• March 24 – Why is Russia Following Globalist Green Agenda??

    Henry Makow - Mar 24th 2023 11:29am EDT

    (Putin and Chabad handler, Berel Lazar) Please send links and comments to [email protected] This undermines Russia’s claim to oppose Satanist West. Suggests the war is a charade to kill goyim. Edward Slavsquat–Things are getting very sustainable Moscow bravely marches forward with SDGs, ESG, and other STDs But perhaps it’s time for a Sustainability Update? Lots […]

  • Patrick O’Carroll – Cabalist Goal is White Genocide

    Henry Makow - Mar 23rd 2023 3:55pm EDT

    Judaism is the only “religion” that seeks NOT to convert or proselytize, but to genocide, its non-members. This explains the COVID hoax, the toxic “vaccine,” CRT, gender dysphoria and Ukraine  (Part One – Chabad Engineered Jewish Holocaust to force Jews to establish Israel.) by Patrick O’Carroll (henrymakow.com) In the following video, satanic CHABAD rabbis openly […]

  • Patrick O’Carroll – Cabalist Goal is White Genocide

    Henry Makow - Mar 23rd 2023 3:55pm EDT

    Judaism is the only “religion” that seeks NOT to convert or proselytize, but to genocide, its non-members. This explains the COVID hoax, the toxic “vaccine,” CRT, gender denial and Ukraine  (Part One – Chabad Engineered Jewish Holocaust to force Jews to establish Israel.) Makow- How long will it take for society to realize that this […]

  • March 23 – Mysogyny! The Left is Displacing Women

    Henry Makow - Mar 23rd 2023 11:39am EDT

    (left, Leigh Finke) Please send links and comments to [email protected] USA Today has picked a trans-identified male as it’s ‘woman of the year’ for a second time running, and this time it’s someone who advocates for child sex changes. The media outlet has chosen Leigh Finke as its ‘woman of the year’ for Minnesota. Finke […]

  • March 23 – Mysogyny! The Left is Displacing Women

    Henry Makow - Mar 23rd 2023 11:39am EDT

    (left, Leigh Finke) Please send links and comments to [email protected] USA Today has picked a trans-identified male as it’s ‘woman of the year’ for a second time running, and this time it’s someone who advocates for child sex changes. The media outlet has chosen Leigh Finke as its ‘woman of the year’ for Minnesota. Finke […]

  • Patrick O’Carroll – Chabad was Responsible for the Jewish Holocaust

    Henry Makow - Mar 22nd 2023 4:11pm EDT

     In 1997, the German weekly “Die Zeit” published an interview in which Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson praised the “MERITS” of the Jewish Holocaust because it “succeeded” in “eradicating” “evils” within Judaism, i.e.:”When the CHABAD Rebbe, one of the most famous rabbis of our generation, was asked how the Jewish Holocaust could have happened when the […]

  • Patrick O’Carroll – Chabad was Responsible for the Jewish Holocaust

    Henry Makow - Mar 22nd 2023 4:11pm EDT

     In 1997, the German weekly “Die Zeit” published an interview in which Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson praised the “MERITS” of the Jewish Holocaust because it “succeeded” in “eradicating” “evils” within Judaism, i.e.:”When the CHABAD Rebbe, one of the most famous rabbis of our generation, was asked how the Jewish Holocaust could have happened when the […]

  • March 22 – Red Cross Promotes Migrant Invasion of the US

    Henry Makow - Mar 22nd 2023 11:28am EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] Warning: every dollar you donate to the Red Cross is bringing America to her knees… Handing out detailed guides to illegals. Why? Many are probably reading this annd wondering why on earth would The Red. Cross do such a thing? Well, that answer may be found in all […]

  • March 22 – Red Cross Promotes Migrant Invasion of the US

    Henry Makow - Mar 22nd 2023 11:28am EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] Warning: every dollar you donate to the Red Cross is bringing America to her knees… Handing out detailed guides to illegals. Why? Many are probably reading this annd wondering why on earth would The Red. Cross do such a thing? Well, that answer may be found in all […]

  • Mike Stone- Trannyism is Satanism

    Henry Makow - Mar 21st 2023 3:01pm EDT

    Trannyism is Satanic because it attempts to override nature and normalize sickness. “In 2007, there were two pediatric “gender clinics” in the entire United States. Today there are close to 200. That’s not an accident or a response to public demand. Like everything else, it’s part of a planned and coordinated push that began with […]

  • Mike Stone- Trannyism is Satanism

    Henry Makow - Mar 21st 2023 2:41pm EDT

    Trannyism is Satanism because it attempts to overrule nature which is M/F. This is promoted for depopulation. “In 2007, there were two pediatric “gender clinics” in the entire United States. Today there are close to 200. That’s not an accident or a response to public demand. Like everything else, it’s part of a planned and […]

  • March 21 – Your Government Wants You Stupid & Dead

    Henry Makow - Mar 21st 2023 10:46am EDT

    Credit, the Great David Dees Please send links and comments to [email protected] Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It The National Toxicology Program (NTP) on Wednesday released a draft report linking prenatal and childhood fluoride exposure to reduced IQ in children, after public health officials […]

  • March 21 – Your Government Wants You Stupid & Dead

    Henry Makow - Mar 21st 2023 10:06am EDT

    Credit, the Great David Dees Please send links and comments to [email protected] Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It The National Toxicology Program (NTP) on Wednesday released a draft report linking prenatal and childhood fluoride exposure to reduced IQ in children, after public health officials […]

  • Dutch Farmer’s Party is a Creation of Chemical Industry

    Henry Makow - Mar 20th 2023 3:47pm EDT

    The big winner in the Dutch elections on 15 March 2023 was the BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB, translated as Farmer-Citizen Movement). While heralded as an “anti-globalist” victory, this party is a front for Bayer-Monsanto and the chemical industry. “What can we expect from the Farmer-Citizen Movement? The answer is: nothing. Nitrogen policy is framed within the globalist […]

  • Dutch Farmer’s Party is a Creation of Chemical Industry

    Henry Makow - Mar 20th 2023 3:47pm EDT

    The big winner in the Dutch elections on 15 March 2023 was the BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB, translated as Farmer-Citizen Movement). While heralded as an “anti-globalist” victory, this party is a front for Bayer-Monsanto and the chemical industry. “What can we expect from the Farmer-Citizen Movement? The answer is: nothing. Nitrogen policy is framed within the globalist […]

  • March 20 – Illuminati Scramble to Save Banking System

    Henry Makow - Mar 20th 2023 11:41am EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] “In fact, the Credit Suisse “rescue” was not a rescue. UBS could only work an equity trade, they themselves lacked the cash for a real buyout!  That deal was total clown world. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/why-the-failure-of-credit-suisse-is-such-a-big-deal-it-was-a-bulge-bracket-bank Bonds owned by banks are worth three-hundred BILLION dollars LESS than their face value. As […]

  • March 20 – Illuminati Scramble to Save Banking System

    Henry Makow - Mar 20th 2023 11:41am EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] “In fact, the Credit Suisse “rescue” was not a rescue. UBS could only work an equity trade, they themselves lacked the cash for a real buyout!  That deal was total clown world. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/why-the-failure-of-credit-suisse-is-such-a-big-deal-it-was-a-bulge-bracket-bank Bonds owned by banks are worth three-hundred BILLION dollars LESS than their face value. As […]

  • Graham Crawford – Societal Betrayal Has Destroyed Trust Forever

    Henry Makow - Mar 19th 2023 8:08pm EDT

    Are the vaccinated damned? “The very thought of that potentially ticking time bomb may be too much for many to bear. How will they cope? How will they and the rest of the world hold together under the weight of collective anxiety and anger at being callously misled and coerced into taking, often repeatedly, a […]

  • Graham Crawford – Societal Betrayal Has Destroyed Trust Forever

    Henry Makow - Mar 19th 2023 3:08pm EDT

    Are the vaccinated damned? “The very thought of that potentially ticking time bomb may be too much for many to bear. How will they cope? How will they and the rest of the world hold together under the weight of collective anxiety and anger at being callously misled and coerced into taking, often repeatedly, a […]

  • March 19 – Taliban Fed Up With Office Work!

    Henry Makow - Mar 19th 2023 12:43pm EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] Leading with this whimsical story. More serious stuff below. Taliban Members Fed Up With Office Work, Ready to Quiet Quit Reader- “This is the greatest article I’ve ever read. They complain about traffic low pay and long hours. These people could be the average American bitching about life.” […]

  • March 19 – Taliban Fed Up With Office Work!

    Henry Makow - Mar 19th 2023 12:43pm EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] Leading with this whimsical story. More serious stuff below. Taliban Members Fed Up With Office Work, Ready to Quiet Quit Reader- “This is the greatest article I’ve ever read. They complain about traffic low pay and long hours. These people could be the average American bitching about life.” […]

  • Freemasonry: Mankind’s Death Wish

    Henry Makow - Mar 18th 2023 6:13pm EDT

    The source of the world’s problems: The Gentile “leadership” has been chosen for its willingness to sell its soul to Cabalist (satanic) Jewish central bankers by joining Freemasonry, which is Judaism  for Gentiles. Translated, our “leaders” are liars, opportunists and traitors. “Freemasonry plays the same role in Western society as the Communist Party did in the […]

  • Freemasonry: Mankind’s Death Wish

    Henry Makow - Mar 18th 2023 6:13pm EDT

    The source of the world’s problems: The Gentile “leadership” has been chosen for its willingness to sell its soul to Cabalist (satanic) Jewish central bankers by joining Freemasonry, which is Judaism  for Gentiles. Translated, our “leaders” are liars, opportunists and traitors. “Freemasonry plays the same role in Western society as the Communist Party did in the […]

  • March 18 – Goyim Slow to Resist Mortal Cabalist Attack

    Henry Makow - Mar 18th 2023 11:34am EDT

    https://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/2023/03/saturday-cartoons-did-you-think-you.html Please send links and Comments to [email protected] Whether its toxic vaccines or gender ideology, the goyim are slow to react to a vicious, racist attack by the WEF satanist Jewish bankers designed to dispossess and destroy them.  IT WAS ALL A LIE: How you were tricked into taking part in a Deadly Experiment that […]

  • Svali- In 2002, Illuminati Defector Predicted Financial Collapse

    Henry Makow - Mar 17th 2023 8:07pm EDT

    Svali’s revelations almost 20 years ago of a well organized Satanist conspiracy add a new dimension to current events. How much is pertinent today in your view? It is hard to accept Svali’s assertion that the Illuminati is “Aryan supremacist (German is spoken at the top) but welcomes Jewish apostates.” Also, hard to believe her assertion, “there […]