• The Russian World

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 18th 2022 7:07am EDT

    Aside from NATO expansion all the other issues that we know are driving this conflict, it is clear that Vladimir Putin sees Ukraine as a fake country and Russians and Ukrainians as being the same people. Putin’s goal is to prevent Ukraine from leaving Russia’s sphere of influence. “The aggression of 2014, backed by the […]

  • Zelensky Addresses German Parliament

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 17th 2022 7:45pm EDT

    Zelensky is on tour. He has begged all of his NATO handlers to ride to his rescue: the British parliament, Canadian parliament, the European Union parliament, the U.S. Congress and now the German parliament. Globalist elites are happy to keep on fighting the Russians to the last Ukrainian though. Note: The Ukrainians are going to […]

  • American Greatness: The Architects Of Our Present Disaster

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 17th 2022 2:55pm EDT

    Tulsi said it best. The American attitude toward the world is “f*** you.” We make the rules. We don’t have to abide by the rules ourselves. We should be able to do whatever we want. Damn the consequences. American Greatness: “The center is not holding, things are falling apart. We have moved on from mass […]

  • PBS Frontline: Putin’s Road To War

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 17th 2022 11:38am EDT

    I’m posting this here solely for you can see the dishonest liberal war propaganda that is circulating here in the United States. Pay attention to what ISN’T in the documentary. If it wasn’t for independent media, you would have no understanding of the relevant issues that have sparked this war – NATO expansion, the geopolitics […]

  • Poll Watch: 35% of Americans Favor Military Intervention In Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 17th 2022 10:25am EDT

    I can’t find the crosstabs. Based on what I have seen in previous polls, I’m sure it reflects a massive age divide though. Axios: “Details: While 35% of people surveyed said they would “somewhat favor” or “strongly favor” the U.S. taking military action even if it risks nuclear conflict with Russia, 62% said they would […]

  • Secular Talk: Bloodthirsty “Journalists” Beg Jen Psaki For WW3

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 17th 2022 9:59am EDT

    “The Free Press” is desperate to censor independent media.

  • Ed West: The ‘Oikophobia’ of the Right

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 17th 2022 8:51am EDT

    Are you willing to fight Russia in World War III over the status of Donbas for the professional managerial class and the foreign policy establishment? Are you willing to fight for ZOG? Ed West: “On the day that Russia invaded Ukraine, the Daily Telegraph reported that Britain’s spies were being told to check their white privilege and to stop […]

  • No-Go Zone: US Gives Arms & $13.6 Billion To Ukraine, Sanctions Will Cause Global Food Shortage

    Red Ice TV - Mar 16th 2022 11:01pm EDT

    This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Henrik cover the latest news in episode 94 of No-Go Zone. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1900 […]

  • My Position On Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 16th 2022 6:06pm EDT

    I’ve always had the same views on foreign policy. I strongly oppose the American Empire and NATO expansion. I don’t want to be involved in distant conflicts in far flung parts of Eurasia. Basically, I want to live in a normal country at peace among my fellow Southern Anglos and the further the Empire expands […]

  • Secular Talk: U.S. Dollar Hegemony Collapsing

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 16th 2022 4:42pm EDT

    If there were any hot takes out there connecting cancel culture to Twitter to the end of the petrodollar in 2022, I didn’t see them. This is a wilder scenario than any of us imagined. Note: I anticipated that Russia might invade Ukraine in 2022. I didn’t think through the consequences of what that would […]

  • Russian Navy Blockades Black Sea Coast

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 16th 2022 3:23pm EDT

    The Russian Navy is moving on Odessa now. As Russia closes the sea, Zelensky has gone begging for help to the British parliament, European parliament, the Canadian parliament and the U.S. Congress. Twitter isn’t going to do shit to help him. He was a fool to allow his country to be turned into the new […]

  • Putin: West’s Global Political and Economic Dominance Ending

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 16th 2022 1:16pm EDT

    We’re being told that Putin has gone crazy. Maybe it is Twitter that has gone crazy though? Maybe it is Mike Pence who is living in a bygone age?

  • The Hill: “Journalists” Beg White House For War With Russia

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 16th 2022 12:10pm EDT

    The same shitlibs who were terrified of COVID who were deterred from going outside for two years over a virus with a 99% survival rate aren’t afraid of getting into a nuclear war with Russia over Donbas. Note: In charting the fall of the American Empire, future historians will realize that two mistakes were enfranchising […]

  • Tucker Carlson: Saudi Arabia Considers Ditching the Dollar for Chinese Oil Sales

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 16th 2022 11:00am EDT

    Is populism over? Is that what is happening here? It looks to me like Americans are unable to adjust their expectations to the brutal reality of America’s diminishing power. The world order that populists have long anticipated is being born. We’re just not willing to let go. We’re in denial about American decline. Powered by […]

  • Zelensky Addresses Congress

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 16th 2022 10:35am EDT

    It is worth noting here that Russia’s peace terms are 1.) Ukraine doesn’t join NATO and becomes a neutral country, 2.) recognition of Russian sovereignty over Crimea, 3.) recognition of the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics and 4.) Ukraine ceases military action. Zelensky is asking us to go to war with Russia over […]

  • Poll Watch: Joe Biden’s Ukraine Bounce

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 16th 2022 10:14am EDT

    Before the war in Ukraine, the Republicans were drawing an effective contrast with Joe Biden on dozens of culture war issues and the economy, but now they have switched gears to out warmongering Joe and it has drowned out their previous message and is starting to register in the polls.

  • Superstition (#1)

    Amerika.org - Mar 16th 2022 9:41am EDT

    Humans like every other form of life seek to adapt and thrive. The first part means not dying, and the second part means enjoying the process enough that you do not self-destruct. For intelligent beings, adaptation involves understanding the who and why of what we are, and therefore what we should be doing. For this […]

  • Ross Douthat: Will The Ukraine War End the Age of Populism?

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 16th 2022 8:52am EDT

    Is populism a poor fit for this particular moment? In light of the American attention span, I would caution that we should wait more than three weeks before jumping to conclusions. The country also briefly seemed united at the height of the George Floyd mania and during the earliest days of COVID when Red States […]

  • “It’s a Trap!”: Western Volunteers Flee Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 15th 2022 9:40pm EDT

    #UKRAINE More videos emerging from British and American mercenaries who fled Ukraine: “THEY ARE SENDING US WITHOUT WEAPONS TO THE FRONT-LINES!” pic.twitter.com/uGTP9rC8F4 — UkraineMaps (@MapsUkraine) March 15, 2022 #UKRAINE French foreign fighter yesterday when the foreign camp got obliterated literally cries as he flees the camp into safety. He says his friends are killed in […]

  • WSJ: Crisis for Biden’s Chaotic Foreign Policy

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 15th 2022 7:28pm EDT

    Haven’t you heard? It is over for the populists. WSJ:

  • Ryan Long: When Your New Identity Is Supporting Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 15th 2022 6:16pm EDT

    @GeoffPyatt @davidfrum @NYTimesCohen @jkirchick Perhaps they could do for #Ukraine what they did for America? pic.twitter.com/x3a2uJUQgu” — Richard ???? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) May 18, 2014 Ukraine awards George Soros the Order of Freedom “Ukraine” is like the hidden “Id” of the global elite. https://t.co/wQvyLYMFp2 — Richard ???? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) November 23, 2015 Only a matter of […]

  • The Demonization of Russia Must End

    Counter Currents - Mar 15th 2022 5:10pm EDT

    Haydn’s death mask 706 words It would be an understatement to say that I completely agree with Robert Wallace’s argument in his article “End Brother Wars in Ukraine.” Finally, a voice of sanity appears from the Dissident Right. We live in a truly barbaric world; so much so that even many of our brethren seem […]

  • Jimmy Dore: U.S./NATO Preparing False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack In Ukraine?

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 15th 2022 1:38pm EDT

    Here’s Lt. Gen Mark Hertling repeating the same talking point “bold, tactical strike” over and over again on CNN pic.twitter.com/pajnud2cQo — Lee Fang (@lhfang) April 7, 2017 before any verified reporting of the impact of the missile strike, every media talking head and politician is calling them “surgical” pic.twitter.com/d81KwQVnTf — Lee Fang (@lhfang) April 7, […]

  • Breaking Points: Matt Taibbi: Orwell’s 1984 Comes True In U.S. Propaganda

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 15th 2022 12:20pm EDT

    We are “fascism.” We are “authoritarianism.” In light of our experience with the liars who led us into Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, we don’t want to jump into a war with Russia over Donbas, a place which 99% of Americans know virtually nothing about and have never visited and which literally no one cared […]

  • Crude Oil Crashes Below $100 a Barrel

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 15th 2022 11:50am EDT

    A question: Why is the U.S. Department of Defense giving daily press briefing on the military situation in Ukraine? The U.S. is not at war with Russia. The Ukrainian Defense Ministry is capable of holding its own press briefings. — Bill Roggio (@billroggio) March 15, 2022 Former Ukraine president Poroshenko is making wilder and wilder […]