• May 9 – Russia Defies Satanist West

    Henry Makow - May 9th 2023 1:53pm EDT

    (Putin at Victory Day Address)   Please send links and comments to [email protected]   The Russian leader accused Western powers of trying to build a system of “robbery, violence and suppression” Globalist elites provoking bloody conflicts and coups – Putin   Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech at the Victory Day military parade, which marks […]

  • Mike Stone – Why Americans Should Never Enlist

    Henry Makow - May 8th 2023 2:55pm EDT

              The US used to stand for freedom.   Now it stands for sodomy.                                   by Mike Stone (henrymakow.com) Did you see who the United States Navy revealed as their first “digital ambassador” last week? […]

  • Martin Bormann Ran Hitler for the Illuminati

    Henry Makow - May 8th 2023 4:13am EDT

      (Bormann, with Hitler) Nazi Party Secretary Martin Bormann was at the heart of the Nazi apparatus. He signed Hitler’s paycheck. Louis Kilzer examined the wire traffic between the spy known as “Werther” and Moscow and determined that only Bormann  had access to this information. “The Soviets were able to ask very detailed questions about Nazi […]

  • Joel Skousen – Commies Weaponize Migration to Alter US Demography

    Henry Makow - May 6th 2023 2:50pm EDT

    The Darien Gap camp is a transit point for migrants coming from all corners of the world. It is largely managed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) – a United Nations agency that promotes and facilitates migration from developing countries and China to the West.   A  UN-funded organization is paying to organize migrant […]

  • May 6 – The Human Devastation of Medical Betrayal

    Henry Makow - May 6th 2023 11:22am EDT

        (Dr. Daniel Nagase)   It’s the weekend and I’m leading with this poignant human drama typical of the carnage unleashed upon the world by satanists.     Please send links and comments to [email protected]     Nagase–“First off I would like to apologize to my subscribers for my 6 week hiatus. On March […]

  • Mike Stone – Trump: Friend or Foe?

    Henry Makow - May 5th 2023 3:42pm EDT

    “Though not conclusive, after examining four key pieces of evidence that we all agree on, the score slightly favors the notion of Trump being a friend rather than a foe.   What do you say? Do you have any evidence to add to the mix that could tilt the argument one way or another?”   […]

  • May 5 – WHO Pauses COVID Hoax

    Henry Makow - May 5th 2023 1:00pm EDT

    (Guardian of public health, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, cruising at a Brazilian bar) .   Please send links and coments to [email protected]   Tell me I’m wrong. The only reason the COVID Hoax was put on hold is the challenge to the Rothschild-Rules-Based Order by  Putin. And the fact that the “vaccine” damage has […]

  • The US is the Jew’s Golem

    Henry Makow - May 4th 2023 1:50pm EDT

    GOLEM- Jews shape a monster out of mud and task it with advancing their sinister interests.   “Someone who is large but intellectually slow is called a golem. Other civilizations, such as the ancient Greeks, have similar concepts.”     Throughout history Organized Jewry have used nations as fronts in their drive for world domination. […]

  • May 4 – Biden Guilty of “Unbelievable Crimes;” Must be Impeached

    Henry Makow - May 4th 2023 10:55am EDT

    (left, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)   Please send links and comments to [email protected] Marjorie Taylor Greene Reveals New Whistleblower For Biden Family Influence Peddling    Marjorie Taylor Greene is the Real Deal. What she says rings of truth. It is painful to hear.  She says that a credible whistle blower has come forward and exposed […]

  • CJ Evans – The US Government Belongs to the Devil

    Henry Makow - May 3rd 2023 4:04pm EDT

        What better way to subdue a domestic population than by carrying out terror attacks and staged mass shootings against its own people? The true objectives of the US Government by CJ Evans (henrymakow.com) In the bowels of the DoD Pentagram are where you find people who carry out plans to sicken the domestic […]

  • May 3 – US Banking System in Crisis

    Henry Makow - May 3rd 2023 11:09am EDT

        Left, Goldman Trading Desk Warns Bank Selling Is Spreading And Could Get Far Worse   It appears that the central  bankers are engineering a financial crisis and even a Depression to force society to adopt their CBDC.   IMO, there is no other need to bring the economy to its knees to fight […]

  • Bella Dodd – The “New World Order” is Communism

    Henry Makow - May 2nd 2023 5:25pm EDT

    We need constant reminders that Communism is a fait accompli in the West and that freedom and democracy are an empty charade.    In 1954, Bella Dodd, a high ranking defector from the US Communist Party, warned us that Masonic Jewish central bankers are behind Communism, and this satanic cult controls the USA. This has been […]

  • May 2 – Nothing Says “Safe” Like Exemptions for Vax Killers

    Henry Makow - May 2nd 2023 10:01am EDT

        Please send links and comments to [email protected]   NEVER FORGET THOSE WHO WERE EXEMPTED FROM BEING GRAPHENATED WITH THE CONVID BIOWEAPON! REMEMBER THIS – THESES SO-CALLED SPECIAL & ELITE GROUPS WERE EXEMPTED FROM GETTING THE CONVID SHOTS IN 2020! NEVER FORGET THIS! https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/never-forget-those-who-were-exempted-from-being-graphenated-with-the-convid-bioweapon? The Following So-Called Special and Elite Groups of People Were […]

  • Cabalist Bankers Extended WWI by Three Years

    Henry Makow - May 1st 2023 2:10pm EDT

    (Edith Cavill, 1865-1915)    All wars are contrived by the Cabalist central bankers for power, profit and to “kill the best of the goyim in time of war.” (The Talmud) Sir William Wiseman, head of British Intelligence and a partner in the bankers Kuhn Loeb, demanded the Germans execute nurse Edith Cavell for revealing the […]

  • May 1 – Tucker Carlson is Swanson’s Foods Heir

    Henry Makow - May 1st 2023 12:21pm EDT

    Please send comments and links to [email protected]   In a radio interview in 2008, one year before joining Fox News, Tucker Carlson described himself as a “trust fund baby” and “extraordinarily loaded just from money I inherited”.   Will Swanson heir, CIA applicant and “out-of-the-closet elitist” Tucker Carlson, freed from the shackles of Rupert Murdoch’s […]

  • Matrix Hacker – Incestuous Breeding: The Underbelly of Hollywood

    Henry Makow - Apr 30th 2023 3:23pm EDT

        Ashton Kutcher is the secret son of his ex-wife Demi Moore and her ex-boyfriend Anthony Kiedis. Ashton was born on February 7, 1978 when Moore and Kiedis atended the same high school.     (Makow disclaimer- I reserve judgment)     By Matrix Hacker (henrymakow.com)      The Hollywood/Cabalist breeding program is a vast […]

  • April 30 – Culling of the Goyim Continues

    Henry Makow - Apr 30th 2023 11:16am EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected]   Although many Israeli Jews have been maimed or killed by the COVID vaccine, I am still waiting to hear about a prominent Western Jew who has suffered the same fate. Did they get the “Jew Call” that Al Franken received on the eve of 9-11? — 763 […]

  • Have 400 Million Chinese Been Wiped Out?

    Henry Makow - Apr 29th 2023 3:41pm EDT

    Reports of a mass die-off in China       By KMG   Many with family and friends in China understand that the state of public health is very bad.   Private individuals in Beijing have stated that anywhere from hundreds of thousands to millions of people died in the city in a short period […]

  • April 29 – Russia Sputnik Vax is Also Gene Therapy

    Henry Makow - Apr 29th 2023 11:24am EDT

    Please send links and commets to [email protected]   The report below was sent by a reader. I cannot verify but it rings true. It appears that adverse reactions in Russia are being suppressed as in the West.     “The same Russian sources, who originally told us Sputnik was a Russian-developed traditional Flu vaccine, now […]

  • Jewish Fraternities Recruit Illuminati Insiders

    Henry Makow - Apr 28th 2023 1:30pm EDT

    (left, the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity’s coat of arms consists of many occult references.) Although students join fraternities like Alpha Epsilon Pi with the vague sense  they are networking, they don’t know  they are joining a Luciferian (i.e. subversive) organization. from March 14, 2012 by Henry Makow Ph.D What do Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, NHL Commissioner […]

  • April 28- Can Tucker Carlson Handle the Truth?

    Henry Makow - Apr 28th 2023 9:49am EDT

    Yes Tucker, there is an “evil force controlling the planet.” But are you willing to identify it?   (Please send links and comments to [email protected])    “When  honest people say what’s true, they become powerful. At the same time,  the liars who have been trying to silence them, shrink.” – Tucker Carlson Will he start […]

  • “Young Presidents Organization” (YPO)- Satanic Control Via Masonic Secret Societies

    Henry Makow - Apr 27th 2023 1:18pm EDT

    (YPO members in Bozeman MT broke secrecy by posting pics of their Christmas party.)   Wondering how the WEF could pull off the galling betrayal of public trust represented by COVID hoax and toxins? The rich are organized in satanic secret societies.   The YPO, a secretive worldwide group of business presidents, is an example. […]

  • April 27 – COVID Hoax Fueled by Pfizer Bribe$

    Henry Makow - Apr 27th 2023 11:22am EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected]   “Vaccine” maimers and murderers, and their enablers, must be held accountable.     CLAIM: Pfizer BRIBED over 400 “independent” medical organizations and nonprofits to propagate alleged false narratives about their so-called vaccine https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-04-26-pfizer-bribed-over-400-independent-medical-organizations.html When crimes against humanity were escalated in March 2020 under the guise of a […]

  • Mike Stone- Expand Boycotts to all Woke Companies

    Henry Makow - Apr 26th 2023 3:54pm EDT

                Larry Fink – “At Blackrock we are forcing behavior to change.”      The reason all companies sing from the same tranny-Ukraine-covidhoax hymn book is that they are all controlled by the satanist Jewish Rothschild world central banking cartel that seeks to enslave and dispossess humanity.   Our feckless […]

  • April 26 – Tucker Carlson Fired for Being a Christian

    Henry Makow - Apr 26th 2023 11:18am EDT

      Please send links and comments to [email protected]   Satanist Rupert Murdoch hates God. ‘That stuff freaks Rupert out. He doesn’t like all the spiritual talk.’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12016473/Rupert-Murdoch-fired-Tucker-Carlson-watching-speech-good-evil-prayer.html     Text of Tucker Carlson’s Speech Delivered After Last Fox News Show https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/04/24/include-country-your-prayers-tucker-carlson-reminds-heritage-foundation-50th-anniversary-gala/? Video of speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N32UPXGChgo&t=11s       Selected excerpts- “And the second you decide […]