DiversityWatch (March 26, 2025)
Amerika.org - Mar 26th 2025 7:08pm EDT ~~~ Federal investigators were preparing two Texas housing discrimination cases — until Trump took over Civil Rights law trashed the West because it mandates enforced equality like in socialism, and this rewards those who have nothing and are in a bad position, giving them a pretext to seize wealth from the productive and useful. This […]Counter-Revolution
Amerika.org - Mar 26th 2025 6:32am EDT The mainstream Right is now catching up with what conservatives in the 1960s knew: we are fighting a counter-revolution against the revolution that was the 1960s, following our alliance with Communists in WW2, our pivot to government-enforced egalitarianism during the Civil War, and the French Revolution. This begins by recognizing that much like 1968, our […]DiversityWatch (March 25, 2025)
Amerika.org - Mar 25th 2025 4:25pm EDT ~~~ Might of the Living Feds Undead government agencies siphon money from the productive to give to the unproductive, ensuring a slow transition into diverse socialism. Luttig: “A rebuke from the nation’s highest court … could well cripple Mr. Trump’s presidency and tarnish his legacy” Volokh, a lolbert, has been correct about the direction the […]Individualism as Hubris
Amerika.org - Mar 25th 2025 6:32am EDT Collectivism gained a bad name for itself because it is a form of egalitarianism, which means working against nature to make everyone “equal,” which inevitably translates to taking (time, money, energy, status, focus) from the thriving and giving it to the flailing and failing. That creates a self-consuming system that sacrifices its best hopes for […]Diversity (March 24, 2025)
Amerika.org - Mar 24th 2025 4:15pm EDT ~~~ US retirees are moving in droves to a new sunny city with low crime… and it’s not in Florida Boomers were raised on Irish immigration laws like Ted Kennedy’s Hart-Celler Act and therefore, embrace diversity as the “solution” to the “problem” of having culture with norms, rules, and ideals that might constrain their individualistic […]DiversityWatch (March 24, 2025)
Amerika.org - Mar 24th 2025 4:15pm EDT ~~~ US retirees are moving in droves to a new sunny city with low crime… and it’s not in Florida Boomers were raised on Irish immigration laws like Ted Kennedy’s Hart-Celler Act and therefore, embrace diversity as the “solution” to the “problem” of having culture with norms, rules, and ideals that might constrain their individualistic […]Homosexuality
Amerika.org - Mar 24th 2025 6:32am EDT The problem we have on the Right is that we have a lot of very stupid people here, and they say things that other very stupid people agree with, and then we all get lumped into a collective of stupid to do whatever the latest grifting Christian or edgy civic nationalist demands. This is not […]DiversityWatch (March 23, 2025)
Amerika.org - Mar 23rd 2025 7:34pm EDT ~~~ ‘Snow White’ opens with a sleepy $43 million at box office Giant surprise. Blancanieves gave the big fat finger to the audience who might appreciate their own cultural folktale; no one else cares. Other than a few obese Redditors with they/them children, no one is bothering to attend this disaster. Guess Disney was promised […]DiversityWatch (March 22, 2025)
Amerika.org - Mar 22nd 2025 5:26pm EDT ~~~ The Vanishing White Male Writer When people got out of college in the late 1980s, political correctness — mobilized as a weapon against Reagan — was raging and so “equality” was achieved as it always is, by taking from the succeeding to give to the failing. That meant that back then in sotto voce […]DiversityWatch (March 22, 2025)
Amerika.org - Mar 21st 2025 11:50am EDT ~~~ Why coyotes are suddenly roaming Houston streets Moss said the wild animals have always been there. “They’re not new, it’s just that their areas are getting smaller and they’re just kind of getting squeezed so of course they’re gonna pop out,” he said. This is why (a) Half Earth is necessary and (b) diversity […]Social Credit: When You Need Big Brother To Get That Car Loan
Amerika.org - Mar 21st 2025 6:32am EDT If history records anything from this time except a descent into howling hominin chaos, it will remember the rise of the cheap hard drive as the agent that changed society. The ability to store massive amounts of data made it possible to have a surveillance society. Laws like the Patriot Act recognized that the future […]DiversityWatch (March 20, 2025)
Amerika.org - Mar 20th 2025 1:08pm EDT ~~~ Diverse Societies Crush Freedom As mentioned elsewhere, every group acts only in its own self-interest alone, therefore diversity is paradoxical and perpetuates conflict. Under Ted Kennedy, the Hart-Celler Act transformed America into a battleground of third-world quality levels where White Genocide is openly celebrated. All of this dates back to the 14A, which forced […]Jus Soli versus Jus Sanguis
Amerika.org - Mar 20th 2025 6:32am EDT The West is moving away from a time of ideology to a time of realism. Instead of civil rights and humanism, we are focused on biological continuity and value for money. Nowhere is this clearer than the division between laws of blood versus laws of bureaucracy: Countries throughout the world recognize two fundamental doctrines of […]DiversityWatch (March 19, 2025)
Amerika.org - Mar 19th 2025 5:40pm EDT ~~~ Rapper guilty of attempted murder over shooting Neither the “anti-racists” nor “racists” will like this, but diversity forces people to exaggeratedly act out cultural signifiers that are passed on to them by the diverse anti-culture, so Black people see gangsta shiznit and figure that this is the best way to be 100% Black, leading […]Out of Europe
Amerika.org - Mar 19th 2025 6:32am EDT Years ago, a theory called Out of Africa was enforced on the scientific community by race guilt. The theory went that as long as we saw each other as one species, humans would live in peace and the individualism could continue, therefore we had to believe we all came from Africa. To my mind, it […]DiversityWatch (March 18, 2025)
Amerika.org - Mar 18th 2025 5:12pm EDT ~~~ To the car of women twerking on Houston’s scariest highway—why? Third world culture has lower requirements, therefore is cheaper to make, therefore wins out over first world culture by the numbers. Association of Year-to-Year Lipid Variability With Risk of Cognitive Decline and Dementia in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Older adults whose cholesterol changes over time […]Daylight Savings Time
Amerika.org - Mar 18th 2025 6:32am EDT First, a word about feedback loops: if there was a chance to design this blog over again, it would be done without images. The reason is that people identify too much with the image, judge the post by the image, and therefore, see the post as subsidiary to the image; this is the feedback loop. […]DiversityWatch (March 16, 2025)
Amerika.org - Mar 17th 2025 5:12pm EDT ~~~ Irish, undocumented, and unsure of their future in Trump’s America Trump has recognized the real threat to American survival and has begun remigration of the Irish, who are notorious for having empowered not just the Lincoln Republicans but Tammany Hall to use corruption to seize America through the dual-loyalty Irish diversity vote. Let us […]How XOG Hunts Social Media Accounts
Amerika.org - Mar 17th 2025 6:32am EDT The Xenophile Occupation Government (XOG) has outsourced its censorship to an industry comprised of otherwise unexceptional technical people who hope to gain a niche working as professional censors. They depend on some stooge to complain so that the herd can mobilize: The table below lists a few examples of accounts announcing their unsuspension. I don’t […]DiversityWatch (March 15, 2025)
Amerika.org - Mar 15th 2025 12:48pm EDT Illustration: context matters. ~~~ Funkwhale Against Fascism Given the current political climate, we want to talk about making Funkwhale more actively involved in the fight against far-right ideologies. To achieve this, we’re developing a filter to remove all far-right-associated artists from the network. Since anti-fascism is not optional in our community, this filter will be […]DiversityWatch (March 14, 2025)
Amerika.org - Mar 14th 2025 3:31pm EDT ~~~ Judge Appoints Team to Lead Federal Hurricane Harvey Flood Suits The lawyers have filed suits on behalf of clients who live in Houston neighborhoods that flooded when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized controlled water releases from two reservoirs. Houston spent the money on diversity instead. Seven years later, they are finally getting […]DiversityWatch (March 13, 2025)
Amerika.org - Mar 14th 2025 9:01am EDT ~~~ Trump to use wartime Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to deport illegal migrants from ‘enemy nations’: sources The only sane foreign policy is xenophobia. It is not their fault; if they encounter us, they must either conquer or be conquered. Anyone sane chooses to conquer. Immigration Accounts for Entire US Population Growth for First […]Jactation
Amerika.org - Mar 14th 2025 6:32am EDT Language encodes history through the consistency of ideas expressed in similar terms across time. Consider the odd case of jactation: jactation (jak-TAY-shuhn) noun 1. Boasting. 2. Involuntary bodily movements, such as tossing or twitching. [From Latin jactation (tossing, boasting), from jactare (to throw, boast), frequentative of jacere (to throw). Earliest documented use: 1576. This seems […]“Brokenism” and “Enshittification”
Amerika.org - Mar 13th 2025 6:32am EDT We are in the midst of the Big Flip: everything that we trusted about the post-WW2 order has turned out to become not just oppressive but destined to take us to third world levels of failure, and therefore, we are rejecting the symbols that were used to manipulate us. The order that came during WW2 […]Why The Writing Here May Read Oddly To You
Amerika.org - Mar 12th 2025 5:25pm EDTA quick note for all out there: we do not write “bloggy” stuff here that couches opinions as aesthetics. We strike for the walls through assertive prose: Examined 18 months later, those receiving debate training were more likely to have advanced to leadership roles, by about 12 percentage points. This effect was statistically explained by […]