• Memetic Monday: A Brighter Future for Me and My Crew

    Daily Stormer - Jul 8th 2024 9:23am EDT

    He’s just like me. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Feel free to skip all these words and just look at the memes. I won’t be offended. Actually, I will respect you more) Business first: I’m supposed to be doing a donation drive and the email address can’t receive new mail. I have a plan. It’s going to be […]

  • One True Korea’s Best Sister Calls Infertile Korea’s Drills “Suicidal Hysteria”

    Daily Stormer - Jul 8th 2024 1:48am EDT

    Anyone who believes there is such a thing as a “South Korea” is a lunatic. This is no different than the Taiwan situation. “South Korea” is a rebel base set up and funded and armed by the US government. They’re the ones preventing peace. Unlike “South Korea,” women in the only true Korea are having […]

  • NYT Says American PMCs Executing Unarmed Russian POWs

    Daily Stormer - Jul 7th 2024 8:53am EDT

    America has a lot of psychopaths to hire to fight their wars. RT: Members of the ‘Chosen Company’, an international mercenary group fighting on behalf of Ukraine, have committed war crimes by killing wounded or surrendering Russian soldiers, the New York Times has reported, citing a German battlefield medic. In an article published on Saturday, the paper […]

  • Woman Claims She Was “Sexually Assaulted” by Accidental Sighting of Lyft Driver’s Penis

    Daily Stormer - Jul 7th 2024 8:39am EDT

    Shut up. Bitch, shut up. This man was just trying to air out his balls. The shit gets sweaty. If you don’t want this, maybe submit to Sharia law. The you could complain. Right now, you have no grounds on which to complain, and frankly [REDACTED]. New York Post: A New Jersey woman taking a […]

  • Japan: Court Orders Government to Grant Arab F****t Refugee Status

    Daily Stormer - Jul 7th 2024 8:37am EDT

    Japan is now gayer than Korea. Great job! Asahi Shimbun: In an epoch-making ruling, the Osaka District Court ordered the government to grant refugee status to an African who fears his family in his home country will kill him because he is gay. The court on July 4 ruled that the man in his 30s […]


    Daily Stormer - Jul 7th 2024 7:58am EDT

    We are really going to have to start taking Sundays off, I think. This shit just keeps getting worse. You know, I am a Christian, I go to Church, I pray. That’s not the excuse. Maybe I’ll post this shit-tier Snake Baker and Elvis Dunderhoff crap. But everyone gets that I write those articles, right? […]

  • Musk Cancels India Tesla Plans as Company in Freefall Collapse

    Daily Stormer - Jul 6th 2024 9:50am EDT

    India doesn’t block the import of Chinese EVs. There is literally zero market for Tesla in any country that isn’t blocking or significantly tariffing Chinese EVs. RT: Elon Musk’s Tesla has put on hold its expansion plans in India, the world’s most populous nation, according to a Bloomberg report. Tesla executives reportedly haven’t made any […]

  • CNN Reminds People They Can Still Die From Black Death Today

    Daily Stormer - Jul 6th 2024 7:45am EDT

    Previously: Colorado Resident Dies from Black Death Do you think “oops, looks like it developed resistance to antibiotics, so we’ll need to edit your genes real quick” is far fetched? It could scare people who don’t believe in viruses but understand that bacteria is very real. Even without involving an injection, it could persuade people […]

  • Germany: Bank Closes AfD Donation Account After Antifa Grannies’ Petition

    Daily Stormer - Jul 6th 2024 7:41am EDT

    Video from a protest organized by Omas Gegen Rechts (Grannies Against the Right) They keep saying AfD is only the second most popular party, but most of the data shows they are actually the most popular. But the government treats them like a terrorist organization. Remember when they defined democracy for you, when you were […]

  • UK: Biofronthole Nurse Sues NHS After Being Suspended for Complaining About Tranny in Changing Room

    Daily Stormer - Jul 6th 2024 7:34am EDT

    It’s against the law to complain about men in the women’s rooms. This has been the law for like five years now. If women don’t want strange men in their rooms, they should stay at home. GB News: A female worker has announced she is suing a Scottish NHS board after being suspended from her […]

  • Excommunicated! Vatican Expels Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò! Punished Viganò Lives!

    Daily Stormer - Jul 6th 2024 6:20am EDT

    BREAKING: Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith declares the “latae sententiae excommunication” of former US apostolic nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, after finding him “guilty of the reserved delict of schism” at the conclusion of a July 4 trial: https://t.co/eD2GS1XQjg pic.twitter.com/9HHpHg3mbY — Diane Montagna (@dianemontagna) July 5, 2024 This is the text of the […]

  • Temple Manager From Kamala Harris’ Ancestral Indian Village Compares Her to a Horse

    Daily Stormer - Jul 5th 2024 8:30pm EDT

    Joe Biden vowed to pick a black woman for VP. Instead of picking a black woman, however, he picked an Indian woman with a disappearing black father. Kamala’s father “went out for a pack of smokes” when she was like 2 years old, so other than the genes, blackness has nothing to do with her. […]

  • Kier Starmer Addresses the Public as PM

    Daily Stormer - Jul 5th 2024 9:55am EDT

    Well, hey – at least he’s white? Wimbledon Times: Leader of the Labour Party Sir Keir Starmer has addressed the public for the first time as Prime Minister of the UK, saying “we need to move forward together.” Speaking in Downing Street this afternoon, where he was greeted with applause, he said: “I have just returned from Buckingham […]

  • UK: Kier Starmer Addresses the Public as PM

    Daily Stormer - Jul 5th 2024 9:55am EDT

    Well, hey – at least he’s white? Wimbledon Times: Leader of the Labour Party Sir Keir Starmer has addressed the public for the first time as Prime Minister of the UK, saying “we need to move forward together.” Speaking in Downing Street this afternoon, where he was greeted with applause, he said: “I have just returned from Buckingham […]

  • Israel Approves Largest West Bank Land Grab in More Than 3 Decades, Watchdog Says

    Daily Stormer - Jul 5th 2024 9:34am EDT

    Nablus, West Bank | House demolitions “Just like watching a movie because it’s fun and exciting” US citizen serving in the Israeli military wrote while filming himself along with other Israeli soldiers eating popcorn and chips while a home is being demolished last night pic.twitter.com/ZiOkVyARoE — Younis Tirawi | يونس (@ytirawi) July 3, 2024 There’s […]

  • Australia: NSW State Enacts New “Domestic Abuse” Laws to Completely Destroy Married Men

    Daily Stormer - Jul 5th 2024 9:14am EDT

    One of the ads they made to educate people about “coercive control” There is no end to feminism. It just keeps getting more and more extreme. The goal is to make any form of normal heterosexual sexual behavior illegal. News.com.au: Victim-survivors of domestic, family and sexual violence will now have stronger protections in New South […]

  • Watch: Zuckerberg Posts Video Surfing While Drinking Beer and Holding American Flag

    Daily Stormer - Jul 5th 2024 8:55am EDT

    Mark Zuckerberg celebrates 4th of July in new video. pic.twitter.com/O755dxdWrd — Pop Crave (@PopCrave) July 4, 2024 Mark Zuckerberg is ethnically Jewish and I’m sure he’s a criminal and so on. But he’s married to a Chinese woman and, unlike Elon Musk, has actually attempted to defend freedom of speech. Further: he has no reason […]

  • UK: Man Sentenced to 4 Months in Jail for Carrying 6 Inch Toy Zelda Sword in Public

    Daily Stormer - Jul 4th 2024 9:00pm EDT

    Pictures from the Warwickshire police’s official website Why don’t they just admit it: autism and weebism are illegal now in the UK. You are only allowed to be a tranny or an Islamic extremist. Those are your two choices of person-type. The Publica: A 48-year-old man from Nuneaton has been sentenced to 4 months in […]

  • Happy Independence Day! (And Stormer Anniversary!)

    Daily Stormer - Jul 4th 2024 4:50am EDT

    Happy Independence Day to all my American brothers. I pray that you all have safe and effective parades, BBQs, and fireworks displays. And hey, even if you’re not American – have some respect for our culture and grab a burger and blow something up. I’ve written a lot about the nature of the founding documents […]

  • Government Pays Moderna to Create mRNA Bird Flu Vax, Colorado Reports Human Case

    Daily Stormer - Jul 4th 2024 4:38am EDT

    The US government should not have given $176 million to Moderna for another dangerous mRNA injection, this time targeting H5N1 Bird Flu.@P_McCulloughMD explains why to @stinchfield1776 on @RealAmVoice Full Video: https://t.co/ue4KLuJ0M4#MFEducation pic.twitter.com/ldpP7IMgwU — McCullough Foundation (@McCulloughFund) July 3, 2024 So, are we doing this, or what? Someone just say it. AP: The U.S. government will […]

  • Germany: Court Decides AfD Members Can’t Legally Own Guns

    Daily Stormer - Jul 4th 2024 4:14am EDT

    So, it’s the most popular political party in the country. But it’s also a terrorist organization? There seems to be some kind of serious problem with this “democracy” thing. European Conservative: An administrative court in Düsseldorf has ruled that members of the antiglobalist, anti-migration Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party cannot hold gun licences and own […]

  • UK: Female Politicians Calling the Cops After Becoming “Victims” of Deepfake Pornography

    Daily Stormer - Jul 4th 2024 4:10am EDT

    What is the crime? These women post pictures of themselves online. Are they claiming copyright violation? Because if every picture of every person online was copyrighted, that would be really complicated. The Guardian: British female politicians have become the victims of fake pornography, with some of their faces used in nude images created using artificial […]

  • Russia Moves to Declare “Antinatalism” an Extremist Ideology

    Daily Stormer - Jul 4th 2024 3:08am EDT

    Previously: NYC: IDF Soldiers Demanding People Support Slaughtering Homophobic Palestinian Infants In America, we have different ideas in terms of freedom of speech than they have in other countries. I support these ideas. However, when free speech was written into our founding documents, no one thought women would ever have “liberation.” They never thought they would […]

  • Georgia: Two MAGA Trad Wives Charged With Sex With Students

    Daily Stormer - Jul 4th 2024 2:31am EDT

    Railey Greeson (left) and Brooklyn Shuler. More attacks on Trump-supporters. They’re coming at us from every angle, censoring us, arresting us, telling us our sluts can’t have sex with boys. The Dems are throwing the kitchen sink at us to try to stop MAGA. New York Post: A pair of “ride or die” best friends […]

  • Weight-Loss Drugs Like Wegovy and Ozempic Linked to Condition That Leads to Blindness

    Daily Stormer - Jul 3rd 2024 9:00pm EDT

    First report of an association of a GLP-1 drug (semaglutide) and risk of NAION, a form of optic neuropathy (2nd most common cause of blindness after glaucoma) in a matched cohort of ~17,000 individualshttps://t.co/GyQ8omkCt4 @JAMAOphth pic.twitter.com/uHa381EpII — Eric Topol (@EricTopol) July 3, 2024 As we’ve always said: nothing is free. When you go to a […]
