• Radical Agenda S06E046 – Recovery Address

    Christopher Cantwell - Dec 16th 2023 12:20am EST

    When you have some glimpse of how ridiculous the people who claim to be running the show are, it becomes evident that there must be some kind of miracle at work for there to still be such a thing as America. I recall during the Trump administration, some jack off penned an op ed saying […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E038 – Shall We Play A Game?

    Christopher Cantwell - Dec 12th 2023 12:37am EST

    Late last month I posted about my first time playing Counter Strike, which was also streamed at the time. Having acquired much video streaming equipment for my podcasts, it seemed getting into the game streaming scene might be a thing worth doing, and this was among my first efforts in that venture. Having suffered a […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E045 – Trail of Destruction

    Christopher Cantwell - Dec 9th 2023 1:28am EST

    I woke up this morning quite satisfied with myself. I had written what was to be today’s episode of more than 4,000 words early yesterday morning. I was quite impressed with what I had produced, especially given that, the prior morning, I had penned another 4,000 or so words that was so good I had […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E037 – RIP Henry Kissinger

    Christopher Cantwell - Dec 4th 2023 11:31pm EST

    Last week saw the passing of Henry Alfred Kissinger. The former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser to President’s Nixon and Ford, was born in Germany. Being a Jew, had fled that country to arrive in the United States in the year 1938 at no older than 15 years of age. He has authored […]

  • Cantwell vs. Eric Striker September 2018

    Christopher Cantwell - Dec 4th 2023 12:37pm EST

    Christopher Cantwell and Eric Striker held something of an informal debate on September 6th 2018, hosted by an outfit then known as “Heel Turn”. Subject matter varied widely, covering, among other things, civil rights, political strategy, and economics.   If you would like to help finance this my quality productions, I try to make this […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E044 – Pretext for Terror

    Christopher Cantwell - Dec 2nd 2023 1:12am EST

    It comes as little surprise to the informed observer that Israel knew about Hamas attack plans a year in advance. The folks at the New York Times, who recently published a story with the allegation, seem to find this newsworthy, but you and I know that Jews are perfectly fine with seeing their fellow Jews […]

  • A Brief History of TRS & The Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - Dec 1st 2023 4:33pm EST

    During the November 29th SurrealPolitiks Member Chat, a listener brought up the relationship between myself and the fine folks over at TheRightStuff.biz. This came in response to some discussion of their parting ways with a fellow by the name of Eric Striker. I made a token effort to avoid diving into the TRS/Striker conflict, and […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E036 – Trans Sharia & Stuff

    Christopher Cantwell - Nov 27th 2023 11:17pm EST

    Lacking inspiration for a cohesive theme, I thought I’d rather hit a few things in quick fashion to open up the show today. I was very amused to have a video come across my radar of a man with a mustache who had made some half hearted efforts to appear feminine. This man had recently […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E043 – No Paradox

    Christopher Cantwell - Nov 25th 2023 2:03am EST

    Writing at City Journal, Manhattan Institute Fellow Charles Fain Lehman ponders “The Paradox of Jewish Liberalism“. Mr. Lehman describes himself as “among the one in six American Jews who are conservatives” and laments about the foolishness of his coethnics in their notorious Left wing leanings. He rattles on at some length with some stats about […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E035 – Outlaw Conservative 012

    Christopher Cantwell - Nov 20th 2023 7:05pm EST

    Due to a series of competing concerns, I will not be able to do a live show tonight. But I would not dream of leaving you hanging. Fortunately, I have a great deal of old audio I have been meaning to re-release. Among these are the archives of what might be described as the predecessor […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E042 – Jews Gone Wild

    Christopher Cantwell - Nov 17th 2023 11:51pm EST

    I’m old enough to remember a TV show called “Kids Say the Darndest Things”, and while it might be best not to rank them in order, kids do say some pretty wild stuff. They might well be rivaled by Jewish adults though, who are completely out of their god damn minds. They just seem to […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E034 – Boom

    Christopher Cantwell - Nov 13th 2023 11:20pm EST

    Given that the SurrealPolitiks audience is, comparative to their fellow citizens, so well informed and appropriately skeptical of the nonsense they are fed by less credible sources than we, it might be described as less than newsworthy for us to say that Ukraine blew up the Nordstream pipeline. What warrants mention here today, is that […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E041 – Tucking Slick Ricky

    Christopher Cantwell - Nov 11th 2023 1:23am EST

    It was not easy for me to get through the most recent episode of Tucker Carlson’s Twitter show. I tend to give successful media personalities a great deal of leeway. I understand, all too well, that the consequences of telling the truth without a bit of decoration, and concern for which way the wind happens […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E033 – Tranifesto

    Christopher Cantwell - Nov 7th 2023 1:20am EST

    When a transgender mass murderer walked into a Christian school and began gunning down the young and the elderly, it did not take much imagination to discern that the maniac’s political views could charitably be described as Left of center. The announcement that a manifesto had been left behind, and the conspicuous effort to keep its […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E040 – Old School RA

    Christopher Cantwell - Nov 4th 2023 12:38am EDT

    Man, I’ll tell ya. Today is one of those days. Some days I do not know what to say and others it’s tough to get it all into a two hour show. Today is a day of the latter variety.   I get contacted by a guy who pretends to be a reporter. A fellow […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E032 – Narrow Nationalism

    Christopher Cantwell - Oct 31st 2023 12:16am EDT

    I recently had occasion to view a speech given by an Australian gentleman by the name of Joel Davis, which he gave at a meeting of the Patriotic Alternative in the UK. You can find the speech in full on their website, and I encourage the listener to give it their consideration so that I […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E039 – Meltdown

    Christopher Cantwell - Oct 28th 2023 12:20am EDT

    For the most part, it scarcely warrants mentioning these days that Leftists have been caught in a lie. The fact that they spoke in the first place told us that this was the case. There is hardly any other reason for them to be using language besides some sort of malicious deception. When there is […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E031 – Race Riot to the Bottom

    Christopher Cantwell - Oct 23rd 2023 11:34pm EDT

    Among the most embarrassing moments in this Country’s history, perhaps even in the history of humanity, were those pertaining to the canonization of Saint George Floyd. Saint Floyd, the Patron Saint of Fentanyl, Armed Robbery, and Counterfeiting, was beatified in the year 2020 following his death of a drug overdose. Since our country has given […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E038 – Adventures in a Lawless Legal Land

    Christopher Cantwell - Oct 21st 2023 1:16am EDT

    Augustus Invictus has long held a unique and special place in the history of the Radical Agenda. We had him as a guest in October of 2015 on Episode 44, long before we had contemplated the idea of “Stages” to the program. Back then, he was seeking the Libertarian Party’s nomination to run for the […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E030 – Gag Me, Daddy

    Christopher Cantwell - Oct 17th 2023 12:55am EDT

    Donald Trump was hit today with a gag order in his federal case pertaining to his effort to see the will of the voter upheld in 2020. The gag order will bar Trump and others “from making any public statements targeting special counsel Jack Smith and his staff, as well as court personnel” according to […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E037 – Simon Roche Reloaded

    Christopher Cantwell - Oct 15th 2023 9:55pm EDT

    Simon Roche of Suidlanders sits down with Christopher Cantwell for over four hours, fresh off their prior interview which aired as Radical Agenda Stage Six Episode 35. We pre-recorded this a week ago, and I just got done editing it for your viewing and listening enjoyment. Simon never does interviews this long. During our interview […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E036 – It’s Going Down

    Christopher Cantwell - Oct 14th 2023 12:48am EDT

    I almost took the day off today. I’ve got this Simon Roche thing is four hours long, and I’m sick as a dog right now. But there is way too much going on in the world right now for me to skip this one. The guy behind the notorious criminal conspiracy known as ItsGoingDown.org has […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E029 – @WAR

    Christopher Cantwell - Oct 10th 2023 12:23am EDT

    Nothing brings America together like its devotion to Israel, or at least, this is the impression one gets when watching television. American media finds much to disagree about, generally. How many genders are there? Liberals tell us it is an infinite variety. Conservatives, being quite moderate, are generally skeptical of greater than six, and of […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E035 – Simon Roche

    Christopher Cantwell - Oct 6th 2023 9:53pm EDT

    I will be face to face with Simon Roche today during a special early broadcast of the Radical Agenda at 6:00pm US Eastern! It will be good to meet him in person finally! We’ve had him on the show twice before in April of 2017 and again in April of 2018. Simon is a White […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E028 – Beneath the Law

    Christopher Cantwell - Oct 2nd 2023 11:09pm EDT

    At the time of this writing, Ian Freeman, whom I interviewed for Episode 20 of this production, awaits sentencing in a Federal District Court in Concord, New Hampshire, for the crime of selling Bitcoin to willing and vetted buyers. Prosecutors are seeking a 20 year sentence and more than $3M in restitution, which it is […]