• How To Get Played as a “Useful Idiot” in 2022

    Amerika.org - Feb 28th 2022 10:35am EST

    Humans treat the world like another human. Sometimes this human is friendly, and the sun shines and money rains from the sky. Sometimes this human is not friendly, and the bus runs late, the toilet clogs, and Russia invades Ukraine. Forgive me for simplifying, except that I am not. People are wired to work this […]

  • Whose Side Are You On?

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 28th 2022 9:10am EST

    Whose side are you on? I haven’t changed my views on this subject in twenty years. I have been consistent across half a dozen of these conflicts. There is nothing new about this conflict in Ukraine. I’m opposed to the American Empire. I dislike war and imperialism. I particularly object to its constant expansion into […]

  • Episode 205 – Cornpop’s Ukrainian Revenge with Ryan Dawson

    Ryan Dawson - Feb 28th 2022 5:36am EST


  • Huge Explosion Seen In Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 27th 2022 4:53pm EST

    Large explosion outside Palanka in Cherkasy Oblast in Ukraine. What is this? It looks huge pic.twitter.com/82kNkZ9wlY — Leo Kearse – comedian – see my videos on YouTube (@LeoKearse) February 27, 2022 Did Russia just use a thermobaric bomb?

  • Biden Bungles Ukraine While The Right Rises

    Amerika.org - Feb 27th 2022 3:22pm EST

    Following our previous analysis, it makes sense to explore why the Ukraine war just kicked off: the West, avoiding the clear wisdom Trump gave us, waffled and backstabbed our way into war over oil: The 750-mile pipeline was completed in September but has not yet received final certification from German regulators. Without that, natural gas […]

  • Poll Watch: Joe Biden Crashes To 37% In Washington Post Poll

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 27th 2022 10:57am EST

    Joe is now down to 37% in the Washington Post poll with Republicans favored to retake Congress by a 10 point margin. Washington Post: “The poll finds Biden’s presidential approval rating at a new low, with 37 percent saying they approve of the job he is doing and 55 percent saying they disapprove. Overall, 44 […]

  • Ukraine War ,Media, Military, Economics Explained

    Ryan Dawson - Feb 27th 2022 10:33am EST

    Ukraine War ,Media, Military, Economics Explained The Russian central bank after 2014 set up the System for Transfer of Financial Messages (SPFS) to counter SWIFT being cut off. Over 400 Russian banks are members (about twice the number that are connected to SWIFT) as well a dozen or so other bank outside Russian including Chinese […]

  • Russia Officially Cancelled By International Bankers

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 26th 2022 7:06pm EST

    Russia has previously said that this would be construed as an act of war. Note: I’ve said for two years now that this country is caught in a vertiginous spiral toward some inevitable crisis. I recently pointed out that the outcome might not be Civil War 2.

  • Multibungle in Ukraine

    Amerika.org - Feb 26th 2022 4:39pm EST

    I have been caught up with other pursuits this week, and am only returning here to find that the world is in a static state of panic at what many feel is WW3 kicking off in the Ukraine. Let us see if our big brains can make sense of this. First, we know the war […]

  • Poll: Vladimir Putin Invaded Ukraine Because Joe Biden Is President

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 26th 2022 2:13pm EST

    Biden, 2019: “Imagine what can happen in Ukraine” if Trump is reelected.pic.twitter.com/8CIlaETgdi — Kyle Martinsen (@KyleMartinsen_) February 25, 2022 Joe Biden in 2019: “Putin knows that when I am president of the United States his days of tyranny and trying to intimidate the United States and those in Eastern Europe are over.” pic.twitter.com/aP2S6hsO95 — Dan […]

  • Pat Buchanan: Putin Warned Us

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 26th 2022 9:47am EST

    I’m torn on this. My views can summed up as follows: 1. War is terrible. I’ve always been antiwar. We also know from experience that the worst kind of war is devastating wars between Europeans. The World Wars were blamed on nationalism and racialism. 2. I don’t support imperialism. I don’t see any inconsistency here […]

  • Hillary Clinton: A State of Emergency for Democracy

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 25th 2022 1:20pm EST

    I think the war in Ukraine is a tragedy and that it could have been avoided. It is definitely not something that I am cheering on. It looks like the ultimate outcome will be the fall of Zelensky, the surrender of Ukraine and its demilitarization and neutralization. Why couldn’t this have been accomplished without a […]

  • Hillary Clinton: What’s Left of the GOP Must Stand Against Those Giving “Aid” To Putin

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 25th 2022 9:29am EST

    This is vintage Hillary Clinton. She is ready to jump into World War III with Russia for the sake of expanding the Empire into Ukraine. At the same time, we must be vigilant and never forget that the real enemy are the Americans who didn’t vote for her in 2016.

  • Tucker Carlson: War in Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 25th 2022 8:56am EST

    If there is any lesson we can derive from the 20th century, it is that nothing but evil and mischief comes out of war between Europeans. It is probably the worst thing that can happen for a variety of reasons. This insight has always been the bedrock of my views on foreign policy. I’m not […]

  • Ukraine Updates

    Ryan Dawson - Feb 25th 2022 3:59am EST

    If you missed a video or article I will place the most recent ones here. Putin’s Choice: Self-Determination Affirmed Biden’s Ukraine policy is personal Russia Responds (very good one) As always you can get every story here and never miss a thing Our telegram has Ukraine updates evry 15 minutes I know it gets confusing […]

  • National Justice Party: Statement on the Crisis in Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 24th 2022 10:15pm EST

    Very good article. This is identical to my view. It is always a tragedy when Whites go to war like this. The West never psychologically recovered from the trauma of the World Wars. No one can credibly accuse us of being warmongers because we have always opposed these conflicts whether it is in Iraq or […]

  • Joe Biden Announces New Sanctions Against Russia

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 24th 2022 2:57pm EST

    Joe Biden in 2019: “Putin knows that when I am president of the United States his days of tyranny and trying to intimidate the United States and those in Eastern Europe are over.” pic.twitter.com/aP2S6hsO95 — Dan O’Donnell (@DanODonnellShow) February 22, 2022 Joe is FDR. Joe really showed Putin who is boss.

  • Jimmy Dore: The Truth About Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 24th 2022 1:26pm EST

    This isn’t a bolt out of the blue. Everyone from George Kennan to John Mearsheimer has warned against going down this road and provoking a devastating Russian response.

  • Breaking Points: War In Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 24th 2022 11:24am EST

    The bottom line: Ukraine falls Europe is destabilized Joe Biden is humiliated again on the world stage Gas prices and inflation explode China is emboldened to take Taiwan Let’s be clear. This is the inevitable result of Joe Biden’s foreign policy. These people overthrew the Ukrainian government in 2014 when Obama was president and have […]

  • Russian Tanks Roll Past CNN Reporter In Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 24th 2022 10:02am EST

    Admiral Levine is ready to lead to our trans girls into battle in Ukraine.

  • BIden’s Ukraine policy is personal

    Ryan Dawson - Feb 24th 2022 2:19am EST

  • Russia Launches Special Military Operation In Ukraine

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 23rd 2022 11:24pm EST

    Here we go. I got this one wrong. I assumed that the ceiling wouldn’t collapse on Joe Biden before the midterms. Note: In a follow up post, I predicted that I would get at least one major thing wrong this year. I also brought up this scenario as a shoe that could drop on Biden. […]

  • Tucker Carlson: Prepare To Shut Up and Sacrifice

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 23rd 2022 10:03pm EST

    This is Tucker Carlson’s finest hour. He had the honor of being compared to Father Coughlin at The Bulwark this morning.

  • S.E. Cupp: Putin Is Owning The Far Right

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 23rd 2022 2:53pm EST

    You don’t have to just support and applaud the American Empire. You have to agree with them that it is absolutely vital that it must be extended at all costs into the most far flung corners of Eurasia like Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Georgia and Afghanistan. You must absorb all the consequences of doing this. You […]

  • CNN: This Is How Joe Biden’s Foreign Policy Could Impact Your Wallet

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 23rd 2022 11:08am EST

    Funny. This is the same guy who wants to censor the internet, purge the military, unleash the national security state on his domestic opposition and drive people into unemployment with his unconstitutional vaccine mandate. This is the same guy who last week encouraged Justin Trudeau to assume dictatorial powers and rollout a full blown police […]