• Collective Bruises and the White Fantasy

    Amerika.org - Jul 18th 2020 4:12pm EDT

    The rise of CHAZ/CHOP commune has revealed an internal issue in this country: it is terminally broken. Not only morally broken, but even misguided and without clear, concise direction. This Communist-wannabe utopia is a minor symptom of a system on edge of collapse. The taboo has risen yet again. Race-relations is once more intensified, along […]

  • What the Anti-Cancel Movement Can Look Like

    Amerika.org - Jul 18th 2020 11:28am EDT

    Political Correctness and assassination by baseless insinuation of thoughtcrime have long been the province of the SJW. This is done to surject via terror upon all those watching a new honor code that restricts the freedoms of expression and association of those who are targeted. John Derbyshire’s removal from NRO was a big turning point […]

  • Interview With Jacques Arnold of the Council of the Monarchist League

    Amerika.org - Jul 18th 2020 9:30am EDT

    COVID-19 gave our system just a little push, and things fell down. We learned that we could not trust science, medicine, and media because they were corporate industries just like Monsanto, Purdue Pharma, and Philip Morris. We learned that even if we trusted our chief executive, like Trump or Macron, the bureaucracy under them is […]

  • Periscope (July 17, 2020)

    Amerika.org - Jul 18th 2020 12:21am EDT

    ~~~ In Smithsonian Race Guidelines, Rational Thinking and Hard Work Are White Values The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture recently unveiled guidelines for talking about race. A graphic displayed in the guidelines, entitled “Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness in the United States,” declares that rational thinking and hard work, among others, […]

  • Ancient Diversity Shows How Our Society Will Implode

    Amerika.org - Jul 17th 2020 11:19pm EDT

    Amerika engineered — and continues to design — a number of firsts on the Right, namely changes in thought from woo and panic to solid analytical positions. We were the first to point that racism was inferior to opposing diversity, that socialism makes our own people weak, that the Big Lie of equality corrupts all […]

  • Seattle, Amerika’s Forbidden Choom City

    Amerika.org - Jul 17th 2020 8:02am EDT

    Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. It is rumored that the same is true of the head that smokes too much choom. Imagine how screwed it would be to rule as King of Amerika’s Forbidden Choom City. Kings had to be paranoid because a skilled assassin could overthrow the state by terminating their […]

  • Periscope (July 16, 2020)

    Amerika.org - Jul 16th 2020 9:32am EDT

    ~~~ Hackers Convinced Twitter Employee to Help Them Hijack Accounts In all, four sources close to or inside the underground hacking community provided Motherboard with screenshots of the user tool. Two sources said the Twitter panel was also used to change ownership of some so-called OG accounts—accounts that have a handle consisting of only one […]

  • Grand Unifying Theory: Leftism

    Amerika.org - Jul 16th 2020 8:02am EDT

    Interpretation occurs in layers. These reveal the causes behind why something exists, and why it is presented a certain way, and finally, what motivates those supporting it to choose such images, tactics, and strategy. If we take Leftism at face value, which we might call the Outer Layer, then it consists of people with good […]

  • YouTube Vandalizes RooshV’s Channel

    Amerika.org - Jul 16th 2020 12:25am EDT

    As of yesterday, YouTube deleted the channel belonging to RooshV, whose writing has been covered on this site before. In my view, it does not matter if he is of foreign origin; I consider his writing and ideas as we find them and on their own merits. I have written for his site before and […]

  • Periscope (July 15, 2020)

    Amerika.org - Jul 15th 2020 1:27pm EDT

    ~~~ In historic move, Asheville approves reparations for Black residents In an extraordinary move, the City Council has apologized for the city’s historic role in slavery, discrimination and denial of basic liberties to Black residents and voted to provide reparations to them and their descendants. The unanimously passed resolution does not mandate direct payments. Instead […]

  • German Translation of “We Are At War With Modernity”: Im Konflikt mit Modernität

    Amerika.org - Jul 15th 2020 11:51am EDT

    Translation of We Are At War With Modernity to German by Anonymous Reader Es wird zum größten Teil klarer wie weit unser Kampf geht. Wir bemerken etwas Falsches und vermuten, dass eine Verbesserung das Problem löst und sehen dann nur die Wahrheit wenn wir bemerken dass das „Falsche“ aus einem strukturellem Mangel oder einem systematischen […]

  • Jailbait Issues Continue To Roil Reddit As Ghislaine Maxwell Goes To Trial

    Amerika.org - Jul 15th 2020 11:36am EDT

    Reddit takes up position as an outlier on social media. Designed as a replacement for del.icio.us, the site combined a message board with a crowdsourced up/down vote link manager. It attracted both tech nerds and those who drift toward nerd culture because they socialize through the internet. During its early years, Reddit featured a great […]

  • What Diversity Means In Real Life

    Amerika.org - Jul 15th 2020 8:02am EDT

    We can predict our future by what has happened to others who have chosen similar paths. For example, we can look at South Africa, which is following our cycle of becoming a multi-racial democracy where the group with the largest numbers — the diversity — rules by the vote. Consider this letter from the Afrikaner […]

  • Periscope (July 14, 2020)

    Amerika.org - Jul 14th 2020 8:15pm EDT

    ~~~ Intensive farming is eating up the Australian continent, but there’s another way Our research concluded that for farming to be sustainable, intensive land uses must be limited. Such intensive uses include crops and non-native pastures. They are “high input,” typically requiring fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, and some form of cultivation. They return greater yields […]

  • Let The Schools Expel Themselves

    Amerika.org - Jul 14th 2020 1:25pm EDT

    The Kakistocracy should be about to realize something. They need public schools reopened for their entire system to work. President Trump has unfortunately seemed to have messed this one up by siding with Team Lefty. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said Sunday that she intends to have American schools open for in-person classes this fall, and […]

  • Netflix And Democracy

    Amerika.org - Jul 14th 2020 1:12pm EDT

    During the quarantine, it falls on one member of the family to clear the queue on a Netflix-like streaming service. Somehow, a large backlog of movies and television shows builds up, and yet these never get watched. This presents a paradox. Obviously, someone — unless we believe in gremlins, ACAB, or other supernatural conspiracies — […]

  • Periscope (July 13, 2020)

    Amerika.org - Jul 13th 2020 5:12pm EDT

    ~~~ We cannot guarantee residency for Hongkongers, Australian minister says, days after ‘safe haven’ offer “What we are saying is that people will have the opportunity to apply for permanent residency, but I mean, if there’s a serious security issue in relation to that person, they’ll be sent back,” Tudge told ABC’s Insiders show. There […]

  • Psychic Power In Lord of the Rings

    Amerika.org - Jul 13th 2020 8:02am EDT

    When approaching books, it makes sense to remember that most stories illuminate a conflict within the human mind, that is the cognition of individuals and the cultural awareness of how this conflict develops in parallel between all of us, and between each of us and civilization, nature, and eternity. In the world created by J.R.R. […]

  • Campo Zero: The Inaugural Camp Of “La Rete” In Italy

    Amerika.org - Jul 12th 2020 11:06am EDT

    by Marzio Gozzoli Despite the so-called pandemic restrictions, the new Italian nationalist movement “La Rete” (The Network) presented a summer camp for approximately two hundred leaders and active militants on July 4th-5th in a location called “House of Patriots” in Solarolo, near Ravenna. Called “Campo Zero” to underscore that it was a new beginning in […]

  • Human Sacrifice In The Dying Cities

    Amerika.org - Jul 10th 2020 11:17pm EDT

    One of John Wayne’s better lines went “Life is tough. It’s tougher when you’re stupid.” There’s something that can also make it more attenuated. That something is having dishonest and avaricious people use the stupid people and then chuck them out with the garbage when they are done serving any utility. The Solipsist fails to […]

  • Periscope (July 10, 2020)

    Amerika.org - Jul 10th 2020 8:04pm EDT

    ~~~ Army investigates handout suggesting Trump campaign slogan constitutes ‘covert white supremacy’ Cynthia O. Smith, an Army spokeswoman, said that “as soon as Department of the Army leaders were made aware of these products the Army initiated a 15-6 investigation to determine how this happened. The Army does not condone the use of phrases that […]

  • On The Curt Doolittle Drama

    Amerika.org - Jul 10th 2020 11:01am EDT

    The rules — meaning the principles that determine how events turn out — for online discourse have not changed in forty years. We have faster and wider pipes, but people are the common force, and those have not changed for fifty thousand years or more, at least in psychology and group behavior. For those who […]

  • Reverence For The Obscure

    Amerika.org - Jul 10th 2020 8:02am EDT

    The best of us cannot and will not accept that we are supposed to work just for the maximization of global welfare, for the brief well-being of billions of people unrelated to and irrelevant to us. While we are told that the treadmill until death is our only option, in the meantime we are running […]

  • Why We Hate “Conservatives”

    Amerika.org - Jul 9th 2020 10:27pm EDT

    Democracy corrupts everything it touches. For this reason, conservatism exists in two dimensions: a private realist version that we share with family and friends, and a public pretense where we pretend that democracy can somehow be functional despite constant evidence to the contrary. This mirrors all other things chosen by utilitarian — most people think […]

  • Periscope (July 8, 2020)

    Amerika.org - Jul 8th 2020 6:34pm EDT

    ~~~ Supreme Court upholds Trump exemptions to Obamacare contraceptive mandate The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld the Trump administration’s broad exemptions to employers who raise religious or moral objections to providing free birth control coverage to workers, paving the way for more employers to opt out of a provision of the Obama-era health care law […]