• March 21 – Your Government Wants You Stupid & Dead

    Henry Makow - Mar 21st 2023 10:46am EDT

    Credit, the Great David Dees Please send links and comments to [email protected] Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It The National Toxicology Program (NTP) on Wednesday released a draft report linking prenatal and childhood fluoride exposure to reduced IQ in children, after public health officials […]

  • March 21 – Your Government Wants You Stupid & Dead

    Henry Makow - Mar 21st 2023 10:06am EDT

    Credit, the Great David Dees Please send links and comments to [email protected] Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It The National Toxicology Program (NTP) on Wednesday released a draft report linking prenatal and childhood fluoride exposure to reduced IQ in children, after public health officials […]

  • Dutch Farmer’s Party is a Creation of Chemical Industry

    Henry Makow - Mar 20th 2023 3:47pm EDT

    The big winner in the Dutch elections on 15 March 2023 was the BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB, translated as Farmer-Citizen Movement). While heralded as an “anti-globalist” victory, this party is a front for Bayer-Monsanto and the chemical industry. “What can we expect from the Farmer-Citizen Movement? The answer is: nothing. Nitrogen policy is framed within the globalist […]

  • Dutch Farmer’s Party is a Creation of Chemical Industry

    Henry Makow - Mar 20th 2023 3:47pm EDT

    The big winner in the Dutch elections on 15 March 2023 was the BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB, translated as Farmer-Citizen Movement). While heralded as an “anti-globalist” victory, this party is a front for Bayer-Monsanto and the chemical industry. “What can we expect from the Farmer-Citizen Movement? The answer is: nothing. Nitrogen policy is framed within the globalist […]

  • March 20 – Illuminati Scramble to Save Banking System

    Henry Makow - Mar 20th 2023 11:41am EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] “In fact, the Credit Suisse “rescue” was not a rescue. UBS could only work an equity trade, they themselves lacked the cash for a real buyout!  That deal was total clown world. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/why-the-failure-of-credit-suisse-is-such-a-big-deal-it-was-a-bulge-bracket-bank Bonds owned by banks are worth three-hundred BILLION dollars LESS than their face value. As […]

  • March 20 – Illuminati Scramble to Save Banking System

    Henry Makow - Mar 20th 2023 11:41am EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] “In fact, the Credit Suisse “rescue” was not a rescue. UBS could only work an equity trade, they themselves lacked the cash for a real buyout!  That deal was total clown world. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/why-the-failure-of-credit-suisse-is-such-a-big-deal-it-was-a-bulge-bracket-bank Bonds owned by banks are worth three-hundred BILLION dollars LESS than their face value. As […]

  • Graham Crawford – Societal Betrayal Has Destroyed Trust Forever

    Henry Makow - Mar 19th 2023 8:08pm EDT

    Are the vaccinated damned? “The very thought of that potentially ticking time bomb may be too much for many to bear. How will they cope? How will they and the rest of the world hold together under the weight of collective anxiety and anger at being callously misled and coerced into taking, often repeatedly, a […]

  • Graham Crawford – Societal Betrayal Has Destroyed Trust Forever

    Henry Makow - Mar 19th 2023 3:08pm EDT

    Are the vaccinated damned? “The very thought of that potentially ticking time bomb may be too much for many to bear. How will they cope? How will they and the rest of the world hold together under the weight of collective anxiety and anger at being callously misled and coerced into taking, often repeatedly, a […]

  • March 19 – Taliban Fed Up With Office Work!

    Henry Makow - Mar 19th 2023 12:43pm EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] Leading with this whimsical story. More serious stuff below. Taliban Members Fed Up With Office Work, Ready to Quiet Quit Reader- “This is the greatest article I’ve ever read. They complain about traffic low pay and long hours. These people could be the average American bitching about life.” […]

  • March 19 – Taliban Fed Up With Office Work!

    Henry Makow - Mar 19th 2023 12:43pm EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] Leading with this whimsical story. More serious stuff below. Taliban Members Fed Up With Office Work, Ready to Quiet Quit Reader- “This is the greatest article I’ve ever read. They complain about traffic low pay and long hours. These people could be the average American bitching about life.” […]

  • Freemasonry: Mankind’s Death Wish

    Henry Makow - Mar 18th 2023 6:13pm EDT

    The source of the world’s problems: The Gentile “leadership” has been chosen for its willingness to sell its soul to Cabalist (satanic) Jewish central bankers by joining Freemasonry, which is Judaism  for Gentiles. Translated, our “leaders” are liars, opportunists and traitors. “Freemasonry plays the same role in Western society as the Communist Party did in the […]

  • Freemasonry: Mankind’s Death Wish

    Henry Makow - Mar 18th 2023 6:13pm EDT

    The source of the world’s problems: The Gentile “leadership” has been chosen for its willingness to sell its soul to Cabalist (satanic) Jewish central bankers by joining Freemasonry, which is Judaism  for Gentiles. Translated, our “leaders” are liars, opportunists and traitors. “Freemasonry plays the same role in Western society as the Communist Party did in the […]

  • March 18 – Goyim Slow to Resist Mortal Cabalist Attack

    Henry Makow - Mar 18th 2023 11:34am EDT

    https://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/2023/03/saturday-cartoons-did-you-think-you.html Please send links and Comments to [email protected] Whether its toxic vaccines or gender ideology, the goyim are slow to react to a vicious, racist attack by the WEF satanist Jewish bankers designed to dispossess and destroy them.  IT WAS ALL A LIE: How you were tricked into taking part in a Deadly Experiment that […]

  • Svali- In 2002, Illuminati Defector Predicted Financial Collapse

    Henry Makow - Mar 17th 2023 8:07pm EDT

    Svali’s revelations almost 20 years ago of a well organized Satanist conspiracy add a new dimension to current events. How much is pertinent today in your view? It is hard to accept Svali’s assertion that the Illuminati is “Aryan supremacist (German is spoken at the top) but welcomes Jewish apostates.” Also, hard to believe her assertion, “there […]

  • March 17 – This is the Kingdom of Heaven

    Henry Makow - Mar 17th 2023 11:17am EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] Do not let the satanist psychopaths stop us from appreciating that the earth is paradise, full of exquisite beauty. We need to celebrate and thank God every day for his Creation and for the Miracle of Life. Ryan Shirley, a Mormon in his twenties has literally been everywhere […]

  • The Jewish Satanists Behind Covid, Communism and Ukraine

    Henry Makow - Mar 16th 2023 4:02pm EDT

    Some stories require rereading.  In 1989, a courageous young woman exposed the satanic Jewish forebears of the Illuminati cult that now dominates the world. They are Sabbatean Frankists who hate assimilated Jews as much as goyim.Respected members of the community by day, they sacrifice babies at night. We are sleepwalking to catastrophe. Donald Trump is part […]

  • March 16 – Pentagon BioWeapons Program Directed Against Americans

    Henry Makow - Mar 16th 2023 11:43am EDT

    (Fauci proves humans can identify as rats) Please send links and comments to [email protected] THREAD: Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top-paid US federal employee, has developed bioweapons for the Pentagon since 2002. In 2014, Obama shut down 18 of Fauci’s gain-of-function experiments after lab leaks, and 300 top scientists complained about his dangerous bioweapons research. #3 […]

  • Federal Surveyors Harrass Canadians

    Henry Makow - Mar 15th 2023 4:09pm EDT

    Survey teams are offering 6000 Canadians $150 each to answer intrusive questions about their health and personal lives in hour-long surveys and take “tests.” Reader- “This next step in the Jew-orchestrated white genocide is underway in Swift Current Saskatchewan! The government interested in our health? Be assured they are calibrating how successful their genocide is […]

  • March 15 – US is Being Destroyed from Within

    Henry Makow - Mar 15th 2023 12:04pm EDT

    Please send links and comments to [email protected] This was the actual logo of the 2020 Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee that nominated Joe Biden. “Death (Star of Baphomet)  to America”   i.e. Satanism will destroy America Because of cognitive dissonance, people refuse to acknowledge the true satanic ( Cabalist Jewish/Masonic) nature of the enemy. Do you […]

  • Mike Stone – Would You Marry a Robot?

    Henry Makow - Mar 14th 2023 3:11pm EDT

    Alicia Vikander in Ex Machina “The current media craze over AI is going to push the once-taboo topic of sex with robots right to the forefront. Of course, it will be made to look as if this robot-mania was some sort of grassroots movement; a spontaneous outburst from people in the name of progress.“ by […]

  • March 14 – WHO’s Tedros Predicts End of COVD Hoax

    Henry Makow - Mar 14th 2023 12:39pm EDT

    (WHO’s Tedros cruisin’ at a bar in Brazil) Please send links and comments to [email protected] Scamdemic takes back seat to World War Three and banking crisis WHO chief predicts end of Covid-19 pandemic Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said he’s confident the virus will cease to be an international concern in 2023 The Covid-19 pandemic will no […]

  • Makow- Our Predicament in a Nutshell

    Henry Makow - Mar 13th 2023 2:01pm EDT

    Modern Western culture is based on Cabalist Judaism which is a solipsism: whatever serves the central bankers’ perversity is Truth. Instead of discerning God’s Plan, the moral and natural order, they overrule objective truth and erect a false reality in its place. For example, people can transition from one gender to another simply by identifying. […]

  • March 13 – Over $250 billion Swindled from US Pandemic Fund – report

    Henry Makow - Mar 13th 2023 12:47pm EDT

    Modern chivalry – credit http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/ I don’t think the collapse of a few banks will lead to a bank run. The Fed can produce billions of dollars out of thin air for Ukraine. They can certainly do the same to bail out US depositors. Over $250 billion swindled from US pandemic fund – report More […]

  • Homosexuality is Centerpiece of Satanic Conspiracy

    Henry Makow - Mar 12th 2023 5:20pm EDT

    I was not present when Klaws took Harari’s cherry but I believe this is way the Illuminati recruits. See Jimmy Saville and Tony Blair.  Many of our “leaders” are literally Klaws Swab’s bumboys. The transformation of society  by the promotion of homosexuality ranges from arrested development to blackmail,as the “First Comment” below reveals. “There is […]

  • March 12- Is Banking Crisis Deliberate?

    Henry Makow - Mar 12th 2023 12:01pm EDT

    (left, The Fed didn’t foresee this?) Please send links and comments to [email protected] Soon we may be in the position of this depositor who put his faith in a banking system run by Satanists. Most people who have been robbed of their savings will gladly accept CBDC in exchange. Silicon Valley Bank employees received annual […]