• What Powerful Force Is Preventing the United States from Defending its Borders?

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 4th 2024 6:39pm EST

    Image Source Israel can evict Palestinians from the the Palestinians’ villages in  Palestine.  Tiny Latvia can deport Russian ethnics born in Latvia for not learning to speak Latvian, but mighty America cannot prevent millions of immigrant-invaders from illegally entering the US each year and remaining.   How can this be?  Clearly the US government is in a conspiracy with […]

  • Permissiveness: America’s Moral Rot

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 4th 2024 6:28pm EST

    Image Source READING, writing, and arithmetic in the schoolroom may seem far removed from the fire and blood of the modern battlefield, but one can nevertheless understand much of the reason for the decline in Americans’ chances on the latter by looking at the causes of their declining performance in the former; the two grow from […]

  • So, You Want To Be A Darknet Drug Lord…

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 2nd 2024 3:22pm EST

    By nachash ([email protected]) [The advice in this article can be adapted to suit the needs of other hidden services, including ones which are legal in your jurisdiction. The threat model in mind is that of a drug market. The tone is that of a grandfather who is always annoyingly right, who can’t help but give […]

  • Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 1st 2024 1:30am EST

    A clear-sighted revelation, a deep penetration into the world of Scientology by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Looming Tower, the now-classic study of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attack. Based on more than two hundred personal interviews with current and former Scientologists—both famous and less well known—and years of archival research, Lawrence Wright uses his extraordinary investigative ability to uncover […]

  • Exquisite Corpse: Surrealism And The Black Dahlia Murder

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Feb 1st 2024 1:24am EST

    Presenting the most compelling explanation yet for the bizarre nature of the Black Dahlia murder, this volume includes never-before published crime-scene photographs and links the alleged killer to a vast array of influential people. The post Exquisite Corpse: Surrealism And The Black Dahlia Murder appeared first on Mind’s Eye Mag.

  • Germany: Green Party Politician Resigns After Giving Hitler Salute During Her Drunk Driving Arrest

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 30th 2024 12:29am EST

    A Green party politician in the capital city of Berlin has resigned after being arrested for driving while drunk, well over the legal limit, and then giving the Hitler salute to police. The politician, Jutta Boden, was arrested on Saturday night with a 1.34 per mille alcohol blood content while driving on the A115. A […]

  • AP: Dissolving Trump’s Business Empire Would Break From 70 Years of NY Civil Cases Under Anti-Fraud Law

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 30th 2024 12:16am EST

    Chris Menahan Even the Associated Press is now pushing back against Judge Arthur Engoron’s insane purported plan to have former President Donald Trump’s New York business empire “dissolved.” From The AP, “Dissolving Trump’s business empire would stand apart in history of NY fraud law”: Within days, Donald Trump could potentially have his sprawling real estate business […]

  • Worship The Ashes

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 27th 2024 12:35am EST

    Image Source Ryan Arthur “Tradition is the passing of the flame, not the worship of the ashes.” The only thing worse than sticking with outdated concepts is to attempt to apply them to the modern world. The current “dissident right”, of which we are not a part, is stuck in the past. They believe in […]

  • The German Establishment Wants To Ban A Popular Right-wing Party. Here’s How It Could Backfire

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 23rd 2024 10:36pm EST

    Tarik Cyril Amar Attempts to prohibit the AfD, a growing thorn in the government’s side, are unlikely to work – and if they do, it’ll cause more harm than good With really bad ideas, you can often ask two pertinent questions. First, why will it not work? Second, why would it be harmful if it did? […]

  • Don’t Tax the Rich. End the Fed!

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 22nd 2024 6:43pm EST

    Ron Paul  Select politicians, government officials, economic elites, and experts arriving at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland were greeted with an open letter signed by more than 250 billionaires and millionaires. The signers request their respective governments raise their taxes. The letter signers are concerned about “inequality” that they say “has […]

  • Elon Musk Visits Auschwitz With Ben Shapiro, Says He’s ‘Aspirationally Jewish’

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 22nd 2024 6:34pm EST

    Chris Menahan X owner Elon Musk visited Auschwitz on Monday with Ben Shapiro and repeated the whole song and dance about how he’s “aspirationally Jewish” and “Jew-ish.” #BREAKING: ELON MUSK MEETS WITH BEN SHAPIRO AND OTHER ZIONISTS AT AUSCHWITZ! pic.twitter.com/wAtdUX9xtZ — The Saviour (@stairwayto3dom) January 22, 2024   Elon Musk: “2/3’s of my friends are Jewish — I’m like […]

  • China Calls for Concrete Steps to Ensure Palestinian State

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 22nd 2024 6:31pm EST

    China is calling for a peace conference to establish a Palestinian state free from Zionist occupation. BREAKING:  China’s ambassador to the UN: “It’s high time to implement the two-state solution with concrete steps and to ensure full membership for Palestine in the UN”https://t.co/BDF18qvsMS pic.twitter.com/YTtZX4TOTl — Megatron (@Megatron_ron) January 22, 2024   China: “Palestine should be a sovereign […]

  • Misconceptions About the Blackpill

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 17th 2024 9:00pm EST

    Image Source Randy Thompson There are lots of misconceptions, even from within the Incel community about this topic. I am here to clear up some of these misconceptions. The Blackpill is an ideology The idea that blackpill is an ideology that we follow is incorrect. Incels don’t have a belief system and the members of […]

  • What Feminists Desire is Power Rather than Equality

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 16th 2024 10:29pm EST

    Image Source Lipton Matthews Discrimination is frequently cited as an explanation for the under-representation of women in science, business, and other endeavors. So, to remedy the problem some suggest interventions to promote women in areas where they are under-represented. The preferences of women are rarely explored in such debates because it is assumed that men […]

  • Most Adults Accept That The American Dream Is Dead

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 16th 2024 10:00pm EST

    The American dream has been dead since at least the 1973 oil crisis, when America decided to change from a gold-back industrial society to a hyper-deregulated debt society because Lolberts unironically thought that global corporations would just morally pay workers themselves. Well, now America is where you agree to go into debt at 18 from […]

  • Putin: Ukraine Statehood at Risk, 2020 US Election Rigged

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 16th 2024 9:31pm EST

    Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said in public comments that the Ukraine’s status as a state is in serious question.  “Ukraine failed its counteroffensive. If this continues, then its statehood will be put into question,” said Putin. pic.twitter.com/EDgdNxPtJ3 — Sputnik (@SputnikInt) January 16, 2024   This is just an obvious statement of fact. They have run […]

  • Congress Asleep as Biden Makes War on Yemen

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 16th 2024 1:01am EST

    Ron Paul Late last week President Biden started a new US war on the tiny country of Yemen. US warships and fighter jets launched more than a hundred missiles at the country in a massive escalation that the Administration bizarrely claimed would “de-escalate” tensions in the Red Sea. Taking the US to war without a […]

  • Poll: Nearly Half of Americans Agree Illegal Immigrants Are ‘Poisoning The Blood of Our Country’

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 16th 2024 12:54am EST

    Image Source Chris Menahan Some 47% of American voters overall and 81% of GOP primary voters agree with Donald Trump’s statement that illegal immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” according to a new CBS News poll. A majority of Republican primary voters in CBS News polling — 81% — said that they agreed […]

  • People Of Taiwan Don’t Want War With Beijing – So Why Did They Elect A Pro-Independence ‘President’?

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 14th 2024 7:09pm EST

    Image Source Bradley Blankenship The outcome is certainly a boon for the US, allowing it to continue its campaign of pressure on China In the heart of the Asia-Pacific, the self-governing island of Taiwan – formally the Republic of China (ROC) – finds itself at the crossroads of history and geopolitics once again as it […]

  • Can Big Pharma be Held Accountable?

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 10th 2024 11:43pm EST

    Image Source In 1935 Trofim Lysenko, a fraudulent agronomist took control of Soviet genetics and agronomy and destroyed the science with political and ideological explanations. With biology under Lysenko’s dominance, the principles of Mendel’s classical genetics were banned, and real scientists suffered political repression. The Lysenko affair exemplifies my point that without truth there can […]

  • The Coming Middle East War

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 9th 2024 11:36pm EST

    Image Source The Israeli-Hamas (or you can really call it Palestinian because it doesn’t just involve Gaza) has been raging on for 94 days now, or a little over three months, with no apparent end in sight, at least to the people who have been following the conflict closely. Many are not aware of the […]

  • Gov. Ron DeSantis Announces ‘Emergency Order’ to Create Safe Spaces for Jewish Students

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 9th 2024 11:13pm EST

    Chris Menahan Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Tuesday signed an “emergency order” to turn Florida into a safe space for Jewish students and help them escape the “antisemitism” of “elite universities.” Today, I am directing Florida’s Colleges and Universities to make it easier for Jewish students to transfer to a Florida higher education institution. While […]

  • Plastic Chemicals Causing Infertility, Diabetes Found ‘Widespread’ In Common Food Items: Report

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 9th 2024 11:08pm EST

    Image Source Naveen Athrappully Many of the foods consumed by Americans are contaminated with harmful plastic chemicals that contribute to health complications like diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and infertility, said a recent report by the nonprofit group Consumer Reports (CR). Bottles of Coca-Cola at a supermarket of Swiss retailer Denner, as the spread of the COVID-19 disease […]

  • Recruitment Problems Plague US Military

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 6th 2024 11:24pm EST

    Image Source Traditionally a few Southern states have provided the backbone of America’s military.  But times have changed.  Today white Southern men don’t like black female sergeants in their face.  They don’t like homosexual sergeants in their face either.  They don’t like comments from non-military friends about their officers wearing high heels and skirts.  And they have heard enough from […]

  • SS Handbook

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jan 6th 2024 3:18pm EST

    Translated by Melkor Editors note: I got this text from Melkor book, you can find him here   Introduction   Only the National Socialist world view secures us a kind-appropriate life “National Socialism is a cool-headed theory of reality with the strongest scientific insights and its mental characteristics. By opening the heart of our people to […]