• Grassley: Deep State Whitewashing Upcoming FISA Report

    Infowars - Oct 22nd 2019 10:27am EDT

    Powerful senator warns that Obama officials may escape justice.

  • Colin Flaherty Podcast: Fellas Attack One Of Colin’s Buddies In Wilmington

    Colin Flaherty - Oct 22nd 2019 10:23am EDT

    Colin Flaherty author of Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry White Girl Bleed A Lot Podcast commentary news video Fellas Attack One Of Colin’s Buddies In Wilmington No country for Old White Dudes. They are targets for the young black fellas. robbery, beating, murder. Including one of Colin’s buddies just the other day. African American […]

  • Half the world’s banks are too weak to survive downturn

    Infowars - Oct 22nd 2019 9:51am EDT

    Banks are not as well-prepared for a downturn as they were when the global financial crisis erupted in 2007

  • As Halloween Approaches, Thousands Of Witches Will Cast A “Binding Spell” On Donald Trump On October 25th

    Infowars - Oct 22nd 2019 9:50am EDT

    Once upon a time, it was very rare to actually come across a real witch in America.

  • New Silk Road: Kenya’s massive $1.5bn railway funded & built entirely by China

    Infowars - Oct 22nd 2019 9:23am EDT

    The so-called Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) project was launched in 2017

  • Pennsylvania School District Votes To Replace Locker Rooms With $2.4 Million Gender-Neutral Facilities

    Infowars - Oct 22nd 2019 9:10am EDT

    Initiative comes after backlash from the Board allowing a transgender boy to use boys’ restroom and locker room during gym.

  • Trump Fights Hard ‘Lynching:’ Paul Watson Hosts Live

    Infowars - Oct 22nd 2019 8:55am EDT

    The truth behind impeachment revealed – Tune in and share this explosive broadcast!

  • Colin Flaherty: I Just Whoop You Alls Asses Brags Lovely Lady – Bit Cop During Arrest

    Colin Flaherty - Oct 22nd 2019 8:38am EDT

    Colin Flaherty author of Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry commentary news video – Officials: Woman bit Brown Deer police officer responding to fight at Walmart – Police bodycam footage release cop body camera dmtbka black crime violence fights attack assault community dysfunction hostility cop bitten Court documents say on Oct. 13, officers responded to […]

  • Colin Flaherty: Bizarro World of Public Service Announcements vs Reality of Black Violence to Whites

    Colin Flaherty - Oct 22nd 2019 8:26am EDT

    Colin Flaherty author of Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry commentary news video – Bizaro world of public service announcements PSA Shocking video of white toddler, 3, being ‘racially bullied’ by her black neighbors, aged five, sparks uproar after it is posted on Facebook – White kid assaulted on school bus by black teen on […]

  • The Madness of Crowds

    American Renaissance - Oct 22nd 2019 8:21am EDT

    Douglas Murray, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity, Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019, 280 pp., $28.00. Douglas Murray is a British author who writes incisively about “progressive” absurdities. His 2017 book, The Strange Death of Europe described Western Europe’s capitulation in the face of “the great replacement.” Strangely, Mr. Murray didn’t seem to think the […]

  • Periscope (October 22, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 22nd 2019 7:00am EDT

    Herman Mashaba: Johannesburg’s black mayor resigns over DA race row Black politician resigns white party after it elects politician who praises “some” aspects of colonialism. This shows South Africa recognizing, as the rest of the world is, that multi-racial and multi-ethnic societies cannot function because they have paradoxical goals: they either try to keep everyone […]

  • Watch Live: US to Keep Troops In Syria?

    Infowars - Oct 22nd 2019 6:20am EDT

    Pentagon to present plan to President Trump.

  • Study Finds the Wealthy & Celebrities Aren’t Changing Their Flying Habits to Reduce CO2 Emissions

    Paul Joseph Watson - Oct 22nd 2019 5:42am EDT

    A new study by Swedish academics has found that most wealthy people and celebrities are not changing their flying habits to help reduce climate change, with some responsible for a thousand times more CO2 emissions than the average. Imagine my shock. The study, carried out by researchers from from Lund University, reviewed the social media […]

  • “Stop the Lies”: Mural of Greta Thunberg Defaced in Canada

    Paul Joseph Watson - Oct 22nd 2019 5:16am EDT

    A mural of eco-activist Greta Thunberg was defaced in Edmonton, Alberta, with the vandal telling Thunberg to stop lecturing him on how to live his life. The original mural portrayed Greta during her infamous “how dare you” rant in at the UN in September. However, it lasted just a few days before being defaced by […]

  • Toynbee On The Impossibility Of Diverse Or Ideological States

    Amerika.org - Oct 22nd 2019 5:02am EDT

    Every civilization needs a mission statement to hold it together. The best mission statements, ironically, turn out to be those which are not language at all, but genetic similarity leading to a similar interpretation of culture. Some prefer the idea of the ideological state, where citizens are united by their pursuit of a particular political, […]

  • Hillary Laughs With Delight After Audience Member Suggests She Run For President

    Paul Joseph Watson - Oct 22nd 2019 4:58am EDT

    Hillary Clinton laughed with delight when a member of the audience at an event in Oregon suggested she run for president. The former first lady and her daughter Chelsea were at Portland’s Revolution Hall on Saturday to promote their new book about “gutsy women.” Clinton was asked who she would be supporting out of the […]

  • If Donald Trump Is Impeached, That Will Be A Sign That All Hell Is About To Break Loose In America

    Infowars - Oct 22nd 2019 2:27am EDT

    We are headed down a road that is going to tear this country apart.

  • A Message From The Frontline Of The Infowar

    Infowars - Oct 22nd 2019 2:24am EDT

    Hillary Clinton the High Priestess of Hypocrisy, is spewing her psychotic propaganda upon the screens across airports worldwide via her counterparts at CNN. While being exposed in secret recordings as a massive liar. Meanwhile, hordes of leftist mind controlled zombies bow at the feet of Jeff Zucker’s commands and push their brain dead message of […]

  • Trump Brands Hillary And Russia Conspiracy Theorists As ‘Sick’

    Paul Joseph Watson - Oct 22nd 2019 2:13am EDT

    Defends Gabbard: ‘She’s not a Russian agent’ President Trump called Hillary Clinton ‘sick’ Monday and defended Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard against Clinton’s baseless accusation that the Hawaii Rep. is a ‘Russian asset’. “She’s accusing everyone of being a Russian agent,” Trump said of Clinton when taking questions from reporters following a cabinet meeting. “Anybody that […]

  • Civil Unrest Levels Rise Exponentially

    Infowars - Oct 22nd 2019 2:02am EDT

    The Globe is exploding with mass unrest. As the truth is squandered and corruption is celebrated. The BIG LIE becomes the norm amongst a media industry infested with the disease of Propaganda. As the Executive office is slandered countless times. Our President’s character and reputation destroyed in the name of political carnage. Meanwhile, Antifa, the […]

  • Facebook’s Death Count Grows

    Infowars - Oct 22nd 2019 1:36am EDT

    Facebook, that friendly social media app that was supposed to bring us all closer together. But unfortunately, only made us feel more isolated as the American Journal of Preventive Medicine discovered, people who spend more than two hours a day on social media reported twice the amount of social isolation than those who spent a […]

  • Climate Tards To The Rescue

    Infowars - Oct 22nd 2019 12:13am EDT

    What in tardation is going on here? AOC, Beto and Greta Thunberg continue to make outrageous claims that the oceans are rising and the end of the world is near because of climate change. https://banned.video/ **Download The Official Infowars Free App>> https://www.infowars.com/app/ ** http://www.infowarsapk.com/ **Subscribe>> https://infowars.com/newsletter By the way, our [Everything Must Go Emergency Sale](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=coimo&utm_campaign=everything-must-go-emergency-sale&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=EMGundervideotext) […]

  • EXCLUSIVE: CNN Whistleblower Wants To Start Chain Reaction Of Future Whistleblowers

    Infowars - Oct 21st 2019 11:54pm EDT

    Cary Poarch is a CNN whistleblower who has now exposed the extreme hidden bias within the highest levels of the company. Cary joins Owen to break down what happened and what he sees for the future of free speech on the internet. By the way, our [Everything Must Go Emergency Sale](https://www.infowarsstore.com/?ims=coimo&utm_campaign=everything-must-go-emergency-sale&utm_source=banned.video&utm_medium=Video&utm_content=EMGundervideotext) is now live! Get […]

  • The Slow-Motion Suicide Bombers of the West

    David Cole - Oct 21st 2019 11:44pm EDT

    All Mirah Wilks ever wanted was to be a victim. But, tragically, her luck was just too good. For 69 years, the Israeli-born Wilks evaded bullet after bullet. As a child she contracted polio, and whereas others afflicted with that terrible disease find themselves tethered to burdensome monstrosities like an iron lung or Eleanor Roosevelt, […]

  • Politically Incorrect 60s & 70s Flashback

    Infowars - Oct 21st 2019 11:30pm EDT

    A CBS News Bulletin with Walter Cronkite announces the JFK Assassination and Jim Garrison goes on Late Night with Johnny Carson to expose the CIA’s cover-up. LBJ launches a False Flag Attack in the Gulf of Tonkin and MLK, RFK are murdered. Israel attacks the USS Liberty, terrorists strike the Olympics in Munich, The Weather […]