mRNA “vaccines” fail again
Alex Berenson - Feb 17th 2023 11:24am EST Moderna’s leading mRNA influenza jab has failed, the company said yesterday. In a large clinical trial, the vaccine appeared LESS able to stimulate the immune system than older flu jabs for two of four flu strains, the company said. It also had far higher rates of side effects than the older shots. The lack of […]1 in 45,000
Alex Berenson - Feb 15th 2023 2:05pm EST We have known almost since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic that young people face much lower risks from Covid than the elderly. But Dutch researchers now have offered what should be the last word on the issue, using data from a national registry to show that even people in their thirties and forties have […]What needs to happen now
Alex Berenson - Feb 14th 2023 11:31am EST I had coffee yesterday with someone who’s been a behind-the-scenes Team Reality advocate since 2020 – a doctor who figured out early on that Covid’s risks were far overblown. No, not Jay Bhattacharya , though as it happened we also talked yesterday and the conversation confirmed this one. We should be optimistic, this doctor said. […]A quick update on the Wells novels and my other fiction…
Alex Berenson - Feb 10th 2023 3:26pm EST I’ve been getting a lot of notes like this lately… I know, it’s been a while. I’d love to tell you I just delivered a new novel and it’ll be out this summer. Unfortunately not. If you want John Wells back (or if you enjoyed the adventures of the Unsworths in The Power Couple), you […]The good news: death rates have now fallen far below normal. The bad news: only in Bulgaria.
Alex Berenson - Feb 10th 2023 12:44pm EST Bulgaria is good at counting its dead. The country’s National Statistical Institute compiles death figures weekly and releases them in English once a month. They tell a story that mRNA jab advocates may not want to hear. Bulgaria has very low Covid vaccination rates, likely because generations of Communist misrule left Bulgarians deeply suspicious of […]A one-year thank-you for subscribers who signed up after the piece about the White House effort to define free speech as terrorism
Alex Berenson - Feb 9th 2023 1:19pm ESTAs I read over the piece from last year about the Biden Administration’s terrorist advisory threat – the one I just resent – a paragraph jumped at me. I hadn’t remembered writing it. What’s striking is that it’s not about the free speech issues. It’s about the vaccines. What if our worst fears about the […]
Remember when the Biden administration said I was a “terrorist threat”? True story.
Alex Berenson - Feb 9th 2023 9:28am EST NOTE TO READERS: Fortunately, the Department of Homeland Security has backed off its insane effort a year ago to define skepticism about “government institutions” as a terrorist threat. It updates these “National Terrorism Advisory System” bulletins every few months. The newest one, released November 30, makes no mention of “misleading narratives” or “misinformation” as drivers […]Dr. Anthony Fauci now admits the mRNA Covid vaccines hardly work and might not be approvable
Alex Berenson - Feb 8th 2023 12:03pm EST Last month, three scientists pointed out flu shots barely work and couldn’t be approved based on the standards used for vaccines like measles: “After more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted… our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for […]A “very senior infectious disease epidemiologist” just called me a grifter (while whining about his salary)…
Alex Berenson - Feb 1st 2023 9:20am EST Just wait until Francois Balloux (a self-proclaimed Corona “centrist” with 150,000 Twitter followers who called for lockdowns a full year after the epidemic started) hears about the $100+ billion Pfizer and Moderna have have made selling jabs. The last time I heard from Balloux was November, when he was among the screechers saying that Omicron […]44-year-old female vegetarian MSNBC host is hospitalized for almost 10 days for heart inflammation, blames everything but the obvious cause
Alex Berenson - Jan 30th 2023 11:10am EST On Saturday, MSNBC weekend host Yasmin Vossoughian took to the cable airwaves (to tell viewers why they hadn’t seen her for a while. Like most of you, I was only vaguely aware that MSNBC still existed, so I missed Vossoughian’s triumphant return before hundreds – possibly thousands – of viewers. But it turns out some […]From a Centers for Disease Control insider: a short note on morale.
Alex Berenson - Jan 29th 2023 11:26am EST I have confirmed this person’s identity. He wrote Friday, after my piece about Iraq. Here’s his note in its entirety: Thanks for the very insightful piece. I’ve written to you before-I work at CDC. Initially people were very pro-vaccine, rushing to get boosters when they were first available, clamoring for the approval so they could […]On what the Iraq invasion and mRNA shots have in common
Alex Berenson - Jan 28th 2023 1:47pm EST (NOTE: Dropping the paywall on this early because it has generated so much interest and discussion) I’ve been thinking lately about the profound American failure I saw in Iraq in 2003 – and how it ties to the profound failure we’re all seeing right now. I went to Iraq for The New York Times in […]URGENT: A big New Zealand study reveals high rates of kidney injury after the Pfizer jab
Alex Berenson - Jan 28th 2023 1:47pm EST Drawing on a national database of over four million people, researchers in New Zealand have found a strong association between Pfizer’s mRNA Covid shot and kidney injuries. In the three weeks after a mRNA jab, the risk of acute kidney injury rose 60 percent, the researchers found. They reported almost 1,800 extra cases – the […]For founding members only!
Alex Berenson - Jan 28th 2023 1:47pm ESTDear Founding Members – You’ve read enough to know I don’t sugarcoat (sometimes to my own detriment) or gild the lily. Please take this message for what it is – a sincere thanks. Many of you are now on your second year as founding members (Refounding members?). It’s been a long and tough fight that […]
Berenson v. Biden is coming…
Alex Berenson - Jan 27th 2023 2:26pm EST Get those lawyers on speed dial, boyos. And don’t forget: you remain officially on notice to preserve all those pesky emails and texts and Slack chats about your conspiracy to violate my free speech… — I thought beating Twitter’s motion to dismiss was fun. But this? This is going to be next level. — And, […]On what the Iraq invasion and mRNA shots have in common
Alex Berenson - Jan 27th 2023 10:50am ESTI’ve been thinking lately about the profound American failure I saw in Iraq in 2003 – and how it ties to the profound failure we’re all seeing right now. I went to Iraq for The New York Times in September 2003, landing in Amman, Jordan, and then riding in a Suburban overnight through the desert […]
URGENT: A big New Zealand study reveals high rates of kidney injury after the Pfizer jab
Alex Berenson - Jan 26th 2023 1:58pm EST Drawing on a national database of over four million people, researchers in New Zealand have found a strong association between Pfizer’s mRNA Covid shot and kidney injuries. In the three weeks after a mRNA jab, the risk of acute kidney injury rose 60 percent, the researchers found. They reported almost 1,800 extra cases – the […]For founding members only!
Alex Berenson - Jan 25th 2023 6:21pm ESTDear Founding Members – You’ve read enough to know I don’t sugarcoat (sometimes to my own detriment) or gild the lily. Please take this message for what it is – a sincere thanks. Many of you are now on your second year as founding members (Refounding members?). It’s been a long and tough fight that […]
British government data reveal very similar Covid hospitalization rates in vaccinated and unvaccinated people in many age groups
Alex Berenson - Jan 25th 2023 3:27pm EST The British government had data in October showing nearly identical rates of Covid hospitalizations in vaccinated and unvaccinated people during the summer 2022 Omicron wave. In some age and risk groups, vaccinated people had higher rates of hospitalization than the unjabbed. For example, healthy 40 to 49-year-olds were more likely to be hospitalized with severe […]URGENT: Deaths in England surge again
Alex Berenson - Jan 24th 2023 1:15pm EST The death surge in highly mRNA vaccinated countries continues this winter. Meanwhile, less-vaccinated countries are reporting normal or below normal mortality rates. The latest bad news for vaccine advocates came from the British government this morning. The Office of National Statistics said it had registered 17,381 deaths in England and Wales in the week ended […]A nurse speaks out
Alex Berenson - Jan 19th 2023 4:25pm ESTThis email came in a few days ago, after the Stack about the way hospitals misclassify vaccinated patients with Covid as unvaccinated to make the vaccines look better. It is raw and real, a cry from a nurse who is incredibly frustrated by what she’s seen since 2020. I asked her if I could run […]
VERY URGENT: After four shots, Covid jabs sharply REDUCED immune function in mice
Alex Berenson - Jan 18th 2023 7:19pm EST Mice who received more than four Covid vaccine jabs had a collapse in their ability to fight the coronavirus, Chinese researchers have found. The damage extended past antibodies, the immune system’s front line of defense against viruses and bacteria, to the T-cells that form the crucial backup. The researchers reported the finding in a peer-reviewed […]Good data showing why the mRNA shots may seem to work even if they don’t
Alex Berenson - Jan 17th 2023 12:48pm EST Essentially, adults who get vaccinated tend to be more health-conscious and have better access to care in general. Epidemiologists call this “healthy vaccine user bias,” and it is very visible in flu vaccine data. People who get flu jabs are less likely to die of pneumonia BEFORE and AFTER flu season as well as during […]A second paper confirms the mRNA shots cause recipients to make less effective antibodies to the coronavirus over time
Alex Berenson - Jan 16th 2023 1:05pm EST People who have received the mRNA Covid jabs from Pfizer and Moderna have an increasingly unusual immune system response after the second shot, German researchers have found. The new finding confirms and expands a report in December from other German researchers, who found a similar trend in people who had received a booster shot. It […]URGENT: A federal database offers more evidence the mRNA Covid jabs may have serious cardiovascular risks
Alex Berenson - Jan 14th 2023 1:42pm ESTPfizer’s bivalent Covid booster raised the risk of stroke for people over 65, according to a federal database that the government considers the gold standard for tracking vaccine side effects. The Centers for Disease Control said Friday afternoon it had received 130 reports of ischemic stroke in people over 65 who had received the new […]