• Jewish Feminist Says Artificial Wombs are Coming Soon, And the Discussion Should be About Women’s Rights

    Daily Stormer - Mar 25th 2021 9:00pm EDT

    There is evidence that there is a long term agenda to sterilize the population and then use cloning technology to reproduce people in vats. This would, in theory, allow someone to reproduce their own body, and then transfer their memories onto the new body. It would also allow for large-scale genetic-engineering of the populace, and […]

  • Yes, The White Girls Involved with Pakistani Drug and Prostitution Gangs are “Guilty” and Should be Punished

    Daily Stormer - Mar 25th 2021 2:40am EDT

    “He seemed nice.” In a recent article about the problem of Pakistani pimps picking up young girls outside school and turning them into hookers, I wrote: A lot of right-wingers want to come at the Paki Pimp Gang phenomenon from the Christian Feminist angle of “oh our poor sweet innocent princesses, corrupted by these evil […]

  • Like a Gerbil Scratching at the Glass Bottom of an Aquarium

    Daily Stormer - Mar 21st 2021 6:15am EDT

    When I was a child, I had a pet gerbil. I don’t believe it remains a popular hobby for children, but in the 1990s, it was something that parents did for children: they bought them small animals in cages. Kids would sit and watch them, like a miniature zoo. Looking back, it seems cruel, but […]

  • Playing Dress-Up

    Counter Currents - Mar 19th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Norman Rockwell, Doctor and Doll, 1942. 1,692 words I’m a blond bimbo girl, in a fantasy worldDress me up, make it tight, I’m your dolly! We live in an era of apparently rampant transsexualism. The media insist upon spotlighting various gender-benders and forcing them down the throat of a captive audience, at which point vinegar-drinking […]

  • House Passes Violence Against Women Act and Gun Control

    Occidental Dissent - Mar 18th 2021 8:35pm EDT

    Even though it mostly sucks, Democrats push their agenda. Unlike the Republicans, the Democrats don’t waste any time doing awful shit. Joe signed something like 50 executive orders in 10 days. Violence Against Women Act: Gun Control: In order for any of this to pass the Senate, the bar is either 1.) getting 10 Republican […]

  • It’s Time to Admit That Massage Parlors Have an Asianness Problem

    Counter Currents - Mar 18th 2021 6:45am EDT

    Phil Eiger Newmann, Rubbed the Wrong Way, 2021. 1,638 words If there’s anything to be learned from the shooting sprees at three Atlanta-area massage parlors on Tuesday afternoon that left eight people dead, it’s that the massage-parlor industry is disproportionately Asian to a degree that would be comical if, you know, it hadn’t led to […]

  • Politifact Claims Biden’s Claim About “Maternity Flight Suits” for the Military is “Mostly False”

    Daily Stormer - Mar 14th 2021 10:32am EDT

    Here is a clip of Joe Biden on International Women’s Day saying the military is creating maternity flight suits for pregnant women in the military: pic.twitter.com/JtmGatOxy7“Maternity Flight Suits” Joe Biden should never ever be allowed to use the word “Intense” — KJR Molon (@KjrMolon) March 9, 2021 Here is the Politifact “fact check” of a […]

  • Margaret Sanger, Free Love and the Birth Control Movement

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 21st 2020 12:10pm EDT

    As we have already seen, the cultural revolution of the 1910s and 1920s which was the end of Victorian America and the beginning of Modern America transformed almost every aspect of American life. Nothing was left untouched by it. I could write a book alone on how “antiracism” triumphed over “racism” or how cosmopolitanism triumphed […]

  • Review: Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered Marriage

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 21st 2020 12:01am EDT

    Editor’s Note: I also wrote this review back in 2015, but I am taking a second look at the book in light of the Victorian-to-Modern transition that I have been been researching. In hindsight, we can attribute the fall of marriage and the family to the two waves of Modernism that swept through America in […]

  • Review: A History of The Wife

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 20th 2020 1:21pm EDT

    Editor’s Note: I originally read and reviewed this book in 2015, but it is worth looking at in light of the Victorian-to-Modern transition. The pace of change in marriage and family life was glacial until the second wave of Modernism hit in the counter-culture of the 1960s. Also, it was watching Andrew Anglin ranting and […]

  • Marriage and Modernism

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 20th 2020 11:49am EDT

    After spending the last several months researching Modernism, I now have much better insight into some of my older posts on the decline of the American family. The following excerpt comes from Andrew Cherlin’s book The Marriage-Go-Round: The State of Marriage and the Family in America Today: “The newer form of individualism, which Bellah and […]

  • Modern Women

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 19th 2020 6:34pm EDT

    BOSTON: anti-Trump protesters burn a flag and then eat a bloodied heart symbolizing they president These people are not just mentally ill, but they are increasingly mirroring the occult pic.twitter.com/a2Et24hUyz— ELIJAH SCHAFFER (@ElijahSchaffer) October 19, 2020 You ever just sit in your car and pic.twitter.com/nIuzEM16RU— Indian Bronson (@Indian_Bronson) October 19, 2020 This is why we […]

  • 100 Years of Beauty

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 15th 2020 6:06pm EDT

    What is Modernism? Check this out. This is women’s fashion in mass culture over the past century across multiple countries. Observe how it has homogenized the world. USA Ireland Germany France Sweden Italy Russia Mexico

  • Late Victorian Women’s Fashion

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 8th 2020 2:25pm EDT

    Queen Victoria died in 1901. Technically, we are looking at women’s fashion in the Edwardian era to put this shift in perspective. King Edward VII died in 1910 and was succeeded by King George V. Victorian culture ended around 1914 at the start of World War I. Women dressed much more modestly before the big […]

  • The New Woman and 1920s Fashion

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 8th 2020 11:56am EDT

    As we have seen, the “New Woman” who smoked Torches of Freedom was a literary creation of Modernism that originated in Henrik Ibsen’s play The Doll House (1879) and was popularized by Henry James in his novels in the late 19th century. In America, the New Woman became known as the Flapper in the 1920s. […]

  • The Sun Also Rises

    Occidental Dissent - Oct 3rd 2020 2:32pm EDT

    In the 1920s, Franz Boas and his students in the social sciences challenged traditional Victorian beliefs and values in race, sexuality and gender roles in favor of cultural egalitarianism. Meanwhile in the arts and literature, Modernist poets, critics and novelists simultaneously challenged Victorian beliefs and values in manners, morals, beauty, sexuality and gender roles in […]

  • Randolph Bourne, Modernism and The New Woman

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 26th 2020 3:05pm EDT

    The “New Woman” of Modern America rejected what it meant to be a woman in Victorian America. In the 19th century, women were either respectable and devoted to their families or were whores and prostitutes. The overwhelming majority of women got married and chose to live a respectable life. The Victorians thought that women were […]

  • The New Woman

    Occidental Dissent - Sep 15th 2020 1:14am EDT

    This is interesting. The New Woman arrived in the United States from Western Europe in the 1910s. The American version became known as the Flapper. “The New Woman was the term used at the end of the nineteenth century to describe women who were pushing against the limits which society imposed on women. Today she might […]

  • Understanding the political compass, featuring Belle Delphine and her bathwater

    Armed With Knowledge - May 24th 2020 4:02pm EDT

  • Cultural differences between Russia and the West: what your children learn (part II)

    Armed With Knowledge - Apr 16th 2020 8:47pm EDT

    It remains to be seen whether Russia can keep its native-born, radical feminist and social revolutionary groups like Pussy Riot and the general Femen movement, from influencing the next generation. For those who are unfamiliar with Pussy Riot and Femen’s work, both use shock tactics to promote their ideas about things like genderbending, female sexual […]

  • Cultural differences between Russia and the West: what your children learn (part I)

    Armed With Knowledge - Apr 16th 2020 7:47pm EDT

    Have you heard of a "drag queen story hour"’? I am sure most of you have by now. But, for those who have not, it is an event where genderbending strangers with painted faces, gowns and bright-colored wigs show up to cuddle and read with children: I thought it was an exclusively Western phenomenon until I […]

  • If Biden wins, will Catherine Cortez-Mastro be his vice president, or will Castro get castrated?

    Armed With Knowledge - Mar 5th 2020 5:14pm EST

    As we suggested in our last post, Bernie Sanders has been dealt a knock-out punch that his campaign may never recover from; his main opponent for the Democratic Party nomination, former Vice President Joe Biden, may now be able to coast to victory and Wall Street, faced with either a Trump or Biden White House, can breathe easy (as […]

  • Peter Obama or Barrack Buttigieg?

    Armed With Knowledge - Feb 25th 2020 9:19pm EST

    What do you do when your establishment candidate checks only a few of the necessary social-justice boxes? Candidate D112020: Hip but establishment anyway       ✔ Young✔ LGBT or rumored LGBT         ✔ Not too white❌ Spanish-speaking✔ Female but high T? Electable:  ? You study the moves and demeanor of your last successful candidate […]

  • Ivanka Trump Unveils The W-GDP Act

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 15th 2020 5:20pm EST

    President @realDonaldTrump‘s USMCA will have a tremendous effect on GDP! pic.twitter.com/y3hQfuj8oy— The White House (@WhiteHouse) February 15, 2020 GREAT NEWS! #KAG2020?? pic.twitter.com/QA6Bpl4ETv— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 12, 2020 Thank you David! https://t.co/yElxOFxqYu— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 15, 2020 In 75 countries across the world, there’s at least one law prohibiting women from owning, […]

  • Young Women Still Getting Unnecessary Pelvic Exams

    Infowars - Jan 6th 2020 5:06pm EST

    Study finds millions of ‘outdated’ tests being performed on healthy girls