• The tale of the doctor with the broken heart

    Alex Berenson - Sep 19th 2022 7:50pm EDT

    Dr. Kimberly Becher seems like a very good human being. I’m not being sarcastic. Dr. Becher is a family medicine physician in West Virginia who spent the best part of a decade caring for underserved and poor patients in a county that didn’t have a single stoplight, much less a hospital. She grew up not […]

  • Twitter and Facebook and YouTube lose; the First Amendment wins

    Alex Berenson - Sep 19th 2022 3:37pm EDT

    A federal appeals court just struck a massive victory for freedom of speech. On Friday afternoon, in a brilliantly argued 90-page decision, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of a Texas law stopping the biggest social media companies from censoring their users. The ruling will likely be appealed to the Supreme Court, […]

  • On WARP SPEED (the book)

    Alex Berenson - Sep 16th 2022 5:31pm EDT

    You’ve never heard of Paul Mango. You should have. Mango helped run Warp Speed, the Trump Administration program that developed Covid vaccines in nine months. Now he’s published a book about his experience, a slim volume also called “Warp Speed.” Mango’s book has received almost no attention since it came out in June. Too bad. […]

  • Denmark ENDS Covid vaccinations for almost everyone under 50.

    Alex Berenson - Sep 14th 2022 12:06pm EDT

    Denmark will bar almost everyone under 50 from receiving more mRNA Covid jabs, the Danish Health Authority said yesterday. Denmark had already ended Covid shots for nearly everyone under 18. The new rules go much further. Danes under 50 will only be allowed to receive the shots if they are “higher risk of becoming severely […]

  • What happened to the 500 million mRNA Covid shots American taxpayers bought for poor countries last year?

    Alex Berenson - Sep 13th 2022 11:17am EDT

    Let’s find out! Just sent this email to Pfizer and the GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance. To the GAVI and Pfizer press teams: I am a former NY Times reporter who now has hundreds of thousands of followers on Substack and Twitter. For over a year, I have raised questions about the efficacy and side effect […]

  • URGENT: Deaths are soaring in one of the world’s most highly mRNA vaccinated areas

    Alex Berenson - Sep 8th 2022 4:48pm EDT

    Deaths in the Australian state of Victoria, where 95 percent of adults have received Covid vaccines and most are boosted with mRNA shots, soared to their highest level in at least 13 years in August – far above the five-year average. Victoria offers almost unique data: near-real-time reporting on death trends in millions of people […]

  • Do boosters save people from getting very sick with Covid? New data from Britain say the opposite.

    Alex Berenson - Sep 7th 2022 5:52pm EDT

    Newly mRNA boosted adults aged 40-74 are now TWICE as likely to be hospitalized for Covid as those who haven’t recently been boosted, a new British government report shows. Vaccine advocates endlessly claim that though mRNA shots fail against Omicron infection in weeks, they still miraculously prevent Covid from becoming a serious illness that could […]

  • Vaccination: it’s a religious experience

    Alex Berenson - Sep 6th 2022 1:57pm EDT

    The collapse of demand for the mRNA Covid shots seems to have driven some vaccine fanatics around the bend. Today, Dr. Ashish K. Jha – the White House Covid coordinator – embraced creationism: I really believe this is why God gave us two arms, one for the flu shot and another one for the Covid […]

  • “Medical-grade cannabis” and other stories

    Alex Berenson - Sep 6th 2022 11:57am EDT

    The Common Sense Substack has a hella sad and hella good piece about the somatic disorders that in some cases are actually killing healthy young women. Turns out certain types of women won’t just compete with each other in all the usual ways, they will fight over who has the worst case of chronic fatigue […]

  • Just emailed this to a reporter I know

    Alex Berenson - Sep 2nd 2022 1:59pm EDT

    We’ll see if I get any response. I am not hopeful. Why are you so reluctant to believe [NOTE: I should have said “consider”] what is increasingly obvious? The mRNAs have turned out to be a truly bad bet. The all-cause mortality and live birth data are the most important data we have, the only […]

  • mRNA shots are the gift that keeps on giving

    Alex Berenson - Sep 1st 2022 9:35pm EDT

    Remember when the Centers for Disease Control told you the mRNA in Covid vaccines didn’t last long in your cells? Remember when fact-checkers at Reuters told you the coronavirus spike protein the vaccines make you produce isn’t dangerous? About that. The CDC has now quietly removed its promise that your body “breaks down and gets […]

  • More frightening news about fertility and the mRNA shots, this time from Singapore

    Alex Berenson - Sep 1st 2022 9:30am EDT

    Singapore knows how to make its people behave. The Asian city-state is famously uptight. It punishes criminals with caning and has prohibited chewing gum since 1992. (Do not under any circumstances deal drugs in Singapore; a 41-year-old man was sentenced to death after being caught with two pounds of cannabis in 2018.) So when Singapore […]

  • The current state of play

    Alex Berenson - Aug 30th 2022 1:02pm EDT

    A reader emailed this and I thought it was such a cogent summary of the insanity of the public health push for Omicron boosters that I asked him if I could run it in full: Time to Take a Deep Breath and Think: Stepping back and taking a deep breath, here is a different way […]

  • A year ago yesterday

    Alex Berenson - Aug 29th 2022 2:08pm EDT

    That hot August night 12 months ago, it felt like someone had duct-taped my mouth shut. Yes, I’d feared Twitter might ban me permanently if I kept telling the truth about the Covid vaccines. How could I not? On July 30, 2021, Twitter had locked my account after I did nothing more than report the […]

  • Some excellent news out of Hawaii

    Alex Berenson - Aug 27th 2022 6:51pm EDT

    My man Vince speaks the truth. If the mRNA shots are dead in Hawaii, they’re dead everywhere (maybe dead is the wrong word given the all-cause mortality numbers we’re seeing): — Added bonus: the shots are “anticipated to be available” even though the Food & Drug Administration hasn’t even approved them yet and – as […]

  • Another week with deaths far above normal in Europe

    Alex Berenson - Aug 25th 2022 1:48pm EDT

    The strange and seemingly unending rise in all-cause deaths in the mRNA vaccinated countries continues. This morning, European researchers released their most recent weekly report on deaths across the continent: Unreported Truths is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. SOURCE The countries that […]

  • Journalists who hate journalists (and journalism)

    Alex Berenson - Aug 23rd 2022 11:53am EDT

    The gold mine that is Berenson v. Twitter keeps spitting nuggets: It wasn’t just the White House that was after me last year… my fellow members of the Fourth Estate were in touch with Twitter too. (It appears that at some point, Twitter’s Trust & Safety Team turned into the Dealing With Angry Karens Unit, […]

  • Jesse Jackson can’t swim*

    Alex Berenson - Aug 22nd 2022 5:03pm EDT

    When he was running for President, Jesse Jackson used to say that if he walked on water, the next day’s headlines would proclaim “Jesse Can’t Swim.” I’m starting to understand how he felt. — (Email chain among Twitter employees, March 14 and 15, 2021, before the White House began applying months of public and private […]

  • Paxlovid works, the vaccines don’t

    Alex Berenson - Aug 22nd 2022 12:15pm EDT

    If you have the choice of taking an mRNA jab or the anti-viral medicine Paxlovid, take Paxlovid every time, a new study suggests. The paper, from researchers at Harvard, offers more evidence that the sharp fall in Covid deaths this year has little to do with the mRNA vaccines – despite what vaccine advocates constantly […]

  • The pandemic’s wrongest man, an occasional series (bye-bye Tony Fauci edition)

    Alex Berenson - Aug 22nd 2022 11:33am EDT

    Special Tony Fauci retirement edition! — Right on schedule! This has been the pandemic’s wrongest man, an occasional series!

  • Covid has caused a new psychiatric disorder, and it’s not what you think; please help me name it

    Alex Berenson - Aug 19th 2022 11:10am EDT

    We need a word for this new illness, which exclusively affects members of Team Reality: It is a low- to medium-grade anxiety disorder caused by the realization that the bureaucrats and politicians who are nominally in charge do not really know what they’re doing, cannot read or understand data, and will not course correct in […]

  • The half-truths and excuses from public health “experts” never end

    Alex Berenson - Aug 18th 2022 12:53pm EDT

    Loving Covid vaccines means never having to say you’re sorry. Some less delusional members of the public health community have finally noticed the collapse in demand for the mRNA shots they have promoted for almost two years. Now they are trying to understand and explain to each other why the public will not line up […]

  • The biggest US hospital company quietly removed a report on a case of a fatal brain disease following mRNA vaccination from its Website

    Alex Berenson - Aug 17th 2022 1:52pm EDT

    Last year, shortly after receiving Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccine, a 64-year-old Florida woman named Cheryl Cohen suffered a sudden and devastating case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease – a progressive brain disorder. Cohen’s symptoms began on May 5, 2021, when she suffered a panic attack while driving. By June, she was unable to care for herself and […]

  • Do people under 30 die at above normal rates for weeks after mRNA injections?

    Alex Berenson - Aug 16th 2022 2:28pm EDT

    National vaccine monitoring data from New Zealand show Pfizer’s mRNA Covid shot is associated with above-normal death rates in teenagers and young adults for weeks after they are jabbed. The signal is subtle and does not prove the vaccines are behind the extra deaths. But they are another warning sign for the mRNA vaccines, which […]

  • Long, long, long Covid

    Alex Berenson - Aug 15th 2022 11:16am EDT

    Eugyppius, a must-read Team Reality Stack, explains why the media and public health bureaucrats can’t quit Long Covid despite its obvious absurdity and along the way dismantles a study I’d been meaning to dismantle. (Eugyppius, who is an academic by day, is at his best as a theoretician of Covid – trying to explain the […]