Irresponsible Immunocompromised
The Occidental Observer - Apr 10th 2020 10:54am EDTIn our inverted ‘reality’, any of the overwhelming majority of immunocompetent who deviate even slightly from the extreme protocols—such as crossing the 6′ barrier —and thus threaten the small minority of immunocompromised, are considered irresponsible and even hated for causing potential agonizing death to innocent people. Let’s assume that a tiny minority of the tiny […]
Thoughts from a Leather Couch About COVID-19
The Occidental Observer - Apr 8th 2020 9:01am EDTNote: I wrote this article on March 30th. After I finished it, I thought, “You’re ancient and losing it and unqualified to be writing about this topic. Everybody is on board with how to come at this COVID-19 pandemic and there has to be something wrong with you.” I set the article aside. It’s now […]
Globalism, the Elites and COVID-19
The Occidental Observer - Apr 6th 2020 11:12am EDTThe world is in the midst of another pandemic. The virus responsible, COVID-19, is a respiratory illness linked to the unsavory culinary habits of the Chinese. It was traced to a wet market in Wuhan, China, which sold rats, bats, snakes, cats, dogs and other “exotic” food items. Virologists have determined that COVID-19 is a […]
Coronavirus: Consequences of Staggering Magnitude
The Occidental Observer - Apr 4th 2020 11:13am EDTExcerpts from the interview, April 2, 2020; translated by Tom Sunic. Coronavirus : des conséquences de première grandeur ..A few years ago I wrote that only in a state of emergency one can take full measure of somebody. Now we know where we are at. A statesman makes decisions, gives orders and requisitions. Macron, however, […]
The Coronavirus and Galileo: An Interview with a Italian Nano-pathologist Dr. Stefano Montanari
The Occidental Observer - Apr 4th 2020 10:35am EDTEditor’s note: I am posting this not as a claim that Dr. Montanari’s ideas on the virus are correct—I do not have knowledge in this area— but only that his views should be aired. We are living in a time when science has become politicized and the claims of establishment scientists have become political orthodoxy […]
The Occidental Observer - Apr 2nd 2020 10:28am EDTThe greatest mass fear in the US is not Islamophobia. It’s not homophobia. It’s not even xenophobia. It’s Semitophobia. Fear of the Jewish Power Cabal. No other group comes close at provoking as much fear in almost the entirety of the population as Jews. Even the slightest suggestion that anyone is saying anything mildly questionable […]
When Minorities Are Mighty: How Tiny Genetic Differences Can Have Huge Cultural Consequences
The Occidental Observer - Mar 31st 2020 10:41am EDTWhich single invention has contributed most to our understanding of reality? Appropriately enough, it’s easy to overlook one of the best candidates: the microscope. It revealed whole new worlds existing not merely under our eyes, but actually within our eyes and every other organ of the body. The microscope taught humanity that the minute can […]
COVID-19 timeline
The Occidental Observer - Mar 30th 2020 9:55am EDTThe story begins in the final days of 2019. December 30 Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist working at Wuhan Central Hospital, sends urgent messages on to colleagues in an online chat group, drawing attention to seven cases of pneumonia in Wuhan that he thought appeared similar to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus that emerged […]
On Jews and Plagues
The Occidental Observer - Mar 28th 2020 11:20am EDT“The libel that Jews were continually plotting to poison the world had particularly tragic results during the Black Death of 1348–49. Dennis Prager & Joseph Telushkin Why the Jews? The Reason for Antisemitism[1] “There is no direct link between the massacres and the plague.” Iris Ritzmann, “The Black Death as a cause of the massacres […]
Nietzsche (ᛣ 1900–2020): System Virtue-Signaling vs. the Great Replacement
The Occidental Observer - Mar 25th 2020 10:55am EDTFriederich Nietzsche (1844–1900) on his deathbed To each his own Nietzsche. With this sentence one could start yet another discussion on this famous and famed thinker. Given the staggering number of works about him it is essential to raise the question: which Nietzsche should one read first? Should one read Nietzsche’s own prose first, or […]
The Coronavirus Silver Linings Playbook
The Occidental Observer - Mar 23rd 2020 10:18am EDTGreetings fellow anthropoids! Having received the day’s talking points from CNN, I will dutifully refrain from calling the viral scourge of the globe “Chinese.” I do not know if it is appropriate to cite the origin of the saying/curse “May you live in interesting times,” so I will not, but interesting times these are, at […]
How COVID-19 Will Test the West
The Occidental Observer - Mar 21st 2020 10:02am EDT“If trouble comes when you least expect it, then maybe the thing to do is to always expect it.” Cormac McCarthy, The Road Writing anything about COVID-19 at this moment is a daunting task since the situation is evolving so rapidly, and in so many different locations. Information contained in this piece […]
Mark Rothko, Abstract Expressionism, and the Decline of Western Art, Part 3 of 3
The Occidental Observer - Mar 19th 2020 12:01pm EDTConvergence by Jackson Pollock (1952) Abstract Expressionism and the Culture of Critique Abstract Expressionism was disproportionately a Jewish cultural phenomenon. It was a movement populated by legions of Jewish artists, intellectuals, critics, and patrons. Prominent gentile artists within the movement like Jackson Pollock and Robert Motherwell married Jewish women (Lee Krasner and Helen Frankenthaler). Willem […]
Marl Rothko, Abstract Expressionism, and the Decline of Western Art, Part 2 of 3
The Occidental Observer - Mar 18th 2020 11:01am EDTWisconsin landscape by John Steuart Curry (1938-39) Creating a New “American” Art Before the rise of Abstract Expressionism in the 1940s, the American art scene was defined by two main currents. The first were the Regionalists (e.g. Grant Wood, Thomas Hart Benton and John Steuart Curry) who used their own signature styles to portray the […]
Marl Rothko, Abstract Expressionism, and the Decline of Western Art, Part 1
The Occidental Observer - Mar 17th 2020 10:16am EDTMark Rothko The life and career of Abstract Expressionist painter Mark Rothko is a prototypical Jewish story that encapsulates a range of themes discussed at The Occidental Observer. Central to Rothko’s story is the political radicalism of Eastern European Jewish migrants arriving in the United States between 1880 and 1920; the reflexive hostility of these […]
Bernie Bros, Hillary Hoes & Biden Joenestowners
The Occidental Observer - Mar 16th 2020 11:07am EDTThe last time I was in the United States was during the George HW Bush administration. At that time, there was one Yugoslavia, two Germanys and three million dollars on Salman Rushdie’s head. The year was 1990 and the government of South Africa and Michael Jackson were almost finished swapping races. Unbeknown to me at […]
Scandza Forum: Frodi Midford interviews an Estonian nationalist Member of Parliament. “Maintaining the status quo in Western Europe is not enough.”
The Occidental Observer - Mar 15th 2020 6:30pm EDTDemonizing Daniel: We Shouldn’t Trust Jews Who Oppose the Muslim Invasion of Europe
The Occidental Observer - Mar 14th 2020 10:18am EDTHow’s that for gratitude? In 2006 the Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski was one of the grovelling goys who staffed an All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Antisemitism and who listened with entirely straight faces as Britain’s richest and most powerful racial minority pretended to be powerless and persecuted victims. When the Inquiry was complete, those goys urged […]
Prophetic Satire in Don DeLillo’s White Noise (1985)
The Occidental Observer - Mar 12th 2020 11:19am EDT“They were all Hitler majors, members of the only class I still taught, Advanced Nazism.” Don DeLillo, White Noise Along with Thomas Pynchon and Cormac McCarthy, Don DeLillo is commonly regarded as one of the finest living writers in American fiction. As well as winning the National Book Award for White Noise in 1985, DeLillo […]
Muslim Anti-Jewish Hatred
The Occidental Observer - Mar 11th 2020 11:06am EDTIn the last decade, 40,000 Jews packed their bags and left France. It is a mass exodus of one tenth of the total Jewish population. According to a report, of the half-million Jews currently living in France, 40 percent or 200,000 Jews are also considering the possibility of moving to Israel. … Many historic French […]
Leather-Jacketed Coke-Snorting Jews in the Soviet Secret Police Torturing, Raping and Killing Gentiles: The Evidence
The Occidental Observer - Mar 9th 2020 9:44am EDTIn “Ted Gold and the Jews of Weatherman” (September 2017 in TOO), I wrote, in describing a envisioned takeover of the United States by the Jewish radical group Weatherman, “Cue the return of leather-jacketed coke-snorting Jewish secret police rounding up the gentiles for rape, torture and murder in dank abattoirs. It happened, look it up.” […]
Jews and Vulture Capitalism: A Reprise, Part 2
The Occidental Observer - Mar 7th 2020 10:14am ESTGo to Part 1. Jews, Oligarchs, and Russia Of course white collar crime is one of the standard stereotypes about Jews and money, a description that seems to follow them wherever they go. Apologists for Jews claim that such crime occurs among non-Jews as well. The difference, however, is not only in their greater likelihood […]
Karl Marx: o patriarca da esquerda judia ?
The Occidental Observer - Mar 6th 2020 10:58pm ESTKarl Marx: o patriarca da esquerda judia ? O livro de Kevin MacDonald intitulado The Culture of Critique (CofC) deveria ser revisado para focalizar Karl Marx, o fundador do primeiro movimento intelectual e político dos judeus de âmbito mundial? Sendo o criador judeu do socialismo “científico”, ele deu início à crítica radical da sociedade europeia […]
Jews and Vulture Capitalism: A Reprise, Part 1
The Occidental Observer - Mar 6th 2020 9:23am ESTI recently wrote a long movie review (sort of) that focused on Wall Street stories that airbrush Jews out of the picture and instead create the impression that plain old goy males are responsible for all kinds of financial nastiness when dealing with sums over, say, a hundred million dollars (and MUCH more). The review […]
Not All Jews!
The Occidental Observer - Mar 5th 2020 11:11am ESTMany Jews become fearful or enraged when anyone criticizes even one single Jew. From a collectivist viewpoint, many Jews see this as a possible attack on all Jews and mobilize to resist it. Laurent Guyenot in his book From Yahwey to Zion explains the ancient roots of this collective behavior: When a Jew is a […]