Freedomain Radio - Jul 5th 2024 2:46pm EDT

    Stefan Molyneux covers a range of topics, from viral memes to the profound impact of sexuality on relationships and society. We explore men’s interest in explicit content, retirement planning, financial decisions, and societal norms. We delve into the significance of discretion in matters of wealth and success, cautioning against flaunting these aspects to avoid unwanted […]

  • The Truth About Hedonism!

    Freedomain Radio - Jul 4th 2024 1:21pm EDT

    The lecture explores hedonism, focusing on prioritizing short-term pleasure over long-term consequences. It discusses the connection between hedonism and the prey mentality, societal manipulation, the impact of absent fathers, raising children in unpredictable environments, and the link between child abuse and distorted rules leading to hedonistic behaviors. The speaker encourages reflection on the relationship between […]

  • Ideas vs the World!

    Freedomain Radio - Jul 3rd 2024 1:07pm EDT

    In this engaging discussion, we explored the process of translating thoughts into reality, drawing parallels between conceptualization and tangible manifestations. Through the analogy of a blueprint for a building, we dissected how ideas evolve from perfect concepts in the mind to imperfect yet functional physical manifestations. Emphasizing the importance of bridging the gap between ideation […]

  • 30 Year Old Virgin! Freedomain Call In

    Freedomain Radio - Jul 2nd 2024 12:07pm EDT

    In this episode, I explore a caller’s struggles with relationships and intimacy rooted in their upbringing in an evangelical Christian household. We delve into their challenges seeking therapy for dating anxiety and discuss the importance of pursuing meaningful connections and developing a clear dating strategy. Emphasizing self-confidence and self-value, we navigate the impact of childhood […]


    Freedomain Radio - Jul 1st 2024 3:59pm EDT



    Freedomain Radio - Jul 1st 2024 11:56am EDT

    In this discussion, I explore a woman’s belief regarding what successful men seek in a partner, emphasizing the importance of understanding men’s innate desire for a suitable mother for their children. Instead of seeking a simplistic partner, men aim to find someone who can effectively nurture and raise their offspring. Choosing a life partner involves […]

  • The Truth About Codependency

    Freedomain Radio - Jun 30th 2024 8:28pm EDT

    In this introspective exploration, we delve into the intricate dynamics of codependency with a philosophical lens, shedding light on the blurred lines between love, pity, and responsibility in relationships. The conversation unfolds with personal anecdotes and reflections, decoding the signs and implications of codependency while emphasizing the importance of establishing boundaries and practicing sincerity in […]


    Freedomain Radio - Jun 30th 2024 2:43pm EDT

    Come talk philosophy! Bring your thoughts, questions, problems, concerns, issues, feedback, critique, and let us dig deep!

  • When to Fight a Philosopher! Freedomain Call In

    Freedomain Radio - Jun 29th 2024 5:27pm EDT

    Supporter Preview! The caller shares updates on personal life, including relationship progress, therapy, finances, and career and romance concerns. The caller discusses struggles with bisexuality, forming connections, and recent dating experiences, focusing on communication and relationship perspectives. They explore family dynamics, past traumas, and childhood wounds’ impact on relationships. Stefan guides the caller on trust, […]


    Freedomain Radio - Jun 29th 2024 1:43pm EDT

    Friday Night Live 28 June 2024 In this episode, I cover a range of topics from relationships to societal issues. I share a comical story about missing ducks and discuss privacy during political incidents. Reflecting on a political debate, I explore cognitive decline and media influence. Responding to listener questions on trauma and relationships, I […]


    Freedomain Radio - Jun 29th 2024 12:08am EDT

    Come talk philosophy! Bring your thoughts, questions, concerns, issues, feedback, critique, and let us dig deep!

  • My Wife Is LEAVING TODAY! Freedomain Call In

    Freedomain Radio - Jun 28th 2024 2:19pm EDT

    In this episode, we discussed a caller’s concerns about accountability and communication within their marriage, particularly during challenging family events like a funeral. We explored specific instances of arguments and interactions, offering guidance on addressing these issues and modeling positive behavior for their children. The conversation also touched on the impact of parenting styles on […]

  • STOP SCREWING UP – Missing Answer!

    Freedomain Radio - Jun 27th 2024 8:18pm EDT

    A question I missed answering 26 Jun 2024… “Hi Stef. wondering if you can give me some advice on how to deal with a situation. My younger brother is about to marry (next April) a giant red flag. 3 months into the relationship, my other siblings and I warned him to get out before it […]

  • STOP SCREWING UP – Missing Answer!

    Freedomain Radio - Jun 27th 2024 7:56pm EDT

    A question I missed answering 26 Jun 2024… “Hi Stef. wondering if you can give me some advice on how to deal with a situation. My younger brother is about to marry (next April) a giant red flag. 3 months into the relationship, my other siblings and I warned him to get out before it […]


    Freedomain Radio - Jun 27th 2024 3:22pm EDT

    Wednesday Night Live 26 June 2024 Stef what are some tips to determine if a company is a good place to work for? did you ever have crappy jobs? any advice for someone who is beginning to take philosophy seriously, and you once described it as walking across the dessert alone. Any advice for such […]

  • Murderous Rage?!? Freedomain Call In

    Freedomain Radio - Jun 26th 2024 9:49am EDT

    Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free! NOW AVAILABLE FOR SUBSCRIBERS: MY NEW BOOK ‘PEACEFUL PARENTING’ – AND THE INTERACTIVE PEACEFUL PARENTING AI AND AUDIOBOOK! Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, […]


    Freedomain Radio - Jun 24th 2024 10:32am EDT

    Friday Night Live Chat 21 June 2024 In this episode, I discuss the closure of Toronto’s Science Center, criticizing government negligence on infrastructure maintenance and urging a focus on upkeep over new construction. Conversations with callers delve into confronting family alcoholism, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care. We explore behavioral patterns, emotional honesty, and personal growth, […]

  • ETHICS UNPACKED! Freedomain Community Conversation!

    Freedomain Radio - Jun 23rd 2024 1:27pm EDT

    Friday Night Live Chat 14 June 2024 Stefan leads an interactive philosophy session, discussing applying philosophical concepts to daily life and critiquing academia’s focus on status over societal change. They explore knowledge complexities, objectivist epistemology, and the significance of logic and reason in ethical theories. Stefan advocates for evidence-based propositions and introduces Universally Preferable Behavior […]


    Freedomain Radio - Jun 22nd 2024 11:35am EDT

    Delving into the movie experience of “Inside Out 2”, the speaker shares humorous and awkward moments at the theater, initially skeptical but surprised by the depth of the film. They discuss themes of adolescence, emotions, and puberty, appreciating the nuanced portrayal and relatable challenges. Reflecting on anxiety and emotional growth, the speaker praises the storytelling […]

  • The Death of a City!

    Freedomain Radio - Jun 21st 2024 11:33am EDT

    Wednesday Night Live 19 June 2024 I recount a trip to Toronto with tech challenges, discuss efficiency decline, work on parenting book, capitalism insights, and engaging with the audience. Topics range from debating, emotions, and parenting dilemmas to audiobooks and computer testing challenges. Mention of a philosopher, audience questions, and plans for a future meetup […]


    Freedomain Radio - Jun 20th 2024 9:01am EDT

    Where is the best place to send our review(s) of the peaceful parenting book, you asked for feedback, but I’m not sure the best place to submit it. I’m only a few chapters in, I like the content but my first impression is wow, 450 pages? I think it’s too long for general consumption, if […]


    Freedomain Radio - Jun 19th 2024 11:54am EDT

    One third the length, all of the key arguments – let me know what you think! Prologue <Same as full version> Introduction <Same as full version> Do We Love Our Children? Love and violence are opposites. A man cannot claim to love a woman if he beats her. A woman cannot claim to love her […]

  • Death by Distracted Dad! Freedomain Call In

    Freedomain Radio - Jun 19th 2024 11:53am EDT

    In this heartfelt conversation, we delve into the caller’s challenging upbringing shaped by divorce, neglect, and emotional struggles. The host provides nuanced insights on neglect as a form of abuse, while personal anecdotes and discussions on self-confidence and coping mechanisms add depth to the dialogue. The caller bravely shares struggles with identity and self-worth, leading […]

  • My Ex-Wife Destroyed Me!

    Freedomain Radio - Jun 18th 2024 12:17pm EDT

    Philosopher Stefan Molyneux recounts a listener’s question and breaks it down: “It’s Father’s Day. Does a sperm and money donor count? “I once had a wife and two daughters. My younger daughter died of cancer at fourteen. During her illness, the three girls (mother and daughters) ran away. I had no clue they would do […]

  • My Girlfriend Loves Underdogs!

    Freedomain Radio - Jun 17th 2024 7:53am EDT

    What sparked the idea behind your recent poll and proposal video to reconsider paid private calls? What are your thoughts on the result of the poll and subsequent comments? Stef I am currently seeing a woman, I would not say she is my girlfriend I just have chatted with her a few times and she […]