• Authenticity – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 21st 2023 3:06pm EDT

    With some merit, it has become something of a cliche to say that “change is hard”. Of course, one could as easily say the opposite. For things to remain stable actually requires a great deal of effort. Chaos is the default setting, and in chaos, things change uncontrollably, often at an overwhelming pace. In the hysterical […]

  • SurrealPolitiks Paywall Jailbreak – On Beauty

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 20th 2023 4:13pm EDT

    The following aired as paywall content on the SurrealPolitiks Member Chat for Wednesday July 12th 2023. I am very proud of it. The members enjoyed it a great deal. I think the content is important enough to share with the public. You as a non member have had to wait over a month to receive […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E029 – Jean-Francois Gariepy

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 19th 2023 1:02am EDT

    Jean-Francois Gariepy returns for his second appearance on the Radical Agenda. Me and JF go way back. Our first interaction was while he was co-hosting Warski Live. In the wake of that appearance, Warski acted disreputably, and JF called him out on it. Shortly after, he began hosting his own show, the Public Space, on […]

  • Jean-Francois Gariepy – Tonight on the Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 18th 2023 12:27pm EDT

    Jean-Francois Gariepy returns for his second appearance on the Radical Agenda. Me and JF go way back. Our first interaction was while he was co-hosting Warski Live. In the wake of that appearance, Warski acted disreputably, and JF called him out on it. Shortly after, he began hosting his own show, the Public Space, on […]

  • National Review vs. Oliver Anthony

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 17th 2023 3:15am EDT

    For those in the know, it would be repetitive that I say I try my best to be a good Republican. With rapacious Left wing predators fully in control of the apparatus, it is best we not work to undermine one another. Pity that those who fancy themselves our betters never seem to learn this […]

  • Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 16th 2023 4:37pm EDT

    We have some new members this week in part as a consequence of a promotion I sent out, so I might begin by welcoming them and saying I look forward to you joining us this, and every Wednesday at 9:30pm US Eastern time for our live member chat sessions. Typically I send these teasers out […]

  • In Person GOP Debate Watch Party, August 23rd, Manchester, NH

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 15th 2023 9:40pm EDT

    If you would be interested in joining me in New Hampshire for a GOP debate watch party on August 23rd, send me an email through the contact form at the bottom of this post. This event is under consideration but is not yet confirmed. This message is for the purpose of gauging the viability of […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E022 – Country vs. Country

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 14th 2023 11:53pm EDT

    In geopolitics, when one country challenges another, this is a phenomenon known as “war”. It is only in the last few years that I have developed an appreciation for what is known as “Country Music”. I used to hate it. My father listens to country music, and with some notable exceptions, I found it intolerable […]

  • Country vs. Country – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 14th 2023 4:50pm EDT

    In geopolitics, when one country challenges another, this is a phenomenon known as “war”. It is only in the last few years that I have developed an appreciation for what is known as “Country Music”. I used to hate it. My father listens to country music, and with some notable exceptions, I found it intolerable […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E028 – Closing Argument

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 12th 2023 1:53am EDT

    Six years ago I took a historic journey which would change my life forever. With your help, it has the potential to change the world. “Charlottesville” is a name that will live in infamy, whatever the outcome of history. If we, and the truth, prevail, it will become synonymous with deceit, public corruption, and anti-White […]

  • Closing Argument – Tonight on the Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 11th 2023 3:59pm EDT

    Six years ago I took a historic journey which would change my life forever. With your help, it has the potential to change the world. “Charlottesville” is a name that will live in infamy, whatever the outcome of history. If we, and the truth, prevail, it will become synonymous with deceit, public corruption, and anti-White […]

  • Thanks for listening/reading

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 10th 2023 3:31pm EDT

    Dear Listener/Reader, I recently endured a pang of guilt, and I write to relieve myself of this burden. I appreciate tremendously your assistance with this relief. So, before I unburden myself, I’ll start with a small token of this appreciation. Whether you have never paid me a cent, or whether you are a subscribing member […]

  • Perfectly Natural – On Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat 20230809

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 9th 2023 4:05pm EDT

    I had occasion to ponder a concept too often overlooked, and I suspect it underlies much of our confusion in politics. Namely, the question of what is and is not natural. I suspect Monday’s discussion about the relations between the sexes will carry over into today, which is fine with me, and this very much […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E021 – Lateral and Complementary

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 8th 2023 1:08am EDT

    Of some interest to our political situation is the relationship between the sexes. These having been distorted to the point where men and women drug and mutilate themselves in effort to become the other. The outcome of this is frequently suicide, and universally misery and destruction. In my own ideological journey, my rapid slide from […]

  • Lateral and Complimentary – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 7th 2023 4:57pm EDT

    Of some interest to our political situation is the relationship between the sexes. These having been distorted to the point where men and women drug and mutilate themselves in effort to become the other. The outcome of this is frequently suicide, and universally misery and destruction. In my own ideological journey, my rapid slide from […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E027 – There Will Be Blood

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 5th 2023 5:16am EDT

    It has been too long since I  have been face to face with a guest on the Radical Agenda. In fairness to me, it’s not entirely necessary most of the time. There are lots of great people who just by phone, even without a video feed, you get a pretty good idea of who and […]

  • There Will Be Blood – Tonight on the Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 4th 2023 4:08am EDT

    It has been too long since I  have been face to face with a guest on the Radical Agenda. In fairness to me, it’s not entirely necessary most of the time. There are lots of great people who just by phone, even without a video feed, you get a pretty good idea of who and […]

  • Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat 20230802

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 2nd 2023 3:00pm EDT

    I am riding high on praise from my recent interview with my old friend, Ian Freeman, which aired as Episode 20 of SurrealPolitiks. This renders news about the latest Trump indictment, a drag queen topping the “Christian” music charts, another downgrade to the US credit rating, and the hack of social media site Poa.st, sort […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E020 – Ian Freeman

    Christopher Cantwell - Aug 1st 2023 1:29am EDT

    Tonight’s guest requires no introduction for many of you. He has been in political media far longer than your humble correspondent, and has earned no shortage of notoriety. For those of you so deprived as to not know who Ian Freeman is, I look forward to introducing you to this man, without whom you might […]

  • Ian Freeman – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - Jul 31st 2023 10:33am EDT

    Tonight’s guest requires no introduction for many of you. He has been in political media far longer than your humble correspondent, and has earned no shortage of notoriety. For those of you so deprived as to not know who Ian Freeman is, I look forward to introducing you to this man, without whom you might […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E026 – Dark Enlightenment

    Christopher Cantwell - Jul 29th 2023 12:08am EDT

    This evening we were joined by Dark Enlightenment, co-host of The Third Rail podcast on the TRS Radio Network. Dark Enlightenment is a writer, podcaster and infrastructure expert that has been active in the nationalist dissident spheres for over 10 years, he joins us this evening to discuss solutions to the housing crisis and leftist […]

  • Double Header – White Rabbit & Dark Enlightenment

    Christopher Cantwell - Jul 28th 2023 3:44pm EDT

    Today at 4pm US Eastern I’ll be appearing on White Rabbit Radio with Tim Murdock, aka Horus the Avenger. Tonight at 9:30pm US Eastern, Dark Enlightenment will join me as my guest on the Radical Agenda. Dark Enlightenment is a writer, podcaster and infrastructure expert that has been active in the nationalist dissident spheres for […]

  • Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat 20230726

    Christopher Cantwell - Jul 26th 2023 4:29pm EDT

    It has been said that it is no measure of mental health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. As I sought inspiration for today’s opening monologue, I realized that I was perhaps too well adjusted to this one. There is plenty going on. Hunter Biden’s plea deal just fell apart, and as […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E019 – To Give It All – Part 01

    Christopher Cantwell - Jul 25th 2023 12:19am EDT

    As one who has dedicated his life to media and activism for over a decade, I am not infrequently asked, in a variety of contexts “How can I do more?” for whatever cause it is the questioner may find him or herself involved in. There is of course no singular answer to such a question. […]

  • To Give It All – Part 01 – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - Jul 24th 2023 3:51pm EDT

    As one who has dedicated his life to media and activism for over a decade, I am not infrequently asked, in a variety of contexts “How can I do more?” for whatever cause it is the questioner may find him or herself involved in. There is of course no singular answer to such a question. […]