• SurrealPolitiks S01E011 – Unknown Soldier

    Christopher Cantwell - May 30th 2023 2:00am EDT

    Today being Memorial Day, it might be fitting to speak a bit about military service. Of course, the martial character of human conflict emerges elsewhere besides the military, and perhaps it would be still more fitting to speak in such a broader generality. There exists no shortage of bold men who will not be hailed […]

  • Unknown Soldier – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - May 29th 2023 4:00pm EDT

    I am very proud of the opening monologue I have prepared for this evening, it is very moving. I also have a couple of really great reads from other outlets which I’ll share with you. Here’s a teaser from the open, and I’ll plan on seeing you tonight at 9:30pm on Odysee, Rumble, or our […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E016 – Seditious Conspiracy

    Christopher Cantwell - May 27th 2023 12:20am EDT

    Among the great crimes of the last few years is that I was not here to cover the story of January 6th 2021 as the events unfolded. On the other hand, I suppose I am fortunate to have had a rock solid alibi for that day. Not that one needed to be present to end […]

  • Seditious Conspiracy – Tonight on the Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - May 26th 2023 4:28pm EDT

    Among the great crimes of the last few years is that I was not here to cover the story of January 6th 2021 as the events unfolded. On the other hand, I suppose I am fortunate to have had a rock solid alibi for that day. Not that one needed to be present to end […]

  • Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat 20230524

    Christopher Cantwell - May 24th 2023 4:07pm EDT

    The non-white takeover of White Supremacy continues unabated. Years ago, Nationalists marched with torches chanting “You will not replace us” but today it seems that all the good jobs as fake terrorists have been taken over by foreigners. We spoke to you during Episode 8 of a Mexican man who reportedly went kamikaze at an […]

  • Chris Cantwell On White Rabbit Radio 20230522

    Christopher Cantwell - May 23rd 2023 12:54am EDT

    I had the pleasure of joining Tim Murdock, aka Horus the Avenger, on EEx Live on White Rabbit Radio earlier today. Tim asked me about subject matter most of you will be familiar with by now, but he asks thoughtful questions and gave me an opportunity to discuss my thinking at some length during the […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E010 – Our Prize, The Narrative

    Christopher Cantwell - May 23rd 2023 12:41am EDT

    Here at SurrealPolitiks, when speaking of power, there is a well reasoned tendency to speak of matters pertaining to electoral victory. This on account of the fact that the State is the ultimate arbiter of disputes, and its capacity to use force without repercussion renders State power the supreme means of imposing one’s will upon […]

  • Our Prize, The Narrative – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - May 22nd 2023 1:39pm EDT

    Here at SurrealPolitiks, when speaking of power, there is a well reasoned tendency to speak of matters pertaining to electoral victory. This on account of the fact that the State is the ultimate arbiter of disputes, and its capacity to use force without repercussion renders State power the supreme means of imposing one’s will upon […]

  • Chris Cantwell on White Rabbit Radio – EEx Live May 22nd 2023 at 4:00pm Eastern

    Christopher Cantwell - May 21st 2023 9:36pm EDT

    I am proud to be joining Tim Murdock, aka Horus the Avenger, creator of the amazing “Anti-Racist Hitler” video, on White Rabbit Radio on Monday May 22nd at 4:00pm US Eastern time. I’ll still be doing SurrealPolitiks later in the evening, at 9:30pm Eastern. Double duty for your humble correspondent, but always my pleasure. See […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E015 – Screw Your Optics

    Christopher Cantwell - May 20th 2023 12:57am EDT

    Here at the Radical Agenda, we’ve… had our ups and downs, shall we say… Six months ago to the day, I was released from the custody of the Attorney General of the United States. Today, I remain under the Supervision of the United States Federal Court of the District of New Hampshire. This will remain […]

  • Screw Your Optics – Tonight on the Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - May 19th 2023 6:34pm EDT

    Here at the Radical Agenda, we’ve… had our ups and downs, shall we say… Six months ago to the day, I was released from the custody of the Attorney General of the United States. Today, I remain under the Supervision of the United States Federal Court of the District of New Hampshire. This will remain […]

  • Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat – Behind the Scenes

    Christopher Cantwell - May 17th 2023 7:40pm EDT

    I think I’ll do something a little bit different for tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat. As those of you who have been attending know, I generally begin these sessions with either an opening monologue or an idea or a story I am interested in. I have a few stories bookmarked that we can talk about, and […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E009 – Free To Decline

    Christopher Cantwell - May 16th 2023 12:19am EDT

    New Hampshire, wherein I presently reside, is home to a political migration movement known as the Free State Project. Many years ago, in what could fairly be described as another life, that project was why I moved to this place. It seemed at the time a viable strategy for accomplishing a worthwhile goal, and though […]

  • Free To Decline – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - May 15th 2023 1:18pm EDT

    Next month marks the 20th annual Porcupine Freedom Festival in Lancaster, New Hampshire. This event was in no small part what inspired me to move to the Granite State more than a decade ago. Hosted by an outfit calling itself the Free State Project, it has been in precipitous decline since my expulsion nine years […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E014 – Operation Warp Thee

    Christopher Cantwell - May 13th 2023 12:56am EDT

    In near all my interactions since coming home I’ve been struck by the shift in people’s perspectives. Just as striking is the tremendous variety of perspectives one comes into contact with. There appears consensus only on a single truth. Namely, that the information environment is so polluted, as to render discernment of reality a task […]

  • Operation Warp Thee – Tonight on the Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - May 12th 2023 6:29pm EDT

    I began prepping today with a decidedly different theme, when inspiration struck from another direction, causing me to save a draft for a later date and bring you this. In near all my interactions since coming home I’ve been struck by the shift in people’s perspectives. Just as striking is the tremendous variety of perspectives […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E013 – Handsome Truth

    Christopher Cantwell - May 12th 2023 12:22am EDT

    I had a great chat tonight with a fellow who goes by the name of Handsome Truth. The interview happened on sort of short notice, but that worked out because my goal was to get to know the man a little. I asked sincere questions that I did not know the answer to, and at […]

  • Doing Double Duty Today

    Christopher Cantwell - May 11th 2023 9:23pm EDT

    Moments ago, I published an interview I did early this morning with some Australian fellows from XYZ. Tonight at 9:30pm I’ll be going live with Handsome Truth. Watch on the live page here, listen using our audio players, or on Odysee or DLive       [This post contains video, click to play]   Source: […]

  • XYZ Live – “True Blue” with Yours Truly

    Christopher Cantwell - May 11th 2023 7:42pm EDT

    I had the pleasure of chatting with some Australian fellows this morning. Ryan Fletcher, Fenian, David, and Nolzy. It was a great conversation. INFO Home https://theracer.biz/ https://christophercantwell.net/ He’s true blue only in the Australian sense of the term. Chris was kind enough to join us in the New Hampshire wee hours to discuss: * Leaving […]

  • Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat 20230510

    Christopher Cantwell - May 10th 2023 7:31pm EDT

    Every Wednesday at 9:30pm Eastern time, we host a live video chat for SurrealPolitiks members. They have been a lot of fun, and we post the audio archives as members only exclusive bonus content. There’s a lot going on today for us to talk about, both in the press, and behind the scenes here at […]

  • SurrealPolitiks S01E008 – Right Supremacy

    Christopher Cantwell - May 9th 2023 12:32am EDT

    Well, it’s happened again. Another “Hispanic White Supremacist” has killed a bunch of people and of course this means we have to give up our guns to the people who want to open the borders and put the former President in prison. Were this theme not so familiar, we might find ourselves asking if there […]

  • Right Supremacy – Tonight on SurrealPolitiks

    Christopher Cantwell - May 8th 2023 3:18pm EDT

    Well, it’s happened again. Another “Hispanic White Supremacist” has killed a bunch of people and of course this means we have to give up our guns to the people who want to open the borders and put the former President in prison. Were this theme not so familiar, we might find ourselves asking if there […]

  • Radical Agenda S06E012 – Try Though I Might…

    Christopher Cantwell - May 6th 2023 12:10am EDT

    You may have gathered I’ve sort of been trying to change the subject in recent months, having become annoyed with a myopic focus on race in politics, and in particular with the legal and professional consequences of becoming typecasted as a caricature of a Biden campaign advertisement. But I am no more anxious to become […]

  • “Try though I might…” – Tonight on the Radical Agenda

    Christopher Cantwell - May 5th 2023 1:24pm EDT

    Recent news has me pissed off… I imagine some of you will find this entertaining, so you may want to catch the live show tonight at 9:30pm Eastern…. This morning I saw a Fox News Alert on my phone, and, at the time this notice popped up on my phone, I had the Fox News […]

  • Thoughts for Tonight’s SurrealPolitiks Member Chat 20230503

    Christopher Cantwell - May 3rd 2023 2:25pm EDT

    Let us begin in the Realpolitik vein by trying to determine if the following story is purity spiraling stupidity, or straightforward corruption. I was shocked this morning to read a story in Revolver News about pro-life groups turning on Donald Trump. If you listened to SurrealPolitiks Episode 1, you’ll recall I spent some time talking […]