• Dershowitz Says Students Protesting for Gaza are Like Hitler’s Youth

    Daily Stormer - May 27th 2024 2:15am EDT

    Alan Dershowitz A lot of people call Dershowitz “Tthe Dersh.” He is a total and absolute genius. That’s why he’s so intelligent in his intellectual commentaries. New York Post: Former Harvard University professor Alan Dershowitz likened the antisemitism and anti-Israel protests on college campuses to the early days of Nazi Germany in the 1930s — and […]

  • Tranny Stabs 4 Girls in Massachusetts AMC Theater, 2 at McDonald’s

    Daily Stormer - May 26th 2024 11:06am EDT

    Customers leaving AMC in Braintree.. after a reported stabbing in one of the theaters. Witnesses tell us they saw 4 young females brought out on gurneys, they were alert and talking to EMTs. Police continue to search the area for the their alleged attacker. #WCVB pic.twitter.com/kHRYPmgP0G — Mary Saladna (@MaryWCVB) May 26, 2024 I was […]

  • Brandon Tells West Point Graduates They Have to Go to War Against Moslems, Russians, And the Chinese

    Daily Stormer - May 26th 2024 1:45am EDT

    America is strongest when we lead not only by the example of our power, but by the power of our example. To the West Point Class of 2024, congratulations. You make our entire nation proud. pic.twitter.com/WXY7M66i5k — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) May 25, 2024 Listen up, maggots. I’ve got a lot of wars on my plate […]

  • Arizona Doctors Can Take Patients to California to Perform Abortions Under New Law

    Daily Stormer - May 25th 2024 4:55am EDT

    We told you this overturning of Roe v. Wade didn’t mean shit. You have to establish a society on the Bible. You have to force women. You can’t give women any leeway whatsoever. You have to force them. AP: Arizona doctors can temporarily come to California to perform abortions for their patients under a new […]

  • Bibi Will Address US Congress Soon, Four-Eyes Johnson Says

    Daily Stormer - May 25th 2024 2:30am EDT

    Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson announced on Thursday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is suspected of carrying out war crimes in Gaza, will address the US Congress soon. pic.twitter.com/ZtnnS8Ts27 — Middle East Eye (@MiddleEastEye) May 24, 2024 You know who should address Congress? Vladimir Putin. And a bunch of Hamas guys in masks. […]

  • Watch: Black Middle Schooler Throws Teacher Against Wall in Texas

    Daily Stormer - May 24th 2024 9:31pm EDT

    El Paso, Texas “A video showing a fight inside a classroom at a Socorro ISD middle school is making the rounds on social media… The fight happened Monday, May 20 at Hurshel Antwine Middle School” – KTSM El Paso https://t.co/Jb4melmTev — The Daily Sneed (@Tr00peRR) May 20, 2024 Do we have any entitled cunts in […]

  • NY: Thousands Flood City Hall to Protest Against Proposed Homeless Shelter

    Daily Stormer - May 24th 2024 9:31pm EDT

    Was proud to rep @JoeBorelliNYC @ mega rally near City Hall against planned homeless shelter in Bensonhurst. @CMSusanZhuang & @AMWilliamColton hosted this event w/1,000s from all 5 boroughs. I joined @CMDMCarr, @CMBobHoldenNYC & others who blasted policy of warehousing homeless. pic.twitter.com/SVSptXtO93 — Ari Kagan (@AriKagan47) May 23, 2024 A massive rally organized by AM Bill […]

  • Dastardly Boy-Love Lindsey Graham Whines That If ICC Goes After Israel They Will Soon Come for Him

    Daily Stormer - May 23rd 2024 3:38am EDT

    Larry Bird I don’t really think Karim Khan is as talented as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and quite frankly, I would have made Kareem Abdul-Jabbar or perhaps Larry Bird the head of the ICC. RT: If the International Criminal Court is willing to go after the Israeli leadership, it won’t hesitate to go after US lawmakers, according […]

  • Will Trump Truly Bring a Unified Reich?

    Daily Stormer - May 21st 2024 7:59am EDT

    I don’t care about Trump news. But I am very interested in a unified reich. I didn’t read that news story, so I don’t know what it says. I just saw the headline and then took a screenshot. However, even if Trump is now claiming he will bring a unified reich = which I seriously […]

  • Plastics Found Inside Every Human Testicle Examined in Study

    Daily Stormer - May 21st 2024 7:16am EDT

    At what point do humans become more plastic than man? The Guardian: Microplastics have been found in human testicles, with researchers saying the discovery might be linked to declining sperm counts in men. The scientists tested 23 human testes, as well as 47 testes from pet dogs. They found microplastic pollution in every sample. The […]

  • New York City Now Has Fewest Cops in Decades, Keeps Losing More

    Daily Stormer - May 21st 2024 7:14am EDT

    There’s no real reason for cops when it’s legal for blacks to do whatever they want. Washington Times: The number of police officers patrolling New York City is at its lowest point in over three decades, according to a report. The 33,695 sworn officers in the NYPD represent the fewest number of cops in the […]

  • Julian Assange Granted Right to Appeal Against Extradition to America

    Daily Stormer - May 20th 2024 5:56pm EDT

    Stella Assange addressing the crowd following Monday’s UK court hearing granting an appeal for Julian Assange: “Now is the moment to drop this case…this case is shameful and it is taking an enormous toll on Julian” #FreeAssangeNOW pic.twitter.com/CzT62FIghs — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) May 20, 2024 It was obvious that the Biden people didn’t want this particular […]

  • Federal Judge Blocks Biden Administration’s Attempt to Expand Gun Background Checks

    Daily Stormer - May 19th 2024 11:03pm EDT

    Demon-RATS are obsessed with taking people’s guns. I don’t really know why. No one is going to use them anyway. Americans are a bunch of fat pussies. They will tell you that the reason they have guns is so no one takes their guns. Reuters: A federal judge on Sunday blocked the Biden administration from […]

  • Pope Francis Says Trying to Stop Migrants From Crossing Southern Border is Madness

    Daily Stormer - May 19th 2024 9:00pm EDT

    Pope Francis, in the first-ever interview of a pope with an American TV network, speaks candidly with @NorahODonnell about many topics, including the migrant crisis in the U.S.: “The migrant has to be received.” Watch their historic conversation Sunday on @60Minutes. pic.twitter.com/QQlErLc76i — CBS Mornings (@CBSMornings) May 17, 2024 The Pope sure is a moral […]

  • Oregon Counties Want to Join Idaho Because People Are Sick of Trannies and Global Warming Crap

    Daily Stormer - May 19th 2024 2:43pm EDT

    This is something that is going to start happening. Pluralism is a failed experiment. You can’t have people with totally different values living amongst one another peacefully. It was a failed experiment. Kiran Moodley writes for The Guardian: Under a large tent at the Crook county fairgrounds in Prineville, Oregon, six people stand in a […]

  • Some Question Boeing Whistleblower’s Suicide Note

    Daily Stormer - May 18th 2024 9:00pm EDT

    Sometimes, I feel like just finding a random tweet from some rando tweeter and saying “some say.” I Call Bullshit… The Boeing Whistleblower, John Barnett, Wrote a Suicide Note… before He “Supposedly” shot himself in the Head Looks like a first grader wrote this shit… What the note Says: • I can’t do this any […]

  • Penis-Shrinking Chemicals Found in Great Lakes Basin’s Air, Rain, Atmosphere and Water

    Daily Stormer - May 18th 2024 8:01pm EDT

    Personally, I wouldn’t mind some penis-shrinking chemicals. My dong is so massive at is it, I can’t even fit it in normal pants. I have to wear a greek robe. The Guardian: Toxic PFAS “forever chemicals” are ubiquitous in the Great Lakes basin’s air, rain, atmosphere and water, new peer-reviewed research shows. The first-of-its-kind, comprehensive […]

  • Wang Says the US Responsible for Ukraine War, US are Fat Retards

    Daily Stormer - May 18th 2024 10:49am EDT

    People of the world visiting China and making friends. What happens when Chinese people speak basic common sense? Fat, retarded, homosexual Americans don’t understand. They think America is the greatest country on earth. They say that “greatest country on earth.” Who would say that? And why is it the greatest country on earth? Because it […]

  • Brandon May Not Even Attend Zelensky’s Goof-Ass Fake “Peace Conference”

    Daily Stormer - May 18th 2024 9:58am EDT

    Zelensky pictured demanding an unconditional surrender from Russia while sucking on an American spoon. This whole situation is so surreal it’s hard to believe it’s real. It’s child tranny tier. How is it a “peace conference”? Russia is not invited. Zelensky is saying his “peace plan” is an unconditional surrender where the Russian government is […]

  • Thomas Massie Threatens to Subpoena CDC for Vax Data

    Daily Stormer - May 18th 2024 4:58am EDT

    The Covid Plandemic was a test, and far too many failed miserably. Never forget the madness they put us through. pic.twitter.com/5QGwuQOJxF — DiedSuddenly (@DiedSuddenly_) May 17, 2024 We should probably know what the vax did to people. But really… I don’t even care. I hope every fat retard who took that injection because they were […]

  • Justice Department Reclassifies Marijuana as a Less Dangerous Drug

    Daily Stormer - May 17th 2024 8:33am EDT

    Too many lives have been upended because of our failed approach to marijuana. So today, the @TheJusticeDept is taking the next step to reclassify marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule III drug under federal law. Here’s what that means: pic.twitter.com/TMztSyyFYm — President Biden (@POTUS) May 16, 2024 Marijuana is a more dangerous drug. […]

  • House Approves Bill That Will Defund American Military Until Brandon Sends All Shipments to Israel

    Daily Stormer - May 17th 2024 6:00am EDT

    Last month, Sen. Schumer said “the House must rush to Israel’s aid as quickly as humanly possible.” We’ve taken action multiple times, but Biden and Schumer are standing in the way of getting critical aid to Israel. It’s time for moral clarity. America must stand with Israel. pic.twitter.com/y6Q5LWK3oi — Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) May 16, […]

  • US Bans Chinese “Genocide Cotton”

    Daily Stormer - May 17th 2024 5:37am EDT

    After 9/11, the US was working with China in the “war on terror,” and they Uyghurs were considered by the US to be a terrorist group. During the Trump regime, Mike Pompeo removed the main Uyghur terrorist group from the US terrorist list, and then all of the sudden the US started claiming that Chinese […]

  • Old Women Say David Copperfield Committed “Sexual Misconduct” More Than 30 Years Ago

    Daily Stormer - May 16th 2024 11:28pm EDT

    David Copperfield with contestants from the 1991 Look of the Year event in New York City. This Guardian article is super-long. Here’s the tl;dr of the allegations: He called a 15-year-old woman and asked her what she was wearing. He grabbed a 15-year-old woman around the waist while posing for photos during a boat party. […]

  • New School Faculty Members Set Up First Staff-Led Gaza Solidarity Encampment

    Daily Stormer - May 9th 2024 10:27am EDT

    NOW: Faculty members at The New School set up the ‘Refaat Alareer Faculty Solidarity Encampment’ inside the lobby where the student encampment was swept by NYPD last week This encampment is the first known faculty encampment in the country and the only encampment in NYC pic.twitter.com/nYZR5HFW3C — katie smith (@probablyreadit) May 8, 2024 NOW: Students […]