• Tucker Says Boris Johnson Demanded $1 Million for an Interview

    Daily Stormer - Feb 21st 2024 7:32am EST

    Tucker: “Boris Johnson calls me a tool of the Kremlin or something. So I put in a request for an interview with Boris Johnson. Finally one of his advisors gets back to me and says he will talk to you but it’s going to cost you a million dollars. He wants a million dollars.” pic.twitter.com/Y7qADbx2H4 […]

  • Glenn Beck Interviews Tucker Carlson

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 20th 2024 9:31pm EST

    When @TuckerCarlson interviewed Vladimir Putin, journalism suddenly became a CRIME in the eyes of other journalists. So, I sat down with Tucker to hear his side of the story. pic.twitter.com/opRfWjMNlW — Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) February 21, 2024 Shouldn’t Tucker be on the famous Glenn Beck chalkboard like the rest of us?

  • Jon Stewart: Urinal Caked, Chaotic Subways Are “The Price of Freedom ”

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 20th 2024 9:13pm EST

    He is right about being the captain of a “dying medium.”

  • Fall of Avdiivka

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 19th 2024 9:24pm EST

    I know all my rancher neighbors in Arkansas will be devastated to learn that Avdiivka is no longer controlled by Kiev. It weighs heavily on all our minds. https://t.co/VzV56Utdmb — RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) February 7, 2024 Drag Queen Story Hour cancelled in Avdiivka. https://t.co/2k9NybXkxf — RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) February 15, 2024 It has been a busy week […]

  • Russia Offers Biden Primetime TV Spot

    Daily Stormer - Feb 18th 2024 12:35pm EST

    The West freaked out completely faced with the prospect of Westerners finding out what Putin thinks. Meanwhile, the Russians are begging Biden to come to Moscow and explain his various views and policies. RT: Prominent Russian journalist Dmitry Kiselyov has said that he has sent a request to the White House for an interview with […]

  • Rat Bastard Alexi Navalny Finally Dead

    Daily Stormer - Feb 17th 2024 4:13am EST

    Looks like love didn’t win after all. Funny that. The Russian democracy advocate, rat fink and neo-Nazi race traitor Alexi Navalny is finally dead. RT: Jailed Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny has died, the prison service of the Yamalo-Nenets Region, where he had been serving his sentence, reported on Friday afternoon. The 47-year-old began to […]

  • Warmongering GOP Fatty Says Russia Putting Nukes in Space

    Daily Stormer - Feb 15th 2024 2:00am EST

    “Nuke the entire earth.” -Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer CEO I’m one of the top advocates for nuclear war destroying all civilization, so I of course support nukes in space. It would also be funny, because Elon Musk, a known Jew-lover and censor, has filled space with so much trash that the nukes would constantly be […]

  • No-Go Zone: Maximum Propaganda & Billions More For Israel/Ukraine

    Red Ice TV - Feb 14th 2024 12:00pm EST

    Henrik cover some of the latest absurd propaganda in No-Go Zone February 14, 2024. This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com or odysee.com/@redicetvor subscribestar.com/redice or redicetv.locals.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or […]

  • Russia to Fight West Within a Decade Unless Deterred by a Counter Build-Up of Armed Forces, Says Estonia

    Daily Stormer - Feb 14th 2024 12:36am EST

    Russia is preparing for a military confrontation with the West within the next decade and could be deterred by a counter build-up of armed forces, Estonia’s Foreign Intelligence Service said https://t.co/LhePrzDwpM pic.twitter.com/tK2gt7L82q — Reuters (@Reuters) February 13, 2024 This is such stupid, kiddie bullshit. Why would Russia want to attack the West? What purpose could […]

  • Senate Passes $95 Billion Foreign Aid Package For Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 13th 2024 9:34pm EST

    The Senate understands the responsibilities of America’s national security and will not neglect them. And today, on the value of American leadership and strength, history will record that the Senate did not blink. My full statement: https://t.co/5sOkPQfWKF — Leader McConnell (@LeaderMcConnell) February 13, 2024 Senator Mitt Romney on the $96 billion foreign aid package: “Most […]

  • Interview with a Vladpire

    Counter Currents - Feb 9th 2024 11:53am EST

    1,709 words Do you remember when people were saying that Tucker Carlson was finished? He had been fired from FOX News, and although he appeared to enjoy a triumphant return on X, within a few months the excitement of his reappearance had worn off. Rather than creating must-see episodes, Tucker was interviewing weirdos with dirt […]

  • Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 9th 2024 11:35am EST

    As various people have noted on Twitter, Vladimir Putin sounds like Klemens von Metternich compared to Joe Biden who can’t remember what he ate for breakfast.

  • Hate-Filled Cunt Hillary Condemns Tucker Carlson for Doing Normal Journalism

    Daily Stormer - Feb 9th 2024 6:07am EST

    The idea that the American people don’t even have a right to know what Russia is saying is very extreme, even by current regime standards. This narrative that the US government is pushing, with the mass censorship combined with the celebration of the “values of democracy” has become completely unsustainable. RT: Former US Secretary of […]

  • New Ukraine General was Born in Russia, Family Still Lives There

    Daily Stormer - Feb 9th 2024 5:58am EST

    Putin said in his interview with Tucker Carlson that the Ukraine is an “artificial state,” and that the Ukraine war is actually a civil war. Hilariously, that interview was being released at the same time this was happening. RT: The parents and brother of Ukraine’s new commander-in-chief, Aleksandr Syrsky, are living in Russia, multiple Russian […]

  • Xi and Putin Talk About Creating a “Multipolar, Fairer World Order”

    Daily Stormer - Feb 9th 2024 5:42am EST

    There is no explanation by the United States as to what gives them the right to determine what other countries do in their domestic politics. Insofar as they even hint at what gives them this right, they suggest that they are the arbiters of global morality because they have the true value system of democracy. […]

  • Axios: Senate Releases New $118 Billion Package for Ukraine, Israel, Border

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 5th 2024 10:27am EST

    Motherfucking traitors. @SteveScalise @HouseGOP will own this. Every one of these anti-American politicians will be defeated sooner than later. https://t.co/iUFOg7bVJQ — Alexander S. Vindman ? (@AVindman) February 5, 2024 INVASION: TikTok giving migrants step-by-step instructions on how to illegally enter the U.S.pic.twitter.com/PMLJocKBks — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) February 5, 2024 This is the heart of the bill… […]

  • Tucker Seems to Confirm Putin Interview

    Daily Stormer - Feb 5th 2024 8:58am EST

    Tucker Carlson has been in Moscow for the past three days, according to Russia’s Mash outlet. He was spotted at the Bolshoi Theatre today. pic.twitter.com/3NvkYAR8tl — Marc Bennetts (@marcbennetts1) February 3, 2024 The interview has not been confirmed, but it seems there is not another reason he would be in Russia. The Guardian: The Kremlin […]

  • Poland’s President Apologizes for Doubting the Ukraine Could Take Crimea

    Daily Stormer - Feb 4th 2024 12:10pm EST

    Polish President Andrzej Duda called Crimea historically Russian territory. On the Kanal Zero TV channel, he also doubted that Kyiv would be able to return the peninsula. “I don’t know whether Ukraine will return Crimea. Because, in fact, if we look at history, Crimea was in… pic.twitter.com/g1rbH8EPcY — Olga Bazova (@OlgaBazova) February 3, 2024 Good […]

  • US Troops Do Spread Sodomy, Actually

    Daily Stormer - Feb 4th 2024 12:35am EST

    In a recent clip from a Polish mall (which doesn’t have a lot of context), US soldiers are walking around in uniform, presumably trying to sniff out some pussy. They are confronted by a man who starts accurately accusing them of being in his country to “spread sodomy.” He then asks: “Is it George Floyd […]

  • Russia Finally Goes After the Anal Movement, Charging People with Crimes of Anus

    Daily Stormer - Feb 1st 2024 11:16pm EST

    This is what I’ve wanted for so long. I’ve been waiting for it all my adult life. Finally, Russia is dropping the hammer on the faggots, while the West goes full-anal, and the Pope is no longer the “Anal Pope” in title alone, but a literal Anal Pope. Everyone knows who the good guys are, […]

  • Medvedev Says Civil War Could Erupt Over Texas Border Dispute

    Daily Stormer - Jan 29th 2024 12:56am EST

    Establishing a People’s Republic of Texas is getting more and more real; something I wrote about at the end of 2022 in a jocular forecast. The American Administration shows its total inability to cope with the migration crisis which has broken out in one of the largest US… — Dmitry Medvedev (@MedvedevRussiaE) January 26, 2024 […]

  • Russia Moving to Ban Homosexual Emojis…!

    Daily Stormer - Jan 27th 2024 3:48am EST

    Gays are using emojis to try to recruit young boys into their disgusting and unnatural lifestyle. RT: At least two dozen emojis found in smartphones promote nontraditional sexual relations and should be banned in Russia, the first deputy chairman of the parliamentary defense committee, Aleksey Zhuravlev has stated. Some pictograms depict “same-sex couples with children, kissing […]

  • McConnell Signals Ukraine Aid Is Dead

    Occidental Dissent - Jan 25th 2024 10:46am EST

    ?? MCCONNELL BOWS TO TRUMP ON BORDER Last night, we scooped that MCCONNELL told Republican senators that time had essentially run out on trying to craft a Ukraine-border package. “We dont want to do anything to undermine [Trump],” said McConnell, who can barely utter the former… — Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) January 25, 2024 A few […]

  • No-Go Zone: Major War Planned, Jewish NGO Overseeing US Migrant Invasion

    Red Ice TV - Jan 24th 2024 12:00pm EST

    Henrik cover some of the latest in No-Go Zone January 24, 2024. This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com or odysee.com/@redicetvor subscribestar.com/redice or redicetv.locals.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over […]

  • NATO May Fight Russia in the Next 20 Years, Top Official Announces

    Daily Stormer - Jan 19th 2024 10:41am EST

    NATO Admiral Rob Bauer warns: “Peace is not guaranteed. We are preparing for a war with Russia and its terrorist groups. Maybe not tomorrow but certainly within the next 20 years. People should be prepared for the first 36 hours”#NATO #Russia #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/OrNssDs6il — KimJongWins (@KimJongwins) January 19, 2024 Previously: NATO Starts Biggest Drills Since […]