Periscope (August 4, 2020) - Aug 4th 2020 5:27pm EDT~~~ Deforestation and world population sustainability: a quantitative analysis Based on the current resource consumption rates and best estimate of technological rate growth our study shows that we have very low probability, less than 10% in most optimistic estimate, to survive without facing a catastrophic collapse. Democracy permits unlimited growth, leaving the human instinct toward […]
Blast Nearly Levels Beirut - Aug 4th 2020 3:48pm EDTA massive blast hit Beirut today, leveling the port and airport area. Media suggests that this was an industrial accident caused by stored sodium nitrate: Abbas Ibrahim, chief of Lebanese General Security, said it might have been caused by highly explosive material that was confiscated from a ship some time ago and stored at the […]
Hitting the Wall and Ethnic Admixture at the Same Time - Aug 4th 2020 11:31am EDTLike many in these days of media overblast, you may have slept through the ongoing Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Virginia Roberts Giuffre drama. After all, one side thinks we should protect Bill Clinton from his involvement and the other thinks it is a worldwide pedophile conspiracy. A simpler view presents a more typical scenario: […]
Radical Individualism And The Extremist View Of The Self - Aug 4th 2020 8:02am EDTA race of people is like an individual man; until it uses its own talent, takes pride in its own history, expresses its own culture, affirms its own selfhood, it can never fulfill itself. — Malcolm X Individualism, as applied opposition to collectivism, is a form of extremism. Individualism without limitations is radically destructive on […]
Alternative Universe III – Alt Hierarchy - Aug 3rd 2020 4:08pm EDTAny unfortunate worker commandeered into attending a business management seminar can mentally go to sleep the second the hotshot giving the TED Talk or whatever announces “The speed of the leader is the speed of the team.” Or maybe, worse yet; “The whole is greater than the sum of all the parts.” These are tried, […]
Periscope (August 3, 2020) - Aug 3rd 2020 11:59am EDT~~~ Georgia student expelled for racist social media reinstated, school finds she didn’t post it On that day, multiple accounts on social media highlighted Instagram posts by a woman purporting to be a Wesleyan student. One photo features a woman and a statement about Black Americans that uses the n-word. Two Halloween posts shared that […]
Democracy Hits The Reality Wall - Aug 3rd 2020 10:02am EDTDisruptive technology only looks happy when you get to do the disrupting. For other people, it isn’t fun getting disrupted. Nobody did well in the buggy whip cartel once Henry Ford got The Model T into mass production. It was over for that racket and they had to bust out or hold the bag. Disruption […]
Escaping Symbolic Reality - Aug 3rd 2020 9:02am EDTA symbol is not the thing that the symbol stands for. A nuclear sign is not a nuclear explosion. The word “rug” is not a rug. And touching a biohazard sign won’t necessarily make you sick. This sounds like blatantly obvious common sense, but we can all be suckered in by more subtle forms of […]
Michigan Quarantine: A Satirical Tale of Chaos and Civil Disobedience (Part 3) - Aug 3rd 2020 8:02am EDTWe are fortunate to be able to present “Michigan Quarantine: A Satirical Tale of Chaos and Civil Disobedience,” a tale of COVID-19 panic and reaction, in serialized form thanks to author Lilchika Rose. The Governor’s Mansion, Lansing, April 16th, 2020, Early Morning Agnes Kock leaned back in her jacuzzi, smiling. Things had all turned out […]
Perfect Mushrooms - Aug 2nd 2020 7:35pm EDTWhether or not the keto diet turns out to be solid wisdom or just a fad, the habit of eating mushrooms comes to us from our ancestors and therefore, will serve us well. However, most people find cooking mushrooms a bit difficult since they either become dry or disintegrate with most preparations. Spending a little […]
Osiris Akkebala Live On “United States of Africa” at 1 PM EST Today - Aug 2nd 2020 6:03am EDTConsider the wisdom of a racial state composed of ethnostates which would unite the African people: A United States of Africa would be the third most populous state after China and India, would have the largest total territory of any state on Earth, and the most powerful economic and military force in the history of […]
Day X - Aug 2nd 2020 5:17am EDTAccidental lucidity from the Leftist press regarding Day X: Neo-Nazi groups and other extremists call it Day X — a mythical moment when Germany’s social order collapses, requiring committed far-right extremists, in their telling, to save themselves and rescue the nation. Today Day X preppers are drawing serious people with serious skills and ambition. Increasingly, […]
The “Diversity Is Suicide” Meme Spreads - Aug 1st 2020 8:40am EDTStephen Clay McGehee pointed me to this little bit of wizardry from Fred Reed about the dissolution of America by diversity: Here we come to the joys of diversity. Cultures can be too different to live together. There is no agreement, anywhere, at any level, over anything. Hardcore conservatives insist that the coronavirus is no […]
Periscope (July 31, 2020) - Jul 31st 2020 10:55pm EDT~~~ Twitter permanently bans white supremacist David Duke Social media companies have recently been forced to face a reckoning with hate speech on their platforms. Several big companies, including Unilever, Verizon and Starbucks, have announced in recent weeks that they are pausing advertising on Facebook and other social media sites out of concerns social media […]
Do Societies Have Momentum? - Jul 31st 2020 8:02am EDTMomentum is a physics term used to describe the product of mass and velocity. Applying it to society makes an already difficult topic exceedingly difficult. However, at this point in 2020 everything is difficult requiring a slow, deliberate approach towards first understanding the context. The hypothesis is that societies indeed have a momentum where initial […]
Periscope (July 30, 2020) - Jul 30th 2020 7:58pm EDT~~~ Prosecutor: No charges for officer in Michael Brown’s death “The question for this office was a simple one: Could we prove beyond a reasonable doubt that when Darren Wilson shot Micheal Brown he committed murder or manslaughter under Missouri law? After an independent and in-depth review of the evidence, we cannot prove that he […]
World Leftism Starts Latest Media Purge - Jul 30th 2020 6:56pm EDTThe latest media purge from the Left resembles the previous one: ban a few conspiracy accounts that most people will recognize as nutty, and while the herd talks about that, also eradicate as many credible conservatives as possible. These Leftists have recognized a strategy that penalizes people like Amerika, mainly because we are making inroads […]
How Diversity Destroyed The World Economy - Jul 30th 2020 8:02am EDTMany of you remember how government plans to increase minority home ownership caused the 2008 crash when all of those home loans collapsed, punching a big hole through the center of the American economy, spreading to the world. The Left wanted to blame that on “banksters,” just to hide how a Clinton-era program caused the […]
Periscope (July 29, 2020) - Jul 29th 2020 6:31pm EDT~~~ To prevent the next pandemic, we might need to cut down fewer trees About once every two years, a virus jumps from animals to humans, raising the specter of a pandemic like COVID-19. These “spillover events” are becoming increasingly common as humans encroach further into the natural world and have originated some of the […]
Social Hierarchy - Jul 29th 2020 1:30pm EDTTo be a conservative after the fall of civilization is to be an archaeologist, digging through the ruins for what hints of what once was in an attempt to resurrect it. Since Western Civilization had clearly fallen by the end of WW1, we the postmoderns have nothing on our side, not even memory, in our […]
How Commerce Defeats Itself - Jul 29th 2020 11:41am EDTMany of you know me as an unabashed fan of certain English tobaccos but also the “rougher” blends like those from Cornell and Diehl, who tend to make natural leaf blends that will keep you on your toes. Their best work comes when they showcase classic American Burleys for their strength and flavor like steam […]
Why The Far Right Is As Bad As The Mainstream Right - Jul 29th 2020 8:02am EDTBefore you get comfortable, this is not a hit piece on the thought-leaders of the far-Right. Many of them do an excellent job, and those who are most criticized are often doing the best work (after all, you are talking about them, are you not?). This is about the far-Right community. We know that mainstream […]
Our Problem Is Not Blacks, Nor Immigration, But Diversity - Jul 28th 2020 8:17pm EDTRon Unz opines that Black diversity is worse than Hispanic diversity in his article The Political Bankruptcy of American White Nationalism: The overwhelming majority of American immigrants are concentrated in a handful of large states including California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Illinois, and by all indications they get along quite well with their white […]
Alternative Law Enforcement - Jul 28th 2020 7:49pm EDTThe Roman Empire didn’t just magically wink out of existence in 476 AD when Odoacer emerged from the woods with a band of thugs and deposed Boy-Emperor Romulus Augustulus. Things had gone Post-Cobain Grunge Rock for many years. Some argue Constantine effectively ended it for Rome by making Christianity the official religion of the empire. […]
Periscope (July 28, 2020) - Jul 28th 2020 7:42pm EDT~~~ Philadelphia NAACP president facing calls for resignation after sharing anti-Semitic meme The image, which features and offensive caricature of a Jewish man, was shared by Philadelphia NAACP Rodney Muhammad last week. The image also features pictures of Ice Cube, DeSean Jackson, and Nick Cannon, who have all come under fire in recent weeks for […]