• April 12 – Vaccines “Greatest Crime Against Humanity in History”

    Henry Makow - Apr 12th 2023 10:04am EDT

      What internal Pfizer documents reveal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9Y_W_30hsM   Feminist and honest Jew, Naomi Wolf calls “vaccines” the “greatest crime against humanity in history.”   Start at 9 min. Over 2500 experts in medical field responded to call to analyse 55,000 pages of internal Pfizer documents which showed, one month after rollout, that Pfizer and the […]

  • Manhatten Project “An Entirely Jewish Affair”

    Henry Makow - Apr 11th 2023 2:21pm EDT

      (left Dwight Eisenhower in Masonic thumb-on-knuckle handshake with Sec of War Henry Stimson)     Universal is set to release a $100 million film entitled Oppenheimer in July.     It will not tell this story     Hiroshima was destroyed Thursday Aug 6. Nagasaki on Aug. 9. Forget about the rationales given. According to […]

  • April 11 – COVID is Common Flu Rebranded

    Henry Makow - Apr 11th 2023 11:46am EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected]   “Our watchwords are force and make believe.” Protocols of Zion, 1     “From October 2020 to May 2021 (during the COVID-19 pandemic), flu activity was lower than during any prior influenza season since at least 1997 (which is when data first became publicly available)[5]. The cumulative […]

  • Alfred Rosenberg- The Jewish Denial of God as Spirit

    Henry Makow - Apr 10th 2023 4:46pm EDT

        (Alfred Rosenberg, 1893-1946) “The Jew has shown throughout his history a search for knowledge in itself, avoided every metaphysical like an infectious disease, and instinctively persecuted the few exceptions who flirted with philosophy. The knowledge of the Law was for the Jew a goal in itself.”     Far from being “God’s Chosen […]

  • April 10 – The World Turns its Back on the West

    Henry Makow - Apr 10th 2023 11:40am EDT

      https://healthimpactnews.com/2023/beijing-and-moscow-are-uniting-the-middle-eastern-oil-rich-countries-sunni-and-shia-muslims-making-peace/     Gonzalo Lira – Compares Uncle Sam to the weird uncle who preys on children https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEhL-oNI4uI&t=217s Things causing the world to reject US leadership- Tranny insanity, Ukraine, fixed elections, persecution of Donald Trump, stealing Syrian oil, uncontrolled migration, money printing, bank runs and failures. The US is finished. Stick a fork in […]

  • Ricardo Delgado – Graphene Turns Vaccinated into Conductors

    Henry Makow - Apr 9th 2023 5:14pm EDT

        There is NO biological material in the (“vaccine”) samples. Obviously, both the mRNA platform and the affectation of the famous spike protein were only smokescreens to divert the research of anyone who analyzed, in situ, the “vaccines”.   Ricardo Delgado tells the audience, “What they called Covid-19 is the interaction of this undeclared […]

  • April 9 – Buttwiper Replaces Clydesdales With Cows Who Id as Horses

    Henry Makow - Apr 9th 2023 12:11pm EDT

      Please send links and comments to [email protected]     Buttwiper Replaces Clydesdales With Cows Dressed As Horses “In a natural continuation of its push for diversity and celebration of transgender lifestyles, Anheuser-Busch has announced the company will be replacing the iconic Budweiser Clydesdales with cows that identify as and dress like horses. “We feel […]

  • Henry Makow’s Best Quips (Updated)

    Henry Makow - Apr 8th 2023 6:03pm EDT

        (My headstone. Some lines are just intended to shock and get a laugh.)    I’m re-posting this for new readers who may appreciate a good line as much as I do. .    A good line is pure gold. I open my vault to you.    “The conspiracy is like the weather. Everyone talks about it but no […]

  • April 8- Cabalists Cut Their Own Throats

    Henry Makow - Apr 8th 2023 11:16am EDT

        Please send links and commets to [email protected]   Go woke! Go broke!   Tucker Carlson: Transgenderism Is the Fastest Growing Religion’   “In America’s new religion, the victims are not the children who died in Nashville. The victim is the woman who killed them, because Audrey Hale called herself transgender. She was, by […]

  • Are Jews “Good for the Jews”?

    Henry Makow - Apr 7th 2023 7:00pm EDT

          (“Good for the Jews”   as in reflects positively on Jews in general )     Got this today from a longtime Jewish correspondent and historical revisionist-       “We both had Jewish mothers. We are both aware of the world’s villains. When you label Jews, satanic, you imperil nice people, like […]

  • April 7 – Cabalists Crucify Christ on Good Friday

    Henry Makow - Apr 7th 2023 12:09pm EDT

    (Pastor Derek Reimer, last Christian with cohones)   Please send links and comments to [email protected]   Satanists Keep Crucifying Christ Christian pastor to spend Easter in jail after third arrest related to drag queen story time protests Tuesday’s arrest by the Calgary Police Service apparently involves new charges against Derek Reimer of Mission 7 Ministries. […]

  • Covid, Ukraine, the Devil & the Jews

    Henry Makow - Apr 6th 2023 3:00pm EDT

      Rabbi Trachtenberg’s 1983 book on the Medieval conception of Jews reveals the scale and continuity of the Cabalist (Masonic) Jewish Conspiracy.      Rabbi Trachtenberg writes that since the 1200’s AD, Christians have feared:    “A terrible mysterious Jewish horde hidden somewhere in the East awaited the signal to pour out upon Christendom and annihilate it. […]

  • April 6- Communist Corporate Amerika Promoting Self-Mutilation to Children

    Henry Makow - Apr 6th 2023 11:08am EDT

    Dylan Mulvaney left. Now any loser can get money and attention by coming out as a freak.   Please send links and comments to [email protected]   A Man who has made a career out of mocking women, and is still intact, Dylan Mulvaney is now getting paid tens of thousands to be a brand ambassador/ […]

  • We Don’t Hear about Self-Control Anymore

    Henry Makow - Apr 5th 2023 4:19pm EDT

        We don’t hear about self-control because Western society is controlled by the Illuminati, a satanic cult that believes in indulging our primitive instincts, the worse the better.  The essential difference between true religion and satanism is that religion believes in using our spiritual connection to God (soul, higher Self) to tame and control […]

  • April 5 – The Satanists Funding the Tranny Psy Op

    Henry Makow - Apr 5th 2023 12:40pm EDT

    Who Is Funding the Trans Movement? Kara Dansky is an attorney, writer, gender rights advocate, and President of the U.S. chapter of Women’s Declaration International. Kara is committed to protecting the rights, privacy, and safety of women and girls on the basis of sex in law and throughout society. Kara and Mikaila Peterson discuss the […]

  • April 5 – The Satanist Jews Funding the Tranny Plague

    Henry Makow - Apr 5th 2023 11:13am EDT

                  Who Is Funding the Trans Movement? Kara Dansky is an attorney, writer, gender rights advocate, and President of the U.S. chapter of Women’s Declaration International. Kara is committed to protecting the rights, privacy, and safety of women and girls on the basis of sex in law and throughout […]

  • April 5 – The People Funding the Tranny Psy Op

    Henry Makow - Apr 5th 2023 11:13am EDT

                  Who Is Funding the Trans Movement? Kara Dansky is an attorney, writer, gender rights advocate, and President of the U.S. chapter of Women’s Declaration International. Kara is committed to protecting the rights, privacy, and safety of women and girls on the basis of sex in law and throughout […]

  • April 5 – The Satanist Jews Funding the Tranny Plague

    Henry Makow - Apr 5th 2023 11:13am EDT

                  Who Is Funding the Trans Movement? Kara Dansky is an attorney, writer, gender rights advocate, and President of the U.S. chapter of Women’s Declaration International. Kara is committed to protecting the rights, privacy, and safety of women and girls on the basis of sex in law and throughout […]

  • Mark Lawrence- Will Next Plandemic Introduce “Mark of the Beast”?

    Henry Makow - Apr 4th 2023 4:40pm EDT

    Mark Lawrence 52, left, is a British former counter-terror surveillance operative, who spent decades working in the Middle-East training government teams.    Since early teens he has studied and researched the lies and propaganda from many governments around the world, and doubts that any of the official narratives for world changing events are true; no […]

  • Mark Lawrence- Will Next Plandemic Introduce “Mark of the Beast”?

    Henry Makow - Apr 4th 2023 4:40pm EDT

    Mark Lawrence 52, left, is a British former counter-terror surveillance operative, who spent decades working in the Middle-East training government teams.    Since early teens he has studied and researched the lies and propaganda from many governments around the world, and doubts that any of the official narratives for world changing events are true; no […]

  • Mark Lawrence- Will Next Plandemic Introduce “Mark of the Beast”?

    Henry Makow - Apr 4th 2023 4:40pm EDT

    Mark Lawrence 52, left, is a British former counter-terror surveillance operative, who spent decades working in the Middle-East training government teams.    Since early teens he has studied and researched the lies and propaganda from many governments around the world, and doubts that any of the official narratives for world changing events are true; no […]

  • Mark Lawrence- Will Next Plandemic Introduce “Mark of the Beast”?

    Henry Makow - Apr 4th 2023 4:40pm EDT

    Mark Lawrence 52, left, is a British former counter-terror surveillance operative, who spent decades working in the Middle-East training government teams.    Since early teens he has studied and researched the lies and propaganda from many governments around the world, and doubts that any of the official narratives for world changing events are true; no […]

  • Makow- There’s No Alternative to God

    Henry Makow - Apr 4th 2023 3:40pm EDT

    http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/ “God” is a dirty word for many of you. I also have trouble speaking His name. We’ve all been satanically possessed by Cabalists, (Satanists, Organized Jewry and Freemasonry.) They’ve proclaimed their intention to create a satanist dystopia. In reply, we need to celebrate God’s Benevolent Plan. God is not a choice. The Creator’s path […]

  • Makow- There’s No Alternative to God

    Henry Makow - Apr 4th 2023 3:40pm EDT

    http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/ “God” is a dirty word for many of you. I also have trouble speaking His name. We’ve all been satanically possessed by Cabalists, (Satanists, Organized Jewry and Freemasonry.) They’ve proclaimed their intention to create a satanist dystopia. In reply, we need to celebrate God’s Benevolent Plan. God is not a choice. The Creator’s path […]

  • Makow- There’s No Alternative to God

    Henry Makow - Apr 4th 2023 3:40pm EDT

    http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/ “God” is a dirty word for many of you. I also have trouble speaking His name. We’ve all been satanically possessed by Cabalists, (Satanists, Organized Jewry and Freemasonry.) They’ve proclaimed their intention to create a satanist dystopia. In reply, we need to celebrate God’s Benevolent Plan. God is not a choice. The Creator’s path […]