• April 25 – Artificial Intelligence Could Change Everything

    Henry Makow - Apr 25th 2023 11:07am EDT

    Left, Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin, two very bright and articulate men   Please send links and comments to [email protected]   “50% of AI researchers believe there is a 10% chance AI will destroy the human race” Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin discuss how existing A.I. capabilities already pose catastrophic risks to a functional society, […]

  • There’s Nothing Chic About Satanism

    Henry Makow - Apr 24th 2023 4:29pm EDT

    (“Progressives” are witting & unwitting Satanists) The “woke” promotion of vaccines, Ukraine, homosexuality, transvestism, CRT, “climate change” has nothing to do with human rights, or it would not trample on the human rights of healthy people.  It is a flimsy pretext for the destruction of Christian Western civilization, depopulation and the imposition of a Communist […]

  • April 24- The Elephant in the Room is Cabalism

    Henry Makow - Apr 24th 2023 12:22pm EDT

    (Couldn’t find this meme on Google. Found it on Bing which is going to replace Google.)   Please send links and comment to [email protected]   Tucker Carlson dumped by Fox News! He mentioned the J-word? He is going to be bigger than ever! https://www.wbko.com/2023/04/24/tucker-carlson-out-fox-news-network-confirms/   Camille Paglia, Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson, Ron De Santis. I […]

  • Hiroshima- Radiation Sickness Was Mustard Gas Poisoning

    Henry Makow - Apr 23rd 2023 5:55pm EDT

    “The malodorous “atom-bomb gas” that was perceived by many during and after the bombings was none other than mustard gas.”   This begs the question – Are nuclear bombs another hoax? What’s in those missile silos? Bales of hay?   (Disclaimer- I still believe the official narrative but would not be shocked if Dr. Palmer […]

  • April 23 – Catherine Austin Smith- We’re at a Tipping Point

    Henry Makow - Apr 23rd 2023 11:53am EDT

      Please send links and comment to [email protected] —–If a link doesn’t work, copy ad paste into location bar   It’s Sunday and I highly recommend you set aside an hour to listen to this interview with Catherine Austin Fitts. It begins with an Oct 2020 clip from Augustin Carsten, the General Manger of the […]

  • Mike Stone – Soros’ Satanists Destroy Civil Society in LA

    Henry Makow - Apr 22nd 2023 3:47pm EDT

      Why should anyone work in Los Angeles when they can rob, loot, and steal with no fear of being arrested or prosecuted?       “California,” he said, “is like a beautiful wild kid on heroin, high as a kite and thinking she’s on top of the world, not knowing she’s dying, not believing […]

  • April 22 – Did Prominent Jews Get the Vaccine “Jew Call” ?

    Henry Makow - Apr 22nd 2023 11:10am EDT

      (Oscar winning actor hospitalized in Georgia after being vaccinated)   Please send links and comments to [email protected]   If links don’t work, copy and paste into location bar.   I’m not saying they did, but it’s a question worth asking and answering considering that   1. Al Franken said he got the “Jew Call” […]

  • Feminism Was Created by the US Communist Party

    Henry Makow - Apr 21st 2023 3:33pm EDT

    For newbies, I am reposting this key article, a review of Kate Wiegand’s Red Feminism: Communism and the Making of Women’s Liberation (2002) as a reminder that the  transformation of society in our lifetime was quite literally Communist-inspired. Communism, in turn, was a creation of the Masonic Jewish world banking cartel that controls all other corporate cartels […]

  • April 21- The Snake in the Garden of Eden

    Henry Makow - Apr 21st 2023 11:00am EDT

    ( Apparently this is by someone plagiarizing Ben Garrison who is too discreet to name the Masonic Jewish banking cartel)   A benevolent God gave mankind a Garden of Eden but Organized Jewry is determined to destroy it. Like a spoiled child, it does not want to share.     WEF’s Totalitarian Template is Judaism […]

  • WEF’s Totalitarian Template is Judaism

    Henry Makow - Apr 20th 2023 2:28pm EDT

    Jews were the first victims of Judaism. Now, through Freemasonry, humanity is.   “Live and let live”  is my credo. So I wonder what compels some people to want to enslave and despoil others.   The answer in this case is Cabalist Judaism which is based on robbing and enslaving the goyim and any Jew […]

  • April 20 – Fighting the Cashless Society

    Henry Makow - Apr 20th 2023 11:05am EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected]   If links don’t work, copy and paste into location bar   The following item was sent from a reader without url.     FRANCE: Here’s how FRENCH CITIZENS are STOPPING CASHLESS    “I’ve been in France for three months now. Their approach to this is simply fantastic. […]

  • Why Cabala is Satanic

    Henry Makow - Apr 19th 2023 1:50pm EDT

      (Woody Allen with Mia Farrow’s adopted daughter, Dylan. Sexual depravity is the hallmark of satanic possession.)   “Never in the Jewish tradition was sexual asceticism a religious value.”    How did society become sex crazed? How did sex get separated from love and marriage?  Mankind has been been inducted into a satanic sex cult, […]

  • April 19 – Vote Riggers Rewarded With $787 Million!

    Henry Makow - Apr 19th 2023 10:00am EDT

    (Traitor & satanist Donald Trump refused to contest stolen 2020 election.)   Please send links and comments to [email protected]   To cement their theft of the 2020 election, Janet Yellin just wrote Fox News a cheque to give to Dominion voting systems. The US has gone from Beacon of Freedom to  the laughing stock of […]

  • Douglas Reed- Jewish Xenophobia is the Cause of Anti Semitism

    Henry Makow - Apr 18th 2023 4:00pm EDT

    Douglas Launcelot Reed (1895-1976) raised the alarm about the Illuminati Jewish conspiracy in key books like  The Controversy of Zion (1978). A former London Times correspondent and author of 24 books, his recognition that the worm in the apple is Judaism effectively ended his career.   In this provocative excerpt from “Disgrace Abounding”(1939), he says […]

  • April 18 – Communists Make a Mockery of America

    Henry Makow - Apr 18th 2023 10:37am EDT

        (Obama and Michael Robinson, like the pedophile Biden, a raised middle finger to America)   Please send links and comments to [email protected]   Barack Obama’s Family Admit He’s NOT American and Michelle Is ‘Not What He Seems’ Obama’s half-brother Malik has a history of dropping truth bombs about his family on Twitter. On […]

  • Nine Traits of Masculine Men

    Henry Makow - Apr 17th 2023 2:46pm EDT

       (Sterling Hayden, 1916-1986, exuded masculinity)     Satanism is causing us to question our gender identity.   All the more reason to affirm the natural order: gender and family.     Bobbi Wingham sent this useful reminder   of what masculinity looks like.       Buttwiper should put his image on their can. […]

  • April 17 – Deep State Chooses/Deposes US Leaders, says Tucker

    Henry Makow - Apr 17th 2023 12:26pm EDT

      Please send links and comments to [email protected]   The political situation is pretty toxic. Just assembling pertinent headlines each morning makes me sick. I’m sure they have the same effect on you. I continue because it is important to bear witness. I will not report on too many “crazy-making” stories. The crazies are the […]

  • Pentagon Leak Says, “No More Jewish Wars”

    Henry Makow - Apr 16th 2023 1:29pm EDT

    (Airman First Class, Jack Teixeira, 21)   “An enlisted man’s skepticism about the unrealistic conduct of an intensifying war led to his unauthorized limited release of military documents, all of these indicating anything but victory in the works. It is not permissible, yet completely ethical, to express legitimate fact-based doubts about the American role in […]

  • April 16 – Ron De Santis Complicit in Guantanamo Bay War Crimes

    Henry Makow - Apr 16th 2023 10:13am EDT

      Please send links and comments to [email protected]       Mansoor Adayfi–Ron De Santis Complicit in Guantanamo Bay War Crimes https://healthimpactnews.com/2023/americans-beware-what-belies-the-smile-of-ron-desantis/ “As far as I know, DeSantis did not order my hunger strike to be violently broken or wrote the policies that allowed it to happen. He was just a guy who claimed he […]

  • Miike Stone – Jack Teixeria is a National Hero!

    Henry Makow - Apr 15th 2023 11:27am EDT

    When your country has been subverted by traitors (globalists, satanists, communists) when your elections are fixed, and your courts are corrupt, “treason” is an act of Patriotism.                   by Mike Stone (henrymakow.com)   Can someone answer a question for me? Why is Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the […]

  • Martin Bormann — Nazis Supplied Uranium for US Atom Bombs

    Henry Makow - Apr 14th 2023 6:04pm EDT

    Left, U234 surrendering to USS Sutton May 14, 1945, for escort to Portsmouth NH. The transport sub carried enriched uranium and other advanced Nazi technology.       More evidence that World War Two was a charade designed to kill goyim and destroy their nations..         Sealed in cylinders “lined with gold,” was […]

  • April 14 – Will Biden Get 10% of Taiwan?

    Henry Makow - Apr 14th 2023 1:45pm EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected]   Mike Stone believe stock trades indicate Chinese invasion of Taiwan is imminent. “Warren Buffett, the scourge of Omaha, just dumped $4 billion worth of stock in TSMC, a Taiwan semiconductor company. If that’s unusual enough, Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville just bought a boatload of put options on […]

  • Gullible Goyim Still Peddling “Rabbi Finkelstein” Psy Op

    Henry Makow - Apr 13th 2023 3:01pm EDT

    left, Kenneth Feinberg, who was in charge of bribing families of victims of 9-11. His picture is used for “Abraham Finkelstein.”    This appeared last week at Before It’s News   Wake Up! Jewish Rabbi Admits McDonald’s Is One of Their Partners in This Heinous Business! (VIDEO) *(DISCRETION ADVISED)— Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein of Manhattan New […]

  • April 13 – Financial Storm Brewing

    Henry Makow - Apr 13th 2023 12:01pm EDT

      Please send links and comments to [email protected]   The world seems to be abandoning the $USD as the US imitates a dumpster fire.       Top US Banks to Reveal $521 Billion Deposit Drop, Most in Decade Deposits at JPMorgan Chase & Co., Wells Fargo & Co. and Bank of America Corp. are […]

  • Why are Christians Such Wimps?

    Henry Makow - Apr 12th 2023 4:11pm EDT

      Christian armies expelled Muslims from Spain and Mongols from Eastern Europe. Where are they today when Christian children are being shot, and hristian values are trampled with impunity? Christians today turn the other cheek so often, their heads are on a swivel.     from June 13, 2006 By Henry Makow Ph.D. When an […]