• There is No Virus

    Daily Stormer - Nov 18th 2021 10:07am EST

    Above is a video montage about the fact that the alleged coronavirus has never been isolated, and there is no actual evidence that it exists. No one really wants to talk about this fact, but I’ve been saying it since March of 2020 – the alleged coronavirus does not actually exist. The people dying are […]

  • Quadroon Singer Pisses on Fat Boomer’s Face on Stage. Band Apologizes.

    Daily Stormer - Nov 15th 2021 12:11am EST

    You’re going to have things like this. We’ve developed a real “late Roman Empire” type vibe. The Wrap: Brass Against, a band known for performing brass versions of rock songs, has issued an apology after its lead singer peed on a fan’s face at a festival in Daytona Beach last week. … During a set […]

  • A Few Recent Coincidental Deaths

    Daily Stormer - Nov 14th 2021 6:42am EST

    A lot of random people are dying. I’m sure it’s all just a coincidence. 54-Year-Old Indian-Canadian Doctor Dies in His Sleep A 54-year-old Indian-Canadian doctor died in his sleep. CBC News: A prominent New Brunswick cardiologist has died, leaving behind a large gap in the system and the community, colleagues say. Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial dedicated more than 20 […]

  • Watch: Disney SNEAKERELLA Trailer, a “Re-Imagining” of Cinderella Featuring Blacks

    Daily Stormer - Nov 14th 2021 12:00am EST

    The first trailer for ‘SNEAKERELLA’ has been released. The film releases on February 18 on Disney+ pic.twitter.com/G24iIUPcS7 — DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) November 12, 2021 Well, you asked for it – and Disney is finally delivering. After years of the public demanding a black version of Cinderella where Cinderella is a man, the trailer has been released […]

  • “Rust” Crew Member Sues Vagina Armorer, Alec Baldwin and Others Over Deadly Shooting

    Daily Stormer - Nov 11th 2021 10:43pm EST

    Serge Svetnoy, pictured with Alec Baldwin’s victim Halyna Hutchins. It took a while for the lawsuits to show up. New York Post: A lighting technician from the set of “Rust” is suing Alec Baldwin and the film’s armorer for negligence, claiming he suffered emotional distress after nearly being hit by the bullet that killed cinematographer Halyna […]

  • Women Need to Rule the World in Order to Save the Planet from Climate Change

    Daily Stormer - Nov 9th 2021 11:30pm EST

    I actually appreciate the fact that they are just saying now openly that they want us to be ruled by women. Before, they would never say such a thing aloud. We’re finally getting some honesty from these horrible Jews. The Guardian: “The world as designed by men has destroyed many things,” Cop26 delegates have been told, as […]

  • Kanye Goes Back to Black as Wife Continues Sick Engagement with Mutated Kike

    Daily Stormer - Nov 8th 2021 10:02am EST

    Previously: Jews Try to Humiliate Kanye by Pairing His Wife with Ugly Jew Mutant Kanye West is having a divorce forced on his family by the Jews. After he came out in support of Donald Trump and in support of Jesus, the Jews pounced and got ahold of his wife so they could ruin him. Recently, […]

  • Microsoft Event Opens Praising Tribespeople, Speakers State Their Pronouns and Hair Style

    Daily Stormer - Nov 5th 2021 3:37am EDT

    Woke Capital incarnate. pic.twitter.com/KHlfMzjOt9 — Balaji Srinivasan (@balajis) November 4, 2021 How is this real? Every company is going to open their meetings by listing everyone who supposedly lived on the land they are standing on? Microsoft is literally an evil multinational corporation, and could never be considered “morally good” in any Christian system – […]

  • Facebook Says Facial Recognition Data of 1BN+ People Will Be Deleted

    Daily Stormer - Nov 3rd 2021 5:00am EDT

    Yeah, I’m not sure host even a normie didn’t have themselves involuntarily tagged in a photo and think “eyyy.” I mean, this is weird, having computer intelligence identify your every move. This stuff should have been made illegal long before it was employed. The Guardian: Facebook will delete the “faceprints” of more than a billion […]

  • OnlyFans Slut Banned from Volunteering at School Vows to Sue School District for $1M

    Daily Stormer - Oct 30th 2021 2:30am EDT

    This is a total violation of slut rights. Just because a woman is involved in pornography, it doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be allowed to volunteer with children. Just imagine if this was a man who makes pornography – say that Mexican from GirlsDoPorn – do you think he would be barred from working with kids? […]

  • Dana Milbank: Just Another Jewish Defender of Puppy Torture

    Daily Stormer - Oct 28th 2021 1:30am EDT

    I just thought you should know that Dana Milbank wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post defending Anthony Fauci’s puppy torture agenda. Related: Anthony Fauci Did Experiment Where Live Puppies Have Their Faces Eaten Off by Insects! Who is Dana Milbank? Well, he’s first and foremost a handsome gentleman, with a very trustworthy face. Jews wouldn’t […]

  • Not Aliens! Mysterious Radio Signals From Proxima Centauri Were Actually Coming From Earth!

    Daily Stormer - Oct 27th 2021 2:21am EDT

    The Science is infallible. But that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t sometimes make stupid, obvious mistakes. The Guardian: Astronomers searching for alien life thought they’d spotted signs of intelligence beyond the solar system – but the signals turned out to be human. Parkes Observatory’s Murriyang radio telescope detected “promising” radio signals that seemed to be extraterrestrial in […]

  • Grey Agenda: NASA Leader Says UFOs are Probably Aliens

    Daily Stormer - Oct 25th 2021 10:16am EDT

    Previously: I Don’t Understand What Tucker Doesn’t Understand About the UFO Hoax? The government is covering up UFOs, but government officials can’t open their mouths without babbling about UFOs, unprompted. This NASA guy looks really serious and honest. Yeah, okay. Sure. Okay yeah sure. Washington Examiner: The leader of NASA hinted at the possibility that some […]

  • Hateful Teachers Apologize for Calling Parents Terrorists

    Daily Stormer - Oct 23rd 2021 3:25am EDT

    A teacher pictured forcing a male student to read Lawn Boy. This is a real major cuck-out by these bitches. RT: A national federation of school boards has issued a mea culpa after it was revealed the org had pressed the White House to label parents who oppose Covid restrictions as “domestic terrorists,” apologizing after […]

  • Old Alex Baldwin Tweet (MaxLol)

    Daily Stormer - Oct 23rd 2021 12:19am EDT

    These are the photos of Alec Baldwin after accidentally killing a woman on set. Presumably, he’s on the phone hearing she’s dead. I feel bad for the guy, even though I hate him. But seriously, look at this: Accidentally killing someone is a horrible thing for any human being to have to deal with. But […]

  • Greta Thunberg Says the Science Doesn’t Lie, Asks for a Climate Leader to Step Up

    Daily Stormer - Oct 22nd 2021 12:33am EDT

    Meet The Guardian’s newest opinion columnist – Greta Thunberg. Or as I like to call her, “Greeta Toonbearg.” If you’re wondering why a mentally retarded teenager is writing op-eds for one of the world’s most read news sites, then I would reply that she probably didn’t actually write it, because she is mentally retarded. (She […]

  • Most People Think Pete Buttigieg Shouldn’t Get Months Off Work to Molest Kidnapped Infants

    Daily Stormer - Oct 20th 2021 8:13am EDT

    SUPPLY CHAIN CRISIS WORSENS: The cost of shipping supplies is up 300%. ABC’s Mona Kosar Abdi reports on the new record in the ongoing shipping backlog that’s leaving store shelves across the country empty. pic.twitter.com/hnnXE9tmxQ — ABC World News Now (@abcWNN) October 19, 2021 Pete Buttigieg, the fully anal Secretary of Transportation, has been on […]

  • Making Babies is the “Grandest Act of Climate Destruction”

    Daily Stormer - Oct 17th 2021 10:00pm EDT

    The Science says: don’t have kids. The most important thing is that you cease breeding, goy. Spectator: About four years ago, my wife and I, who are both in our thirties, briefly thought we were having a baby. For the next few nights my dreams were of nuclear flashes lighting up the sky, of the […]

  • Some Guy Talking About Supply Line Collapse

    Daily Stormer - Oct 16th 2021 9:13am EDT

    This is an interesting video on the ongoing supply chain collapse. The guy is sensationalizing a little bit, maybe. But basically: all of that stuff I predicted back in April of last year is beginning. You just can’t upset the economy like it was upset by this virus hoax and then have nothing happen. Of […]

  • Interview with Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology (He’s Against These Vaccines)

    Daily Stormer - Oct 15th 2021 12:50am EDT

    Stew Peters has gone completely over the edge in terms of reasonableness. He’s way, way out there in kooksville with Morgellons disease and nano 5G brain squids and so on. But this interview with the inventor of mRNA vaccines, Robert Malone, was interesting. Here’s Malone’s Wikipedia page, just so you can get an idea. They’ve […]

  • Australian Vax World: Things You are Not Allowed to Do If You’re Not Vaxed

    Daily Stormer - Oct 15th 2021 12:40am EDT

    Vax World is real and Australia is at the center of it. These are the official government rules for what you’re not allowed to do in Sydney if you’re not vaxed: If you are over the age of 16 years and are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit another person’s place of residence, except in limited circumstances. […]

  • Germanish Lawyer Says Covid is a Power Grab Hoax

    Daily Stormer - Oct 13th 2021 10:41am EDT

    I’m pretty sure this interview is like a month old, and FWM is just posting it now. Regardless, I agree with these informations. Free West Media: The famous lawyer Dr Reiner Füllmich speaks exclusively to Free West Media on the topic of the pandemic and the draconian measures that many countries have adopted, and how […]

  • Holocaust Alert: Distrusting the Coronavirus Vaccine is Anti-Semitic, UK Experts Say

    Daily Stormer - Oct 13th 2021 3:25am EDT

    It’s almost like disagreeing with literally anything the media says leads directly to anti-Semitism. I wonder how that works? The Guardian: A surge in Covid-19 conspiracy theories risks boosting antisemitism, hate crime campaigners have warned after the opening of an exhibition shedding light on interwar British fascism and its parallels today. The Wiener Holocaust Library in London […]

  • The Dream of American Multicultural Utopia Realized at Last

    Daily Stormer - Oct 10th 2021 7:30am EDT

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that there were any full negroes in this utopian bunch. But they had many brown people, women, and a tranny. We’re getting there, folks. We’re almost to utopia. Just hang in there. New York Post: A strung-out group of small-time Colorado criminals that called themselves “the Sopranos” — including one who […]

  • Societal Collapse: A Redemption Arch for Stupid, Dumb Millennial Scum?

    Daily Stormer - Oct 8th 2021 2:59am EDT

    This particular soyjak always looked Italian, no? The Wall Street Journal published an article this week about how boomer mob bosses are having trouble trying to get their millennial children to take over the family business, because the millennials are completely incompetent. This is the same problem that the global elite are having. Millennials truly […]