• SurrealPolitiks S01E049 – Totally Unscripted

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 12th 2024 12:51am EDT

    I had sent out an email show teaser today with a snippet from a monologue I was in the process of preparing. Sparing the details, I was unable to complete that monologue before airtime, and to read it in part would have been to do it no justice. So today I went completely unscripted, touched […]

  • Republishing: Fash the Nation 535: Some Garbage Podcast

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 9th 2024 4:49pm EST

    On March 9th 2024, it came to my attention that this episode of Fash the Nation, which aired in January of 2023, had been removed from the website hosting it. This being an important part of history, I could not stand to see it fade from the Earth. So, it is with the utmost respect […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E058 – Slay of the Union

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 9th 2024 12:15am EST

    There is so much I want to get to today. Kessler Cringe Posting, the End of Nikki Haley… A recent story about Matt Drudge was also pretty interesting, and had the effect of pointing toward something I missed at the end of last year. Mediaite’s “Most Influential in News Media 2023” – a list of […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E048 – In The Legal Weeds w/ Augustus Invictus

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 4th 2024 11:24pm EST

    Augustus Invictus returns to the program to discuss a variety of issues. Mr. Invictus is an attorney operating out of Florida, and has become familiar with a courtroom in the capacity of a Defendant more than once. He is currently awaiting trial in Charlottesville, Virginia for these ridiculous “Burning to Intimidate” charges brought by a […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E057 – Antelope Hill Publishing

    Christopher Cantwell - Mar 2nd 2024 12:51am EST

    Today we are joined by Kurt Seidel and Paul Gualtieri from Antelope Hill Publishing for, at least, the first hour. Antelope Hill publishing emerged while I was in prison, and has made a bit of a name for themselves, thanks in part to the SPLC describing them as a “White Nationalist publisher”. I’ve heard their […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E047 – S Be You

    Christopher Cantwell - Feb 27th 2024 12:36am EST

    It’s clearer than ever that what I’ve been saying about Ukraine is absolutely correct. We now have admission of this from none other than the New York Times, citing numerous named and unnamed sources in a lengthy piece title “The Spy War”, which was summarized also by ZeroHedge. According to the New York Times, during […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E056 – No Equivalent

    Christopher Cantwell - Feb 24th 2024 12:22am EST

    A headline today at Revolver News warns that conservatives will get “wrecked” by a new law under consideration in Florida. The piece linked cites former Trump Administration official Stephen Miller, warning that the bill, which aims to modify and expands libel laws, will not have the effect it pursues, because “There is no Florida equivalent […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E046 – OmeTV Debut

    Christopher Cantwell - Feb 19th 2024 11:47pm EST

    Here I come to save the day! Well, not exactly, but I did what I could. Today I decided to give OmeTV, the apparent successor to Omegle, a shot. I recorded the session, and I’ll edit out the worthless segments to provide you with an enjoyable viewing experience this evening. I’ll begin the show live, […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E055 – Black History, of the Future

    Christopher Cantwell - Feb 17th 2024 12:22am EST

    February, as you surely know, is Black History Month. It’s a time to celebrate diversity in America, by dedicating 28 days to the contributions black people have made to society. This is no small task, of course. Trying to find such contributions without lying proves very difficult, in fact. There are plenty of fairy tales. Most […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E045 – Book It!

    Christopher Cantwell - Feb 13th 2024 12:20am EST

    I am proud to announce that your favorite Podcaster has just published his first of what are sure to be many books! Most of you will be familiar with the text of the work published. It is the transcript of the monologue I titled “Beauty Revisited”. At a mere 26 pages, it is shorter than […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E054 – Competent Leadership

    Christopher Cantwell - Feb 9th 2024 11:55pm EST

    A staggering contrast emerged recently which says much about our politics in the world today. A Special Counsel investigation into Joe Biden’s illegal handling of classified records, opted not to prosecute the President for the crimes he obviously committed, in part, because; We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E053 – Plenty

    Christopher Cantwell - Feb 3rd 2024 1:22am EST

    There is so much going on today it presents a challenge for creating a singular show theme, though it will surely make easy work of creating a jam packed episode. We’re gonna have a lot of fun tonight, I hope you’ll join us for the live show. On the Wednesday SurrealPolitiks Member Show I discussed […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E044 – Foreseeable

    Christopher Cantwell - Jan 29th 2024 11:46pm EST

    Fox News is in full war propaganda mode, airing the worst of their “Senior Military Strategists” and the likes of Lindsay Graham in calls for the United States to make Word War III more or less official by attacking Iran. This comes on the heels of a drone strike on a US Military Base in […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E052 – Dominoes

    Christopher Cantwell - Jan 27th 2024 1:31am EST

    Though doubts frequently enter the picture, I am driven in no small part by the conviction that the truth of our cause will in due course assure our victory. To win, ultimately, we need only sustain the fight long enough for the other side to fail. Their failure is inevitable because their goals are at […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E043 – Caving In

    Christopher Cantwell - Jan 22nd 2024 11:15pm EST

    The United States Supreme Court, predictably, sided with the Biden administration today against Texas Governor Greg Abbot. Abbot had kicked Border Patrol out of Eagle Pass because they were being instructed to cut razor wire that Texas had put up to stop the flow of illegal immigrants. The Border Patrol, to the shock of many, […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E051 – Foreign & Domestic

    Christopher Cantwell - Jan 20th 2024 2:12am EST

    I took a bit of time where I cared not to pay any attention to the news. It was boring, repetitive, and far from plausible. What comes across the wires, airwaves, and printing press, still defies belief in large part, but perhaps in some measure as a consequence of the now in full swing presidential […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E042 – It Has Begun

    Christopher Cantwell - Jan 16th 2024 12:48am EST

    Wow, is today a packed day or what? To begin, I’ll be joining Tim Murdoch of White Rabbit Radio at 4:30pm US Eastern, before this evening’s live airing of SurrealPolitiks at 9:30pm US Eastern, as we do every Monday. It is Martin Luther King Day, of course. A celebration of communism and the destruction of […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E050 – My Words are Weapons

    Christopher Cantwell - Jan 13th 2024 12:45am EST

    I must at times resist the temptation to read my own words over and over again. Not often, but occasionally I know that I have done something really impressive, and when that happens I feel very powerful. That’s what I want to do all the time. When I put out material that is not so […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E041 – Token Appearance

    Christopher Cantwell - Jan 8th 2024 10:51pm EST

    On the most recent uncensored production I announced I was not feeling so good, and announced via Telegram this morning that I was unlikely to be able to produce a show in time for our regular schedule. This was largely the case, and though I remain quite ill, I did not want to leave you […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E049 -Threat Surge

    Christopher Cantwell - Jan 5th 2024 11:34pm EST

    On the eve of the third anniversary of the January 6th 2021 riot at the US Capitol, United States Attorney General Merrick Garland earlier today denounced what he called a “deeply disturbing spike in threats against those who serve the public”. He went into some detail about threats against federal judges, FBI agents, members of […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E040 – Undemocratic

    Christopher Cantwell - Jan 1st 2024 11:52pm EST

    In Colorado, and then in Maine, Donald Trump, the frontrunner in the upcoming Republican Presidential Primary, has been excluded from the ballot on the grounds that he waged an insurrection on January 6th 2021. In the event these decisions are allowed to stand, Trump will still almost certainly obtain his party’s nomination. He would still however […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E048 – Killing Time – New Year Special

    Christopher Cantwell - Dec 30th 2023 12:23am EST

    I can hardly believe it’s almost 2024. Time flies when you’re not in prison, lemme tell ya. Seems like just yesterday I was heating up my coffee with a damaged electrical cord and making fun of Brittney Griner with Viktor Bout. Much time has passed since then, but I’ll tell ya, prison will change your […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E047 – Christmas Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - Dec 23rd 2023 1:09am EST

    For this Christmas special of the Radical Agenda, I put a bit of a remix together of “The Night Before Christmas” Twas the night before Christmas in Manchester, New Hampshire For junkies, and blacks, and their Jewish masters This place once so white, but not anymore Then at my apartment, a knock at my door […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E039 – Gravity

    Christopher Cantwell - Dec 18th 2023 11:29pm EST

    I had occasion early this morning to chat face to face with a White female smoker of retirement age. I had a long overdue issue to address, and made my way to do it at what might be described as the last minute. This had left me in the unenviable position of operating an electric […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E046 – Recovery Address

    Christopher Cantwell - Dec 16th 2023 12:20am EST

    When you have some glimpse of how ridiculous the people who claim to be running the show are, it becomes evident that there must be some kind of miracle at work for there to still be such a thing as America. I recall during the Trump administration, some jack off penned an op ed saying […]