• Russia suspends US inspections of nuclear military sites

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 1:06pm EDT

    Western sanctions are preventing Russian inspectors from doing their job under the START treaty, Moscow says DETAILS TO FOLLOW

  • Global grain prices fall

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 12:46pm EDT

    The first Ukrainian exports have reached the global market Wheat and corn prices dropped on Monday on news that the first grain ships from Ukraine reached their destinations and the expectations that restrictions on Russian agricultural exports will be eased. Around 11:00 GMT, the most actively traded wheat futures on CBOT fell 1.4% to $7.64 […]

  • Palestinian militants issue warning to Israel

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 12:21pm EDT

    The Palestinian Islamic Jihad said it would “resume fighting” if Israel violates a ceasefire Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) leader Ziyad Al-Nakhala said on Monday that his militants would take up arms again if Israel violates the terms of an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire that ended three days of airstrikes and rocket attacks. Israel and the PIJ agreed […]

  • UK gas exports to EU are toxic – Financial Times

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 12:06pm EDT

    Radioactive elements have reportedly been found in liquefied natural gas EU energy companies have complained that the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) processed in the UK for export to the bloc has toxic and hazardous contaminants, and urged London to rectify the situation, the Financial Times reported on Monday. The UK processes large volumes of LNG […]

  • Finland takes down Moscow-gifted ‘World Peace’ monument

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 12:00pm EDT

    Helsinki officials say the sculpture should be “reevaluated” after Russia sent troops into Ukraine  Finland removed a peace monument, which was donated by Russia during late Soviet times, from its pedestal in Helsinki on Monday. The sculpture was deemed inappropriate after Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine in February. The 6.5-meter (19.6-foot) bronze monument […]

  • Italy eyes garbage to replace Russian gas

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 11:05am EDT

    Gas from landfill waste could meet 10% of the nation’s needs, says tech giant Maire Tecnimont Italy’s Maire Tecnimont SpA technology and engineering firm told Bloomberg on Monday that recycling garbage could be a way to help reduce the nation’s dependency on Russian natural gas. According to the report, the company is working on the […]

  • Germany rules out emergency use of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 9:50am EDT

    Berlin cites lack of required certification for the pipeline to be used Germany is not going to put Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline into operation even if the situation with energy supplies deteriorates in the coming months, government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said on Monday. “What is clear is that we stand firmly on the […]

  • Poland proceeding with its plans for Ukraine – Moscow

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 9:17am EDT

    Warsaw is looking to send “peacekeeping” forces into Western Ukraine and take over sectors of the economy, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service claims Warsaw continues to carry out an apparent attempt to “reclaim” parts of Ukraine in accordance with its “far-reaching plans” for the country, said Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) in a statement posted on […]

  • Does the ‘centrist’ Forward party really offer Americans anything new?

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 9:09am EDT

    The Forward Party claims to be America’s new centrist movement, but all it offers are talking points of the left Co-chaired by former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang and Republican-in-name-only (RINO) former New Jersey governor Christine Todd Whitman, the Forward Party professes to be the new party for moderate voters. “Not Left. Nor Right. Forward,” […]

  • EU country refuses to share gas

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 8:36am EDT

    Poland has rejected the bloc’s plan to cut energy consumption The European Commission will not be able to force Poland to adhere to the EU’s new plan to cut gas consumption, nor will Poland share its gas reserves with other members of the bloc, the country’s climate and environment minister, Anna Moskwa, has told the […]

  • EU state’s police to stop protecting Russian consulates – media

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 8:08am EDT

    Law enforcement will reportedly cease safeguarding the consulate buildings in the Latvian cities of Daugavpils and Liepaja Latvian police will stop protecting Russia’s consulate buildings in the cities of Daugavpils and Liepaja, the country’s news agency LETA reported on Saturday. The change must be confirmed by the government, but the Foreign Ministry has reportedly informed […]

  • First Ukrainian grain shipment arrives at destination – media

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 7:33am EDT

    The vessel carrying 12,000 tons of corn reaches Turkey The Turkish dry-cargo ship Polarnet carrying grain from Ukraine moored at the port of Derince near Istanbul on Monday, Turkey’s TRT TV channel has reported. The vessel was the first to leave Ukraine under a deal by Moscow and Kiev to unblock grain supplies.  The Polarnet, […]

  • West wants to destroy Russia – former president

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 7:16am EDT

    The conflicts in both Ukraine and Georgia are links in the same chain, Dmitry Medvedev says The West has launched an aggressive “geopolitical process” aimed at destroying Russia, former President Dmitry Medvedev claimed in an interview with TASS published on Monday. Asked if the hostilities between Russia and Georgia in 2008 and the current conflict […]

  • Siemens may keep servicing Nord Stream despite plans to quit Russia

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 6:28am EDT

    The firm announced a complete withdrawal from the country by the end of the year German industrial manufacturing giant Siemens Energy may continue to service Russia’s Nord Stream 1 natural gas pipeline despite plans to cease operations in the country this year, the company’s CEO Christian Bruch said on Monday. “We can continue some existing […]

  • CIA’s strategy towards China revealed

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 5:52am EDT

    Counterterrorism leaders were told that a refocusing on Beijing and its advanced technology is inevitable, Associated Press reported The CIA’s shift of focus to “great power competition” with China means that “money and resources would be increasingly shifted” away from counterterrorism (CT), the spy agency’s second-highest ranking officer reportedly told leaders of its CT branch. […]

  • Japan won’t quit Russian energy project – minister

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 5:39am EDT

    Tokyo says Sakhalin-1 is too valuable to abandon Japan will not be leaving the Sakhalin-1 oil and gas project in Russia’s Far East because of its significance to the country’s energy supply, the Nikkei newspaper reported on Monday citing Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Koichi Hagiuda. “For Japan, which depends on the Middle East for […]

  • ‘Millions’ in EU nation won’t be able to pay for heating – union

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 5:20am EDT

    Income thresholds need to be changed so more people qualify for housing benefis, German tenants’ union says At least a third of Germans on low incomes may not be able to pay increasingly high energy bills, the German Tenants’ Association (DMB) has warned, urging the government to make changes to housing programs. “That’s a hell […]

  • Beijing keeps Taiwan drills running

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 4:14am EDT

    The continuing military exercises include amphibious assault training The Chinese military said its drills around Taiwan will continue on Monday, despite initial plans announced last week that they will last until mid-Sunday. They were launched in response to a visit to the island by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The training on Monday will take […]

  • Crosstalk, HOME EDITION: Tide is turning

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 2:06am EDT

    Kiev and its Western backers received some truly bad news last week. Amnesty International says Ukraine’s fighting tactics endanger civilians. Zelensky and his gang are not the innocent victims the media claims. Plus, we hear of a big offensive soon. Will it be Ukrainian or Russian? CrossTalking with George Szamuely and Dmitry Babich. Powered by […]

  • Western sanctions are great for Moscow – economist

    RT - Aug 8th 2022 1:05am EDT

    A former Wall Street analyst says the Russian economy is being made self-sufficient The economic war unleashed by the West against Russia has backfired and may bring the country much good, former Wall Street financier Michael Hudson has told the German news outlet Junge Welt. “The West’s sanctions are great for Russia. Any country threatened […]

  • UN chief warns against ‘suicidal’ attacks on nuclear plant

    RT - Aug 7th 2022 11:38pm EDT

    Moscow accused Kiev of shelling Europe’s largest nuclear power plant on Friday United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has voiced concerns over a potential nuclear disaster at Europe’s largest nuclear power station, after Moscow accused Ukrainian forces of shelling the nuclear plant in the country’s southern Zaporozhye Region on Friday, while Kiev claims that Russia is […]

  • Biden voices unwavering support for Israel

    RT - Aug 7th 2022 10:17pm EDT

    The US leader has welcomed a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza militants President Joe Biden has praised Israel for defending its people and saving “countless lives” during three days of tit-for-tat strikes, which left the leadership of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) decimated and dozens of Palestinians dead. A shaky truce in Gaza came into effect at 11:30pm local time […]

  • Soros-backed prosecutor vows to fight

    RT - Aug 7th 2022 9:04pm EDT

    The Florida attorney suspended for “refusing to enforce laws” has accused Governor Ron DeSantis of “trying to overthrow democracy” The Florida prosecutor, who was suspended by Governor Ron DeSantis for refusing to enforce state abortion laws and supporting child sex-change operations, has pledged to fight back, saying his removal from power was an attack on […]

  • US Navy targets indebted Americans

    RT - Aug 7th 2022 7:46pm EDT

    Pentagon hopes to attract new sailors by paying off up to $65,000 in student loans With enlistment bonuses as high as $50,000 apparently not enough to lure enough would-be sailors to join up, the US Navy is trying a new tactic by targeting Americans drowning in debt: offering to pay off their student loans. Recruits […]

  • China reveals why it thinks US sent Pelosi to Taiwan

    RT - Aug 7th 2022 6:03pm EDT

    Foreign minister Wang Yi suggests Washington may have deliberately ratcheted up tensions in the region Beijing has suggested that US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-California) Taiwan visit may have been part of a ploy by Washington aimed at creating a pretext to deploy more of its military to the region. In a statement made during […]