• Reclaiming Male Power in the Viagra Age

    Henry Makow - Apr 3rd 2023 1:38pm EDT

    The gesture of a man opening a door for a woman affirms both his masculinity and her femininity.  The Tranny movement is a vicious attack on gender identity of 98% of the population in the name of .01% More than ever, it’s necessary for heterosexuals to understand how heterosexuality works. Women used to align their […]

  • Reclaiming Male Power in the Viagra Age

    Henry Makow - Apr 3rd 2023 1:38pm EDT

    The gesture of a man opening a door for a woman affirms both his masculinity and her femininity.  The Tranny movement is a vicious attack on gender identity of 98% of the population in the name of .01% More than ever, it’s necessary for heterosexuals to understand how heterosexuality works. Women used to align their […]

  • April 3 – The War Between God and Satan

    Henry Makow - Apr 3rd 2023 11:28am EDT

    http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/ Trump is false opposition. Americans are inveterate rubes. But I guess false opposition is better than none at all. Please send links and comments to [email protected] Represented by Organized Jewry and Freemasonry, Satanism continues to be a cancer that attacks our health, prosperity and freedom. Over 100 million Americans may have seriously damaged their […]

  • April 3 – The War Between God and Satan

    Henry Makow - Apr 3rd 2023 11:28am EDT

    http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/ Trump is false opposition. Americans are inveterate rubes. But I guess false opposition is better than none at all. Please send links and comments to [email protected] Represented by Organized Jewry and Freemasonry, Satanism continues to be a cancer that attacks our health, prosperity and freedom. Over 100 million Americans may have seriously damaged their […]

  • April 3 – The War Between God and Satan

    Henry Makow - Apr 3rd 2023 11:28am EDT

    http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/ Trump is false opposition. Americans are inveterate rubes. But I guess false opposition is better than none at all. Please send links and comments to [email protected] Represented by Organized Jewry and Freemasonry, Satanism continues to be a cancer that attacks our health, prosperity and freedom. Over 100 million Americans may have seriously damaged their […]

  • April 3 – The War Between God and Satan

    Henry Makow - Apr 3rd 2023 11:28am EDT

    http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/ Trump is false opposition. Americans are inveterate rubes. But I guess false opposition is better than none at all. Please send links and comments to [email protected] Represented by Organized Jewry and Freemasonry, Satanism continues to be a cancer that attacks our health, prosperity and freedom. Over 100 million Americans may have seriously damaged their […]

  • April 3 – The War Between God and Satan

    Henry Makow - Apr 3rd 2023 11:08am EDT

    http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/ Please send links and comments to [email protected] Represented by Organized Jewry & Freemasonry, Satanism is a cancer that attacks our health, prosperity and freedom. Over 100 million Americans may have seriously damaged their Heart due to Covid Vaccination according to Expert Doctor https://expose-news.com/2023/04/03/100m-americans-heart-disease-covid-vaccination/The vaccines are causing heart injury in at least 2.8% of people […]

  • Mike Stone – Are We Being Coralled into Smart Cities?

    Henry Makow - Apr 2nd 2023 4:58pm EDT

    “The seemingly huge increase in chemtrails, energy-directed wildfires, train derailments,  toxic chemical spills, fires and explosions at food processing plants, and farmers complaining of poisoned chicken feed  just might be a concentrated plan to force people  away from rural areas and into the cities. “ by Mike Stone (henrymakow.com) What do chemtrails, energy-directed wildfires, train […]

  • Mike Stone – Are We Being Coralled into Smart Cities?

    Henry Makow - Apr 2nd 2023 4:58pm EDT

    “The seemingly huge increase in chemtrails, energy-directed wildfires, train derailments,  toxic chemical spills, fires and explosions at food processing plants, and farmers complaining of poisoned chicken feed  just might be a concentrated plan to force people  away from rural areas and into the cities. “ by Mike Stone (henrymakow.com) What do chemtrails, energy-directed wildfires, train […]

  • Mike Stone – Are We Being Coralled into Smart Cities?

    Henry Makow - Apr 2nd 2023 4:58pm EDT

    “The seemingly huge increase in chemtrails, energy-directed wildfires, train derailments,  toxic chemical spills, fires and explosions at food processing plants, and farmers complaining of poisoned chicken feed  just might be a concentrated plan to force people  away from rural areas and into the cities. “ by Mike Stone (henrymakow.com) What do chemtrails, energy-directed wildfires, train […]

  • April 2- Womanhood is Trashed by Tranny Fetish

    Henry Makow - Apr 2nd 2023 11:46am EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] Organized Jewry (WEF) is using the “rights” of .01% of the population as an excuse to deprive 99.9% of their rights in the name of “Inclusiveness.”  Below, Jennifer Bilek demonstrates that the transgender ideology has permeated society and that the agenda is to re-engineer humanity so that heterosexual […]

  • April 2- Womanhood is Trashed by Tranny Fetish

    Henry Makow - Apr 2nd 2023 11:46am EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] Organized Jewry (WEF) is using the “rights” of .01% of the population as an excuse to deprive 99.9% of their rights in the name of “Inclusiveness.”  Below, Jennifer Bilek demonstrates that the transgender ideology has permeated society and that the agenda is to re-engineer humanity so that heterosexual […]

  • Patrick O’Carroll- The Horrifying Prophecies of Padre Pio

    Henry Makow - Apr 1st 2023 5:07pm EDT

    (Padre Pio, 1887-1968) During WW2, Padre Pio shocked his confreres when he assured them that then-communist Russia would one day become the center of Christian renewal after America degenerated. The time will come when people will pluck out their eyes for a piece of bread. Shops will be looted, warehouses will be stormed and destroyed; […]

  • Patrick O’Carroll- The Horrifying Prophecies of Padre Pio

    Henry Makow - Apr 1st 2023 5:07pm EDT

    (Padre Pio, 1887-1968) During WW2, Padre Pio shocked his confreres when he assured them that then-communist Russia would one day become the center of Christian renewal after America degenerated. The time will come when people will pluck out their eyes for a piece of bread. Shops will be looted, warehouses will be stormed and destroyed; […]

  • April 1 – Wish This Page Was an April Fools Joke

    Henry Makow - Apr 1st 2023 11:36am EDT

    http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/ Please send links and comment to [email protected] “British” created the Bolshevik Revolution  Rothschilds transferred $7.5 million in gold bullion to Russia in 1892 without running it through the Bank of England ($234 million today); thus funding Britain’s eventual false flags against Russia and Germany in WWI and the British-created Bolshevik Revolution.  https://aim4truth.org/2022/03/22/british-created-the-bolshevik-revolution/– William Makis MD […]

  • April 1 – Wish This Page Was an April Fools Joke

    Henry Makow - Apr 1st 2023 11:36am EDT

    http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/ Please send links and comment to [email protected] “British” created the Bolshevik Revolution  Rothschilds transferred $7.5 million in gold bullion to Russia in 1892 without running it through the Bank of England ($234 million today); thus funding Britain’s eventual false flags against Russia and Germany in WWI and the British-created Bolshevik Revolution.  https://aim4truth.org/2022/03/22/british-created-the-bolshevik-revolution/– William Makis MD […]

  • Betty Friedan: Feminism — Classic Commie Jewish (Satanic) Subversion

    Henry Makow - Mar 31st 2023 5:52pm EDT

    (Husband-Carl Friedan revealed that Betty was never a real housewife but a pill-popping psychopath.) I reprise this key 2003 essay about the mother of Feminism, Betty Friedan, as a reminder of how Communists use deceit to subvert society. Like the covid hoax, (re-branded flu) their appeals to “social justice” & “equality” are a con game. […]

  • Betty Friedan: Feminism — Classic Commie Jewish (Satanic) Subversion

    Henry Makow - Mar 31st 2023 5:52pm EDT

    (Husband-Carl Friedan revealed that Betty was never a real housewife but a pill-popping psychopath.) I reprise this key 2003 essay about the mother of Feminism, Betty Friedan, as a reminder of how Communists use deceit to subvert society. Like the covid hoax, (re-branded flu) their appeals to “social justice” & “equality” are a con game. […]

  • March 31– Is AI another Cabalist Depopulation Plan?

    Henry Makow - Mar 31st 2023 3:06pm EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] I’m not covering the Trump indictment because it’s just a charade designed to create more division. Trump and the Demonrats are on the same Zio-Commie tag team. This is late because I got off the treadmill for 24 hours. There is life beyond Cabalist madness! ‘If We Go […]

  • Makow- What the Burka Means to Me

    Henry Makow - Mar 30th 2023 2:38pm EDT

    Since this article was written in 2002, it has been reposted on numerous Muslim,Christian and Hindu websites. I revisit this reaffirmation  of gender, marriage and family which are all under savage daily attack by Satanists (Liberals, Communists) in government, education & media. “I am not advocating the burka but rather some of the values that […]

  • March 30- Trannies Adopt Jewish Playbook- Fear “Genocide”

    Henry Makow - Mar 30th 2023 10:16am EDT

    (left, Kayla Denka, face of tranny victimhood) Heterophobe bigot is also a Communist. Cohencidence? Please send links and comments to [email protected] Denker: ‘While advocating just for trans people to ‘arm ourselves’ is not any kind of solution to the genocide we are facing, I do want to say that if you transphobes do try to […]

  • Makow- The Satanist Jewish Plot to Destroy Civilization

    Henry Makow - Mar 29th 2023 2:00pm EDT

    (Left, Quote from World Jewish Congress Founder Nahum Goldman 1895-1982- Forgive me for posting this again but people these days have short attention spans and even shorter memories.) We can’t defend ourselves if we can’t even name the enemy. We face an occult force. Organized Jewry and its minion Freemasonry, are dedicated to destroying civilization. […]

  • March 29 – Latest Gun Grab Psyop- Trannies Versus Christians

    Henry Makow - Mar 29th 2023 10:43am EDT

    Credit- http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/2023/03/ Please send links and comments to [email protected] Trannies don’t hate Christians. Their Communist Jewish sponsors Do!  Government Sponsored Terrorism Seeks to Disarm Legal Gun Owners. Think Parkland and Uvalde Texas MOTIVE:  THE FEDERAL DEEP STATE Orchestrated a False flag School Shooting to Stop Tennessee Legislation That Would Allow Fewer Gun Restrictions. VIDEO & […]

  • Matrix Hacker – The Hollywood/Cabalist Breeding Program

    Henry Makow - Mar 28th 2023 1:27pm EDT

    Winfrey is the secret daughter of Maya Angelou? “For nearly two decades, I have studied the shadowy forces that work to manipulate societies. Humanity is fundamentally divided into two opposing groups — those who are born into a Satanic cult and those who are not.“ Makow Disclaimer- I reserve judgment. by Matrix Hacker (henrymakow.com) To […]

  • March 28 – Biden is a (((Raised Middle Finger))) to America

    Henry Makow - Mar 28th 2023 11:47am EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YziKqS72YY Sky News Australia host slams Joe Biden’s response after horrific school shooting Joe Biden responded to the murder of seven people at a Nashville Christian academy like a Catskill comedian talking about his penchant for ice cream and shouting out to the children present. This murder does […]