• BuzzFeed Shares Soar After Sale Of Complex

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 22nd 2024 2:41am EST

    Tyler Durden Corporate media is on life support. Advertising revenues are sliding, mass layoffs are hitting woke publications, and ‘restructurings’ are happening all over. Last month, Authentic Brands Group sent rights holder Arena Group a letter terminating Sports Illustrated’s license after failing to pay a $3.75 million quarterly payment at the end of 2023. In other words, […]

  • 3D Printing Promises More Efficient Ways To Make Custom Explosives And Rocket Propellants

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 21st 2024 2:39am EST

    3D printing can be used to build with all kinds of materials – even those that go ‘boom.’ kynny/iStock via Getty Images Monique McClain, Purdue University Imagine you’re driving to work on a rainy day, when a distracted, reckless driver hits your car out of nowhere. With a “boom,” an air bag deploys faster than […]

  • CNN: Kremlin ‘Has Never Been Richer’

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 19th 2024 9:02pm EST

    Image Source Chris Menahan The Russian government has “never been richer” thanks in large part to India going around US sanctions and buying record amounts of cheap Russian oil, then refining it and selling it to the US and EU for huge profits, CNN reports. From CNN, “The Kremlin has never been richer — thanks to […]

  • Douglas Murray Announces New Doxing Database to Keep Critics of Israel From Getting a Job

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 19th 2024 8:16pm EST

    Image Source Chris Menahan Douglas Murray, the director of the British Free Speech Union, announced a new initiative on Monday aimed at doxing critics of Israel for “hate speech” and keeping them from getting jobs. “Douglas Murray is Director of the British Free Speech Union. He is now going to lead an initiative to have […]

  • Soviet Style and Speed: Unconventional Racing and Concept Cars from the Soviet Union

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 18th 2024 12:31am EST

    The history of the Soviet Union’s automotive industry traces its origins back to the late 1920s and persisted until the nation’s dissolution in 1991. It commenced with the establishment of significant car manufacturing plants and the restructuring of the AMO Factory in Moscow during the initial five-year plan in the late 1920s and early 1930s. […]

  • Suicide Note

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 17th 2024 11:22pm EST

    Image Source Mitchell Heisman, the man who shot himself September 18, 2010 in Harvard Yard, killed himself as ”Experimental Elimination of Self-Preservation,” according to an extensive suicide note he has published online. The note, found at the domain http://www.suicidenote.info/ , is over 1,905 pages long, and divided into complicated subsections. In its totality, the document […]

  • The Cloud of Unknowing

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 17th 2024 11:09pm EST

    Image Source Widely considered a hallmark of Western literature and spirituality, The Cloud of Unknowing is an anonymous English monk’s sublime expression of what separates God from humanity. Originally written in the 14th century, now part of the HarperCollins Spiritual classics series, this beautiful contemplative resource, has been embraced for hundreds of years for its simple, engaging […]

  • Poetic Edda

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 17th 2024 11:08pm EST

    Image Source The Poetic Edda comprises a treasure trove of mythic and spiritual verse holding an important place in Nordic culture, literature, and heritage. Its tales of strife and death form a repository, in poetic form, of Norse mythology and heroic lore, embodying both the ethical views and the cultural life of the North during the […]

  • Ash Wednesday

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 14th 2024 11:05pm EST

    Wednesday, 8 March 2000  1. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your holy Spirit from me” (Ps 51: 10-11). Today, Ash Wednesday, this is how the Psalmist, King David, prays:  a great and powerful king in […]

  • File Drop- The Bozkurt Canik TP9

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 14th 2024 1:11am EST

    The Gatalog Presents: The Bozkurt Canik TP9 A design by UBERCLAY 2023 & FMDA Join the community at thegatalog.com Download Here Preferred Part Vendors MAF Corporation – Use coupon code “CTRLPEW” for 10% off at MAF-Arms.com The post File Drop- The Bozkurt Canik TP9 appeared first on Mind’s Eye Mag.

  • Senate Passes $95.3B Aid Package for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan With Nothing for U.S. Border Security

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 13th 2024 11:07pm EST

    Image Source Chris Menahan The Senate worked through the dead of night on Monday to pass a $95 billion aid package for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan with nothing for securing the US border. JUST IN – U.S. Senate passes a $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan without border security provisions while most […]

  • Armageddon

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 12th 2024 9:48pm EST

    Image Source Dore. The Last Judgement and The New Jerusalem And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. –Revelations 20: […]

  • EU-Funded European Digital Media Observatory Calls for a “Whole-of-Society” Approach to Countering “Disinformation”

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 12th 2024 9:42pm EST

    Image Source Didi Rankovic The European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO), which gets money from the European Union and describes itself as a hub for fact-checkers, academics, and other stakeholders, has come out with recommendations for expanding what it calls a “whole-of-society” way of combating “disinformation.” If EDMO has its way, media literacy experts, fact-checkers, academics, journalists, policy-makers, […]

  • Illegals Who Beat Cops In Liberal NYC Seem To Face Zero Consequences And Get Free Bus Rides Out Of Town

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 12th 2024 9:27pm EST

    Image Source Cassie B.  Attacking police officers is a serious crime in the U.S. – unless you happen to be here illegally, in which case you might be released without bail and given free bus tickets with fake names so you can head to the other side of the country. This is what happened in […]

  • Invasion Spreads To Unfenced US Northern Border Amid “Record-Breaking Surge” Of Illegal Entries Detected

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 12th 2024 8:50pm EST

    Image Source Tyler Durden As the Biden administration and “shadowy network of secretive nonprofits” facilitate the greatest migration invasion this nation has ever seen on the southern border, new concerns are mounting that illegals are finding alternative routes into the country via the unfenced northern border with Canada. New US Customs and Border Protection data […]

  • From Ivory Tower to Privy Wall: On the Art of Propaganda

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 11th 2024 4:15am EST

    Image Source Introductory Note: This essay first appeared in the inaugural issue of National Socialist World (Spring, 1966), journal of the World Union of National Socialists. There are multiple online versions of this essay available. However, as with many of Lincoln Rockwell’s writings that may be found on the Internet, these other versions are corrupt and contain […]

  • The Mystery of the Grail: Initiation and Magic in the Quest for the Spirit

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 11th 2024 3:58am EST

    In this important study of the meaning of the Grail, one of Europe’s greatest esoteric philosophers discloses the pre-Christian and initiatic sources of this symbolic motif that is so central to Western mythology and culture. He demonstrates how the main features of the legend are from an older tradition analogous to the great heroic sagas […]

  • The Miracle of Christian Europe

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 11th 2024 3:11am EST

    They say miracles are past; and we have our philosophical persons, to make modern and familiar, things supernatural and causeless. Hence is it that we make trifles of terrors, ensconcing ourselves into seeming knowledge, when we should submit ourselves to an unknown fear. – Shakespeare _______ My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the […]

  • EU Drafting Censorship Guidelines to Protect “Democracy”

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 10th 2024 1:13am EST

    The European Union is drafting guidelines that will be used to censor any material that they consider to be disinformation or hateful. They are saying that this is needed to protect “democracy.” EU DRAFTS GUIDELINES AS IT URGES BIG TECH TO PROTECT DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS (Reuters) The European Union’s executive has started to compile guidelines for […]

  • Just Think For A Moment

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 9th 2024 12:22pm EST

    Lately, I’ve had a lot of time to think, reflect on and converse about how sick this society really is. From birth people are trained in day-cares and later in schools and other institutions not to think freely but to be conditioned and prepared for service to the System. In other words: to be cogs […]

  • Aesthetic Terrorism

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 9th 2024 12:02am EST

    Adam Parfrey (April 12, 1957 – May 10, 2018) was an American journalist, editor, and the publisher of Feral House books,[1] whose work in all three capacities frequently centered on unusual, extreme, or “forbidden” areas of knowledge. A 2010 Seattle Weekly profile stated that “what Parfrey does is publish books that explore the marginal aspects of culture. And in many cases—at […]

  • From Revolution to Construction

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 6th 2024 12:19am EST

    Background: Rudolf Hess spoke on 25 June 1934 at the Gau Essen party rally, a Nuremberg-type rally on a smaller scale. Hess was Hitler’s designated successor in 1934 and ran the party chancellery, which oversaw Nazi Party activities. It was a year-and-a-half into Hitler’s rule and Hess reveals all sorts of interesting tensions. The initial honeymoon was over […]

  • Government-Funded Entities Build Network to Flag “Misinformation” In Private Messages

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 5th 2024 11:44pm EST

    Image Source Didi Rankovic More reports are emerging about the various forms in which the Big Tech/government collusion is taking place in the US. It’s not just directly pressuring, or “communicating with” – as current White House officials like to put it, social sites; reports are now emerging about companies getting hired to make massive databases of […]

  • Schumer: Pass Israel-Ukraine Aid Bill Or U.S. Troops Could Be Sent to Fight on The Frontlines

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 5th 2024 11:24pm EST

    Image Source Chris Menahan Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was accused of blackmailing the American people on Monday by claiming that if the $118 billion Israel-Ukraine aid bill is not passed then US troops could be sent to fight on the frontlines “in Eastern Europe.” “We’re at a turning point in America. This bill is crucial […]

  • Jake Sullivan Won’t Rule Out Strikes on Iran

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 4th 2024 6:40pm EST

    Image Source Jake Sullivan told Jen Psaki that they aren’t ruling out strikes inside of the Iran mainland. NSA Jake Sullivan to @jrpsaki on the possibility of the U.S. striking Iran inside its borders: “I’m not going on the table, off the table, ruling in, ruling out… It’s just a matter that I cannot address in the […]