• Soros’s Top Money-Man Stood With Antifa at Charlottesville; Blocked Access to Lee Park

    The Occidental Observer - May 14th 2024 10:43am EDT

    In 2017, Jewish lesbian lawyer Roberta Kagan launched a multi-million-dollar lawsuit against the leading participants and organizations of Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. She thought she would find something big. But after 4 years of lawyering and thousands and thousands of pages of discovery, she found nothing. Because there was nothing. She wanted a […]

  • Matt Taibbi: Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint for Dystopia in Horrific Speech Bill

    The Occidental Observer - May 13th 2024 11:16am EDT

    The left are by far the biggest champions of censorship and authoritarian government. On February 21st, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave a press conference in Edmonton, announcing his government’s decision to introduce the Online Harms Act, or Bill C-63. It was described in Canadian media as a “bill to protect kids” that would stop the “exploitation […]

  • James Edwards Interviews Anke Van dermeersch

    The Occidental Observer - May 13th 2024 3:16am EDT

    What follows is a Q and A conducted by James Edwards with Anke Van dermeersch, a former Miss Belgium, Miss Universe finalist, and current Senator of Belgium. James Edwards: You first made a name for yourself as a model who was crowned Miss Belgium and who went on to become a top finalist in the […]

  • Updated: New Deadline for the first ever movement poll: May 15

    The Occidental Observer - May 11th 2024 7:38pm EDT

    Participate in the first ever movement research poll here Registration link and be entered to win $500! If we want our movement to grow, we should try to attract more like-minded people. But doesn’t finding people who are like us presuppose that we already know who we are? If we want to effectively mobilize our existing movement to create […]

  • The Rule of Lawyers: The Labour Party is Eager to Resume Its War on the White Working-Class

    The Occidental Observer - May 11th 2024 1:54pm EDT

    “A lawyer is the larval stage of a politician.” It’s a good line, but whose is it? I’ve seen it attributed to Ambrose Bierce, but I can’t confirm that. Whoever came up with it, he wouldn’t have won the approval of the late, great Jewish writer Larry Auster. We shouldn’t liken human beings to animals […]

  • Participate in the first ever movement research poll here Registration link and be entered to win $500!

    The Occidental Observer - May 10th 2024 11:05am EDT

    Participate in the first ever movement research poll here Registration link and be entered to win $500! If we want our movement to grow, we should try to attract more like-minded people. But doesn’t finding people who are like us presuppose that we already know who we are? If we want to effectively mobilize our existing movement to create […]

  • The Sentencia-Estatuto of 1449

    The Occidental Observer - May 9th 2024 2:21pm EDT

    The Sentencia-Estatuto of 1449: Translated from Spanish to English and with an Introduction by Wilhem Ivorsson Translator’s Notes: The reader should keep in mind that this text is 575 years old. Many of the political titles and legal concepts referenced do not have modern equivalents, and the document was written in period-specific legal language, style […]

  • Police Officer Stuck in BLM Nightmare

    The Occidental Observer - May 9th 2024 11:15am EDT

    It must be a shock to police officers busting up campus protests to be cheered, rather than jeered, as they have been since the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, a decade ago — a completely justified shooting, according to President Obama’s Justice Department. The anti-Israel demonstrators seem kind of surprised, too. They […]

  • Henrik Palmgren (RedIce) on pro-immigration Jewish activism in Sweden

    The Occidental Observer - May 8th 2024 12:06pm EDT

    Focuses on wealthy media personality Robert Aschberg. Notice the comments on Sweden as a conformist culture, a theme of my book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition. Most Swedes still keep their heads down on the disaster of immigration, afraid of being ostracized. The tide is turning, but the alliance of the leftists and Jews […]

  • Ron Unz on shutting down the Gaza protests

    The Occidental Observer - May 7th 2024 11:43am EDT

    Ron Unz on the unprecedented attempts to shut down the Gaza protests: Israel/Gaza: The Masks Come Off in American Society, … Three years earlier, a lifelong career criminal named George Floyd had died of a drug overdose while in police custody, and a single, highly-misleading video of his last moments had provoked the greatest wave of […]

  • The ADL continues to press for censorship of views critical of Israel or Jewish power.

    The Occidental Observer - May 7th 2024 10:37am EDT

    As if there weren’t already enough censorship and deplatforming on Jewish issues, the ADL is using the opportunity presented by the Gaza war to ramp up even more. Prior to the war, in May, 2023 the Biden administration unveiled a plan, designed by the ADL, to undertake “over 100 bold and unprecedented actions” to, among […]

  • O que é a Nova Direita

    The Occidental Observer - May 6th 2024 3:43pm EDT

    Javier Ruiz Portella: O que é a Nova Direita  O diretor de El Manifiesto, Javier Ruiz Portella, estreou-se como colaborador da seção “Ideas” de La Gaceta de la Iberosfera. O artigo abaixo foi a primeira entrega dele. Confira! Corria o ano de 1968. Os jovens eram franceses, ousados, rebeldes… Não, não me refiro àqueles que, […]

  • How Can Leftists Be Mutants if They Are More Intelligent than Conservatives?

    The Occidental Observer - May 6th 2024 1:00pm EDT

    I’ve become quite well known for arguing that leftists are “mutants;” that they are higher in mutational load than conservatives. Leftists, in general though not always, are, in my view, the descendants of those who would have died under the harsh Darwinian conditions of high child mortality that were prevalent until around 1800. However, it […]

  • Russian advert made to mock Russians that leave for The United States.

    The Occidental Observer - May 5th 2024 10:33am EDT

    Russian advert made to mock Russians that leave for The United States. pic.twitter.com/l1BQjOPNgo — Historic Vids (@historyinmemes) May 4, 2024

  • Zionists and Pro-Palestinians at UCLA

    The Occidental Observer - May 4th 2024 3:08pm EDT

    Counter protesters, presumably Zionists and likely including many Jews, physically attacked the pro-Palestinian protests at UCLA. The result was that the pro-Palestinian sites were removed. Imagine pro-abortion protesters putting up an encampment at a university and attacked by right-to-life advocates. The police would arrest the attackers and leave the encampment in place. Make no mistake, […]

  • Some basic principles for the national struggle

    The Occidental Observer - May 4th 2024 10:19am EDT

    With permission from: Danmarks Frihedsraad, a Danish Nationalist site. Some basic principles for the national struggle Looking across the political landscape today, there is little reason not to be dismayed. Quite simply, Denmark has no national opposition to the prevailing political system. And by opposition, we don’t just mean a political opposition, but also a […]

  • Elon Musk to reinstate X account of white nationalist Nick Fuentes

    The Occidental Observer - May 3rd 2024 3:44pm EDT

    Musk says that anyone who isn’t breaking the law should be able to be on X. This article, Elon Musk to reinstate X account of white nationalist Nick Fuentes (axios.com), is quite hostile to Musk but informative nonetheless. Take home message: … Why it matters: Musk’s announcement comes as the nation experiences a surge in antisemitism incidents and […]

  • August 1947—Kristallnacht in the UK in response to Jewish anti-British terrorism in Palestine to the sergeants hanged in Palestine affair

    The Occidental Observer - May 3rd 2024 11:07am EDT

    This photo does not show a shop window in Berlin, Leipzig or Treuchtlingen after the night of November 9, 1938, but was taken in Liverpool in August 1947. Few people remember it, but in the summer of 1947, a terrible heat wave swept across Europe, not quite as intense as that of 2003, but spread […]

  • Israel’s Fingerprints Are All Over the Ethnic Cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh

    The Occidental Observer - May 2nd 2024 10:39am EDT

    The war between Armenia and Azerbaijan has gotten almost no coverage in the U.S., likely because Israel is supporting Muslims against Christians and is engaged in ethnic cleansing of Christian Armenians in Jerusalem. Haaretz editorial, September 27, 2023: The Armenians fleeing Nagorno-Karabakh en masse still remember the first years after the Soviet Union fell apart, […]

  • Hate Watchdogs Need Glasses

    The Occidental Observer - May 2nd 2024 10:20am EDT

    Too bad the Jewish students being harassed on campuses don’t have the Proud Boys around to protect them. They can thank the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt for making that impossible. Greenblatt could see right through the Proud Boys’ stated mission of supporting Western Civilization. Ha! Mere camouflage for “a right-wing extremist group with a violent agenda.” Similarly, […]

  • Armenian Christians under siege by Israel

    The Occidental Observer - May 2nd 2024 9:04am EDT


  • Paul Joseph Watson: The plan from the beginning was to ship Gazans to the West.

    The Occidental Observer - May 1st 2024 10:13pm EDT

    And the Republicans are on board–voting for a massive aid bill that would do nothing for our border but go a long way to give Israel its final solution their Palestinian problem. Tucked away in the bill is money for more refugees from the Middle East. 

  • The Meaning of Knife: Salman Rushdie Pumps His Ego and Helps the Islamic War on Free Speech

    The Occidental Observer - Apr 30th 2024 12:34pm EDT

    Barack Obama was the affirmative-action president. Salman Rushdie is the affirmative-action literary giant. Like Obama, Rushdie didn’t get to the top of his profession thanks to the depth of his talent and power of his intellect. No, he got there thanks to the color of his skin and the leftism of his politics. Separated by […]

  • ‘Anti-White’ Scottish First Minister Quits After Disastrous ‘Hate Crime Law’

    The Occidental Observer - Apr 30th 2024 10:47am EDT

    From Zero Hedge. Scotland’s leader Humza Yousaf resigned on Monday, quitting as head of the pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) after scrapping a coalition agreement with Scotland’s Greens. He then failed to secure enough support to survive votes of no confidence against him expected later this week.  Yousaf, born to Pakistani immigrants in Glasgow, built an […]

  • Who Watches the Watchers?

    The Occidental Observer - Apr 29th 2024 11:10am EDT

    When the Roman poet Juvenal first used the phrase Quis custodiet ipsos custodes in the sixth of his second-century Satires, he was referring playfully to critics of his relationship with his wife. The phrase’s passage to its current status as a political lock-and-guard mechanism came via its misattribution to Plato’s Republic. But the observation of […]