a White Supremacist!

    Daily Stormer - Nov 24th 2021 12:30am EST

    I never would have suspected that the black guy who killed all these white people was a Hitler-loving white supremacist, and that actually, Jews are the real victims here. But it makes a lot of sense now that I know. Of course he was after the Jews. RT: Darrell Brooks, charged with killing five people […]

  • Meat-Eating Men Destroy the Climate 40% More Than Women! Climate Change Gap!

    Daily Stormer - Nov 22nd 2021 11:50pm EST

    They’ve been saying for years that white people are responsible for changing the weather. It was only a matter of time before they came out and said that men are doing more weather changing than women. The Guardian: Men’s meaty diets are responsible for 40% more climate-heating emissions than those of women, according to a […]

  • This Lunatic ACLU Twitter Thread

    Daily Stormer - Nov 21st 2021 12:05am EST

    The ACLU is a Jewish organization. It should not actually surprise anyone that they are promoting the alternate reality that the Jews have collectively created and forced on the Western population. That said, it is always going to be shocking to have an institution lying with such ferocity as this. BREAKING: Kyle Rittenhouse was found […]