• UK: Over 700 Boat Invaders Arrive in 1 Day, No End in Sight

    Daily Stormer - Aug 12th 2024 12:31pm EDT

    It’s a lot in one day, 700. It doesn’t sound like a lot to Americans, who are now accustomed to thousands of people crossing the border every day. But there are 365 days in a year. That’s more than 250,000 people per year. This is a deluge. Breitbart: A record number of migrants crossed the […]

  • Cyprus: European Union Nags Cyprus Into Accepting “Stranded” Invaders

    Daily Stormer - Aug 10th 2024 1:36pm EDT

    Why is Cyprus doing this? It seems like someone is either being blackmailed or threatened, no? Are their any other options? Cyprus Mail: The European Commission on Thursday stressed that Cyprus has an obligation to provide access to asylum proceedings, as 70 migrants remain stranded in the buffer zone, unable to apply for asylum for […]

  • UK: Government, NGOs Mobilize Women and Foreigners for Pro-Stabbing Protests

    Daily Stormer - Aug 10th 2024 1:30am EDT

    There are two kinds of people in this world: pro-stabbers and anti-stabbers. Cops, brown people, and women are all pro-stabber. Deutsche Welle: Thousands of anti-racism demonstrators filled the streets of London and other cities to rally against a call for more anti-immigrant marches by far-right groups in the UK that have rioted in recent days. […]

  • Germany: Police Union Chairman Finds Foolproof Way to Stop Exploding Knife Crime

    Daily Stormer - Aug 10th 2024 12:15am EDT

    To think this could’ve all been avoided so easily… How easy was this? You hear it and you’re just like “wow, why did no one ever think of this before?” Remix: A German police union chief has urged the government to consider a proposal for criminals who hand in knives to receive substantial rewards, including […]

  • Scotland: Former Paki Overlord Threatens to Leave the UK Over Anti-Stabber Riots

    Daily Stormer - Aug 9th 2024 12:50pm EDT

    Oh no, please don’t leave! Everyone likes you so much! They enjoy your smell! Don’t leave, or we won’t be able to smell you any more, Mr. Brown Man! We love your smell so dearly! Breitbart: Failed left-wing politician and former Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf has said that he is considering leaving the United […]

  • Ireland: NGOs Demand Invaders Get the Basic Human Right of Building Shanty Towns in Dublin

    Daily Stormer - Aug 9th 2024 12:00pm EDT

    They’re just like us. Except they don’t work, live on welfare, commit crimes, and live in shanty towns on the streets. But besides that, they’re exactly the same and the only difference is skin color. Irish Times: Fencing erected along Dublin’s Grand Canal in recent months is “exclusionary, racist and classist” and represents the “deliberate […]

  • Sri Lanka: Religious Leaders Come Together to Denounce Western-Imposed F****try

    Daily Stormer - Aug 8th 2024 8:49pm EDT

    Gay anal is against all the religions. Sri Lanka is a sort of messy country, that has four different religions, and that has led to some problems in the past. Now, however, they can all come together to denounce gay anal. Basically, the US only promotes hatred, death, and division. But sometimes, that can bring […]

  • Germany: Student Convicted of Chanting “From the River to the Sea”

    Daily Stormer - Aug 8th 2024 2:21pm EDT

    You can’t just… say words that Jews don’t like. It’s against the law. And it’s not because we’re ruled over by Jews (that is also against the law to say, by the way). It’s because we are so sorry for the Holocaust. To show contrition, we made it illegal to say anything Jews don’t like, […]

  • California: Chinaman Hit in the Head by Stray Bullet While Sleeping in His Own Home

    Daily Stormer - Aug 8th 2024 1:49pm EDT

    Maybe instead of gun control, you should focus on passing a law banning building houses out of cardboard? At least in areas where blacks live. The Post Millennial: A California father is on life support after being struck in the head by a stray bullet while sleeping at his home in crime-ridden East Oakland. The […]

  • UK: Labour Government Plans to Scatter Invaders Across the Country

    Daily Stormer - Aug 7th 2024 10:12pm EDT

    Is this a win for the rioters? Or a way to undermine the rioters? It’s maybe both, because it’s an admission that they are afraid of these attacks on hotels. Apparently, this implies that they expect the riots to be ongoing, so they’re scattering the invaders to the wind, and hoping people can’t find them […]

  • California: College Settles for $2.4 Million with Teacher Fired for Opposing DEI

    Daily Stormer - Aug 7th 2024 1:16pm EDT

    Matthew Garrett Well, firstly – don’t get a job at a community college. Seriously. You would probably be better off doing landscaping or something. Definitely, if you could run your own landscaping company, you’d be much better off that being a community college teacher. Secondly, if you are a community college teacher, get fired for […]

  • Racist S**t Whines After Blacks Who Stomped Her Son to Death Get Slap on the Wrist

    Daily Stormer - Aug 6th 2024 12:00am EDT

    Bitch, have you ever heard about George Floyd? How about the Holocaust, when six million black slaves were lured into cotton chambers and then turned into luxury furniture by colonialists? It’s time to just shut up about your stupid dead son. No one cares. We care only about George Floyd. Everyone in the world spends […]

  • Northern Ireland: Unionists, Republicans Do Anti-Stabbing Protest Together

    Daily Stormer - Aug 5th 2024 12:30pm EDT

    Hey – this feels good, man. I love to see the Irish and the English coming together against the actual existential enemy. The Irish and the English don’t like each other and that’s fine, whatever. Who cares? It seems like they should have gotten over their disagreements by now, but who really cares. The only […]

  • How African-Americans Created Slavery

    Amerika.org - Aug 5th 2024 7:32am EDT

    Someone mentioned this in the comments, so it is worth demonstrating here how a Black lawsuit changed indentured servitude into chattel slavery: Casor was originally an indentured servant, which meant he was practically a slave in some senses. But what was bought or sold wasn’t him, it was his contract of indenture, which obligated him […]

  • Ireland: Green F****t Minister Says They’re Going Ahead with Replacement Immigration Despite Protests

    Daily Stormer - Aug 2nd 2024 12:03pm EDT

    Ireland has had serious resistance and violent resistance against immigration. They’ve done a lot of arson. They’ve firebombed police cars. They’ve gone all out. Part of the situation now is that the rulers of these countries all have helicopters. So even if they push too far, they still don’t really risk the wrath of the […]

  • UK: Over 100 Arrested in London After Protests Over Southport Stabbing Spread Across the Country

    Daily Stormer - Aug 1st 2024 7:16am EDT

    Previously: UK: 39 Cops Injured After Evil Far-Righters Protest Foreigners Stabbing Children This is getting to be Ireland-tier. The Mirror: Over 100 people have been arrested after protesters set off flares and clashed with police near Downing Street in a protest over the Southport Stabbings. A demonstration named ‘Enough is Enough’ was held in central London […]

  • Ireland: Poll Claims Lots of People Think They’re Being Greatly Replaced

    Daily Stormer - Aug 1st 2024 6:32am EDT

    You’re not supposed to say this, apparently. But what do you call it, when you’re promoting feminism, abortion, and homosexuality among your own people, purposefully suppressing the birthrate by any means available, and then flooding the country with foreigners? The Journal: Almost a third of voters believe in a number of different conspiracy theories, such […]

  • Osorod

    Amerika.org - Jul 31st 2024 5:19pm EDT

    Most of us have no idea what happens after the current system fails. It either becomes a worthless third world state like Brazil or Russia, or it rises above the ruins of democracy into something different. It makes no sense to say “new”; there are no new political systems, only combining different parts of each, […]

  • France: New Mass Sabotage Hits Communications Infrastructure

    Daily Stormer - Jul 30th 2024 5:39am EDT

    People are now becoming aware of just how weak digital infrastructure actually is. With the CloudStrike debacle, then these multiple crises happening in France, it might make one ask how would even be possible to fight a major war if the enemy has the ability to turn off all of your infrastructure, and your experts […]

  • France: Olympic Torch Relay Had 3 Men in Dresses in It

    Daily Stormer - Jul 27th 2024 1:25am EDT

    So, wait. People are “shocked” by this? That’s the claim? Where have these people been for the last decade? Human Events: The Olympic torch relay in France included no fewer than three drag queens. The makeup-clad, wig-wearing men in high heels were spotted carrying the flame on various parts of the journey between May and […]

  • Germany: Government Bans Shiite Islamic Center for Opposing Jews, Ties to Hezbollah

    Daily Stormer - Jul 25th 2024 5:33am EDT

    To my Islamic friends: the EU was never pro-Islam. They were always just anti-white, and they used your poorest people to hurt white people. This is born out by the fact that if they see you do something the Jews don’t like, all of the sudden they are not so “welcoming.” Deutsche Welle: German Interior […]

  • Germany: Pro-Invader Journalist Whines About Being Punched by 13-Year-Old Syrian

    Daily Stormer - Jul 25th 2024 4:00am EDT

    Christian Neef works for Der Spiegel, one of Germany premiere leftist shitrags Don’t whine, faggot. This is what you wanted. The right-wing argument was never “we hate these people because they have a different skin color,” it was “importing these people is going to cause chaos and destruction.” Remix: A journalist for Germany’s left-leaning Spiegel […]

  • Ireland: After Losing Last Elections, Fake Nationalist Party Does Fake “Toughening” on Migrant Stance

    Daily Stormer - Jul 24th 2024 5:19am EDT

    They’re gonna consult you, but nothing you say will matter It’s a democracy. What are you going to do? In a democracy, the government just forces things on you against your will. You have no ability to petition grievances. Reuters: Ireland’s main opposition party, Sinn Fein, outlined a stricter immigration policy on Tuesday after identifying […]

  • West Bank: Jew Settlers Beat Up White People Helping the Palestinians

    Daily Stormer - Jul 24th 2024 1:00am EDT

    The Jews don’t actually view white people as anything better than the Palestinians. In reality, if anything, Jews like Moslems and Arabs better than white Christians. Understand: they would do to you exactly what they are doing to the Palestinians if you were in the way. This story here demonstrates that – when the Jews […]

  • Spain: Man Gets Suspended 8 Month Jail Sentence for Mean Words About Black Footballers

    Daily Stormer - Jul 22nd 2024 9:00pm EDT

    Remember when dis nigga cried? That was very sad. So. Making people cry by saying mean things to them is not illegal. It’s only illegal when the mean words have a racial undertone. Which doesn’t really make any sense. We all know how insults work: you just go for whatever is available. If the person […]