• The Atlantic: Of Course Putin Is Being Canceled

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 8th 2022 5:20pm EST

    Vladimir Putin hasn’t been cancelled. The entire population of Russia has been cancelled. We’re also seizing the assets of Russian oligarchs who had nothing to do with this. The Twitter outrage mob has seized control of the state. The Atlantic: “Perhaps the time has come for Vladimir Putin to go on Joe Rogan’s podcast, because […]

  • Secular Talk: NYT Defends Lying War Time Propagnda

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 8th 2022 1:26pm EST

    Does this come as a surprise to anyone? The Free Press would never lie us into war or keep us bogged down in wars.

  • Stephen Colbert: A Clean Conscience Is Worth a Buck Or Two

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 8th 2022 11:23am EST

    .@StephenAtHome: “Today, the average gas price in America hit an all-time record high of over $4/gallon. OK, that stings, but a clean conscience is worth a buck or two. It’s important. I’m willing to pay $4/gallon. Hell, I’ll pay $15 a gallon b/c I drive a Tesla” pic.twitter.com/my8Ukya5rQ — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 8, 2022 […]

  • Hillary Clinton: It’s Important For The World To Stand With Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 8th 2022 10:15am EST

    Ukrainians and Americans who believe US and NATO are here to help Ukraine? Here is Hillary Clinton laughing at you! US to help Ukraine like it did Afghanistan arming the Mujahideen. I don’t know how anyone can see this and not feel chills in their spine pic.twitter.com/JfWAMVKRxq — redfish marx ?? (@casanumarx) March 2, 2022 […]

  • Breaking Points: Joe Biden Bans Russian Oil Imports As Gas Prices Hit All-Time High

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 8th 2022 9:32am EST

    If you want a healthy culture, strong protections for civil liberties, a peaceful non-interventionist foreign policy, a demilitarized country, lower energy prices and a focus on economic development and other neglected domestic priorities at home, you have ZERO representation in Washington.

  • Tucker Carlson: We Are At War With Russia

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 7th 2022 11:01pm EST

    Stay the course. It is our job right now to fight these people before their reckless foreign policy plunges us all into World War III.

  • Aleksandr Dugin: This Is Not a War With Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 7th 2022 7:24pm EST

    I’ve never been a Duginist. I’m not on the side of George Soros, the Open Society and NATO though. Neither Russia or Ukraine are my enemy. We know who is the real enemy.

  • Sen. Joe Manchin: We Shouldn’t Rule Out a No-Fly Zone Over Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 7th 2022 1:42pm EST

    This is Peak Joe Manchin. We shouldn’t rule out imposing a no-fly zone above Ukraine, which would automatically lead to World War III, but we can rule out countless things like a $15 minimum wage or preserving the child tax credit! Note: The U.S. Senate is full of some of the dumbest, most useless people […]

  • Our First Globalist War

    Amerika.org - Mar 7th 2022 12:32pm EST

    When the Soviet Union fell and Clinton took over in the USA, with the voters as usual choosing a liberal to follow a conservative because the voters focused on drama over “problems” instead of the large task of directing the ship of state, the globalist era began. It was nothing new, since progressive theorists and […]

  • Breaking Points: Gas Prices Near All-Time High As DC Weighs Russian Oil Ban

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 7th 2022 12:18pm EST

    Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is the mastermind of BOTH the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which is wrecking Ukraine while we virtue signal about it on Twitter, and the Oil Shock of 2022 which is about to wreck the American working class. Maybe he should be fired? The usual warmongers in the GOP are cheering […]

  • Our Lady in Kyiv

    Counter Currents - Mar 7th 2022 12:17pm EST

    Olena Semenyaka 2,246 words Below is an interview with Ukrainian Counter-Currents contributor Olena Semenyaka, who is currently in Kyiv, Ukraine. She took the time yesterday (March 6, 2022) to do an interview with me via e-mail. Apart from correcting typos and minor lapses in grammar, this interview is unedited. What is it like in Kyiv […]

  • Adam Schiff: There Is a Strong Bipartisan Consenus To Ban Russian Oil Imports

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 7th 2022 10:38am EST

    Congressman proposes another creative WWIII scenario ? https://t.co/FnlvuXoETq — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) March 7, 2022 The Kremlin has announced its demands for ending the war in Ukraine:-Ukraine must change its constitution to guarantee it won’t join any “blocs”, i.e. NATO + EU.-Must recognise Crimea as part of Russia.-Must recognise the eastern separatist regions as independent. […]

  • Gas Prices Hit $7 In Some U.S. Cities

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 7th 2022 9:51am EST

    Do you live in an American city where gasoline is now $7 a gallon? If so, you should thank the American foreign policy establishment every time you fill up at the pump. The people who gave us Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan have now delivered this. The bipartisan consensus in the Senate and on cable […]

  • RT: Yellow Vests Denounce Macron’s Policies

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 7th 2022 9:19am EST

    We need to start doing this here immediately. France is a small country compared to the United States. White rural America is about to get crushed by Joe Biden’s energy policies. The price of gasoline in Russia is $1.80 to $2.00 a gallon. Who is being punished here by the geniuses who are running our […]

  • Netflix, VISA, Mastercard, American Express Cancel Russia

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 6th 2022 9:25pm EST

    BREAKING: Mastercard and Visa suspend all operations in Russia — BNO News (@BNONews) March 5, 2022 AMEX: “In light of Russia’s ongoing, unjustified attack on the people of Ukraine, American Express is suspending all operations in Russia. .. Additionally, cards issued locally in Russia by Russian banks will no longer work outside of the country […]

  • Nikki Haley: “We Were Late To The Game” In Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 6th 2022 1:14pm EST

    Kosher sandwich. We didn’t meddle in Ukraine’s internal politics hard enough or early enough. Republicans would have pushed the same foolish, senseless policy harder than the Democrats.

  • Sen. Marsha Blackburn: U.S. Needs To “Shutdown” Russia’s Currency

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 6th 2022 12:52pm EST

    If only we had a Republican Senate majority, we could have stayed in Afghanistan for another twenty years and flooded Ukraine with more lethal weapons to provoke Russia even harder into this than Joe Biden. Note: TRS calls this the kosher sandwich. It is our stupid belligerent bipartisan foreign policy which is behind the huge […]

  • Ukraine’s Only Hope Now

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 6th 2022 11:26am EST

    Sad, but true.

  • Brian Stelter: First Putin Came For The “Journalists”

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 6th 2022 11:10am EST

    My sides. Weren’t these people crusading to deplatform Joe Rogan and OANN last month? The Free Press in this country spends an enormous amount of its time crusading to destroy independent media. These “journalists” are among the most hated and distrusted people in the United States.

  • Bloomberg: JP Morgan Says $185 Oil Is In View If Russian Supply Hit Persists

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 6th 2022 10:36am EST

    The sensible, middle ground position in the US: “Let’s completely obliterate the economy of the country with the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, and hope for the best” — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) March 6, 2022 If this continues and the price of a barrel of oil gets to $185 a barrel by the midterms, the Yellow […]

  • Sen. Rick Scott: Ground Troops In Ukraine Should Still Be An Option

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 6th 2022 9:34am EST

    Republican politicians are hopeless warmongers and interventionists. This is especially true of Republican senators. Lindsey Graham has doubled down on assassinating Vladimir Putin. A few years ago, Little Marco threatened to assassinate President Nicolás Maduro and did everything in his power to install a puppet regime in Venezeula headed by Juan Guaidó. Dump assassinated General […]

  • Iraq: Destruction of a Nation

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 5th 2022 7:33pm EST

  • RT: Western Cancel Culture Goes Nuclear

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 5th 2022 6:14pm EST

    If the largest country in the world can be canceled in an knee jerk emotional fit of rage, what’s next? Why can’t the problematic swaths of Western countries be similarly canceled? What happens to all the people who say highly offensive things like Ukraine’s kleptocracy isn’t worth World War III? Why can’t Alabama or Mississippi […]

  • Kevin McCarthy: Putin Is Evil

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 5th 2022 2:25pm EST

    We’re not going along with a return to Woodrow Wilson and George W. Bush’s foreign policy.

  • Who Caused The Ukraine War?

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 5th 2022 1:50pm EST

    Neocons and Russiagaters have spent the last eight years inciting this conflict. Aaron Mate: “The United States aids Ukraine and her people,” Adam Schiff declared in January 2020, “so that we can fight Russia over there, and we don’t have to fight Russia here.” Schiff made this statement during the opening of Donald Trump’s first […]