• Does Your Dental Floss Contain Toxic Nonstick Coating?

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 12th 2024 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Although it has not been well-studied, flossing has been a basic tenet of developing healthy gums and reducing the potential for periodontal disease While the development of nonstick material has made flossing easier, it increases your exposure to toxic chemicals To avoid unnecessary toxic exposure, confirm your favorite floss is free of toxic […]

  • Protein Guidance: How to Get Enough for Optimal Health

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 11th 2024 11:33pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Dietary protein is crucial for building and repairing body tissues, influencing everything from muscle growth to the function of enzymes and hormones Nine essential amino acids must be obtained from the diet as your body cannot synthesize them Animal proteins provide not only essential amino acids but also nutrients that are essential for […]

  • Practical, Nonsurgical Solutions for Managing Back Pain

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 11th 2024 11:32pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Millions of American adults experience lower back pain, with some cases being chronic. This can affect productivity, incurring billion dollars in health care costs to the economy Commonly prescribed treatments for lower back pain include opioids and surgery. However, these methods have documented adverse events, and can actually be life-threatening Moving your body, […]

  • Cinnamon Health Benefits Proven

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 11th 2024 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Ayurvedic, Egyptian and ancient Roman traditions respected the healing powers of cinnamon, using it not only in food but also for perfumes and medicine Cinnamon has been found in clinical studies to help alleviate colorectal and cervical cancers, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, inflammation and tooth decay and may even improve your ability to learn […]

  • Government Raid Seizes $90,000 of Healthy Food Grown by Nourish Cooperative

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 10th 2024 11:33pm EDT

    By: Ashley Armstrong STORY AT-A-GLANCE Nourish Cooperative is a farm cooperative that provides fresh, whole foods, such as low-PUFA eggs, raw milk, and “needle-free” grass fed and/or corn- and soy-free meat On November 3, 2023, 15 of their corn- and soy-free, low-PUFA hogs were seized due to a misunderstanding on processing On May 28, 2024, […]

  • Toxic Water Contaminants Implicated in Parkinson’s Disease

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 10th 2024 11:32pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Water pollution is one of the gravest threats facing humanity. Hazardous water pollutants include arsenic, fluoride, nitrate, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides and microplastics Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a volatile organic chemical and was used in a wide range of applications throughout the 20th century. Today, it is used as an industrial solvent. The Agency for […]

  • What Are Terpenoids?

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 10th 2024 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Terpenoids represent the largest and most diverse class of beneficial plant chemicals; more than 40,000 individual terpenoids exist, and new ones are discovered every year Accumulating research suggests terpenoids may help reduce the risk for metabolic disorders, fight cancer, exert antiaging benefits and more Terpenoids are responsible for the wide variety of plant […]

  • Why Reducing PUFA Intake During Pregnancy Is Crucial for the Health of Your Children

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 9th 2024 11:34pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Consuming the right types of dietary fats is crucial for cell membrane construction and overall health, particularly during pregnancy, as it significantly affects the health and development of your offspring High intake of linoleic acid (LA) during pregnancy can negatively impact fetal development, influencing motor, cognitive, and verbal abilities in children, and may […]

  • Three Brands of Fruit Pouches Recalled for Toxic Lead Contamination

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 9th 2024 11:32pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE In October 2023, the U.S. FDA issued a recall for WanaBana apple-cinnamon fruit puree pouches after they were found to contain high lead levels. Two brands, Schnucks and Weis, were also recalled Children who consumed the lead-contaminated fruit pouches experienced symptoms including headaches, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, changes in activity level and anemia […]

  • Moringa Goes Mainstream

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 9th 2024 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE A bona fide superfood, moringa leaves are packed with essential amino acids and impressive amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and natural plant compounds, which naturally translate to protection against toxins and disease Aside from food use and the nutritional and medicinal advantages, moringa leaves can also be used as a biofertilizer, and the […]

  • Rewiring the Brain: The Promise and Peril of Neuroplasticity

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 7th 2024 11:34pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE In the video “Rewiring the Brain: The Promise and Peril of Neuroplasticity,” Brian Greene, a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, interviews experts in the field of neuroplasticity about how human brain enhancement can help, and potentially harm, humanity The panel includes neuroscientists Takao Hensch and John Krakauer, as well as […]

  • Fluoride Could Be Putting Your Fetus’ Neurological Development at Risk

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 7th 2024 11:32pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Research suggests that exposure to fluoridated water during your pregnancy may lead to severe consequences for your fetus, such as behavioral problems Children who drink fluoridated water may have delayed cognitive development as they grow. Published studies suggest that drinking fluoridated water may result in lower IQ compared to other children who had […]

  • Is It Time to Dump Your Toothpaste?

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 7th 2024 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE You’ll produce 10,000 gallons of spit to neutralize acid and help fight germs in your mouth, use nearly 5 miles of floss and 20 gallons of toothpaste in your lifetime Despite documented health risks, and an FDA ban for use in antibacterial soap, you may still find triclosan in your toothpaste, especially those […]

  • How to Diagnose and Treat Osteoarthritis

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 6th 2024 11:33pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Osteoarthritis (OA) is often described as a “wear and tear” disease because it typically involves the breakdown of joint cartilage due to repetitive use and load over time However, the understanding of osteoarthritis has evolved, and it is now recognized as a more complex condition influenced by a combination of factors beyond just […]

  • Practice Makes Perfect — The Science of Memory Formation

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 6th 2024 11:32pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE A May 2024 study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) aimed to determine how training affects the working memory, which is responsible for temporarily retaining and processing information for immediate use Researchers trained mice to perform olfactory delayed-association tasks over two weeks. After doing this repetitive task for […]

  • Eat Your Prunes

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 6th 2024 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Prunes are simply dried plums, just like raisins are dried grapes. More specifically, prunes are sun-dried plums that skipped the fermentation process For centuries, traditional medicine made use of prunes for treating fever, high blood pressure, jaundice, diabetes, digestion and constipation, still one of this dried fruit’s most popular remedies Fiber, potassium, iron […]

  • Diet for a Large Planet

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 5th 2024 11:34pm EDT

    By: Sally Fallon Morell STORY AT-A-GLANCE Francis Moore Lappé’s influential 1971 book, “Diet for a Small Planet,” argues that meat production harms the environment and exacerbates global food scarcity, advocating for vegetarianism instead Lappé highlighted that a significant portion of grain production and agricultural land is used for animal feed, contributing to hunger and malnutrition […]

  • Beyond the Walls — How Outdoor Time Transforms Your Health

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 5th 2024 11:32pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Spending time outdoors not only allows you to reap the benefits of sunlight, but also allows you to be one with nature, which is good for your mind and body “Nature deficit disorder” refers to the nature deficits that occur due to the urbanized lifestyle that’s rampant today. These include limited access to […]

  • Safe Alternatives to Toxic Mothballs

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 5th 2024 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE In earlier times, mothballs were commonly added to storage bins, boxes and trunks to prevent clothing made from natural fibers from becoming infested with moth larvae Mothballs contain toxic chemicals, namely naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene, which are unsafe for people, pets and wildlife Several safe alternatives exist to the use of mothballs, including cedar […]

  • Navigating the Gray Area: Understanding the Legalities of Off-Label Drug Use

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 4th 2024 11:33pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE In the U.S., 1 in 5 prescriptions are written for an off-label use; this protects doctors’ ability to freely treat patients, and patients’ ability to use all available treatments after making an informed decision FDA regulations require all over-the-counter (OTC) progesterone products to be labeled for topical and cosmetic use only As a […]

  • Consumer Alert — Is Your Grocer Misting Fresh Vegetables With Chemicals?

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 4th 2024 11:32pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE The tiny misters in your grocery store produce section likely contain antimicrobial sprays that could be leaving your fresh fruit and vegetables covered in chemicals — even if they’re organic Chemstar’s “Sterilox Produce Maxx” product is an antimicrobial fruit and vegetable wash used by more than 50 retail brands across more than 10,000 […]

  • Schisandra — China’s Most Potent Medicinal Berry

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 4th 2024 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Grown primarily in China’s Upper Yangtze region, the small, red schisandra berry has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine and is becoming well-known worldwide for its many health benefits Clinical studies show schisandra berries may be useful for improving cognitive function, enhancing libido, reducing stress, enhancing athletic performance, improving heart function […]

  • Flax Is Not a Health Food — Stop Consuming It and Use It to Paint Instead

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 3rd 2024 11:33pm EDT

    By: Ashley Armstrong STORY AT-A-GLANCE Flax, historically used in paints and industrial applications, is often marketed as a health food despite its potential negative effects on metabolism and long-term health The principal use of flax oil in the past has been for industrial purposes, such as paint, due to its high polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) content, […]

  • Broccoli Sprouts Provide Greater Benefits Than Full-Grown Broccoli

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 3rd 2024 11:33pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Cruciferous vegetables are loaded with health promoting compounds, including indolocarbazole and sulforaphane, the source of their trademark odor and one of the most powerful of nutrients in cruciferous vegetables Concerns about thyroid damaging compounds in cruciferous vegetables can be avoided by eating a balanced diet Sprouts pack a bigger nutritional punch than full-grown […]

  • How Iodine Deficiency Increases Your Risk for Chronic Illnesses

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 3rd 2024 11:32pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Iodine is an essential element you must consume in your diet; deficiency may lead to hypothyroidism, certain cancers, dry eyes, dry mouth and fibromyalgia Alternative milk options, including almond, hemp and hazelnut milk, are sold to meet the needs of those intolerant to cow’s milk. Research shows these products are exceedingly low in […]