• Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat 20230628

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 28th 2023 6:43pm EDT

    There’s plenty in the news today, and I am inclined to recycle some social media and blog posts I’ve made in the last couple of days. For example, this email to my PO, and this detailed demonstration that Google and Microsoft are abusing their spam filters for political purposes. There are also some pretty troubling […]

  • Stop Trusting Democrats With Your Emails

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 27th 2023 7:44am EDT

    Here at the Radical Agenda, we try to have a good time, but we never lose sight of the seriousness of the subject matter we deal with. Because the subject matter is so serious, we take our ability to deliver messages very seriously. We are, consequently, hyper aware of the fact that there exists no […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E015 – Russia and You

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 27th 2023 12:35am EDT

    To speak of the news today, would be to speak of a recent coup attempt in Russia. I have no small degree of concern for the implications of this, and will beg the pardon of the audience if I appear at times to be exceedingly cautious. I have made a name for myself with unfiltered […]

  • Russia and You – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 26th 2023 6:14pm EDT

    To speak of the news today, would be to speak of a recent coup attempt in Russia. I have no small degree of concern for the implications of this, and will beg the pardon of the audience if I appear at times to be exceedingly cautious. I have made a name for myself with unfiltered […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E020 – Our Pride

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 24th 2023 1:49am EDT

    Just one more week left of Pride Month. Then, the degenerates will find some other reason to celebrate their depravity. How about you, White man? What are you doing next month? Perhaps more to the point, what are you doing in August? At the beginning of this parade of filth, I talked to you about […]

  • Our Pride – Tonight on The Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 23rd 2023 4:16pm EDT

    Just one more week left of Pride Month. Then, the degenerates will find some other reason to celebrate their depravity. How about you, White man? What are you doing next month? Perhaps more to the point, what are you doing in August? At the beginning of this parade of filth, I talked to you about […]

  • Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat 20230621

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 21st 2023 2:54pm EDT

    Well, they finally got Hunter Biden. I guess that means that our justice system is fixed. Just kidding, of course. It’s about what you might have expected. A couple of tax related misdemeanors and a pre-trial diversion program to avoid a felony conviction for being a drug addict with a gun. No perjury charges for […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E014 – Valuable Consideration

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 20th 2023 12:42am EDT

    I recently had occasion to consider a subject too often overlooked, which forms in no small part the foundation of all politics. It does so because it is at the heart of all human motivations. One might say, without it, there is no such thing as motivation. It is the question of value. While this […]

  • Valuable Consideration – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 19th 2023 4:58pm EDT

    I recently had occasion to consider a subject too often overlooked, which forms in no small part the foundation of all politics. It does so because it is at the heart of all human motivations. One might say, without it, there is no such thing as motivation. It is the question of value. While this […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E019 – Nathan Damigo

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 17th 2023 1:34am EDT

    Nathan Damigo is one of the more interesting characters that we have had the pleasure of speaking with on the Radical Agenda, and this interview is long overdue. Closest to home, Mr. Damigo was my co-defendant in the Sines v. Kessler lawsuit down in the Western District of Virginia, and my current co-appellant. Given the […]

  • Nathan Damigo – Tonight on the Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 16th 2023 1:33pm EDT

    Nathan Damigo is one of the more interesting characters that we have had the pleasure of speaking with on the Radical Agenda, and this interview is long overdue. Closest to home, Mr. Damigo was my co-defendant in the Sines v. Kessler lawsuit down in the Western District of Virginia, and my current co-appellant. Given the […]

  • Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat 20230614

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 14th 2023 6:49pm EDT

    What shall we talk about today? Hardly anything happening out there… I’m kidding, of course. The winner of the 2020 election got arrested the other day. No, not Joe Biden, the other guy. Trump. It’s obviously a big story but I am oddly unfazed by it, if I’m honest. The guy was already indicted in […]

  • Back By Popular Demand – Angry Goy II

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 13th 2023 1:36am EDT

    Back in 2018, I was contacted by a gentleman going by the name Nathaniel Wheelmaker about publishing a game he had produced, in which I was one of the playable characters. The game was called “Angry Goy II” which, as the name implies, is the sequel to Angry Goy. I’m not sure anyone easily reachable […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E013 – Defense of the State

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 13th 2023 12:16am EDT

    One may or may not be shocked to learn that I still have friends who call themselves anarchists. Not of the Molotov cocktail variety, but rather of the Murray Rothbard sort. Libertarians who take their love of liberty to the ultimate extreme and say the State ought not exist and should instead be replaced by […]

  • Defense of the State – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 12th 2023 5:11pm EDT

    One may or may not be shocked to learn that I still have friends who call themselves anarchists. Not of the Molotov cocktail variety, but rather of the Murray Rothbard sort. Libertarians who take their love of liberty to the ultimate extreme and say the State ought not exist and should instead be replaced by […]

  • Encryption Key Updates

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 12th 2023 10:41am EDT

    What follows is a PGP signed message, updating my public encryption keys and talking a little bit about why I have done this. There is nothing to worry about. This has nothing to do with the encryption on my websites. No data has been compromised. For most of you, this will make no difference whatsoever […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E018 – Follow the White Rabbit

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 10th 2023 12:07am EDT

    We are honored to be joined for this episode by Mr. Tim Murdock, aka Horus the Avenger, of White Rabbit Radio. A very interesting character, from an outfit with a very interesting history which I’m looking forward to discussing. The word “radio” gets thrown around a lot on the Internet. In the common parlance, radio […]

  • Follow the White Rabbit – Tonight on the Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 9th 2023 8:33am EDT

    We are honored to be joined for this episode by Mr. Tim Murdock, aka Horus the Avenger, of White Rabbit Radio. A very interesting character, from an outfit with a very interesting history which I’m looking forward to discussing. The word “radio” gets thrown around a lot on the Internet. In the common parlance, radio […]

  • Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat 20230607

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 7th 2023 4:01pm EDT

    The last time I felt this optimistic, Donald Trump had not yet been sworn in as President. Those weeks between his 2016 election victory and the beginning of his administration were, for me, among the most hopeful days of my life. Prior to this, I had become convinced that societies follow a more or less […]

  • Let’s Find Out If Tucker Carlson is Truly Unchained

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 6th 2023 11:42pm EDT

    Today, Tucker Carlson released his first episode of his new Twitter show “Tucker on Twitter”. It was a little over ten minutes long. In it, he says he’s going to cover the stories the media ignores. Like UFOs, for example. Now, I don’t mean to understate the importance of alien life forms visiting  us. If […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E012 – Pride & The Realpolitik of Free Speech

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 6th 2023 1:08am EDT

    Freedom of speech is axiomatic to most Americans. They reflexively say they support it whether they actually believe they do or not. It is sort of understood, as a cultural matter, that there are few ways to more rapidly make a pariah of oneself than to renounce this central feature of the American psyche. Nobody […]

  • Pride & The Realpolitik of Free Speech – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 5th 2023 4:18pm EDT

    Freedom of speech is axiomatic to most Americans. They reflexively say they support it whether they actually believe they do or not. It is sort of understood, as a cultural matter, that there are few ways to more rapidly make a pariah of oneself than to renounce this central feature of the American psyche. Nobody […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E017 – Goeth Before Destruction

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 3rd 2023 12:31am EDT

    Happy Pride Month everybody! Just kidding, there is nothing happy about this shameful, morbid, sick ritual. Pride month, a celebration of sexual deviancy, is one of the more prominent symbols of our National decline. There being so many such symptoms, this grants it a rather special place in our history. Nominally, it begins as so many […]

  • Goeth Before Destruction – Tonight on the Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - Jun 2nd 2023 5:13pm EDT

    Happy Pride Month everybody! Just kidding, there is nothing happy about this shameful, morbid, sick ritual. Pride month, a celebration of sexual deviancy, is one of the more prominent symbols of our National decline. There being so many such symptoms, this grants it a rather special place in our history. Nominally, it begins as so […]

  • Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat 20230531

    Christopher Cantwell - May 31st 2023 4:51pm EDT

    As is so often the case these days, there’s a lot going on. Let’s start with the bad news. Chik-Fil-A has instituted a “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative”. This kind of thing will make one question the viability of orderly options for rescuing our country from disaster. Chik-Fil-A has for years stood up to Leftist […]