• Psychoanalytic Journal Publishes Paper Calling “Whiteness” a “Malignant, Parasitic-Like Condition

    Daily Stormer - Jun 10th 2021 2:43pm EDT

    I was skeptical, but unbelievably this is listed on Pubmed. Here is the link https://t.co/CaQY3aRhqv — Thomas Einstein (@TEinsteinMD) June 9, 2021 These people are now at the point where they are just outright claiming that white people are a disease that needs to be exterminated. A psychoanalyst named Donald Moss has written an alleged […]

  • Florida: Fat Women on a Raft Get Swarmed by Sharks…!

    Daily Stormer - Jun 9th 2021 7:10am EDT

    Fat women make a juicy meal. New York Post: A trio of women got the experience of a lifetime when they were surrounded by a pack of sharks during a beach trip in Florida, reports said. Lacey Faciane, Casie Thompson and Qyuston Eubanks were on a yellow float near the shore of a Pensacola beach […]

  • After Indian Speaker Fantasizes About Slaughtering Whites, Yale Says That’s Not Their Values

    Daily Stormer - Jun 9th 2021 2:24am EDT

    On Friday, former New York Times journalist Bari Weiss posted a video of Indian Yale psychologist Dr. Aruna Khilanani saying that she wants to kill white people. The video was from an April 6 Zoom meeting, and was posted to the Yale website. In the Yale Child Study Center Grand Rounds talk, called “The Psychopathic […]

  • Feds Somehow Recover Bitcoin Ransom from Colonial Pipeline Hack

    Daily Stormer - Jun 8th 2021 8:09am EDT

    The feds have announced that they were able to recover some of the Bitcoin that was received as ransom from the Colonial Pipeline hack. Yahoo! News: The Department of Justice announced Monday that it had recovered $2.3 million in cryptocurrency from criminal hackers who compromised a major U.S. pipeline in mid-May that resulted in fuel […]

  • Donald Trump Pulls an Elon, Kicks Bitcoin in the Face, Triggers Biggest Sell-Off Yet

    Daily Stormer - Jun 8th 2021 4:30am EDT

    There are a lot of bad things happening to Bitcoin right now, but on Monday night, the biggest selloff yet took place, probably signaling the definite end of the bull market.   This happened hours after Donald Trump kicked Bitcoin in the face. The failed president appeared on Fox Business with Stuart Varney and condemned the […]

  • Joe Biden Wants to Attack Bitcoin Over Fake Ransomware Hacks

    Daily Stormer - Jun 7th 2021 9:00pm EDT

    Joe Biden is famous as an “anal president.” He loves it when anuses are penetrated by penises. In particular, he wishes to help homosexual men penetrate the anuses of small boys. Shockingly, however, he is looking for the anus of Bitcoin – because he plans to shove a penis into it! Coin Telegraph: United States […]

  • ESPN Fires Woman on the Same Day She was Hired for 9-Year-Old Tweets

    Daily Stormer - Jun 7th 2021 9:02am EDT

    If you’ve ever in your life said the word “fag,” you are living on borrowed time. They are coming for you. Breitbart: ESPN has fired sports betting analyst Kelly Stewart before her first day over nine-year-old tweets that she had already acknowledged several years ago when working for Turner Sports. Back in 2012, Kelly responded […]

  • Sluts Must be Drafted to Fight Democracy War Against the Chinese

    Daily Stormer - Jun 7th 2021 4:35am EDT

    I’m doing my best to point out that the “Wuhan Lab Leak Hypothesis” is a Jewish hoax foisted on the population to start a war with the Chinese. However, I am fighting against the tide here. Most right-wingers are just as excited as Biden people for a war against China. So, my focus right now […]

  • Feminist Author Namoi Wolf Banned from Twitter for “Vaccine Disinfo”

    Daily Stormer - Jun 6th 2021 9:00pm EDT

    It doesn’t matter if you’re a decades-old institution of feminism. You’re not allowed to question vaccines. Period. No exceptions. BBC News: American author Naomi Wolf has been suspended from Twitter after spreading vaccine misinformation. Dr Wolf, well known for her acclaimed third-wave feminist book The Beauty Myth, posted a wide-range of unfounded theories about vaccines. […]

  • Ted Cruz Finally Says Facebook is a De Facto State Agency

    Daily Stormer - Jun 6th 2021 7:57pm EDT

    This is true but it doesn’t matter at this point. Cruz went along with “private company” too long. RT: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has accused Facebook of acting as a “state agency” during the Covid-19 pandemic for the government and health officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci, saying this behavior should carry legal consequences. Cruz used […]

  • Donald Trump Does Speech in North Carolina (Where is This Supposed to be Going?)

    Daily Stormer - Jun 6th 2021 1:00am EDT

    Sure, it’s fun to see Donald Trump back on stage. But I don’t totally understand what the goal of this is. If the goal is actually to run in 2024 and just hope that after 4 years of total Democrat control of the government, the election system is more honest, then I think that is […]

  • Alabama: After Local Police Officer is Given Back His Gun by the State, Gun Kills Wife

    Daily Stormer - Jun 5th 2021 2:34pm EDT

    Is it patriarchal male sexist abusers that kill their wives? Or do guns do it? NBC News: Late one night in February 2019, a 31-year-old woman in a troubled marriage was rushed to an emergency room in a Birmingham, Alabama, suburb, with a gunshot wound in her upper right arm. “He shot me,” Megan Montgomery […]

  • California: Federal Judge Rules California’s Assault Weapons Ban is Unconstitutional

    Daily Stormer - Jun 5th 2021 1:20pm EDT

    The Constitution actually still does exist, but it’s always shocking when a judge acknowledges it. AP: A federal judge Friday overturned California’s three-decade-old ban on assault weapons, ruling that it violates the constitutional right to bear arms. U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez of San Diego ruled that the state’s definition of illegal military-style rifles unlawfully […]

  • Antifa Rioter on Guy He’s Rioting for: “I’m Not Gonna Lie, I Forgot His Name”

    Daily Stormer - Jun 5th 2021 9:38am EDT

    ANTIFA SELF OWN – MAJORLY! “Not gonna lie, I forgot his name,” Antifa activist can’t remember who he’s out protesting for in Minneapolis. pic.twitter.com/EqbFig7xFP — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) June 4, 2021 I’m pretty tired of “silly Antifa stuff.” But this one was good. An Antifa rioter was being interviewed by Antifa news outlet Unicorn […]

  • China Notes That the Same Journalist Pushing Wuhan Lab Hoax Pushed Iraq WMD Hoax

    Daily Stormer - Jun 5th 2021 9:24am EDT

    The people who hypes up the #Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis is the same people who fabricated the fake information about #Iraq‘s “attempt to acquire nuclear weapons” 19 years ago. pic.twitter.com/5tfbRioB2D — Spokesperson发言人办公室 (@MFA_China) June 4, 2021 Previously: There is Nothing Interesting in the Fauci Emails China is inching dangerously close to dangerous anti-Semitism. RT: China’s Foreign Ministry […]

  • “Migrants” Caught Begging for Money Outside the Lube Center

    Daily Stormer - Jun 4th 2021 4:10am EDT

    Just in: Breitbart has caught the migrants begging outside of the Lube Center: Are these negroes? Were they begging for money, or begging for lube? We go to Breitbart for more on this concerning situation at the Lube Center. Breitbart: Recently released migrants in the Del Rio Border Patrol Sector of Texas were spotted panhandling […]

  • Jew Greenberg Made Deal, Will Help Try to Trap Matt Gaetz in Sex Hoax

    Daily Stormer - Jun 4th 2021 12:07am EDT

    Months after the bizarre saga began, a certain “Jew Greenberg” is attempting to trap Matt Gaetz in a sex hoax. NBC News: Federal prosecutors are investigating whether Rep. Matt Gaetz obstructed justice during a phone call with a witness in a potential sex crimes investigation, a law enforcement source confirmed to NBC News. The obstruction […]

  • Coronavirus Vaccines Not Working in Nursing Homes, Fully Vaccinated People Still Getting Infected

    Daily Stormer - Jun 3rd 2021 7:41am EDT

    It turns out that vaccinated seniors can still catch COVID-19. The whole reason why we were forced to do the lockdowns and the social distancing was to keep these old people from catching the virus. Now the vaccines are here and vaccinated people can still catch the virus. AP: COVID-19 vaccines have allowed nursing homes […]

  • New White House Science Adviser Wants Vaccines for Next Pandemic Ready in 100 Days

    Daily Stormer - Jun 3rd 2021 7:39am EDT

    Our Administration believes in science. As Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Dr. Eric Lander will help make the advancements in science and technology needed to address our biggest health, climate, and national security challenges. pic.twitter.com/dHPx9CR6C5 — Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) June 2, 2021 BELIEVE in Science. Coroavirus broke the fabric […]

  • Jew Claims Trump is Going Around Telling People He’ll be President Again by August

    Daily Stormer - Jun 2nd 2021 8:05pm EDT

    Trump has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August (no that isn’t how it works but simply sharing the information). https://t.co/kaXSXKnpF0 — Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) June 1, 2021 White House correspondent for The New York Times Maggie Haberman tweeted that Donald Trump has […]

  • Joe Biden Goes to Tulsa, Cites Race Hoax While Stirring Up Race Hate Against Whites

    Daily Stormer - Jun 2nd 2021 12:00am EDT

    Legitimately elected President Joe Biden is really tackling the serious issues – like the looming, constant and inexplicable threat of white people. He commemorated on Tuesday the 100th anniversary of the 1921 “Tulsa Massacre.” This is a kind of Mumia Abu-Jamal race hoax mixed with Wakanda type mythology. It’s really a nutty thing that no […]

  • NYC: Asian Woman Punched in the Face by Black – Female Asian Assemblywoman Defends Blacks!

    Daily Stormer - Jun 1st 2021 11:40pm EDT

    An Asian woman in New York was punched in the face over the weekend as part of the ongoing wave of white supremacist hate attacks on Asians by black people. Here’s the NBC News headline and header image: Here’s the Huffington Post headline and header image: Neither of them included the video. This was just […]

  • Someone Posts Signs at Popeye’s Chicken Saying They’ll Refuse Service to White People

    Daily Stormer - Jun 1st 2021 11:20pm EDT

    Police in Lake Saint Louis, Missouri are looking for people who were caught on surveillance video posting signs at Popeye’s Chicken saying the business will refuse service to white people, WABC reports. The signs were placed at the drive-thru window. It’s not clear what the purpose of this was, as the establishment was not obligated […]

  • California: Firefighter Does Workplace Shooting, Kills One, Burns His Own House Down

    Daily Stormer - Jun 1st 2021 11:15pm EDT

    Remember when I said that even if the virus was real, saving a few old people wouldn’t be worth the damage that the Virus Regime would do to the social order? Mass shootings and workplace murders are now a daily occurrence. You see, all men carry with them a certain level of guilt, of stress, […]

  • Jury Finds Black Innocent of Murder After Shooting Retired Fire Chief 8 Times

    Daily Stormer - Jun 1st 2021 1:05am EDT

    Devon Dunham, oppressed black man Jasper County, where this happened, was just 43% white in 2010. Presumably, it’s gotten worse since. The Island Packet: Although Devon Dunham confessed to fatally shooting former Hardeeville volunteer fire chief Ernest Martin Stevens in a public parking lot in 2017, a Jasper County jury found him not guilty of […]