• France: Le Pen Investigated for 2022 Campaign Financing

    Daily Stormer - Jul 12th 2024 6:33am EDT

    This was obviously something that was prepared before she won the election, then dropped after the massive victory. In a democracy, when the wrong party wins, they get investigated and destroyed by the state. These are the values of who we are.   Breitbart: French populist leader Marine Le Pen is facing an investigation into […]

  • Jews Using Weapons Designed to Spray Shrapnel and Maximize Casualties in Gaza

    Daily Stormer - Jul 12th 2024 6:29am EDT

    Israel isn’t subtle. They have launched a full on war against a civilian population. This is a crime against humanity. This is a genocide. When will western leaders stand up to Netanyahu and support @ICC indictments against this terror regime? https://t.co/2Fb2ZtwBsQ — Charlie Angus (@CharlieAngusNDP) July 11, 2024 MAXIMUM CHILD MUTILATION. That is the policy […]

  • I’m Not Feeling Well

    Daily Stormer - Jul 11th 2024 10:09am EDT

    That’s why the site sucks. I’m not feeling well. I’ll feel better soon. I always do. I apologize for the trouble. But you do still have news articles. “Filler” we call those.

  • Florida: Satanists Want to Become School Counselors Under New Law

    Daily Stormer - Jul 11th 2024 10:00am EDT

    It’s not really surprising to anyone that open satanists are now publicly demanding access to our kids. I don’t think that should surprise anyone. The Hill: Florida Satanists are volunteering to fill school counselor roles after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a law allowing religious chaplains into public schools amid staffing shortages. “Nothing in the […]

  • Watch: Ben Affleck’s Daughter Calls for New Mask Mandates

    Daily Stormer - Jul 11th 2024 9:31am EDT

    Violet Affleck: “To confront the Long COVID crisis I demand mask availability, air filtration and far-UVC light in government facilities, including jails and detention centers and mask mandates in county medical facilities. We must expand availability of tests and treatment.… pic.twitter.com/zg4b7Z9vxy — Dr. Lucky Tran (@luckytran) July 10, 2024 This is really the ultimate humiliation […]

  • Worst Korea: Politician Attacked for Correctly Blaming Women for Male Suicide Rates

    Daily Stormer - Jul 11th 2024 7:40am EDT

    Who else would be responsible? It’s sure as hell not men’s fault. The Independent: A South Korean politician is under fire for making unsubstantiated comments linking the rise in male suicides to a “female-dominated society”. Seoul City councillor Kim Ki-duck published a report saying that women’s increasing social participation and their dominant role in society […]

  • Washington: “Ninja,” “Cakewalk,” “No Can Do,” Others on List of Words Banned by University

    Daily Stormer - Jul 11th 2024 7:33am EDT

    From the University of Washington’s inclusive language guide I thought this would be a cakewalk for a ninja, but no can do. Campus Reform: The University of Washington Information Technology department claimed in a recently-updated “inclusive language guide” that phrases like “ninja” and “no can do” are “problematic.” The inclusive language guide, which was updated […]

  • Spain: Canary Islanders Protest Against Endless Invasion from Africa

    Daily Stormer - Jul 10th 2024 10:38am EDT

    Relative to its population, the Canary Islands got around as many illegals last year as the US did during the entire Biden administration It seems like the whole “if you’re against open borders you’re an evil racist who hates people because of the color of their skin” thing is over. That’s cool that’s over. That […]

  • Poll: Most Americans Think College Degrees Aren’t Worth It

    Daily Stormer - Jul 10th 2024 10:34am EDT

    A college degree is worth it if you want to get a business degree and go into finance. Or I guess if you want to be a lawyer or a doctor. It’s not worth it if you’re a woman, or if you’re just trying to “find your passion” because NAFTA shipped all the high-paying factory […]

  • US Military’s Aid Pier in Gaza to be Permanently Dismantled After Only Operating for 20 Days

    Daily Stormer - Jul 10th 2024 10:26am EDT

    BREAKING: Biden’s Gaza aid pier will be permanently dismantled after it broke. U.S. taxpayers paid $230 million for it. It only worked for 21 days. pic.twitter.com/ztB1S4kMz2 — BAY AREA STATE OF MIND (@YayAreaNews) July 9, 2024 You know, they gave it the old college try. Turns out feeding Palestinians is really hard. One of the […]

  • Ireland: Over 10,000 People Protest Baby-Killing in Dublin

    Daily Stormer - Jul 10th 2024 10:23am EDT

    Forcing mass immigration and gay and abortion and everything else on Ireland so fast was probably not the best idea. Obviously, the Western intelligence services have the ability to organize huge mobs of women and homosexuals to rapidly force these kinds of agendas, but just because they have that ability, doesn’t mean they should use […]

  • Japan: Army Recruitment Drops to Lowest Lever Ever

    Daily Stormer - Jul 10th 2024 9:55am EDT

    Good news is they’re recruiting more biofrontholes Every white and Asian country is preventing breeding by empowering women. China and Russia are at least trying to fix it. The Western Answer is to… put women in the military? Japan Today: Japan’s Self-Defense Forces secured a record-low 51 percent of its recruitment goal in fiscal 2023, […]

  • Japan: Army Recruitment Drops to Lowest Level Ever

    Daily Stormer - Jul 10th 2024 9:55am EDT

    Good news is they’re recruiting more biofrontholes Every white and Asian country is preventing breeding by empowering women. China and Russia are at least trying to fix it. The Western Answer is to… put women in the military? Japan Today: Japan’s Self-Defense Forces secured a record-low 51 percent of its recruitment goal in fiscal 2023, […]

  • Afghanistan: Talichads Cracking Down on S**ts Harder Than Ever

    Daily Stormer - Jul 10th 2024 3:00am EDT

    I’ve always backed the Taliban and their quest to crack down on women. But I’ve also said: “This should be even worse.” Thankfully, we’re on the same page. Deutsche Welle: The Taliban government in Afghanistan is carrying out stricter enforcement of religious law in Afghanistan through the deployment of “morality police,” according to a UN […]

  • Expecting People of Color to be on Time is Racist, Duke Medical School Says

    Daily Stormer - Jul 10th 2024 1:11am EDT

    I guess I sort of agree with this? I mean, if I heard someone say “we expect you black people to be on time,” I’d be like “wow, that’s pretty racist. They’re black.” New York Post: Duke Medical School claims it is “white supremacy culture” to expect people of color to be on time in […]

  • Spain Sentences 15 Schoolchildren for Generating AI Deepfake Nudes of Classmates

    Daily Stormer - Jul 10th 2024 1:00am EDT

    So this is like, a real crime now. There’s no victim and there is no law. But they’ll just put you in jail now because a woman cried about someone hurting her stupid childish feelings. The Guardian: A court in south-west Spain has sentenced 15 schoolchildren to a year’s probation for creating and spreading AI-generated […]

  • Norway: Obese Paki Culture Minister Shows Her Tits to Support F****try

    Daily Stormer - Jul 9th 2024 2:21pm EDT

    At least she didn’t show people her asshole. I think we are all really thankful for that. Daily Mail: This is the moment a Norwegian minister thanked a cheering crowd of people after she received an award at Oslo Pride last week… by flashing her breasts. Lubna Jaffery, the country’s Minister of Culture and Gender […]

  • Jewish Family to Sue NYC for $100 Million Over Soft Pogrom During School Graduation

    Daily Stormer - Jul 9th 2024 2:17pm EDT

    NEW: Jewish family plans to sue NYC for $100 million after an alleged ‘antisemitic’ attack during a fifth-grade graduation in Brooklyn; report says The incident at PS 682 in Gravesend on June 14 involved the man being hit in the head with a woman’s stiletto and his wife being… pic.twitter.com/kQ1y0FzAgj — Unlimited L’s (@unlimited_ls) July […]

  • Mel Gibson’s Letter to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

    Daily Stormer - Jul 9th 2024 2:05pm EDT

    Mel is one of the only people with money and power who has kept it real. Here is the letter he sent to Archbishiop Carlo Maria Viganò after the latter was excommunicated by a homosexual-riddled Vatican. by Mel Gibson Dear Archbishop, I’m sure you expected nothing else from Jorge Bergoglio. I know that you know […]

  • Here’s How You Can Contact Me to Get a Unique BTC Address to Donate (Encrypted Messaging App)

    Daily Stormer - Jul 9th 2024 10:22am EDT

    So, here’s the deal: there is a PC/Mac/Android/iOS fork of the phone app Signal, which does not require a phone number, called Session (download it at getsession.org). I trust its encryption and use it personally. It’s open source. You can look up the details and the tests that have been run on it if you’re […]

  • American Jews are Still Pretending LIke Israel is Open to a Ceasefire with Hamas

    Daily Stormer - Jul 8th 2024 10:30pm EDT

    So Hamas wants a ceasefire deal that includes an actual ceasefire, & Israel wants a “ceasefire” which it can break later, & yet the @nytimes blames Hamas for the “sticking point” and “major hurdle”, all within few lines apart. Do they think we can’t read? pic.twitter.com/pLmkwJUKSv — Tameem | تميم (@TameeOliveFern) July 6, 2024 The […]

  • FAA Orders Inspection of 2,600 Boeing 737 Planes Over Concerns Oxygen Masks Could Fail During Emergency

    Daily Stormer - Jul 8th 2024 8:17pm EDT

    Now that is one weird AI image. I kinda feel like this should be gtting better. There is a conspiracy theory that Boeing is doing this on purpose so that the cost of flights will shoot up and the government will tell the goyim “well, it looks like you just can’t fly anymore!” The WEF […]

  • Irrelevant America: After Meeting Putin, Orban Meets Xi

    Daily Stormer - Jul 8th 2024 9:54am EDT

    President Xi made it clear to me today that #China will continue its efforts aimed at creating the conditions for #peace. We are not alone! Peace mission to be continued… pic.twitter.com/TNz1GcwIgB — Orbán Viktor (@PM_ViktorOrban) July 8, 2024 Why won’t Tucker Carlson explain why his hero Victor Orban is besties with Xi? Tucker has defended […]

  • France: Le Pen’s Side Gets Most Votes, Only Third Most Seats

    Daily Stormer - Jul 8th 2024 9:35am EDT

    Democracy is so retarded. We need autocracy. That’s the only way you get the will of the people, it’s the only way you get freedom. Breitbart: The French election results showed that the “alliance of dishonour” between President Emmanuel Macron and the far left effectively blocked the populist National Rally from gaining a majority despite […]

  • Young and Healthy 30-Year-Old F****t Actor Dies Suddenly

    Daily Stormer - Jul 8th 2024 9:30am EDT

    By the way, HIV is a hoax. What we call “AIDS” is really just “GRIDS.” Anyway, faggots don’t die from that anymore, because the government spent billions off dollars making drugs to boost their immune systems. Anal sex collapses your immune system, you see. I had constipation during covid because I wasn’t eating well and […]