Semitism and Capitalism: The Merits and Inadequacies of Middleman Minority Theory in Explaining the Jews, Part II
The Occidental Observer - Sep 18th 2020 1:04pm EDTGo to Part I “American Jews do not fit the sojourner pattern, since their political involvement goes far beyond the support of Jewish causes. … Much Jewish political activity, whether right, center, or left, can be related to a perception of how to make America and the world safe for Jews. American Jewish support for […]
Semitism and Capitalism: The Merits and Inadequacies of Middleman Minority Theory in Explaining the Jews Part I
The Occidental Observer - Sep 17th 2020 9:42am EDT“The middleman and the host society come in conflict because elements in each group have incompatible goals. To say this is to deny the viewpoint common in the sociological literature that host hostility is self-generated (from psychological problems or cultural traditions).” Edna Bonacich, “A Theory of Middleman Minorities,” 1973.[1] An interesting accompaniment to Nathan Cofnas’s […]
A sociologia como religião
The Occidental Observer - Sep 15th 2020 6:32pm EDTThe Sacred Project of American Sociology Smith, Christian New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. Já se sabia, faz algum tempo, que a esquerda mantém a academia sob sequestro. O livro de Christian Smith O projeto sagrado da sociologia americana é um estudo de caso sobre esse fenômeno numa disciplina em que o controle da esquerda […]
Are These Antifa/ BLM Riots A Jewish Coup?
The Occidental Observer - Sep 15th 2020 3:01am EDTEarlier by Kevin MacDonald: The Trump Impeachment: A Clash Between America’s Competing Elites? It was always obvious to those of us on campus in the Vietnam years that if you fired at random into a mob of student protestors you would hit a lot of Jews, and that is exactly what happened at Kent State in 1970 (three out […]
Why Are Whites Cancelling Their Race? Chapter 8 of Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition
The Occidental Observer - Sep 13th 2020 10:34am EDTWhites cleaning messy destruction of blacks in Minneapolis Do you know why Europeans across the political spectrum — Liberals, Conservatives, Socialists — are morally committed to a politics that is leading to the dissolution of their millennial racial identities while promoting the racial identities of non-white immigrants within their own nations? There are many answers […]
A White Nationalist Constitution
The Occidental Observer - Sep 10th 2020 3:53pm EDTAs our nation comes apart at the seams, shoddily sewn together in the first place, we must finally acknowledge that conservatism was not enough. The United States Constitution was not enough. As Revilo Oliver observed, “the document must have borne within itself the seed of its own dissolution.” Our compromised Constitution was indeed a compromise, […]
How to Survive Communism in the USA?
The Occidental Observer - Sep 9th 2020 1:11pm EDTEditor’s Note: This is Tom Sunic’s article in one piece. Still having technical problems, but we’ll survive! The fundamental mistake made by most American conservatives, both old and new, is to think of communism solely as a violent ideology designed to abolish private property. During the so-called Cold War, they imagined that by mimicking some […]
Interview with Rob Gambrell
The Occidental Observer - Sep 8th 2020 3:44pm EDTHow to Survive Communism in the USA? Part 4
The Occidental Observer - Sep 7th 2020 1:23pm EDTGo to Part 1 Go to Part 2. Go to Part 3. Historical amicability of a large number of Jewish-American intellectuals for antifascist projects have been amply documented by Kevin MacDonald. Most Jewish-American authors, for obvious reasons, are pretty tacit when it comes to analyzing the high percentage of leading Communists officials of Jewish origin […]
How to Survive Communism in the USA? Part 3
The Occidental Observer - Sep 7th 2020 11:58am EDTThe good news is that even if American communists, under the banner of Antifascism or Democratism, or Liberalism come to power in the US they will soon start eliminating each other. This would be fully in accordance with the iron law of egalitarian entropy, a fact often overlooked by many analysts of communism. The still-strong […]
How to Survive Communism in the USA? Part 2
The Occidental Observer - Sep 7th 2020 11:51am EDTThe antifa mindset Apart from the Gulag system and the topography of its countless killing fields, Communism must first and foremost be analysed as an anthropology, or better yet as a widespread social pathology, albeit savored and craved subconsciously by a very large number of its future victims. The obsession with the idea of equality […]
How to Survive Communism in the USA? Part 1
The Occidental Observer - Sep 7th 2020 11:43am EDTEditor’s note: There is some kind of processing glitch in our software. I will try to post Tom Sunic’s article in several parts. The fundamental mistake made by most American conservatives, both old and new, is to think of communism solely as a violent ideology designed to abolish private property. During the so-called Cold War, […]
Can’t post new articles.
The Occidental Observer - Sep 6th 2020 6:34pm EDTEditorial note: I haven’t been able to post new articles to TOO (except articles written by me) because of a weird glitch of some kind, perhaps having to do with our recent use of Bitmitigate. We are working on it.
Is Civil War Inevitable?
The Occidental Observer - Sep 4th 2020 2:31pm EDTThe conclusions regarding France and Europe more broadly in Guillaume Faye’s final book Ethnic Apocalypse—like The Culture of Critique and my own book The God that Failed: Liberalism and the Destruction of the West banned by Amazon for said conclusions being “inconvenient” to the Establishment, ie-true—were that yes, the regime has made it inevitable. The […]
Makeup in Black and White
The Occidental Observer - Sep 2nd 2020 9:59am EDTA few weeks ago, the Black magazine Essence published an article titled, “A Group Of Black Women Discuss What It’s Like To Shop For Makeup At The Drugstore.” As a very pale White woman, I have always struggled to find makeup that matches my complexion — drugstore or high-end. Makeup artists have jokingly suggested […]
Amanpour interviews Brendan Simms on Hitler, the AFD, etc.
The Occidental Observer - Aug 31st 2020 2:48pm EDTBrendan Simms discusses his new biography of Adolf Hitler, and why he thinks the dictator’s main preoccupation was in fact Anglo-American capitalism
Surviving the Contemporary Racial and White Intra Racial Conflict: Anti Millenarian Whites Must Seek Political Separation
The Occidental Observer - Aug 30th 2020 4:59pm EDTIn 1954 Winston Churchill delivered a speech at a small college in Fulton Missouri that offered this prescient analysis: “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an ‘iron curtain’ has descended across the continent.” This Soviet invasion made a prison out of the entire area for half a century. Dissenters were severely […]
Why De-Colonization is “Junk” History and “Reparations” Is the Junk-Bond Offering of BLM
The Occidental Observer - Aug 29th 2020 10:39am EDT1Junk-Bond: “A low-grade, high-risk security, typically issued by an organization seeking to raise capital quickly in order to finance a takeover.” Oxford Lexico ‘Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is […]
Black Brains Shatter: The Intellectual and Ethical Bankruptcy of Black Lives Matter
The Occidental Observer - Aug 27th 2020 1:04pm EDTIf you’re looking for a truly powerful pleasure-drug, then forget heroin, cocaine or crystal meth. They’re crude, fast-fading and unreliable. No, for a real rush that’s guaranteed not to fade or falter, you need what Black Lives Matter (BLM) and their allies are on — the three most powerful pleasure-drugs known to humanity. History’s greatest […]
The Transformation of Europe as an Elite Project: Review of The Blackening of Europe, by Clare Ellis
The Occidental Observer - Aug 25th 2020 11:15am EDTClare Ellis The Blackening of Europe: Volume I. Ideologies & International Developments Arktos, 2020. “When this majority-minority shift occurs, there will be an unprecedented transfer of political power from European peoples to non-Europeans, essentially signalling the final endpoint of Europeans’ sovereignty over their ancestral homelands.” One of the great tragedies of modern times has been […]
Foreword to Battle Lines: Essays on Western Culture, Jewish Influence, and Anti-Semitism by Brenton Sanderson
The Occidental Observer - Aug 23rd 2020 11:16am EDTBattle Lines: Essays on Western Culture, Jewish Influence, and Anti-Semitism” By Brenton Sanderson Paperback (558 pages) available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, AbeBooks, Alibris, and Indiebound EBook available at Kobo FOREWORD by Kevin MacDonald Brenton Sanderson began writing for The Occidental Observer and The Occidental Quarterly in 2011. I have been an enthusiastic […]
The Dirty Secret: Thoughts on Being a Mischling
The Occidental Observer - Aug 21st 2020 10:31am EDTAlthough I’ve had no love for Jews for most of my life, I am ashamed of the amount of time it took for me to accept that those who are vocally opposed to Jewish influence have legitimate grievances. I had always found myself at odds with social and political phenomena that can ultimately be traced […]
O nacionalismo branco e os seus inimigos esquerdistas
The Occidental Observer - Aug 20th 2020 5:05pm EDTA retrógrada esquerda venceu as guerras culturais nos Estados Unidos. Não há dúvida quanto a isso. Até mesmo a “direita” da mídia, do estabilismo (não confundir com a direita clássica ou tradicionalista) já foi cooptada pela esquerda. Juntas, a esquerda e essa “direita” formam o estabilismo americano de esquerda. Apesar de sua extravasante influência sobre […]
Richard Lynn Recounts His Life, Part 3 of 3
The Occidental Observer - Aug 19th 2020 10:22am EDTLynn’s account of his years in Ulster devotes some attention to the ongoing guerilla warfare between racial realism and egalitarian obscurantism, a kind of highbrow analog of the Northern Irish Troubles that did not get anyone killed but ruined a number of careers. In 1975, e.g., a prominent British Conservative politician named Sir Keith Joseph […]
Excerpt from Richard Lynn’s Memoirs on Phil Rushton
The Occidental Observer - Aug 18th 2020 2:40pm EDTEditor’s note: I too counted Phil Rushton as a friend, although our research interests did not overlap to the extent that his did with Richard Lynn. In the summer of 2012 Phil Rushton’s health deteriorated from complications arising from Addison’s Disease. It was from these that he died on 2 October. This was a huge […]