Moral Outrage as a Sign of Trustworthiness and Long-Term Mate Value
The Occidental Observer - May 25th 2020 9:36am EDTOne of the themes of Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition is that the West is characterized by the paramount importance of moral communities rather than communities based on kinship. Another fundamental feature of the West is monogamous marriage. Thus I found it fascinating that a recent study undergoing the review process found that moral […]
The End of American Empire?
The Occidental Observer - May 23rd 2020 11:01am EDTFrom Republic to Empire America began life not as a democracy, but as an “aristocratic” republic. Under this model of elite governance, also known as federalism, civic participation was restricted to propertied White males. The basis for this particular exclusion was traditional English jurisprudence, which maintained autonomous agency was not possible without ownership of property. […]
French Translation: La Cultura de la Critique
The Occidental Observer - May 21st 2020 10:37am EDTLa culture de la critique; Les Juifs et la critique radicale de la culture des Gentils — Kevin Under-House-Arrest MacDonald (@TOOEdit) May 21, 2020
Kevin MacDonald: “I’m not optimistic about the future of the West”
The Occidental Observer - May 21st 2020 10:16am EDTReposted from Demokracija (Slovenia) Monday, 18 May 2020 11:35 Written by Andrej Sekulovič Comments:0 Comments Kevin MacDonald We spoke with Kevin MacDonald, a professor emeritus of psychology at Long Beach State University of California. His research focuses primarily on the development of evolutionary perspectives on culture, developmental psychology and personality theory. You have a long career in […]
The new Red Guards
The Occidental Observer - May 20th 2020 9:28am EDTJust finished Wild Swans, over 700 pages of densely-packed print but a real page-turner nonetheless. It traces the experiences of a Chinese family spanning three generations up to the late nineties. The author’s description of life during Mao’s Cultural Revolution was particularly harrowing. And instructive because of the similarities between what happened then under the Red […]
Meditations on Hate
The Occidental Observer - May 18th 2020 3:01am EDT“Nature seems made up of antipathies: without something to hate, we should lose the very spring of thought and action. … Hatred alone is immortal.” William Hazlitt, 1826 No human feeling has been more maligned, slandered, abused, and misappropriated in contemporary culture than the humble and dignified hatred. Wars have been declared against it. Legislation […]
Capitolo 3 di La cultura della critica: Gli ebrei e la sinistra
The Occidental Observer - May 17th 2020 12:06am EDT3 Gli ebrei e la sinistra Non sono mai riuscito a comprendere cosa avesse a che fare il giudaismo con il marxismo, e perché mettere in dubbio quest’ultimo equivalesse ad essere sleale al Dio di Abramo, Isacco, e Giacobbe. (Ralph de Toledano [1996, 50] discute delle sue esperienze con gli intellettuali ebrei dell’Europa dell’Est) Il […]
The Rule Of Right Versus The Rule Of Law: Pick a side
The Occidental Observer - May 16th 2020 10:55am EDTYou either support the rule of law or you do not. Shelley Luther is a law breaker. If you believe in the rule of law, absolutely, as the oligarch puppets at MSNBC would have you do, what else is there to say? If your commitment to the rule of law is bottomless and unyielding, Shelley […]
Another innocent black child brutally murdered
The Occidental Observer - May 14th 2020 9:57am EDTWell judging by the media and political reaction this was the crime of the century. The headlines said it all, even those from “conservative” sites like Drudge which lead for days with “Brutal Murder Shocks The Nation”. (The presumption of innocence has become another casualty of the new woke culture). Even Donald Trump got his spoke […]
100-Year Retrospective on the Great Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020
The Occidental Observer - May 12th 2020 12:19pm EDTOne hundred years ago, the people of 2020 endured the Great Coronavirus Pandemic which directly propelled us into the health safety campaigns we wage today. We will cast a retrospective analysis one hundred years back to gain perspective on our own current Globaldemic. Before continuing reading, be assured that my comments have been approved by […]
The Men Who Make the Killings
The Occidental Observer - May 10th 2020 11:56am EDTThe white male has become the monstrous Other in his own nation, a nation he does not recognize and that no longer recognizes him. In America, his invisible suffering finally found a voice after one mention of liberal Hollywood icon Rosie O’Donnell as a fat pig changed everything. Be-cucked and floundering, the Republican establishment looked […]
Foreword to The Way Life Should Be, by John Q. Publius
The Occidental Observer - May 7th 2020 3:23pm EDTThe Way Life Should Be? The Globalists’ Demographic War on America, with Maine as a Microcosm John Q. Publius Ostara Publications, 2020; $16.95 The power of the pro-immigration lobby is well known and often written about. The vast majority of this writing is concerns events at the center of American political culture, at the federal […]
Review: From Kosher to Halal
The Occidental Observer - May 5th 2020 9:50am EDTFrom Kosher to Halal: When Greed, Politics, and the Sneaky Destruction of Western Civilisation Intertwine Suzanne Bousquet Translated from French by David Smith, 2020. Four years ago, I was asked by a Jew on social media why I thought myself an expert on the Jewish people. The question was obviously intended as the prelude […]
Noam Chomsky’s “Requiem for the American Dream”: Jewish Activism by Omission.
The Occidental Observer - May 2nd 2020 6:03pm EDTI will be discussion the Chomsky documentary at this link on Saturday, May 2 at 3:00 PM Pacific Time. Noam Chomsky is, as this documentary notes, “widely regarded as the most influential intellectual of his time.” Given that Chomsky is on the left, it might seem that he has little to offer. But in […]
The Gates Millepus: A Thousand Tentacles of Money Entwine the Nation
The Occidental Observer - Apr 30th 2020 10:15am EDTLearning how Bill Gates and a bunch of patent attorneys and mad scientists through the Institute for Disease Modeling (Mongering) are advising Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown in her continuing lockdown apocalypse on the economy and people of the state, I wondered what other states were receiving similar advice from IDM. I sent IDM an email […]
Schopenhauer and Judeo-Christian Life-Denial, Part 2
The Occidental Observer - Apr 28th 2020 10:19am EDTGo to Part 1. Sexual Abstinence as Jewish Ethnic Strategy Among many other things, Schopenhauer was fascinated by human sexuality, which for him assumed deep metaphysical importance. The human essence, the will-to-live, finds “as its kernel and greatest concentration, the act of generation”—which is to say, sexual reproduction. Here is the beginning of everything, not […]
Schopenhauer and Judeo-Christian Life-Denial, Part 1
The Occidental Observer - Apr 27th 2020 10:28am EDTVitam impendere vero (“Dedicate one’s life to truth.”) —Juvenal, Satire IV, 91[1] Every movement needs its icons, the alt-right no less than any other social-political ideology. Any icon—a term deriving from the Greek eikôn, meaning a likeness or image—serves to embody key elements or aspects of a particular outlook, or to encapsulate certain key values. […]
Coronavirus and the Crisis of Neoliberalism
The Occidental Observer - Apr 26th 2020 11:41am EDTIntroduction: Many of the world’s contemporary ills are a direct result of the philosophies, actions and policies of the mainstream establishment, its elites, and their bizarre ideology-cum-religion of liberalism, more recently dubbed “neoliberalism” in its most extreme incarnation. Figuratively speaking, it’s more than fair to posit that the dangerously interconnected and interdependent neoliberalized world is […]
Review: Agitprop in America
The Occidental Observer - Apr 24th 2020 10:31am EDT“Agitprop has been the method for destroying America’s culture and rebuilding it as Cultural Marxism.” John Harmon McElroy, Agitprop in America Agitprop in America John Harmon McElroy Arktos, 2020 “You can live with the loss of certainty, but not of belief.” So begins John Harmon McElroy’s recently-published Agitprop in America, an almost […]
Oregon Governor Advised by Bill Gates and Patent Lawyers
The Occidental Observer - Apr 22nd 2020 10:11am EDTWho is advising our Governor? Who are these “experts” who issued the latest projections of disease trajectory in Oregon? They are from Washington State, The Institute or Disease Modeling in Bellevue, WA. Computer models! Of course they claim the “aggressive interventions” prevented the spread and “flattened the curve”, or else we’d have almost 4 times […]
The Logos of E. Michael Jones
The Occidental Observer - Apr 20th 2020 9:33am EDTE. Michael Jones, a prolific Catholic author and controversialist, is best known as the author of Libido Dominandi and The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. He received his Ph.D. from Temple University in 1979 and went on to become an assistant professor of American Literature at St. Mary’s College. One year into his tenure track position, he […]
Beating Us With Our Own Weapons
The Occidental Observer - Apr 18th 2020 2:05pm EDTEditor’s note: This review appeared in The Occidental Quarterly in the Fall issue of 1993. This is the only online version at this time, and it seemed particularly appropriate to post it now because of China’s role in disseminating the Wuhan virus, as well as their cover-ups and lies about it. Given my interest in individualism, the […]
The Shadow Architecture of Electoral Politics
The Occidental Observer - Apr 16th 2020 9:52am EDT“I have called you by name; you are mine.”-Isaiah 43:1 One of the hallmarks of neo-liberalism is its “namelessness,” that is to say that it largely operates anonymously, in the shadows, or by not calling something by its real name: “human rights,” “liberal democracy,” et cetera. It is power for cowards. To quote George Monbiot: […]
Multiculturalism in the Age of Coronavirus
The Occidental Observer - Apr 14th 2020 10:48am EDT“Promote a sense of collectivism: All messaging should reinforce a sense of community, that ‘we are all in this together.’ This will avoid increasing tensions between different groups.” Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) The above advice was given to the British government in late March, and represents a propaganda strategy designed to stop the […]
Tax the Rich! An Alt-Right Plan to Virtually Eliminate Income Tax
The Occidental Observer - Apr 12th 2020 9:55am EDTEverybody loves to hate taxes. As the old saying implies, taxes are right up there with death among humanity’s least favorite things. Yet they are as old as civilization itself; tax records have been found from as far back as the Ur III dynasty of 2,000 BC, and possibly older. And we can be sure […]