• Radical Agenda S06E034 – James Edwards, Uncensored

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 30th 2023 1:23am EDT

    James Franklin Edwards is a man I’d have done well to have discovered much sooner. Nineteen years ago, near to the day, he began a radio show called The Political Cesspool. Despite, or perhaps because of, being labeled the “nexus of hate in America” by the Soulless Perfidious Lawfare Criminals (SPLC), and the most ardent […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E027 – Of Some Consequence

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 26th 2023 12:09am EDT

    I had a very troubling experience over the weekend which I think is worth sharing with you because it helps provide some much needed perspective on what is important in our politics. I’ve always found the phenomenon of the so called “single issue voter” kind of silly, even if understandable. While it is of course, […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E033 – Against Judeo-Centrism

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 23rd 2023 12:16am EDT

    One need not study history to know that the history we have been fed is absolute nonsense. Studying the news will suffice. One can hardly go a week in politics these days without hearing some reference to history’s archetypal villain being invoked. Adolf Hitler, the Nazis, the Axis Powers, any number of derogatory slang terms. […]

  • Against Judeo-Centrism – Tonight on the Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 22nd 2023 1:18pm EDT

    One need not study history to know that the history we have been fed is absolute nonsense. Studying the news will suffice. One can hardly go a week in politics these days without hearing some reference to history’s archetypal villain being invoked. Adolf Hitler, the Nazis, the Axis Powers, any number of derogatory slang terms. […]

  • Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat 20230920

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 20th 2023 2:33pm EDT

    You know, it’s funny. I sorta punched out of the news for awhile. Lost interest almost completely after they fired Tucker Carlson from Fox News. I watched a few of his Twitter shows, but given that even X is a complete sham now I’m just so much less interested in keeping up with these things, […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E026 – Degenerate Politicians

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 18th 2023 11:06pm EDT

    Here at SurrealPolitiks, we do not aspire to make of ourselves a gossip column. Nor do we take a libertarian approach to people’s personal lives. So, we were met with a bit of a challenge as the news was flooded with remarks about South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem carrying on an extramarital affair with former Trump […]

  • Degenerate Politicians – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 18th 2023 2:57pm EDT

    Here at SurrealPolitiks, we do not aspire to make of ourselves a gossip column. Nor do we take a libertarian approach to people’s personal lives. So, we were met with a bit of a challenge as the news was flooded with remarks about South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem carrying on an extramarital affair with former Trump […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E032 – Hunting Propagandists

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 16th 2023 12:21am EDT

    As postmodernity exhibits its final throes and we witness the collapse of the facade, perhaps the best representation of all its cartoonishness is the English speaking American transvestite who acts as a leading propagandist for the Zelensky regime in Ukraine. A perfect metaphor of liberalism’s excesses and reliance on coercive deceptions, Michael “Sarah” Cirillo routinely […]

  • Hunting Propagandists – Tonight on the Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 15th 2023 3:48pm EDT

    As postmodernity exhibits its final throes and we witness the collapse of the facade, perhaps the best representation of all its cartoonishness is the English speaking American transvestite who acts as a leading propagandist for the Zelensky regime in Ukraine. A perfect metaphor of liberalism’s excesses and reliance on coercive deceptions, Michael “Sarah” Cirillo routinely […]

  • Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 13th 2023 1:45pm EDT

    It has been too long since we last spoke and I am looking forward to catching up with all of you. I am happy to report that I write to you from a brand new website! Well, it’s almost exactly the same as the website you saw last we spoke, actually. You probably can’t tell […]

  • Back to Back Appearances Tonight

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 9th 2023 11:24am EDT

    Yesterday I told you I’d be taking a short break, but as you may have gathered, I have trouble keeping my mouth shut. So, this evening I’ll be on The Political Cesspool, and Just Joe Radio. The Political Cesspool begins at 7pm US Eastern. You can listen on their website. I will be on Just […]

  • A Short But Overdue Break – More Details To Follow

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 8th 2023 6:47pm EDT

    Until moments ago, ChristopherCantwell.net and RadicalAgenda.com had remained offline for just over 24 hours. We have all data, and there is no security threat. We have not been “deplatformed” due to content concerns. But to solve this problem and make sure it does not happen again, we have to conduct some more extensive changes than […]

  • Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat 20230906

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 6th 2023 2:53pm EDT

    This week has gotten off to a very interesting start, to say the least of it. As discussed on Monday, I had a rather lively discussion on a forum dedicated to discount web hosting, which exposed a number of important people to the reality that Leftist identity politics is a hateful and destructive phenomenon. Some […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E025 – Pressure Points

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 5th 2023 12:15am EDT

    In the constant rush of information dumped upon us by the Internet and modernity more broadly, it can be easy to get caught up in the distractions of the day and speak endlessly about the news or whatever ultimately inconsequential fluff is fed us by the people who do not want us to make any […]

  • Pressure Points – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 4th 2023 4:00pm EDT

    In the constant rush of information dumped upon us by the Internet and modernity more broadly, it can be easy to get caught up in the distractions of the day and speak endlessly about the news or whatever ultimately inconsequential fluff is fed us by the people who do not want us to make any […]

  • Taking on the Rainbow Mafia of Web Hosting

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 4th 2023 6:47am EDT

    I have long been subscribed to the email listed and discussion forum of a web hosting industry site called LowEndBox (their forum is LowEndTalk). As the name may imply, the theme here is discounted services, and there are good deals to be found there. Of course, like every other website on the planet which has […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E031 – How To Stay Out Of Prison

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 1st 2023 11:52pm EDT

    As the January 6th “fedsurrection” cases continue making a mockery of our legal system, two Pride Bois leaders were recently handed lengthy sentences for Seditious Conspiracy. Joe Biggs and Zach Rehl were sentenced to 17 and 15 years respectively, and this, we are to believe, was lenient, since prosecutors sought terrorism enhancements which the Judge […]

  • How To Stay Out Of Prison – Tonight on the Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - Sep 1st 2023 1:17pm EDT

    As the January 6th “fedsurrection” cases continue making a mockery of our legal system, two Pride Bois leaders were recently handed lengthy sentences for Seditious Conspiracy. Joe Biggs and Zach Rehl were sentenced to 17 and 15 years respectively, and this, we are to believe, was lenient, since prosecutors sought terrorism enhancements which the Judge […]

  • All About You – Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 30th 2023 2:25pm EDT

    Last week I had to skip our session to attend our first listener meetup. I am happy to report that things went well, and I hope you enjoyed the piece on Internal Monologue which I released in its place. This week I am home and I will be with you this evening, as we do […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E024 – Yes, They Were Being Bribed

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 29th 2023 12:39am EDT

    Ukraine is back in the news after former prosecutor Viktor Shokin made an appearance on Fox News’s One Nation with Brian Kilmeade. Kilmeade, normally among the most shameless of pro-Ukraine propagandists, aired the interview last weekend, during which Shokin stated what is obvious to anyone who has been paying attention “Yes, they were being bribed” […]

  • Yes, They Were Being Bribed – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 28th 2023 3:53pm EDT

    Ukraine is back in the news after former prosecutor Viktor Shokin made an appearance on Fox News’s One Nation with Brian Kilmeade. Kilmeade, normally among the most shameless of pro-Ukraine propagandists, aired the interview last weekend, during which Shokin stated what is obvious to anyone who has been paying attention “Yes, they were being bribed” […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E030 – Smug Shot

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 26th 2023 12:22am EDT

    I have tried to make a point not to dwell on the Trump indictments because I don’t think there’s really a whole lot for me to say on it that you won’t hear elsewhere. I haven’t read the indictments, and I’m not going to. I know enough about our legal system to understand that whether […]

  • Smug Shot – Tonight on the Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 25th 2023 1:06pm EDT

    I have tried to make a point not to dwell on the Trump indictments because I don’t think there’s really a whole lot for me to say on it that you won’t hear elsewhere. I haven’t read the indictments, and I’m not going to. I know enough about our legal system to understand that whether […]

  • SurrealPolitiks Member Content – Internal Monologue

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 23rd 2023 3:04pm EDT

    Today is the first Republican Presidential Primary Debate of this election season, and I’ll be meeting up with some of you in person to watch the event. For this reason, I will not be available to attend the member chat this evening. You are welcome to use the feature to chat amongst yourselves, but I […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E023 – Authenticity

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 21st 2023 11:33pm EDT

    With some merit, it has become something of a cliche to say that “change is hard”. Of course, one could as easily say the opposite. For things to remain stable actually requires a great deal of effort. Chaos is the default setting, and in chaos, things change uncontrollably, often at an overwhelming pace. In the hysterical […]