• Roll Call of Freemason Traitors Includes Hitler & Putin

    Henry Makow - May 19th 2023 3:56pm EDT

    Want to succeed? Just join a satanic secret society devoted to destroying your fellow citizens and civilization.     Ex-Mason, Childs, states in the video that the following list of (secret) Masons is just “tip of the iceberg.”     JewTube is now suppressing the video   “Humanity is being held hostage by a satanic cult” […]

  • May 19 – Gradual Return to Sanity

    Henry Makow - May 19th 2023 11:54am EDT

        (US Supreme Court Justice, Neil Gorsuch)      Please send links and comment to [email protected]     Where has Neil Gorsuch been for three years, after confirming the imposter Joe Biden?   As the scale of criminality imposed on humanity becomes known, people are rushing to get on the right side of this […]

  • May 18 – Joe Biden’s Dysfunctional Family With Unspeakable Secret

    Henry Makow - May 18th 2023 1:34pm EDT

      http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/     Please send links and comments to [email protected]     Imagine a family where dad is sexually abusing the chilldren. It’s a dirty secret that no one can mention. This is a dysfunctional family.   Expand that to the crumbling civilization of the West which is run by Satanist Jewish bankers and […]

  • Mike Stone – Self-Defence for Teenage Males

    Henry Makow - May 17th 2023 4:15pm EDT

    Such is life for teen boys growing up in America today. Schools are now Communist indoctrination centers, staffed by mentally ill teachers pushing all manner of sexual depravity on their students.                  by Mike Stone (henrymakow.com)       How would you like to be a teen boy […]

  • May 17 – Laptop Cover Up is “Election Interference” – Musk

    Henry Makow - May 17th 2023 11:20am EDT

        Please send links and comments to [email protected]     I never thought I’d see the day when the MSM was completely Communist (or Zionist) controlled and purveyors of the truth have to beg for donations.       Elon Musk defends Freedom of Speech       Musk said, “So, you know, that was […]

  • May 17 – Laptop Cover Up is “Election Interference” – Musk

    Henry Makow - May 17th 2023 11:20am EDT

        Please send links and comments to [email protected]     I never thought I’d see the day when the MSM was completely Communist (or Zionist) controlled and purveyors of the truth have to beg for donations.       Elon Musk defends Freedom of Speech       Musk said, “So, you know, that was […]

  • Femininity & Masculinity Define Each Other

    Henry Makow - May 17th 2023 8:17am EDT

        This girl was not comfortable being a female. She identifies as a male. But how does she even know what a male is when masculinity is partly defined by looking after wife and children?       Young women! Do not listen to the liars urging you to question your femininity. Do not seek […]

  • Femininity & Masculinity Define Each Other

    Henry Makow - May 16th 2023 2:17pm EDT

        This girl was not comfortable being a female. She identifies as a male. But how does she even know what a male is when masculinity is partly defined by lovingly dominating a select female?       Young women! Do not listen to the liars urging you to question your femininity. Do not seek […]

  • May 16 – Default Jitters

    Henry Makow - May 16th 2023 11:26am EDT

        (Organized Jewry’s biggest fear: the development of a White racial consciousness)     Please send links and comments to [email protected]       Nothing stands out folks!       This past Friday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated that the U.S. has “to default on something” if a new debt ceiling is […]

  • May 16 – Default Jitters

    Henry Makow - May 16th 2023 11:26am EDT

        (Organized Jewry’s biggest fear: the development of a White racial consciousness)     Please send links and comments to [email protected]       Nothing stands out folks!       This past Friday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated that the U.S. has “to default on something” if a new debt ceiling is […]

  • Hitler and Bormann Were Traitors – The Smoking Gun

    Henry Makow - May 15th 2023 3:47pm EDT

      Hitler and Bormann, left.   After the war, Gen. Reinhard Gehlen  Chief of the West German Intelligence Agency, (BND),  confirmed his wartime suspicions. Martin Bormann, the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany,  had been a “Soviet” spy, with Hitler’s complicity.  Hitler was an Illuminati agent mandated to lead Germany into a catastrophic defeat in order to snuff out German nationalism once and […]

  • Hitler and Bormann Were Traitors – The Smoking Gun

    Henry Makow - May 15th 2023 3:47pm EDT

      Hitler and Bormann, left.   After the war, Gen. Reinhard Gehlen  Chief of the West German Intelligence Agency, (BND),  confirmed his wartime suspicions. Martin Bormann, the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany,  had been a “Soviet” spy, with Hitler’s complicity.  Hitler was an Illuminati agent mandated to lead Germany into a catastrophic defeat in order to snuff out German nationalism once and […]

  • May 15 – It’s Back to Normal Folks!

    Henry Makow - May 15th 2023 10:31am EDT

          With feminism, women replaced men. With trannyism, men are replacing women.        The mainstream media is the mirror-reverse-image of this website. There is practically no mention of    1. How they blew trillions on a fake pandemic.   2. How they ruined countless lives and livelihoods with a toxic “vaccine” […]

  • May 15 – It’s Back to Normal Folks!

    Henry Makow - May 15th 2023 10:31am EDT

          With feminism, women replaced men. With trannyism, men are replacing women.        The mainstream media is the mirror-reverse-image of this website. There is practically no mention of    1. How they blew trillions on a fake pandemic.   2. How they ruined countless lives and livelihoods with a toxic “vaccine” […]

  • How I Overcame My Porn Addiction

    Henry Makow - May 14th 2023 9:07pm EDT

    Watching pornography in its essence is a consumption of feminine energy. And LOTS of it. A healthy adult male is naturally attracted to the feminine nature and the energy which flows from it. The sexual energy of a woman is only a part of the feminine energy. Gentleness, kindness, softness, submissiveness and natural weakness are […]

  • How I Overcame My Porn Addiction

    Henry Makow - May 14th 2023 9:07pm EDT

    Watching pornography in its essence is a consumption of feminine energy. And LOTS of it. A healthy adult male is naturally attracted to the feminine nature and the energy which flows from it. The sexual energy of a woman is only a part of the feminine energy. Gentleness, kindness, softness, submissiveness and natural weakness are […]

  • May 14 – King Charles III, Satanist and Unhinged Fanatic

    Henry Makow - May 14th 2023 11:55am EDT

    Newspapers don’t carry a picture of the full statue. Charles crushing humanity with his feet.   Please send links and comments to [email protected]       King Charles III, Satanist and unhinged fanatic   1. The Coronation occurred 6 weeks, 6 months and 6 days after the “death” of Queen Elizabeth. (There are stories that […]

  • We are Not Helpless

    Henry Makow - May 13th 2023 12:01pm EDT

    (left, John with his dog Ruff)    No headlines today. Too depressing! Like watching a corpse decompose.       We’re overcome with a feeling of helplessness as we watch our society rot. But we’re not helpless.   Ego (selfishness) is Satan.  Satan holds us captive. We can fight Satan by loving each other, In […]

  • Money Hoax Begets COVID Hoax & all Others

    Henry Makow - May 12th 2023 3:30pm EDT

      The “key” to understanding the world today bears repetition. The medium of exchange (money, currency, credit) is created out of thin air as a “debt” to a cartel of Masonic ( Cabalist, Satanist) Jewish bankers. This is something government could do itself interest-and-debt-free. Your “money” is really government IOU’s to these central bankers. No matter […]

  • May 12 – New Twitter CEO Has No Credibility

    Henry Makow - May 12th 2023 10:33am EDT

      (l. Linda Yaccarino)    The fact Elon chose an ad saleswoman tells you where his prioritie$ are.   This is reportedly the new Twitter CEO. Pro- mask, pro-vaxx, and a participant in The World Economic Forum. Under her Twitter, The #DiedSuddenly film would have never been allowed to see the light of day. @elonmusk […]

  • Mike Stone – A Catholic’s View of Pornography

    Henry Makow - May 11th 2023 6:14pm EDT

        Mike Stone has written an advice book for teenage boys. His first line of advice is “Purge All Porn.”      Porn has been used to turn males into sex addicts and to undermine the institution of marriage. Both have contributed to the satanic possession we are experiencing.     For another perspective, […]

  • May 11 – Notes from the Madhouse

    Henry Makow - May 11th 2023 11:35am EDT

        Please send links and comments to [email protected]     People are afraid to lead their normal lives.     “Social decay is spreading like a very aggressive form of cancer all over the country.”     We can thank the usual suspects for this.       “Thanks to rapidly rising crime rates, […]

  • Makow — Organized Jewry’s Business Model is Parasitism

    Henry Makow - May 10th 2023 2:36pm EDT

        (Jewish predators. Yukos Board, 2003. Judaism is defined by Cabalism which is Satanic. Cabalism is Communism.)       I repost this today so you will see the big picture. The business model of Organized Jewry is parasitism, feeding off and killing the host, the goyim. This does not apply to unorganized Jews […]

  • May 10 – Tucker Taking His Show to Twitter?

    Henry Makow - May 10th 2023 11:33am EDT

                                    Please send links and comments to [email protected]       Elon Musk: ‘No Deal Has Been Signed With Tucker Carlson’      https://www.infowars.com/posts/elon-musk-no-deal-has-been-signed-with-tucker-carlson/            BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Reveals New Show With Elon Musk & Wages War Against […]

  • My Mother Embodied Selfless Love

    Henry Makow - May 9th 2023 9:06pm EDT

    (left. My mother feeding my brother in 1958)     My annual Mother’s Day article slightly revised  By her example, my mother, Helen Iskowicz Makow (1919-1983), taught me that love is selfless  devotion to family. To my shame, her self-sacrifice was taken for granted.   “I grew up in an era when the media taught us that homemakers […]