• Italy: Official Accounts of Patriots Get Banned From Facebook And Instagram

    Daily Stormer - Sep 11th 2019 8:30am EDT

    Spartacus Daily Stormer September 11, 2019 Nothing is more evil than not wanting your country to turn into a shithole Jews have been kicked out of hundreds of countries and cities and towns throughout their sordid, miserable existence… We really have to stop doing that and just exterminate them already. The Local: The official accounts […]

  • Tim Pool Calls Out PewDiePie’s Epic Gamer Cuckout to the ADL!

    Daily Stormer - Sep 11th 2019 8:17am EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer September 11, 2019 This PewDiePie thing is shaping up to be a blessing in disguise. Lots of people are calling his 50k jewgeld out for what it is – a capitulation to the kikes. Despite the ADL’s best efforts to censor the comments on Felix’s latest video announcing his d’nation to […]

  • UK: Man Gets 2 And a Half Years in Prison For Swastika Stickers and Fridge Magnets

    Daily Stormer - Sep 11th 2019 8:08am EDT

    Spartacus Daily Stormer September 11, 2019 This is the kind of freedom the British have to defend against Chinese communism. Hope you’re ready to die, Britcucks. BBC: A man who posted neo-Nazi stickers on lamp-posts has been jailed for 30 months. Nathan Worrell, 46, was found guilty of eight offences of stirring up racial hatred […]

  • Study Finds Teens Who Abstain From Dating Have Better Social Skills and Less Depression

    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2019 10:10pm EDT

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer September 11, 2019 The price? Your blood. Turns out teens who don’t have a girlfriend are actually better off than their romanced counterparts. Study Finds: In contrast to every movie or television show you’ve ever seen about teenagers in high school, a new study has found that teens who don’t date […]

  • Depraved Tim Cook Unveils New iPhone With Additional Black Hole on the Back That Can Spread “Ultra Wide”

    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2019 10:00pm EDT

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer September 11, 2019 ULTRA WIDE Disgusting faggot Tim Cook loves anuses so much that he added an additional one to the back of the iPhone and called it “a new model.” The new iPhone 11 sports 3 anuses on its back and can go “ultra-wide.” This really is Progress. Daily Mail: […]

  • Study: Physically Fit People Have Stronger and Sharper Brains

    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2019 5:43pm EDT

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer September 11, 2019 According to Plato, Aristotle and Socrates, physical fitness and intellectual fitness couldn’t and shouldn’t be separated. Aristotle, notice the strong core and well-proportioned arms Plato, notice the well-defined pectoral muscle and the size of the biceps Socrates, powerful forearms, thick biceps, no fat Thucydides said “a nation that makes […]

  • UK: Suspect with a Curiously Foreign-Sounding Name Charged with Killing White Father

    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2019 5:42pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer September 11, 2019 Dale Grice. The British media love to hide the mugshots, but the names never lie. BBC: A man has been charged with murder after a father-of-two was stabbed to death in the street. Dale Grice, 32, died at the scene of the attack, which happened outside a property […]

  • Michigan: Erectus to Stand Trial for Strangling White Jogger to Death After Attempted Rape

    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2019 5:41pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer September 11, 2019 Floyd Galloway Jr. This jogger-killing nogger should be getting the death penalty. But Michigan abolished capital punishment in 1847 – they thought it was mean – so he’s going to be punished with free meals and housing for life instead. Click on Detroit: Floyd Galloway Jr. has been […]

  • Houston Silverback Murders White Man and Tosses His Corpse Into a Dumpster

    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2019 5:41pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer September 11, 2019 Jewel Jamal Hayward. We’re not being told why he did it. However, “because he’s black” is an explanation that’s never failed to explain everything. Houston Chronicle: A 26-year-old man has been charged with murder in connection to the beating death of a man whose body was found in […]

  • PewDiePie Bribes the ADL to Try and Keep Himself on YouTube

    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2019 5:10pm EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 11, 2019 The single reason that PewDiePie would be donating money to the Jewish Anti-Defamation League is to try to bribe them to allow him to keep his platform. Dextero: It’s no secret that Felix “PewDiePie” Kjellberg is YouTube’ most subscribed independent creator, having reached his coveted 100 million subscriber milestone on August 25 […]

  • George Soros Supports Trump’s War Against China

    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2019 10:23am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 10, 2019 Yes, of course Soros hates China, because China represents traditional values and authoritarianism and it’s anti-globalist. No big shocker here, other than for the retards at Breitbart. Breitbart: Left-wing billionaire and political donor George Soros wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal on Monday in which he praised President […]


    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2019 10:18am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 10, 2019 I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House. I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore…. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 10, 2019 ….I asked John for his resignation, which […]

  • As of September 2019, No New Wall has Been Built!

    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2019 8:58am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 10, 2019 Yall niggas botta get steel slatted da faq out dis bitch The wall was always a metaphor, goyim. What was it a metaphor for? I don’t know. Trump being president, I guess. Daily Caller: The Trump administration is replacing old, ineffective barriers at the U.S. southern border, but […]

  • US to Revive Radio Liberty Project in Hungary to Overthrow Orban!

    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2019 8:36am EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer September 10, 2019 Viktor Orban is now officially considered an enemy and Fascist dictator by the State Department Jews. For his effort to improve Hungary’s demographic situation, ban George Soros’ dirty money and put up a border wall against migrant inflows, Orban is destined to eventually be overthrown in a color […]

  • France Paying 2 Billion Euros Per Year For Bearded Migrant Kids

    Daily Stormer - Sep 10th 2019 4:39am EDT

    Spartacus Daily Stormer September 10, 2019 Look at those kiddies having fun! Stupid goyim don’t understand how this be paying dey pensions, but it do. Breitbart: Figures released by the Assembly of French Departments (ADF) have revealed that underage migrants cost French taxpayers two billion euros per year. Around 41,000 migrants under the age of […]

  • Rabid Jiggaboo Murders 72-Year-Old White Woman with Sledgehammer in Vegas Laundromat

    Daily Stormer - Sep 9th 2019 6:35pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer September 10, 2019 Clinton Taylor. A completely random attack, goyim. She was just the wrong race at the wrong time. Err.. I mean in the wrong place at the wrong time. KSNV: Diana Langlume moved to Las Vegas to be closer to her daughter. Her life was cut short after being […]

  • Urban Bantu Kills White Man and His Doggo in Parking Garage

    Daily Stormer - Sep 9th 2019 6:34pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer September 10, 2019 Antonio Bolling. This is why dogs are racist against blacks. Courier Journal: A man has been charged with murder after another man and a dog were found shot early Wednesday morning inside a Frankfort, Kentucky, parking garage, according to police. The Frankfort Police Department said officers responded about […]

  • Lizards Are Getting Their Own Ethnostate in a Paradisiac Tropical Island!

    Daily Stormer - Sep 9th 2019 6:34pm EDT

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer September 10, 2019  White people love to make ethnostates for the lizard people everyone but themselves. Daily Mail: Critically endangered blue-tailed skink lizards have been transported to their own tiny tropical island in a bid to protect the species from predators. About 300 of the lizards found a new home in […]

  • UK: Hapless Paki Runs Over White Policeman with Stolen Car

    Daily Stormer - Sep 9th 2019 5:34pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer September 10, 2019 Mubashar Hussain. Oh, you daft haji. How can these bobbies continue arresting Britons who speak out against Moslem rape gangs if you’re running over them like this? BBC: A car thief has admitted seriously injuring a police officer who he ran over with a police car. PC Gareth […]

  • Two [REDACTED]es Attack Their White Teacher with the Fury of a Thousand [REDACTED]s

    Daily Stormer - Sep 9th 2019 5:11pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer September 10, 2019  Fugg, this cracka must have said something REALLY rayciss to incur such wrath. Or maybe she just told the class to sit down and open their books. Blacks don’t like being told to do that. MTO News: A disturbing video is going viral from out of Jacksonville […]

  • TheRightStuff.Biz Says Anglin Must be the Real Fed for Asking Why They’re Put a Fugitive Drug Dealer in Charge of Their Security

    Daily Stormer - Sep 9th 2019 12:50pm EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 9, 2019 On Sunday, I posted a 2012 audio recording of the guy who runs the security for all of TheRightStuff.biz’s real life meet-up groups talking about how he is a drug dealer who was arrested in 2012 for being part of a drug trafficking conspiracy. This individual, “Jim Object,” […]

  • Beto O’Rourke Says He’ll Mass Round-Up People’s Guns

    Daily Stormer - Sep 9th 2019 11:05am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 9, 2019 I’ve said that Beto O’Rouke is being propped up as a candidate even though he’s well below 1% in the polls because he’s being used to humiliate white men. As a representative of white men, he is the most pathetic welp imaginable, and simply makes all of us […]

  • Company Announces World’s First Washing Machine With Microplastic Filters to Stop Climate Catastrophe

    Daily Stormer - Sep 9th 2019 10:23am EDT

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer September 10, 2019  Bringing attention to the dangers of plastic is always a good thing. Daily Mail: The company behind some of Europe’s leading home appliance brands has unveiled the world’s first washing machine with a built-in microplastic filter. Arcelik, the parent company of Beko and Grundig, announced the new […]

  • Wired Magazine Blames “Male Fragility” for Zoe Quinn’s Problems

    Daily Stormer - Sep 8th 2019 10:23pm EDT

    Lee Rogers Daily Stormer September 9, 2019 Zoe Quinn the evil skank who just drove a game developer named Alex Howolka to suicide over unproven allegations that he grabbed her by the pussy ten years ago, is actually being defended by Wired Magazine. They’ve published an insane article written by a psychotic part-Jew feminist named […]

  • Very Sad! Sebastian Gorka Reduced to Selling Back Pain Ointment to Boomer!

    Daily Stormer - Sep 8th 2019 8:26pm EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer September 9, 2019 According to the latest Stormer survey, the Neon-Nazi patrons of this humble news site no longer want to hear anything bad about Trump. Looking at these results, one might reasonably conclude that this was a majority pro-Trump site that was sick of all the anti-Trump shilling. However, a […]