• BBC Chooses ‘Racially Diverse Cast’ To Play Characters In Drama About 1066 Battle Of Hastings

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 12th 2024 11:14am EDT

    I know this is old hat by now but it’s certainly a good marker of the decay of White culture. The wonder is that William the Conqueror and King Harold aren’t depicted as African with a few White peasant soldiers. We can be thankful for that! Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Modernity.news, The BBC […]

  • Britain is Now a Sectarian Society

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 11th 2024 10:30am EDT

    England is now a sectarian society. As of the General Election, on 4th July, some people are sent to parliament by specific religious and ethnic communities simply because they are members of those communities, not because of the policies they espouse. A system which has long existed in sectarian Northern Ireland has now come to […]

  • Brands Collude To Silence Dissent

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 11th 2024 9:31am EDT

    This is an excerpt from a Zerohedge article, “It’s That Time Again: MSM Launches ‘Muh Russia’ Election Narrative As Brands Collude To Silence Dissent.” The rest is on a Wall Street Journal article trying to drum up hysteria on Russia interfering in the 2024 election. We’ve heard that story before. Brands Collude to Silence While democracy grapples […]

  • Jared Taylor sur l’apocalypse française de Guillaume Faye

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 11th 2024 9:12am EDT

    Jared Taylor revient sur son admiration pour Guillaume Faye, leur amitié née de leur première rencontre, et bien sûr, sur les thèmes apocalyptiques qui parsèment son œuvre: la fin de la race et la survie dans l’effondrement de la société. Voici la préface de Jared Taylor à l’ouvrage final et le plus radical de Guillaume […]

  • SCOTUS Girls Gone Wile: The Right to Crap in the Streets

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 10th 2024 2:25pm EDT

    Two more votes and they’d destroy every town in America On MSNBC, they’re convinced that the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity will finally usher in the long-feared Trump Dictatorship, though I’m almost certain the Supreme Court explicitly limited the immunity to presidential acts authorized, or even required, by the Constitution. Staging a coup would […]

  • Jared Taylor on Guillaume Faye’s French Apocalypse

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 10th 2024 1:08pm EDT

    ARKTOS JOURNAL Jared Taylor reflects on his admiration for Guillaume Faye, recounting their first meeting and enduring friendship, while highlighting the dark, apocalyptic themes of race, survival, and societal collapse in Faye’s Racial Civil War. This is Jared Taylor’s preface to Guillaume Faye’s final and most hard-hitting work, Racial Civil War. Because I speak French, it has […]

  • The Moscow-Delhi Axis

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 9th 2024 2:46pm EDT

    From Arktos. Modi and Putin are currently defining the structure of the Moscow-Delhi axis, one of the most crucial pillars of a multipolar world order. Bharat (also known as India) is a state-civilization. Russia-Eurasia is another state-civilization. Clarifying their relations in terms of geopolitics, economics, and culture is fundamental. We are all now learning to […]

  • JTA on the French Election

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 8th 2024 12:43pm EDT

    JTA: “French voters reject far right — but elevate left-wing alliance with history of antisemitism allegations” In a surprise outcome, French voters rejected a far-right party with antisemitic roots — but elevated a left-wing alliance that has faced antisemitism allegations of its own. The country’s most prominent far-left politician (Mélencon), meanwhile, vowed in his victory […]

  • “Our” Man in Israel

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 7th 2024 11:22am EDT

    Introduction The issue of dual loyalty is an ancient one. As noted in a previous TOO article, [Stephen] Walt points out that Ross has a long involvement with pro-Israel activist organizations, such as being director of WINEP [Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a pro-Israel think tank headquartered in Washington, DC]. But Ross’s ties to […]

  • Some commentary on the British election

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 6th 2024 11:54am EDT

    Tobias Langdon sent me an email with an article from Spectator, noting “it’s a case of shabbos goy out, shabbos goy in.” But he thinks that “Labour’s lunacies” may end up being “very helpful in the long run.” This could well be the case, as Matt Goodwin’s comments (via email) below illustrate (he emphasizes that […]

  • Shut Up and Obey: How Democracy Can’t Survive Disagreement

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 5th 2024 10:49am EDT

    Do you need to translate Indonesian into English? Or Filipino into French? Japanese into German? No problem. Artificial intelligence will do all of that with ease. But there are some vital translations that AI won’t currently perform. It won’t translate English into English. Or French into French. Or German into German. Why is this a […]

  • Senilitygate and Mrs. Alito’s Flags

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 3rd 2024 3:00pm EDT

    Can you imagine if The New York Times had covered the Biden White House as closely as it covered Justice Samuel Alito’s wife’s collection of novelty flags? The media’s playing Praetorian Guard for one party isn’t good for democracy, but oddly, it’s not even good for the Democrats. Biden’s open-mouthed, faraway stare at a nationally […]

  • Fatal Antigone: Between Modern Lawfare and Cursed Heredity 

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 3rd 2024 3:01am EDT

    Authors and their literary heroes are always subject to conflicting interpretations in different historical contexts. Sophocles’ tragedy Antigone was performed quite differently in the Greek city state of fifth-century Greece than it is in contemporary versions crafted by modern producers and directors beholden to modern literary critics. The story of the mythical and rebellious princess […]

  • Roberta Kaplan as a Jewish Type

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 2nd 2024 4:29pm EDT

    Jewish lesbian Roberta Kaplan is a prominent leftist attorney involved in lawfare against the Charlottesville demonstrators, against Donald Trump in the E. Jean Carrol case, as well as in victorious efforts on behalf of gay marriage. As I wrote in a  previous article on Roberta Kaplan, she “is a good example of what makes Jewish […]

  • “The Incredible Lightness of Biden”

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 2nd 2024 11:00am EDT

    In my recent blog on the debate I contended that everyone knew Biden was impaired—even the big liberal media who were covering up for  him because they were satisfied that he was doing a great job because they were getting what they wanted out of him policy-wise because of the people around him who were […]

  • Nations Are Not Notions: Thoughts on the European Football Championship 2024

    The Occidental Observer - Jul 1st 2024 10:00am EDT

    Bernini’s Daphne and Apollo. That’s one. Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in D major. That’s another. And Bergkamp’s goal for Arsenal away at Newcastle in March 2002. That’s a third. What are they? Supreme examples of sublime art-forms created by the Whites of north-western Europe. Classical art, classical music, and soccer are three White inventions that have […]

  • Some notes on Controlled opposition, spies and snitches.

    The Occidental Observer - Jun 30th 2024 10:14am EDT

    It is reasonable to assume that an article about this topic will be at some point read by a member of the controlled opposition. If this is you, relax: your name will not be mentioned! The spy and the snitch concentrate on collecting information, but the controlled opposition concentrates ón putting ideas in your head. […]

  • Carl Jung and the Jews

    The Occidental Observer - Jun 29th 2024 3:03am EDT

    “The Jew truly solicits anti-Semitism with his readiness to scent out anti-Semitism everywhere.”         Carl Jung, 1934 For a long time I’ve been fascinated by the way in which Jews obsess over deceased, historical figures who made unflattering comments about their race. The more famous and talented, the greater the intensity of […]

  • They’ll have to drag Biden out of the White House to get him to quit

    The Occidental Observer - Jun 28th 2024 7:35pm EDT

    The august New York Times is one of nearly the entire mainstream media freaking out over Biden’s performance in last night’s debate. Biden’s performance was entirely predictable. He is senile, and, as anyone who watches conservative news channels realizes, without a teleprompter he can’t put a decent sentence together and often wanders off the podium without […]

  • Old Tablets and New: Two Decalogues for the White Race

    The Occidental Observer - Jun 28th 2024 10:43am EDT

    “O my brothers, break, break the old tablets!” —Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra (3.12.10) According to Jewish mythology, Moses came down from the mountain with two stone tablets in hand. Inscribed on them, by the Jewish god Yahweh, were 10 “commandments” for the Jews to follow in their interactions with other Jews (though not with non-Jews, […]

  • Aurélien Marq: o racismo antibranco da Google

    The Occidental Observer - Jun 27th 2024 9:11pm EDT

    Elon Musk no X: “Que caminho a IA deve seguir? Ela deve buscar a verdade (xAI)? Ou deve seguir para o racismo woke (OpenAI e Gemini)?  Os viquingues, os reis europeus, os Três Mosqueteiros, um casal inglês do século XVIII, os patriarcas da independência dos Estados Unidos, um cientista do Século das Luzes…  Todos negros […]

  • The Occidental Observer - Jun 27th 2024 11:19am EDT

    SPLC 2! Wikipedia Demotes The ADL. This Left Split On Gaza/Israel Is Epochal. Covwering the Southern Poverty Law Center massacre, as in SPLC Union Strikes Another Shattering Blow At $PLC. But Is This A Labor Or A Political Dispute?, I am more than ever convinced that it was actually a purge of pro-Palestinian Leftists to conciliate […]

  • How Trump Will Lose the Debate

    The Occidental Observer - Jun 27th 2024 9:18am EDT

        Donald Trump’s recent proposal to give a green card to every immigrant who gets a degree from any college reminded me of his performance at the 2020 debates with Joe Biden.      Here’s the 15-second version: “You did a crime bill, 1994, where you called them super-predators. African Americans are super-predators and they’ve never forgotten […]

  • Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war

    The Occidental Observer - Jun 26th 2024 12:17pm EDT

    From The Guardian. … Chikli assured the lawmakers that there was new money in the budget for a pushback campaign, which was separate from more traditional public relations and paid advertising content produced by the government. It included 80 programs already under way for advocacy efforts “to be done in the ‘Concert’ way”, he said. The […]

  • Cry Me a River: Marion Kaplan’s Between Dignity and Despair

    The Occidental Observer - Jun 25th 2024 4:15pm EDT

    4775 Words Introduction If you’re looking for evidence to support some political, ideological, or religious position while studying history, you will probably find it if you want to badly enough. The clues are all there, and it’s all too tempting to prioritize some clues over others or interpret some clues more broadly than others in […]