• The Ukraine: Jew Mayor of Capital Tells Jew President to Hold Referendum on War with Russia

    Daily Stormer - Jul 23rd 2024 12:01am EDT

    No one who doesn’t want to be annexed by Russia has been annexed by Russia. There have been a sum total of zero (0) partisan attacks by citizens of the former Ukrainian provinces on Russian forces. Ukrainians are fighting to conquer land occupied by people who do not want to be ruled by them. And […]

  • Soldiers of Reason – The RAND Corporation – with Thomas777

    Myth Of The 20th Century - Jul 15th 2024 7:24pm EDT

    The world has rarely seen a time where two powers dominate the entire globe – almost utterly and completely – like in the latter half of the 20th Century with the United States and the Soviet Union, as our guest Thomas777 tonight points out. After the end of the Cold War in 1991, it also […]

  • No-Go Zone: The Church of Liberal Democracy: Wars, Hate Speech Laws & Chaos

    Red Ice TV - Jul 10th 2024 12:00pm EDT

    NATO is holding their 75th Public Forum in Washington D.C. with Ukraine signaling and warmongering messages. A France in chaos is getting ready for an unstable Olympic Games opening in just a couple of weeks. WJC is pushing for global hate speech laws to protect jews. This is the chaos, war and repression the Church […]

  • Irrelevant America: After Meeting Putin, Orban Meets Xi

    Daily Stormer - Jul 8th 2024 9:54am EDT

    President Xi made it clear to me today that #China will continue its efforts aimed at creating the conditions for #peace. We are not alone! Peace mission to be continued… pic.twitter.com/TNz1GcwIgB — Orbán Viktor (@PM_ViktorOrban) July 8, 2024 Why won’t Tucker Carlson explain why his hero Victor Orban is besties with Xi? Tucker has defended […]

  • Russia Moves to Declare “Antinatalism” an Extremist Ideology

    Daily Stormer - Jul 4th 2024 3:08am EDT

    Previously: NYC: IDF Soldiers Demanding People Support Slaughtering Homophobic Palestinian Infants In America, we have different ideas in terms of freedom of speech than they have in other countries. I support these ideas. However, when free speech was written into our founding documents, no one thought women would ever have “liberation.” They never thought they would […]

  • Georgia: Parliament Begins Legal Crackdown on Anal People

    Daily Stormer - Jun 29th 2024 6:40am EDT

    Georgians are getting very tired of this These homos were asking for a pounding. It looks like they’re going to get their wish. Reuters: Georgia’s parliament on Thursday gave its initial approval to a set of bills containing sweeping curbs on LGBT rights, including bans on the “propaganda” of same-sex relationships and gender reassignment surgery. […]

  • Russia Blows Up Airbase Where US Was Planning to Store F-16s

    Daily Stormer - Jun 27th 2024 7:45am EDT

    Russia can blow up the F-16s themselves. Russia can blow up anything in the Ukraine. The plan to send F-16s only ever made sense if the US was planning to deploy these from Poland, which would make NATO a belligerent in the Ukraine war. RT: Russian forces have struck Ukrainian airbases that were set to […]

  • Putin Effectively Declares “Total War” as West Holds Goofy “Peace Summit” Without Russia

    Daily Stormer - Jun 15th 2024 2:50am EDT

    Keep pushing, faggots. See what my man Vlad is gonna do when you back him into a corner. I want you to do it. The Guardian: Vladimir Putin has demanded that Kyiv cede more land, withdraw troops deeper inside its own country and drop its Nato bid in order for him to end his war […]

  • Report: Pro-Russia Commentator has Passport Seized at the Airport While Boarding a Plane to Russia

    Daily Stormer - Jun 8th 2024 9:41am EDT

    Video from June 4 This week, Scott Ritter, a prominent alternative media internet figured, reportedly had his passport seized by American authorities while attempting to board a plane to Russia. Ritter is a geopolitical commentator who is focused primarily on Russian issues. He was a former employee of the US Military and the United Nations. […]

  • No-Go Zone: Can We Make It?

    Red Ice TV - Jun 5th 2024 12:00pm EDT

    Henrik cover some of the latest in No-Go Zone, June 5, 2024. This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com or odysee.com/@redicetvor subscribestar.com/redice or redicetv.locals.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 2500 […]

  • RT Publishes Op-Ed Calling for Russia to Drop a Nuke

    Daily Stormer - May 31st 2024 6:56am EDT

    RT’s news articles are always factual. I see people say “RT is Russian state media, of course they lie!” And I’m like “bro, then point to the lie.” I can point to a million places where US state media made up stories whole cloth. I could make a list, but just as an obvious example […]

  • A Bunch of the Companies That Said They Would Leave Russia Never Did, Now Saying They Probably Won’t

    Daily Stormer - May 29th 2024 2:49am EDT

    Bro should have thought that shit through a bit better. Companies are not moral. The only reason companies pretend to be moral is to try to avoid government regulation and other punishments. Companies should not be moral. It is actually a terrifying proposition to suggest a world where companies care about something other than profit, […]

  • Russia Preparing to Stop Classifying Taliban as Terrorist Group

    Daily Stormer - May 29th 2024 2:15am EDT

    What did the Taliban even do? It’s literally a normal government. I guess Russia had a bad experience with them a while back. But that was before they were even the Taliban. WION News: Taliban will be removed from the list of banned terrorist organisations, three years after they returned to power in Afghanistan, the […]

  • Russian Liberal Party Now has 0% Support

    Daily Stormer - May 28th 2024 5:47am EDT

    Now that it’s understood by all Russians that Westerners are trying to literally exterminate them, there isn’t really any room left for a liberal party. RT: Yabloko, the Russian liberal party founded in 1993 by economist Grigory Yavlinsky, no longer has any support in Russian society, according to a recent public opinion survey. While the party’s […]

  • Zelensky Begs World Leaders to Attend Ridiculous “Peace Summit” That Excludes Russia

    Daily Stormer - May 26th 2024 10:21am EDT

    For them, it is a pleasure to burn. We all know who we are dealing with. Russia is run by men who want to make it a norm – burning lives, destroying cities and villages, dividing people, and erasing national borders through war. There is no nation that can stop such war alone,… pic.twitter.com/2AJ12vpdjM — […]

  • Slovakia: Assassination Attempt was Driven by Pro-Ukraine Sentiment

    Daily Stormer - May 24th 2024 6:21pm EDT

    He’s a man with peak slavic physiognomy. I think we all knew this already. RT: Bratislava’s decision not to send weapons to Kiev was one of the major reasons behind the recent attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico, a Slovak Specialized Criminal Court concluded on Thursday as it was deciding on a pre-trial restraint measure […]

  • After Macron’s Massive Ukraine Moralization Barrage, Poll Shows Only 10% of French Give a Shit

    Daily Stormer - May 23rd 2024 4:02am EDT

    The effectiveness of moralization campaigns is rapidly waning for a number of different reasons. For one, shit is getting real. People have real problems, and when you have real problems, goofy moralization stuff becomes much less appealing. Dancing around and signaling to everyone what a good person you are because you support the latest moralization […]

  • EU Countries Agree to Give The Ukraine Profits from Russia’s Frozen Assets

    Daily Stormer - May 23rd 2024 3:03am EDT

    Free money is one of the best things you can get. Free money is right up there with a tattoo of a wizard fighting a dragon in terms of the best things to get. The nutty thing is that not only did the EU promise the Ukraine all of this free money stolen from Russians, […]

  • Why is No One Concerned About the Fact That Russia is Doing Nuclear Exercises on the Ukraine Border?

    Daily Stormer - May 22nd 2024 3:48am EDT

    Military exercises focused on the preparation and use of non-strategic NUCLEAR weapons have begun in Russia, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense. During the first phase of the nuclear exercises, tasks include receiving munitions for the “Iskander” missile system and… pic.twitter.com/aDXctxNZqD — Russian Market (@runews) May 21, 2024 The West has made is clear […]

  • TikTok SUES Biden Over BAN, Israel INVADES Rafah DEFYING Biden Admin w/Jay Dyer | Timcast IRL

    Jay Dyer - May 10th 2024 9:13pm EDT

    Timcast invited me back to discuss the recent news! Tim is here: https://www.youtube.com/@TimcastIRL Remember to boost that T naturally with 44% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY44LIFE‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in the Shop!  We’re coming […]

  • Brandon Calls Japan, India, Other Countries “Xenophobic” for Not Bringing in More Useless Immigrants

    Daily Stormer - May 3rd 2024 6:49am EDT

    This whole “immigration is good for the economy” thing is totally based on useless data. Basically, they say that white immigration was good for America economically, which is true, then say that all immigration is good for everyone. The original Mexicans who came to America were in a sense “good for the economy” in that […]

  • The End of the Globalists: The Duran + Jay Dyer

    Jay Dyer - May 1st 2024 1:51pm EDT

    The Duran invited me on to discuss the nature of globalization, its origins, progress and telos. We consider as well the transhumanist ethos and how it seeks to overcome man himself. The Duran is here. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in […]

  • Why Republicans Emphasize Christ and Israel

    Amerika.org - May 1st 2024 7:32am EDT

    When the “gang of nineteen” stepped onto the stage for the Republican primary debates back in 2015, they all came bearing the same message: the flag, the dollar, Jesus, and Israel. There was also some stuff about getting firm with those dastardly terrorists who keep blowing up our obese citizens on vacation. They were repeating […]

  • Here’s How Ukraine Can Still Win: NATO Chief Visits Kiev, Announces Increase in Military Aid

    Daily Stormer - Apr 29th 2024 9:49pm EDT

    An unannounced visit by Jens Stoltenberg to the Ukrainian Parliament today. Zelensky announced that Ukraine will receive more patriots from NATO pic.twitter.com/AcoTIexFSu — Greyskull (@FreudGreyskull) April 29, 2024 “If Putin wins this war, if Russia wins this war, we will have to pay and spend a lot more money.” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg pic.twitter.com/6iyUjaq9hE […]

  • Gay US Intelligence Services Admit Putin Did Not Kill Navalny

    Daily Stormer - Apr 27th 2024 10:32am EDT

    I didn’t think homos ever admitted anything. RT: The CIA and other US intelligence agencies have determined that the Russian authorities weren’t involved in the death of opposition figure Alexey Navalny, the Wall Street Journal has reported, citing people familiar with the matter. Navalny, who had been serving a lengthy prison sentence stemming from his […]