• Tucker Carlson: The State of Ukraine Address

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 2nd 2022 9:24pm EST

    Yes, it is sad what is happening in Ukraine, but it is nothing new. The military-industrial complex is desperate to start a new Cold War after the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan. The same people have been inciting wars all over the world for my entire adult life. Note: Sean Hannity is doing his evil dictator […]

  • Lady G: Putin Should Be Put On Trial For War Crimes In Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 2nd 2022 7:35pm EST

    Years ago, if we had truly cared about Ukraine, we could have prevented this war from ever happening. It is happening now though because John McCain and Lady G did not care about Ukraine’s security. Yahoo News: “WASHINGTON — Invoking the memory of his late friend Sen. John McCain, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., called on […]

  • Sean Hannity Proposes NATO Fighter Jets Bomb Russian Convoy

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 2nd 2022 5:53pm EST

    Hannity says bomb a Russian convoy and then don’t take credit for it to confuse Putin. It’s possible to get mad at Kristols and Frums for stuff like this. But it’s impossible with Hannity, hard to even consider him a sentient human being. Just filling air pic.twitter.com/QYwenxtnBV — Richard Hanania (@RichardHanania) March 2, 2022 MCCONNELL: […]

  • Zelensky Appeals To ZOG

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 2nd 2022 5:28pm EST

    Yesterday my Twitter feed was overwhelmed by trolls mocking my enthusiasm for what it means to Jews to see a Jew as the president of Ukraine, exerting such inspired & unifying leadership during this existential crisis for their country … — David Rothschild ?? (@DavMicRot) March 1, 2022 So, this happened … Note: While I […]

  • MTP Daily: ‘The Plucky Ukraine We’re Growing To Love Is Going To Get Crushed In Coming Days’

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 2nd 2022 3:48pm EST

    If these people truly loved plucky little Ukraine, they would have never put them up to this. They would have advised them to remain a neutral country like Switzerland or Finland and develop their economy instead of taking sides in a geopolitical conflict between NATO and Russia. Now, Ukrainians are going to get slaughtered and […]

  • Jimmy Dore: Political Cartoonists Who Get Ukraine Right

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 2nd 2022 1:53pm EST

    Slovakia: “For public support of Russia’s actions, you may face up to 25 years in prison.” — ASB News / MILITARY?? (@ASBMilitary) March 1, 2022 Speaking in support of Russia can now get you in jail for up to 3 years in Czech Republic and 25 years in Slovakia. pic.twitter.com/WoIFij2P2C — Azhar (@lonelyredcurl) March 1, […]

  • CNN: These Maps Explain Why Putin Is Invading Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 2nd 2022 1:29pm EST

    No, it is because he is an evil dictator who has lost his mind like Assad and Saddam Hussein. He is bent on destroying democracy. Note: The United States backs most of the world’s autocracies. Turkey, for example, is a member of NATO. We’re also still occupying part of eastern Syria.

  • How a Platonist Sees the Ukraine Conflict

    Amerika.org - Mar 2nd 2022 12:49pm EST

    Currently a huge number of people on the Right are playing themselves by becoming Useful Idiots: they have assumed that, because those who are in power in the West are generally bad, pairing up with the people who oppose those people is wise. All they will do is make a bad situation worse. You do […]

  • True Values Revive & Our Chances are On the Rise

    Counter Currents - Mar 2nd 2022 12:21pm EST

    889 words In his first letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul wrote, “For now we see through a glass, darkly . . .” As with all things in the Bible, it can be interpreted a number of ways. This is mine. For months, I’ve been writing about the pending Ukrainian crisis. All of my […]

  • The New Yorker: Why John Mearsheimer Blames The U.S. For The Crisis In Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 2nd 2022 11:25am EST

    Everyone knew it was coming. Caspian Report has been making videos about it well in advance. The New Yorker: NY: Looking at the situation now with Russia and Ukraine, how do you think the world got here? JM: I think all the trouble in this case really started in April, 2008, at the nato Summit in […]

  • National Review: Putin Is No Model For American Conservatives

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 2nd 2022 10:01am EST

    Who is modeling themselves on Vladimir Putin? Russia has always been an autocratic multicultural empire. Ukraine was a part of the Russian empire and later the Soviet Union from George Washington’s presidency through Bill Clinton’s presidency. The argument here is between those of us who accept Russia as it has always existed in this world […]

  • Ukrainians Fight Russian Army With Molotov Cocktails

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 2nd 2022 8:45am EST

    “What a difference a week makes, they’re getting ready for war and didn’t have a second thought about it … [they] told me it’s simply their duty to fight back.” @scottmclean on a Ukrainian brewery that has switched from producing beer to making Molotov cocktails. pic.twitter.com/IFrJg90278 — CNN (@CNN) March 2, 2022 Apparently, these people […]

  • Live Thread: Joe Biden’s 2022 State of the Union Address

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 1st 2022 7:03pm EST

    Most fascinating thing about the Ukraine war is the sheer number of top strategic thinkers who warned for years that it was coming if we continued down the same path. No-one listened to them and here we are. Small compilation ? of these warnings, from Kissinger to Mearsheimer. — Arnaud Bertrand (@RnaudBertrand) March 1, 2022 […]

  • Breaking Points: Ukraine Roundup

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 1st 2022 2:27pm EST

    Since the State of the Union Address is tonight, it would seem to me that Joe Biden needs to be reminded that his most important job as president is keeping us out of World War III with Russia. Virtually every other issue including COVID and inflation is less important than this one. Note: This was […]

  • Why Russia Wants To Restore The Soviet Borders

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 1st 2022 10:44am EST

    I think the war in Ukraine is terrible. I understand Putin’s perspective though. He is not the one who has gone insane here. It is countries like Australia on the other side of the planet which are sending weapons to Ukraine and meddling in a region where they have no vital interest at stake who […]

  • Poll Watch: Americans Are Opposed To Entering World War III

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 1st 2022 9:58am EST

    NEW: @CBS / @YouGov President Biden Job ApprovalApprove 44%Disapprove 56% 41% Russia/Ukraine39% Crime38% Economy37% Immigration30% Inflation Should the US send troops to Ukraine?Yes: 29%No: 71% Feb 24-28 / 2,238 Adultshttps://t.co/4zOs6Xa4yO pic.twitter.com/QCSMknZsy1 — InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) March 1, 2022 CNN POLL: Most Americans in new poll oppose direct US military action to stop Russia 42% favor direct […]

  • Legitimate Controversy Over the Russian-Ukrainian War

    Counter Currents - Mar 1st 2022 9:10am EST

    1,233 words In times of great stress, allies must focus on what binds them together. Allies will remain allies if what binds them together is more important than what could break them apart. If allies can agree on what these things are, then all else can be dismissed as mere distractions or treated as issues […]

  • Hannity Calls For Regime Change In Russia

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 28th 2022 11:53pm EST

    Want to say he’s gone senile, but actually sounds like he always has. pic.twitter.com/yjKkLhBSe4 — Richard Hanania (@RichardHanania) February 28, 2022 If you tuned out this evening after Tucker Carlson, you missed out on this on the Boomer Power Hour. Even Hillary Clinton wasn’t this emotional and deranged tonight on Rachel Maddow. Note: This is […]

  • Tucker Carlson: Don’t Fall For Moral Blackmail

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 28th 2022 9:52pm EST

    I agree. This is also my impression. We’re watching a bunch of fools who are steering our foreign policy, especially women and feminized liberal men who are Twitter addicts, living vicariously through the Ukrainians. These people are emoting and virtue signaling their way into World War III. They are making a series of rash, highly […]

  • Fiona Hill: We’re Already In World War III

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 28th 2022 2:43pm EST

    At least 99% of the US establishment is ardently pro-war. If you’re in favor of dumping billions of $$$ in high-grade weaponry into an active war zone, you’re in favor of the ensuing warfare. War is the one thing that always unites them, despite their fake partisan differences — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) February 28, 2022 […]

  • Jen Psaki: “We Are Not Going To Have a Military War With Russia”

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 28th 2022 1:12pm EST

    You can take that to the bank. We’re not going to spiral our way into World War III over this. This is nothing like how FDR maneuvered us into World War II by crushing Japan’s economy.

  • The Worst Week Yet: February 20-26, 2022

    Counter Currents - Feb 28th 2022 11:56am EST

    1,442 words World War III: Nazis vs. Nazis in The War to End All Nazis As if the last two years weren’t sufficiently taxing, as if we all hadn’t had quite enough mental and social destabilization, the sinister and sadistic forces that pull the universe’s strings have decided to toss a new World War into […]

  • The Atlantic: Why Ukraine’s Interests Are America’s

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 28th 2022 11:52am EST

    I beg to differ. Yes, it is terrible what is happening in Ukraine, but it is imperial expansionists like George Packer who caused the conflict by recklessly expanding NATO to Russia’s borders. Americans are about to suffer the consequences of Joe Biden’s foolish foreign policy. The Atlantic: “In the short six months between the fall […]

  • Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 419 Greg Johnson on the War in Ukraine

    Counter Currents - Feb 28th 2022 11:19am EST

    94 words / 1:04:55 Greg Johnson discussed the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the first half of his latest broadcast from Counter-Currents Radio, and it is now available for download and online listening. Topics discussed include: 00:03:00 The invasion of Ukraine 00:08:00 Ukraine and NATO 00:13:00 America and NATO 00:15:00 Jewish hatred of Russia 00:20:00 […]

  • A Jeremiad to the Empire of Nothing

    Counter Currents - Feb 28th 2022 10:48am EST

    “The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings.” 1,850 words The Russians have invaded Ukraine. As I write this, valorous men are dying on the battlefield, columns of women are fleeing west with their children, […]