• Ireland: Green F****t Minister Says They’re Going Ahead with Replacement Immigration Despite Protests

    Daily Stormer - Aug 2nd 2024 12:03pm EDT

    Ireland has had serious resistance and violent resistance against immigration. They’ve done a lot of arson. They’ve firebombed police cars. They’ve gone all out. Part of the situation now is that the rulers of these countries all have helicopters. So even if they push too far, they still don’t really risk the wrath of the […]

  • UK: Over 100 Arrested in London After Protests Over Southport Stabbing Spread Across the Country

    Daily Stormer - Aug 1st 2024 7:16am EDT

    Previously: UK: 39 Cops Injured After Evil Far-Righters Protest Foreigners Stabbing Children This is getting to be Ireland-tier. The Mirror: Over 100 people have been arrested after protesters set off flares and clashed with police near Downing Street in a protest over the Southport Stabbings. A demonstration named ‘Enough is Enough’ was held in central London […]

  • Ireland: Poll Claims Lots of People Think They’re Being Greatly Replaced

    Daily Stormer - Aug 1st 2024 6:32am EDT

    You’re not supposed to say this, apparently. But what do you call it, when you’re promoting feminism, abortion, and homosexuality among your own people, purposefully suppressing the birthrate by any means available, and then flooding the country with foreigners? The Journal: Almost a third of voters believe in a number of different conspiracy theories, such […]

  • Osorod

    Amerika.org - Jul 31st 2024 5:19pm EDT

    Most of us have no idea what happens after the current system fails. It either becomes a worthless third world state like Brazil or Russia, or it rises above the ruins of democracy into something different. It makes no sense to say “new”; there are no new political systems, only combining different parts of each, […]

  • France: New Mass Sabotage Hits Communications Infrastructure

    Daily Stormer - Jul 30th 2024 5:39am EDT

    People are now becoming aware of just how weak digital infrastructure actually is. With the CloudStrike debacle, then these multiple crises happening in France, it might make one ask how would even be possible to fight a major war if the enemy has the ability to turn off all of your infrastructure, and your experts […]

  • France: Olympic Torch Relay Had 3 Men in Dresses in It

    Daily Stormer - Jul 27th 2024 1:25am EDT

    So, wait. People are “shocked” by this? That’s the claim? Where have these people been for the last decade? Human Events: The Olympic torch relay in France included no fewer than three drag queens. The makeup-clad, wig-wearing men in high heels were spotted carrying the flame on various parts of the journey between May and […]

  • Germany: Government Bans Shiite Islamic Center for Opposing Jews, Ties to Hezbollah

    Daily Stormer - Jul 25th 2024 5:33am EDT

    To my Islamic friends: the EU was never pro-Islam. They were always just anti-white, and they used your poorest people to hurt white people. This is born out by the fact that if they see you do something the Jews don’t like, all of the sudden they are not so “welcoming.” Deutsche Welle: German Interior […]

  • Germany: Pro-Invader Journalist Whines About Being Punched by 13-Year-Old Syrian

    Daily Stormer - Jul 25th 2024 4:00am EDT

    Christian Neef works for Der Spiegel, one of Germany premiere leftist shitrags Don’t whine, faggot. This is what you wanted. The right-wing argument was never “we hate these people because they have a different skin color,” it was “importing these people is going to cause chaos and destruction.” Remix: A journalist for Germany’s left-leaning Spiegel […]

  • Ireland: After Losing Last Elections, Fake Nationalist Party Does Fake “Toughening” on Migrant Stance

    Daily Stormer - Jul 24th 2024 5:19am EDT

    They’re gonna consult you, but nothing you say will matter It’s a democracy. What are you going to do? In a democracy, the government just forces things on you against your will. You have no ability to petition grievances. Reuters: Ireland’s main opposition party, Sinn Fein, outlined a stricter immigration policy on Tuesday after identifying […]

  • West Bank: Jew Settlers Beat Up White People Helping the Palestinians

    Daily Stormer - Jul 24th 2024 1:00am EDT

    The Jews don’t actually view white people as anything better than the Palestinians. In reality, if anything, Jews like Moslems and Arabs better than white Christians. Understand: they would do to you exactly what they are doing to the Palestinians if you were in the way. This story here demonstrates that – when the Jews […]

  • Spain: Man Gets Suspended 8 Month Jail Sentence for Mean Words About Black Footballers

    Daily Stormer - Jul 22nd 2024 9:00pm EDT

    Remember when dis nigga cried? That was very sad. So. Making people cry by saying mean things to them is not illegal. It’s only illegal when the mean words have a racial undertone. Which doesn’t really make any sense. We all know how insults work: you just go for whatever is available. If the person […]

  • Japan: As Birth Rate Hits Record Low, Government Wants Companies to Hire More Women Managers

    Daily Stormer - Jul 22nd 2024 8:34am EDT

    So, which is it, Japan? Do you want women in the workplace or do you want to raise the birthrate? Asahi Shimbun: The labor ministry is expected to soon require unlisted companies, in addition to those that are already listed, to disclose the ratio of women employed in managerial positions The move was included in […]

  • UK: Gypsies Riot After Social Workers Kidnap Kids from Family

    Daily Stormer - Jul 20th 2024 3:31pm EDT

    It’s definitely policy of the UK government to kidnap the kids from people who raise the kids like gypsies raise the kids. And it is definitely the gypsy policy to riot when cops kidnap their kids. So this is sort of an impasse. GB News: Protests continued for a second night in a row in […]

  • France: Soldier Stabbed by Vibrant Who Literally Got Away With Murder a Few Years Ago

    Daily Stormer - Jul 19th 2024 10:47am EDT

    One of the biggest problems I see with letter murderers walk free is that they could commit more crimes. In fact, you might even wonder if not punishing violent crime encourages violent crime. Though we would have to do a study on that one to be sure, and I’m pretty sure doing the study would […]

  • Italy: Women Shocked That Trucker Would Whip Illegals He Found in His Truck

    Daily Stormer - Jul 19th 2024 10:44am EDT

    The poor women were fleeing the Brutal Syrian Civil War in Eritrea, and met something even worse If you’re a trucker in Europe, and some invaders sneak into your truck to illegally cross a border and get caught, you go to jail. Nothing happens to the invaders themselves, of course. It’s not really a very […]

  • New York: Asian NYC Councilwoman Charged with Biting Cop During Protest

    Daily Stormer - Jul 19th 2024 9:43am EDT

    I saw an Asian horror movie once that started exactly like this People want to go on and on about Asian women being the perfect tradwives. What they don’t tell you is that they are biters. Sure, they might not go around sucking every guy on the block like a white woman, but they bite. […]

  • New York: Asian NYC Councilwoman Charged with Biting Cop During Protest

    Daily Stormer - Jul 19th 2024 9:43am EDT

    I saw an Asian horror movie once that started exactly like this People want to go on and on about Asian women being the perfect tradwives. What they don’t tell you is that they are biters. Sure, they might not go around sucking every guy on the block like a white woman, but they bite. […]

  • Germany: Birth Rate Falls Even Lower in 2023

    Daily Stormer - Jul 18th 2024 7:30am EDT

    Feminism is literally a plan to exterminate the human species. But only whites and Asian women follow feminism. So you can do with that information what you wish, I suppose. Remix: Germany’s birth rate continues to crater, dropping 7 percent to 1.35 children per woman in 2023, according to the Federal Statistical Office, however, the […]

  • Japan: Shocking Survey Shows 98% of Hafus Experience Microaggressions

    Daily Stormer - Jul 17th 2024 8:51am EDT

    The struggle is real This is the way they’re going to get the nips on board with the anti-racism stuff. “But they’re half Japanese!” I still don’t think you can get the average nip to go along with this, but they can spam it in the media and a lot of the women will probably […]

  • Ireland: Anti-Invasionists Clash With Cops Over Planned Invader Center

    Daily Stormer - Jul 16th 2024 10:19am EDT

    The Irish are a rowdy bunch The Irish might surprise you. They might get rowdy. They might be the first to throw off the shackles of democracy. They’re definitely the first to start the fires of liberation. BBC: Fifteen people have appeared at a special court sitting in Dublin following violence during a protest at […]

  • DiversityWatch (July 12, 2024)

    Amerika.org - Jul 12th 2024 5:33pm EDT

    ~~~ It Was the Last Slave Ship to Reach the U.S. Or Was It a Hoax? Another diversity teachable moment turns out to be fraudulent. No one is really surprised, more like annoyed at the inconvenience in losing such a simplistic and gratifying narrative. RFK Jr. Would Cut Donald Trump’s Lead over Kamala Harris: Poll […]

  • Watch: Boeing Plane’s Wheel Explodes at Florida Airport

    Daily Stormer - Jul 12th 2024 7:00am EDT

    WATCH: American Airlines plane blows a tire during takeoff, catches fire on runway.https://t.co/eNg3oas8Vh pic.twitter.com/hrTxyn8VEH — News 4 San Antonio (@News4SA) July 11, 2024 The thing about all these Boeing disasters is that this is the future of every company in America. Under Joe Biden, these companies have gotten very serious about replacing white men with […]

  • Ohio: Cincinnati Getting Flooded with Syrian Child Refugees from Mauritania

    Daily Stormer - Jul 12th 2024 6:59am EDT

    They even have one that speaks English! You know, I grew up in Ohio. It was okay. But every day, I would think to myself: man, this place sure would be a lot better if it was flooded with people from Mauritania! Finally, it seems the federal government is moving to fix this problem. Fox […]

  • Florida: Satanists Want to Become School Counselors Under New Law

    Daily Stormer - Jul 11th 2024 10:00am EDT

    It’s not really surprising to anyone that open satanists are now publicly demanding access to our kids. I don’t think that should surprise anyone. The Hill: Florida Satanists are volunteering to fill school counselor roles after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a law allowing religious chaplains into public schools amid staffing shortages. “Nothing in the […]

  • Washington: “Ninja,” “Cakewalk,” “No Can Do,” Others on List of Words Banned by University

    Daily Stormer - Jul 11th 2024 7:33am EDT

    From the University of Washington’s inclusive language guide I thought this would be a cakewalk for a ninja, but no can do. Campus Reform: The University of Washington Information Technology department claimed in a recently-updated “inclusive language guide” that phrases like “ninja” and “no can do” are “problematic.” The inclusive language guide, which was updated […]
